Oct 25, 2017
You asked the right question to make me want to say a bit more.

There's actually three "stalkers" in RE8, one of them was in the Ambassador demo people played, which is this Witch that laughs a lot and dissipates into a swarm of insects when you shoot at her. She's kinda' different than the normal RE stalker types (as are the other two), she is more of a trickster and likes to mess with you.
Oh, come on. Enough stalkers.


Sounds awesome. Re7 was excellent so a firat person game sounds great. I am really hyped to see what they do with it.

To be fair, RE8 was turned into REV3 cause they weren't sure if people will like the direction. It wass always supposed to be 8 but was changed to REV.now it returned back to 8.

Think of it more like a safe change rather than making it in place of Revelations.
Yeah, that does make it better, actually.
Oct 25, 2017

they want RE to be an annualized franchise huh? just cranking these fuckers out
RE1 - 1996
RE2 - 1998
RE3 -1999
CV - 2000
Survivor - 2000
Gaiden - 2001
REmake - 2002
Zero - 2002
Dead Aim - 2003
Outbreak - 2003
Outbreak F2 - 2004
RE4 - 2005
UC -2007
RE5 - 2009
DC - 2009
MERCS3D -2011
Rev1 - 2012
RE6 - 2012
ORC - 2012
REV2 - 2015
UC - 2016
RE7 - 2017
RE2 - 2019
RE3 - 2020
RE8 - 2021


Nov 14, 2017
Really wasn't feeling the direction taken with RE7, hope this one changes things up a bit or I'll pass and wait for the next 3rd person game.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Sales figures isn't what made this game. The development of this game is SO much more fascinating than many probably imagine, I'll love to talk about it in detail in the future but can't yet as it includes spoilers and some things better for someone else to reveal.

Essentially what happened is this game came into creation and was kept alive by pure passion of some of the devs. So this game was ORIGINALLY RE8, but in late 2017 it got turned into Rev 3 and stayed like that through most of development. A big reason the game did not go under was huge support by one of the series producers who kept pushing for this title to be made. Others in the company weren't as sure what fans of the franchise may think of it or that it might be "too weird" for Resident Evil.

But as Revelations 3 the game was 95% done late last year basically, it was fully playable and just being polished. They did some internal testing, and the reception to that was far, FAR more positive than they were expecting. People who didn't work on the game but work at Div 1 also played it and were surprised how good it came out.

The Ambassador Test held last year was to test it with more direct fans as they were toying with the idea of it being RE8, but they weren't sure what fans would think. However, the test, plus some other stuff (and especially the fact the other RE8 was years away from completion), meant Revelations 3 got an upgrade.

But the existence of the game has nothing to do with anything, it was a pure passion project by some people on the studio, which managed to be made and was originally kinda' thrown into a Revelations game as it's a side series, but due to circumstance and the actual quality of what was made, it gets a bigger chance to shine and gets an additional year to build onto it, polish it, etc.

This all sounds really amazing. It feels like this series is going back to a level of bold creativity and experimentation that we saw with survival horror in the 90s and I am so glad that there was a push for it to be made despite perceptions of it being "too weird" for the series.

I cannot wait to see what it is once revealed. Very, very excited


Oct 25, 2017
Would rather they had stuck with Rev 3 to be honest especially if Rebecca was in it. 7 was okay but ive never gone back to it after finishing it once, first person just doesn't really excite me so they'll have to do something special to get me onboard.


Mar 16, 2018
that sounds awesome as fuck. i'm all in the only thing i don't want is ethan or some other no name as the protagonist. please tie it more to the canon resident evil lore capcom. don't care if the protag is an older jill, claire, leon, rebecca or they could even bring back adult sherry but please no noname. hope the game gets a good budget and doesn't turn mediocre 50% through the game like re7 did.

also i still want a mainline resident evil game that plays EXACTLY like remake 2, so third person, interconnected map, puzzles etc, just make it bigger. they can make that after re8 for next gen only


Oct 28, 2017
RE4 was still a "biohazard" though. I remember the different versions of RE4 (ghosts/hallucinations) before they finally settled on it being enemies that you actually shoot. This sounds like it may be a chase-fest and little to no combat against widly different enemies (ghosts/werewolves/witches etc)? Not exactly what I remember about RE.
I'm sure they'll involve bio-terrorism somehow, if that's what you're worried about. They set up Blue Umbrella in the last game and I don't think they'd throw that plotline out without it going anywhere.
You turn 30 and your ability to grow just fades away, eh? Just hang up the gloves, thirty-year-olds. You are already dead.
I think you need to use a bit of common sense when interpreting my post. Of course I didn't mean you're doomed if you're in your 30s, I just meant it's easier to buy it when a character barely out of his teen years (who trained to be a cop) has an easier time undergoing a mental and physical transformation than someone over a decade older than them (who works a desk job). Folks can desire to "grow" all they want, but learning a completely foreign skill set is generally easier when you're young.

I don't know. Maybe I'm picturing some crazy transformation for Ethan ala RE2 Leon to RE4 Leon, when in reality, it'll be a more practical thing where Ethan is primarily a hacker or something like that, but still with a pretty rudimentary skill set in terms of being a combatant.
Chris Redfield is in his 40s and was punching boulders. The cast of avengers are in their late 30s, early 40s, It's a video game, even your warped perspective of age can be rewritten to be whatever the devs like.
The cast of Avengers are literal superheroes, and so is Chris Redfield.

And he was only 35 during the boulder punch era!


Oct 25, 2017
You know you're in the minority thinking that RE7 Chris looks good, right?

I don't actually know how I feel about the new look, in all honesty (though I most certainly don't hate it). I haven't really had a chance to acclimatize myself to that design. That being said, I sure do hate his shaved gorilla look from Resident Evil 5. In general, I think everyone not named Shiva looks stupid in that game, but Chris really takes the cake.

Chris could have used Tofu's model in Resident Evil 7 and it still would have been a step in the right direction.

I think you need to use a bit of common sense when interpreting my post. Of course I didn't mean you're doomed if you're in your 30s, I just meant it's easier to buy it when a character barely out of his teen years (who trained to be a cop) has an easier time undergoing a mental and physical transformation than someone over a decade older than them (who works a desk job). Folks can desire to "grow" all they want, but learning a completely foreign skill set is generally easier when you're young.

I don't see how my response lacks "common sense". I mean, you are still making it seem like 30 is over the hill, when many people (especially these days) are going back to school and learning new skills/switching professions at that age. I just think your position is a tiny bit silly, especially within the context of the Resident Evil series.

Ethan, a character who showed remarkable survival instincts and made it through an incredibly daunting ordeal, being recruited for a (potentially) combat related, paramilitary job somehow strains believability in the Resident Evil series? It is just an odd take...
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Oct 28, 2017
Sounds like the departure I was expecting at VII tbh. I'll just wait and see, I feel it's pointless to speculate with this much information.


Oct 26, 2017
RE7 rekindled my love for the series, and it was a pure delight. So, I'm a 1000% in, but... Why they gotta take out Rebecca?!


Writer at Jeux.ca
Oct 28, 2017
That's not RE anymore though. Why not turn the series into a RPG while we're at it. Capcom is just clueless. They have a well-received remake (RE2) and basically say fuck no we're going back to FPS despite the success of TPS.

Sorry but Ethan is also the most useless character in the series. A rock would have more personality than him. The way RE8 is being described just makes me laugh. Witches? Paranormal? Did they hire Kojima for the nonsensical plot?

I don't mind change. At the same time, toi must pay respect to your past. RE is about survival and zombies. If I want psychological horror there are plenty of series that fill such a gap.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not RE anymore though. Why not turn the series into a RPG while we're at it. Capcom is just clueless. They have a well-received remake (RE2) and basically say fuck no we're going back to FPS despite the success of TPS.

I mean, they also just had success with FPS. The last mainline game was a FPS. Why not carry that style forward? It has already been shown to work extremely well.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan. Unless the paranormmal stuff ends up being hallucinations brought on by some kind of virus then this should have been reworked into a new IP ala DMC and Onimusha.


Oct 30, 2017
Nice to see a new mainline title next year. I really don't like the FP view but I enjoyed VII for what it was.

For the record, I am VERY unclear who the playable characters are right now. AS Revelations 3, Ethan, Chris and Rebecca were the playable cast. But I got word Rebecca got 100% cut and Ethan and Chris were "changed", so I don't know what that means, I'm going in blind on that with everyone else on who's actually playable (and to give an idea of how severe these story changes may actually be).
Dusk, do you have any info about why Jill hasn't been used as a main character at all after so many years? Not counting RE3R for obvious reasons.
I'd really like to see her or Claire soon.


Mar 31, 2020
I'd be shocked if it's first person. I thought sales for re7 were significantly lower than past re games


Oct 28, 2017
I don't see how my response lacks "common sense". I mean, you are still making it seem like 30 is over the hill, when many people (especially these days) are going back to school and learning new skills/switching professions at that age. I just think your position is a tiny bit silly, especially within the context of the Resident Evil series.

Ethan, a character who showed remarkable survival instincts and made it through an incredibly daunting ordeal, being recruited for a (potentially) combat related, paramilitary job somehow strains believability in the Resident Evil series? It is just an odd take...
Fair enough. When you put it that way, it wouldn't be the worst / least believable thing to happen in these games. Above all else, whatever they do with Ethan as a character if they end up bringing him back, I'd like for him to be likable and compelling in his own way. His skill set is secondary to that.


Oct 28, 2017
Way into this. Them just doing a RE7 or RE2 remake style game again would've been boring. I'm so glad they're doing something so radically different. I have no interest in a stagnant Resident Evil series.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
That's not RE anymore though. Why not turn the series into a RPG while we're at it. Capcom is just clueless. They have a well-received remake (RE2) and basically say fuck no we're going back to FPS despite the success of TPS.

Sorry but Ethan is also the most useless character in the series. A rock would have more personality than him. The way RE8 is being described just makes me laugh. Witches? Paranormal? Did they hire Kojima for the nonsensical plot?

I don't mind change. At the same time, toi must pay respect to your past. RE is about survival and zombies. If I want psychological horror there are plenty of series that fill such a gap.
People acting like babies 👶
Let me remind you RE7 was the one game that respected the series roots in a long time when it released, it was not just good, but a great survival horror game i even liked it more than remake2 and im glad they are continuing that style of RE.

Plus zombies, lol RE6 had zombies too, RE4 ditched the traditional zombies let them try new things


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
That's not RE anymore though. Why not turn the series into a RPG while we're at it. Capcom is just clueless. They have a well-received remake (RE2) and basically say fuck no we're going back to FPS despite the success of TPS.

Sorry but Ethan is also the most useless character in the series. A rock would have more personality than him. The way RE8 is being described just makes me laugh. Witches? Paranormal? Did they hire Kojima for the nonsensical plot?

I don't mind change. At the same time, toi must pay respect to your past. RE is about survival and zombies. If I want psychological horror there are plenty of series that fill such a gap.

I remember these types of complaints when RE4 was announced. RE is whatever Capcom wants it be. RE7 was great, and a far cry from some of the worst games in the series.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 30, 2017
I just beat RE3 remake last night and noticed a possible tease/hint??

when you play as Carlos and are inside the safe room in RPD under the staircase, you can find a camera in the small red room. Carlos says something along the lines of "if only I could use this for enemies" or whatever (forgive me if that's totally off). My initial reaction was "damn, a fatal frame type game from Capcom would be dope!"


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough. When you put it that way, it wouldn't be the worst / least believable thing to happen in these games. Above all else, whatever they do with Ethan as a character if they end up bringing him back, I'd like for him to be likable and compelling in his own way. His skill set is secondary to that.

I see where you are coming from. I personally wouldn't have chosen to bring Ethan into the next game (despite not minding him at all). That being said, if they are smart about it, he will be their "tech guy". That would be a good justification for his recruitment. They also definitely need to work on his characterization a little more (for sure).


Sep 14, 2019
His stuff is literally changing BY THE DAY. I know you guys like him and i know he means well, but this is a joke. Again, either don't speak on things until it's official or just leak the entire thing. This whole tease system is clearly failing and everyday the tease changes slightly.


Oct 27, 2017
This all sounds great, though I do wish it was third-person. There was something about the first-person perspective that made RE7 so much scarier than the rest of the series. Daft as it sounds, I couldn't finish the game. Got about halfway through and it was just too much for me.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the way to do it IMo. RE7+ to go First Person and their remakes to go third person.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
This all sounds great, though I do wish it was third-person. There was something about the first-person perspective that made RE7 so much scarier than the rest of the series. Daft as it sounds, I couldn't finish the game. Got about halfway through and it was just too much for me.
I know right it was so awesome 🤤 i replay it every halloween


Oct 25, 2017
I don't doubt Capcom would take this direction at some point but I feel like Dusk Golem is pretty hit or miss at times with some of the rumors even if he's verified and has insider info.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
His stuff is literally changing BY THE DAY. I know you guys like him and i know he means well, but this is a joke. Again, either don't speak on things until it's official or just leak the entire thing. This whole tease system is clearly failing and everyday the tease changes slightly.

...it really hasn't, though? He's just provided more information. The only thing that he "changed" was that what is once a spinoff title is now a mainline title, which isn't at all unprecedented for RE, and just makes sense given the circumstances (RE "9" being far off, 2021 being the anniversary year, etc.).

Even when he was teasing this game as something that wasn't called RE8, I was wondering "why don't they just call if RE8?" So him reporting on a change that they are doing just that doesn't make me doubt him.


Jun 17, 2018
"The game was greatly received as Rev3, so they changed the story and other stuff to turn it into RE8" sounds like recipe for disaster.


Sep 14, 2019
It's kind of a fake narrative if RE7 sells better than a majority of the games, which are third-person. And if it's selling faster than RE6, which had a 5-year lead on the market.
If you want to go that route.....add up sales for all 3rd person RE titles- and then add up sales for all FP RE titles. No contest bud. RE 7 was a novelty that came as a shock. The real truth provider will be the reception and success of a follow up main line FP RE title.


Jan 5, 2018
Sales figures isn't what made this game. The development of this game is SO much more fascinating than many probably imagine, I'll love to talk about it in detail in the future but can't yet as it includes spoilers and some things better for someone else to reveal.

Essentially what happened is this game came into creation and was kept alive by pure passion of some of the devs. So this game was ORIGINALLY RE8, but in late 2017 it got turned into Rev 3 and stayed like that through most of development. A big reason the game did not go under was huge support by one of the series producers who kept pushing for this title to be made. Others in the company weren't as sure what fans of the franchise may think of it or that it might be "too weird" for Resident Evil.

But as Revelations 3 the game was 95% done late last year basically, it was fully playable and just being polished. They did some internal testing, and the reception to that was far, FAR more positive than they were expecting. People who didn't work on the game but work at Div 1 also played it and were surprised how good it came out.

The Ambassador Test held last year was to test it with more direct fans as they were toying with the idea of it being RE8, but they weren't sure what fans would think. However, the test, plus some other stuff (and especially the fact the other RE8 was years away from completion), meant Revelations 3 got an upgrade.

But the existence of the game has nothing to do with anything, it was a pure passion project by some people on the studio, which managed to be made and was originally kinda' thrown into a Revelations game as it's a side series, but due to circumstance and the actual quality of what was made, it gets a bigger chance to shine and gets an additional year to build onto it, polish it, etc.

I love this. This is what I want personally. I wanna play something the Devs poured their hearts and souls into


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If you want to go that route.....add up sales for all 3rd person RE titles- and then add up sales for all FP RE titles. No contest bud. RE 7 was a novelty that came as a shock. The real truth provider will be the reception and success of a follow up main line FP RE title.
I'm pretty sure that's only cementing my point - or was that your intent?

The argument that "a perspective sells better than b perspective" is kind of obtuse because b perspective titles have outsold the majority of a perspective titles, so an opposite objective argument, just as valid as the last, could be made that "b perspective sells better than a perspective" - you could even add "most of the time" for further clarity. And then the original premise is moot/useless. The larger problem (and point of my statement) is that people are playing fast and loose with context so to embolden their arguments.

I agree that a second title should serve as needed second data point.
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Sep 14, 2019
...it really hasn't, though? He's just provided more information. The only thing that he "changed" was that what is once a spinoff title is now a mainline title, which isn't at all unprecedented for RE, and just makes sense given the circumstances (RE "9" being far off, 2021 being the anniversary year, etc.).

Even when he was teasing this game as something that wasn't called RE8, I was wondering "why don't they just call if RE8?" So him reporting on a change that they are doing just that doesn't make me doubt him.
What you said isn't even accurate though. What he originally said was RE 8 was far off ( that has now turned into RE 9 being far off). Then there's the whole spinoff, now mainline change. Then he said Ethan was playable, but now he doesn't know. Then he said it would be revealed in a few months, but not the official announcement is soon. He said Rev 3 wasn't happening but now he said it was happening but was changed recently into RE 8. I could go on and on.

That's not even including the whole Silent Hill mess- in which he professed TWO SH were coming ( which was then shot down).
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Mar 14, 2020
I dunno how reliable EvilVR is but according to him Chris is going to be bald and the game(he isn't sure if it's RE8 or a spin-off) is set in 2025. Plus he posted this drawing made by his friend based on what an "insider" has told him.


Offtopic: I remember him mentioning a scrapped RE game which was set in Venice or something like that. Dusk Golem do you know anything about this?
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Oct 28, 2017
I'd be shocked if it's first person. I thought sales for re7 were significantly lower than past re games

Any franchise that has a "RE6" will have that. COD Ghosts was one of the best selling entries in the series but it was so poorly received that the after effect of that ended up hurting the sales of the significantly better Advanced Warfare. Same thing happened with the Assassin's Creed series. AC Unity sold very well but AC Syndicate sold significantly worse because of the reputation of Unity.

People who think a RE6-2 would've sold just as well as RE6 are naive. I'm a RE6 defender but I am largely that because of what a widely reviled game RE6 is. Without RE7 (I'll say) a not insignificant number of people would still view the RE series as a dead series.

Add in the fact that I believe until Monster Hunter World came out RE7 was their best selling game this gen. Since then Capcom has been on a real upward sales trajectory after getting off to a rough start this gen but RE7 was the start of the Capcom turning shit around story this gen. Also, if you don't think RE2 & RE3 remakes weren't heavily informed by RE7 then I don't know what to say. Yeah they're 3rd person but that's literally the only design difference. RE7 was a classic style RE game but in first person. Not liking RE7 doesn't change that fact. The game seemingly reinvigorated both the base and the dev team but I guess we'll see if it paid off sales wise with RE8.


Sep 14, 2019
I'm pretty sure that's only cementing my point - or was that your intent?
What?? How does that cement this : It's kind of a fake narrative if RE7 sells better than a majority of the games, which are third-person. And if it's selling faster than RE6, which had a 5-year lead on the market.

I think you confused yourself but in basic terms- third person RE titles destroy first person RE titles IN SALES. Which in turn proves the ORIGINAL point ( third person RE titles sell the best) correct. How you got that.....lmao. RE 7 was an anomaly, which could mean one off( once again proving the point) and may not be replicated sales wise. IF RE8 comes along and keeps pace, THEN you could be on to a point. Better now??