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Nov 1, 2017
Thanks for the response and enlightening me!

I deleted the demo, but actually found myself itching to give it another go yesterday, so I downloaded it again and jumped back in.

I put a few more hours in before I gave up. But it's such a shame. I love the way it controls, and I like the combat and the world. As I said previously, the voice work is good and I like the game's sense of humour. I also like traversal and really enjoy the fact that the game makes it part of the gameplay. Going into a back garden, climbing up some boxes, walking along some ropes and confronting Derk made the act of navigating the world feel much more involved than most JRPGs I've played. Add in great on foot movement and a satisfying sprint, and I like just roaming the environments. Moving around in combat, while superficial and a missed opportunity, adds to that sense that I've got control at all times.

I also love the customisation options in regards to game speed, text progression and the like. It feels like a super polished experience across the board.

Heliodor feels like a fantastically realised place and the praise I've seen for the game's towns seems more than justified from what little I've played.

As you can probably tell, I've got conflicting feelings about the game. There's lots I really like, which is why I've been reluctant to let it go. I researched this game endlessly, watched loads of reviews and can see why so many people love it. My positive experience with the Xenoblade series has really encouraged me to give other JRPGs a go and I'm glad I've tried it.

But there's something about the overbearing, looped music, the framing of the plot and mechanics and the way it all comes together that just turns me off.

Revisiting a certain location early on took an unexpected turn that I appreciated - though why how hero has a voice then, but not now, doesn't make sense. I'm sure people know what I mean. He also didn't really react to quite a big revelation about his past, which just made the whole scene jarring. Link in Wind Walker is how you do a mute main character. He's incredibly expressive and brims with character throughout.

It's an interesting game. One that I'm glad exists and would recommend to those who like classic JRPGs. I'm also glad I got to try it out for nothing! I'm sure I'll take a good look at the next one when it comes. And fingers crossed I'll love that one.
Here's how I think about the unvoiced protagonist. Framing it this way in my head has greatly increased my enjoyment anytime there is a silent protagonist.

When there is a moment that the protagonist would speak, or when a character *pretends* that the protagonists speaks, imagine what you yourself would say if you were the protagonist. The lack of a script allows you to insert yourself more directly in the story. I don't think it always works, but I've found that having a silent protagonist can allow myself more freedom in role-playing. Because I'm not constrained by the words the Hero chooses, I can instead imagine the ones I would use.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm in (I think) Act 2 after
Sylbian's leaves his parade guys behind, but the hero standard outfit is still the parade outfit, and can only be changed if I select any other costume, but the standard option only displays the parade one.
Is this a bug?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in (I think) Act 2 after
Sylbian's leaves his parade guys behind, but the hero standard outfit is still the parade outfit, and can only be changed if I select any other costume, but the standard option only displays the parade one.
Is this a bug?

You must have the Mardi Garb equipped on him. Just equip something else and his default outfit will go back to normal. (Equipping any costume's gear set will cause it to be the 'default' unless you select a different costume.)


Nov 18, 2017
Here's how I think about the unvoiced protagonist. Framing it this way in my head has greatly increased my enjoyment anytime there is a silent protagonist.

When there is a moment that the protagonist would speak, or when a character *pretends* that the protagonists speaks, imagine what you yourself would say if you were the protagonist. The lack of a script allows you to insert yourself more directly in the story. I don't think it always works, but I've found that having a silent protagonist can allow myself more freedom in role-playing. Because I'm not constrained by the words the Hero chooses, I can instead imagine the ones I would use.

I totally get your mindset and appreciate the tip, but it's not something I'm really good at - at least not anymore.

I remember being annoyed that Rockstar chose to give the protagonist of Vice City a voice after the mute hero of GTA 3.

However, I've changed a lot since then and have really come to dislike main characters who don't speak.

Link in Wind Waker (and to a lesser extent BoTW) works because he's very expressive and the game is written in a way that acknowledges he doesn't speak. I recently played and adored Astral Chain, but the playable character's lack of voice acting hurt it. In fact, your sibling is a much more interesting character in that game simply because they can speak. However, Platinum just about gets away with it because it's primarily an action game and you're framed as a rookie officer, taking orders from more dominant characters.

Dragon Quest, at least from my very small taste of the game, puts you in a relationship-driven, sprawling RPG, where you play as a specific character, with his own backstory and friendships. Worse still, he's put in cutscenes where people talk to him in such a way as to almost demand an answer he can't vocalise. He's meant to galvanise people, but can't speak and scenes where we get a 'XXX told so and so about the plan' just feel like such a weak alternative.

During a fateful trip back to his home town where he discovers his heritage via a worn-out, old letter, he's got Erik stood next to him, kinda of guessing what it's all about because the hero just can't tell him. He says 'don't worry, you can tell me about it later' but we know as players we will not get to see that moment play out naturally. I also don't think the character is particularly expressive enough to get away with it.

I suppose I'm not actually good a role-playing. I'm not in any way saying my above thoughts are 'correct' as it were, just that I feel there's a massive disconnect for me, created my a voiceless protagonist.

Curious to hear if fans would like to see the next pre-defined hero have a voice or if they'd prefer it to stay as it is...


Oct 28, 2017
I totally get your mindset and appreciate the tip, but it's not something I'm really good at - at least not anymore.

I remember being annoyed that Rockstar chose to give the protagonist of Vice City a voice after the mute hero of GTA 3.

However, I've changed a lot since then and have really come to dislike main characters who don't speak.

Link in Wind Waker (and to a lesser extent BoTW) works because he's very expressive and the game is written in a way that acknowledges he doesn't speak. I recently played and adored Astral Chain, but the playable character's lack of voice acting hurt it. In fact, your sibling is a much more interesting character in that game simply because they can speak. However, Platinum just about gets away with it because it's primarily an action game and you're framed as a rookie officer, taking orders from more dominant characters.

Dragon Quest, at least from my very small taste of the game, puts you in a relationship-driven, sprawling RPG, where you play as a specific character, with his own backstory and friendships. Worse still, he's put in cutscenes where people talk to him in such a way as to almost demand an answer he can't vocalise. He's meant to galvanise people, but can't speak and scenes where we get a 'XXX told so and so about the plan' just feel like such a weak alternative.

During a fateful trip back to his home town where he discovers his heritage via a worn-out, old letter, he's got Erik stood next to him, kinda of guessing what it's all about because the hero just can't tell him. He says 'don't worry, you can tell me about it later' but we know as players we will not get to see that moment play out naturally. I also don't think the character is particularly expressive enough to get away with it.

I suppose I'm not actually good a role-playing. I'm not in any way saying my above thoughts are 'correct' as it were, just that I feel there's a massive disconnect for me, created my a voiceless protagonist.

Curious to hear if fans would like to see the next pre-defined hero have a voice or if they'd prefer it to stay as it is...

Totally agree with this post and all the examples you used within it. Spot. On.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
Can someone explain the soundtrack to me please?

As limited as it is, there's a lot of bangers. But then I hear a lot of them are from past games? What gives? (Hotto, Arboria etc)

Stuff like that sucks to me, I wouldn't wanna hear the same tune in every game unless it was remixed (Ala Zelda)


Mar 26, 2019
Orange County, CA
Version 1.03 is available for download for Dragon Quest XI S. I have no idea what version 1.03 brings to Dragon Quest XI S, but I thought I'd tell you about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally cracked this open, and I'm only a couple of hours in (just hit the main title),! Kind of blown away by the quality of the port. Yeah, the resolution is clearly subnative, but the artwork sings, the soundtrack slaps, and the production values are out of this world for a JRPG. It really does feel the way I imagined as a kid that JRPGs would feel in 25 years.

Excited to play more.


Dec 16, 2019
So what difficulty options should I enable to ensure the game is decently challenging but not super difficult?
Using the modifier "Stronger enemies" makes the game as hard as the others Dragon Quest, so that one. I played through all 3 acts this way and it was difficult enough to make me use my head, but nothing impossible.


Oct 25, 2017
So please tell me there is a way to turn off that -HOLD Y to SKIP and -TURN ON AUTOPLAY prompt that appears every single time I want to let a cutscenes chill for a moment...... Having a great time with the game otherwise. I'd like to have an uncluttered paused frame🤔
Oct 26, 2017
So it's been a while since I've posted in here. Been slowly chipping away at the game but I've kinda gone all in recently and have made a ton of progress. Finished up Act 2 and I am just amazed at how meaty this game ended up getting, just traveling back to previous towns and finding something new to do.

The whole time travel thing is weird but I kinda love it. I don't really like how some characters like Serena lose a lot of the development they gained in act 2, but it is nice to have Veronica back and get more context to the backstory.

Also the game on Stronger Monsters has been very challenging but super satisfying. The bosses really make you think about your party formations and setups.

So please tell me there is a way to turn off that -HOLD Y to SKIP and -TURN ON AUTOPLAY prompt that appears every single time I want to let a cutscenes chill for a moment...... Having a great time with the game otherwise. I'd like to have an uncluttered paused frame🤔
I don't think there is. Which is weird because I don't remember it doing that when I played it on PC.


Oct 28, 2017
I reached the end of Act 2 boss at Level 41, which I read online everywhere that was too low. I was bummed because I had spent most of the game avoiding bosses and getting into really good boss fights (I'm playing Normal with no armour). So I had to spend about an hour leveling up using that Pep power trick to get metals. That was boring and I thought "Okay once I finish this boss, I'm done with this game and moving on to another game..."

I finished the Act 2 boss last night and was going to turn the game off after the credits and go to bed... but then Act 3 started and... W.T.F.

I can't put this game down. I have to know more. I am so "WTF is this game really doing this??!"" I have to see where this goes now! I thought I was done with this game, and now I'm BACK IN. Can't wait to spend my Christmas break diving further into this game. The start of Act 3 has really saved this game's story for me.

Spoilers about Act 1, Act 2 and beginning of Act 3 in comparison to a certain Marvel Movie

Anyone else feel like this game is just absolutely the plot of Avengers Infinity War/Endgame? It's striking. Right down to the "Yup, we beat the final boss and avenged the world. That was great, I guess. But everyone is still dead and our friend(s) are still gone" somber attitude. So they have to go back in time now to fix it.

I can't wait to see where this ends up!


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Won the game from Gift Bot yesterday (still crazy to me) and started to continue my demo save today. Of course I have barely any idea what the heck happened and where exactly I stopped in the story. My question is, is there any good YouTube video out there that sums up the story up to the demo end? Would help a lot to get into it again.
Oct 26, 2017
Won the game from Gift Bot yesterday (still crazy to me) and started to continue my demo save today. Of course I have barely any idea what the heck happened and where exactly I stopped in the story. My question is, is there any good YouTube video out there that sums up the story up to the demo end? Would help a lot to get into it again.
If you just want a quick recap of what you were currently doing, the game does one every time you load a save.


Oct 27, 2017
I reached the end of Act 2 boss at Level 41, which I read online everywhere that was too low. I was bummed because I had spent most of the game avoiding bosses and getting into really good boss fights (I'm playing Normal with no armour). So I had to spend about an hour leveling up using that Pep power trick to get metals. That was boring and I thought "Okay once I finish this boss, I'm done with this game and moving on to another game..."

I finished the Act 2 boss last night and was going to turn the game off after the credits and go to bed... but then Act 3 started and... W.T.F.

I can't put this game down. I have to know more. I am so "WTF is this game really doing this??!"" I have to see where this goes now! I thought I was done with this game, and now I'm BACK IN. Can't wait to spend my Christmas break diving further into this game. The start of Act 3 has really saved this game's story for me.

Spoilers about Act 1, Act 2 and beginning of Act 3 in comparison to a certain Marvel Movie

Anyone else feel like this game is just absolutely the plot of Avengers Infinity War/Endgame? It's striking. Right down to the "Yup, we beat the final boss and avenged the world. That was great, I guess. But everyone is still dead and our friend(s) are still gone" somber attitude. So they have to go back in time now to fix it.

I can't wait to see where this ends up!
A lot of people have issues with Act 3 because it undoes a bunch of really great character development, especially in regards to Serena but I personally loved it and what it manages to pull off. The ending especially is one of the strongest endings I've seen in a JRPG.


Dec 29, 2017
Washington, DC
Used the eshop gift card that I got yesterday on this. Still a bit on the fence and never finished the demo but what the hell.

Am I going to miss a lot if I play the 16 bit mode? It's a hell of a feature imo


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Enjoyed the demo, probably going to get this once I crush my backlog a bit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And Act 3 done at 108 hours, all quests finished. I poked a little of the post-post-game stuff, but I think I'll take a break for now. Really loved the game the whole way through. I'm going to miss it, but I can definitely see myself replaying in the future.

Also, Erik's a butthole.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the second fight with Tatsunaga and it was SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than the first fight, which came right before it. I spent most of the fight having the party members resurrect one another and getting shots in where I could. The game hasn't been that difficult so far, but that was by far the biggest difficulty spike I've seen yet.


Nov 17, 2017
this is on sale just now and I'm really unsure whether to go for Switch or Ps4 Pro version,
I only game at home.
What's the verdict ?


Oct 27, 2017
Just impulse bought this. Never finished the PS4 version, I think this time I will play on easy just to breeze through the story.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 6, 2017
Finally finished with the game. 228 hours and pulled off 229 accolades, every collectable item obtained, 3 star forged everything, every monster entry and stronger monsters used right up until I had to turn it off (%$£" that Secret Trial in the Wheel of Harma).

I have loved every second with this game and cannot wait to see what comes next with the next entry. This game restored my faith in JRPGs and I thoroughly enjoyed the story throughout including the ending set up at the very end of Act 3. Now I'm going to take a nice break and casually play my way through Ori and the Blind Forest at a nice relaxed pace. :P
Jan 10, 2018
Hmm I'm torn on what version of this game I should play. The Switch version sounds far superior in terms of content but I really, really like good graphics.

Something that I also really like is to change the look of my character. Is it possible to have cosmetic outfits on top of your armor? And if so, is it possible only in some versions of the game?


Mar 26, 2019
Orange County, CA
Something that I also really like is to change the look of my character. Is it possible to have cosmetic outfits on top of your armor? And if so, is it possible only in some versions of the game?

Yes. But keep in mind only some outfits/armours are cosmetic.

And Dragon Quest XI S (the Nintendo Switch version) is the only version where you can put cosmetic outfits/armours on top of your outfit/armour. The PlayStation 4 and PC versions require you to unequip the outfit/armour you're currently equipped with and equip a particular cosmetic outfit/armour.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm I'm torn on what version of this game I should play. The Switch version sounds far superior in terms of content but I really, really like good graphics.

Something that I also really like is to change the look of my character. Is it possible to have cosmetic outfits on top of your armor? And if so, is it possible only in some versions of the game?

Yes, it's possible in the Switch version. Other versions have outfits, but they're restricted to equipped gearsets. The Switch version has the most outfits, and they aren't dependent on equipped gear.


Mar 26, 2019
Orange County, CA
Ok I see. Is there any talk of the definitive version reaching other consoles as well?

The only official response from Square Enix is that they're "undecided".

But given how Square Enix didn't bring the new features and quality of life improvements (like Draconian Quests, the ability to sprint, and the Dragon Quest VIII cosmetic costume) from the Western version of Dragon Quest XI (the PlayStation 4 and PC versions) to the Japanese version of Dragon Quest XI (the PlayStation 4 version), I highly doubt that Square Enix will bring the new features, new content, and quality of life improvements from Dragon Quest XI S to the PlayStation 4 and PC versions of Dragon Quest XI.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The only official response from Square Enix is that they're "undecided".

But given how Square Enix didn't bring the new features and quality of life improvements (like Draconian Quests, the ability to sprint, and the Dragon Quest VIII cosmetic costume) from the Western version of Dragon Quest XI (the PlayStation 4 and PC versions) to the Japanese version of Dragon Quest XI (the PlayStation 4 version), I highly doubt that Square Enix will bring the new features, new content, and quality of life improvements from Dragon Quest XI S to the PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo 3DS versions of Dragon Quest XI.

The Japanese game has a different version of the unreal engine so the western improvements couldn't be patched. It doesn't stop them release a disc version of the full game in Japan with the improvements while we get the paid dlc.


Mar 26, 2019
Orange County, CA
The Japanese game has a different version of the unreal engine so the western improvements couldn't be patched. It doesn't stop them release a disc version of the full game in Japan with the improvements while we get the paid dlc.

If the new features, new content, and quality of life improvements of Dragon Quest XI S are coming to the PlayStation 4 and PC versions of Dragon Quest XI (I still think it's highly unlikely, but not impossible), I imagine Square Enix would release them as paid DLC for both the Japanese and Western versions of Dragon Quest XI since Dragon Quest XI S uses a newer version of Unreal Engine 4 compared to the Japanese and Western versions of Dragon Quest XI on PlayStation 4 and PC. And if Square Enix decides to do so, I imagine Square Enix would release it at least a year after Dragon Quest XI S's release date.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really enjoying this game on the Switch but in the interest of completing it sometime this decade I think I might need to turn off Draconion mode. I like hard games as much as the next person but it seems like RNG plays too much of a factor in these boss fights. Is normal mode as easy as people say? I'm a little worried about turning it off and having the opposite problem of not being engaged enough to continue enjoying it. Is it way easier than other DQ games if it's off? I've enjoyed easy games before so maybe the worry is unfounded.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really enjoying this game on the Switch but in the interest of completing it sometime this decade I think I might need to turn off Draconion mode. I like hard games as much as the next person but it seems like RNG plays too much of a factor in these boss fights. Is normal mode as easy as people say? I'm a little worried about turning it off and having the opposite problem of not being engaged enough to continue enjoying it. Is it way easier than other DQ games if it's off? I've enjoyed easy games before so maybe the worry is unfounded.

Overall, normal mode is very easy during Act 1, picks up a bit in Act 2, and starts pushing back quite a lot in Act 3. Personally I turned Draconian off upon reaching Act 3, after enjoying it a lot previously, because its imbalance started to become more apparent.


Oct 27, 2017
Overall, normal mode is very easy during Act 1, picks up a bit in Act 2, and starts pushing back quite a lot in Act 3. Personally I turned Draconian off upon reaching Act 3, after enjoying it a lot previously, because its imbalance started to become more apparent.

I'll try to push through it for a little longer in that case. I wouldn't want to turn it off now and regret it since you can't turn it back on afterwards.