Deleted member 9838

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Oct 26, 2017
We've all seen this shit. What are some of the stupidest things you've seen happen in the gym? How about the most annoying?

I hate it when some guy who looks more buff than everyone tries to give advice that wasn't asked for when he could actually be a total dipshit spreading pseudo science. Even worse when it's an old former buff guy which is ususally the case.

Saw some idiot throwing up and catching 20 kilo plates. And some dumbass personal trainer had his client doing lunges behind me while I was squatting last week... like really close to me. Personal space yall and the gym wasn't even busy.

What are some dumb, annoying and funny stuff that happens at your gym? Post pics and vids if you have them.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
People sitting on equipment using their phone for ages without any intention of using it! If I wasn't a 5'5 130lb strip of wind I'd have some choice words for them.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I had to go do therapy for my back and I couldn't believe how people talk to their physical therapists. I mean I know you're in pain, so am I, but that's no excuse for treating someone who is trying to help you like shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Wear some fucking deoderant. I'm a smelly fucking guy and take good care to make sure I mask my natural stink but some people don't give a damn.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
Squat Rack
2 Plates
Quarter Squatting

Leave your ego at the door before you get a one way ticket to snap city.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
When there's only one or two machines of a specific type, ask to work in but get denied and the person is resting/texting for 5 minutes.
Funny maybe, when the poor new girl thinks grey is a good color for gym cloth, I want to scream at them "Grey changes color when wet" their face when they see where they sweat every. single. time.

Dumb when you train your side chick while the "main" chick is in the clases downstairs.


Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
When people reserve more than a single instrument (by putting their phone or water bottle beside it) in a busy gym.

And, I am ashamed to have done this myself (and I don't wear glasses for this reason)- Catch rare glimpses (not creep stare) of women in yoga pants doing resistance training (the hulk's meme "Lord knows I'd smash" plays in my mind). It catches me off guard and interrupts my reps. I am weak.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah! I hate bad gym etiquette but worse for me is trying to do something and this hot lady in front of me doing all kinds of bendy movements...I mean it' very very hard to continue working out...sorry I am weak


Oct 25, 2017
People that try and cycle through multiple machines or pieces of equipment rapidly and expect everyone to abide by their routine. "Woah woah bro I'm using that next". I dont give a fuck your aren't on it now.
Oct 25, 2017
People letting their 4-year-olds play on the treadmill. 1. I'm constantly looking over afraid they might get hurt 2. They're probably going to break the dang thing


Oct 25, 2017
I'm most annoyed by what's playing on the TVs

My gym is like 60% older moms who complain about sports being played in a gym, so we have the news (aka reporting on non-stop murders and rapes and children being killed 24/7) and the fucking FOOD CHANNEL on those screens at all times. Somehow my eyes always find their way to a screen, especially when I'm doing cardio, and it's a fucking buzzkill.

Or I come out of the gym craving a burger or some shit


Oct 28, 2017
My fav is who Iike to call the "quarter pounders." They're basically like ego lifters but only go a quarter of a full range of motion and they do this with every exercise. Doesn't matter which exercise or how heavy. Bench, squat, over head press, curls. Only go a quarter of the way down. I'm like, why even bother? These are not physically impaired people either. One of the guys is def on roids.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This one is more funny than annoying or dumb but the guy who came from the office and is working out in his button up shirt and office slacks. Pack a gym bag bruh.


Oct 28, 2017
When seniors come in and all they do is talk and not exercise... Sitting on the bike machine as they talk to their friends
There's tables less than a minute outside too, I don't get it.


Oct 25, 2017
That my 3 weeks old sony earbuds stopped working on 1 side and I have to hear the shitty gym music.
They were only 9€ but still, I always buy cheap ones (fuck buying 20+€ ones for the gym) from different brands but they usually work for at least half a year...
Oct 26, 2017
When seniors come in and all they do is talk and not exercise... Sitting on the bike machine as they talk to their friends
There's tables less than a minute outside too, I don't get it.
This isn't exclusive to seniors, I see tons of people do this. I've finished two entire exercises while two ding dongs chat about wtfever.


Oct 25, 2017
Wear some fucking deoderant. I'm a smelly fucking guy and take good care to make sure I mask my natural stink but some people don't give a damn.

On the opposite end, don't fucking douse yourself in cologne either. I know there are hot women at the gym my guy but I don't think they are going to be impressed by your Davidoff Cool Water.


Oct 28, 2017
People getting huge weights that they struggle lifting, then drop them after every set
People taking a million different weights and leaving them on the floor around them so that no one else can use them
The people who take a bench and are just on their phones the whole time instead of actually using it for lifting


Nov 22, 2017
When people hold multiple equipment becauae they are doing some shitty exercise cycle.

People using wrong form giving advice to their friends.


Dec 21, 2017
When people hold multiple pieces of equipment. Fuck off with that, not trying to wait for you to finish your dumbass 'superset'
Oct 27, 2017
The gym I go to is alright for the most part. Just put headphones on and drown out the rest like people grunting and shit. Only thing that ever really irks me is when people don't wipe down the equipment and just leave.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who is an avid gym guy...I never understood why so many people are so concerned with what other people are doing at the gym? I don't really give a shit, i just do my workout and go home.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking guy is wearing a stringer and a weight belt down to his gut and walking around like Ronnie Coleman, dude looks like hot garbage.

People who perpetuate the gym bro stereo type and talk like creeps and and assholes, I go to a more male body builder type gym and a guy brings a girl with him. As soon as she leaves this one ugly douche comments how she's pretty but she stinks and it must be her crotch. This guy wears these disgusting red sweatpants everyday and your
Gonna comment on hygiene?

Shit like that is what makes me wanna join la fitness because I can't stand that sorta person but misogyny and attitudes run rampant but at least in a huge commercial gym you keep that sorta shit to yourself.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
That useless guy spotting his idiot friend on the bench. He's always half the size of his friend so idk what he plans to do if something goes wrong.


Dec 21, 2017
Oh there are soooo many...

-- guys doing deadlifts or full lifts and then drop the entire thing on the mat from about waist level. Causes a huge boom and everyone looks (which is what they intended, I guess)
-- making loud grunting noises with each rep
-- putting a fucking water bottle on a machine to "reserve it", while working out on a different machine. Like seriously, work on a single fucking machine at a time! It's not hard.
-- not putting the weights back after using it. This is especially annoying when it's the squat rack and douchebag uses up all the 45-pound plates.


Oct 25, 2017
People that make conversation when you have headphones on... leave me alone

Not re-racking the weights. That's super annoying... are you done, are you not done... oh okay you're going to go change so I guess you are done and just forgot the weights...


Oct 26, 2017
This. So much this fucking thing right here. I hate those that dont carry a towel but its somehow worse when said idiot does have one and doesnt bother to wipe his disgusting sweat from the headrest.

I don't care if it's the sweat from the hottest booty in the place, that's not my fetish so wipe your damn puddle up...


Oct 25, 2017
The dudes who come up to you acting all friendly out of nowhere trying to chat you up only to start talking about a fucking pyramid scheme after 5 minutes. Nah fuck off buddy, I don't want to hear about your amazing product and how I can get rich quick.


Oct 25, 2017
One machine at a time should be a law, punishable by death if broken

Add in cleaning up after yourself