
Mar 4, 2020
Anyone one else work retail (or similar) at a place the *legit* requires masks? Let me tell you it's emotionally tough and sometimes legitimately scary. Multiple times on a day to day basis I have to deal with ignorant, angry people. Not just ignorant to the effectiveness of face coverings, but also ignorance to the concept of private property, and our rights as a private entity. It doesn't matter if there is no government mask mandate, we can have our own mandate ffs. Don't get me totally wrong, it can be fun 'escorting' people out, and addressing their ignorance with facts...
But, on many occasions it is legitimately scary. I had a guy go on an antisemitic rant (why it went there I have no idea) , literally screaming throughout the store as I told him he had to leave if he refused to wear a mask, he also proceeded to call our entrance monitor a "fucking bitch" as he left, because she turned him in for not wearing a mask.
On another occasion I literally had a redneck later tell me "I cannot legally wear a mask because I conceal carry". Upon which I researched said law, and the law is it's illegal to wear a mask if you have an *intent* to commit a crime while carrying. To which I pointed out, and said if she had an intent to commit a crime I would be calling the police. She eventually left.
Then the other day a group of 4 people literally, stood at a cash register for 20 minutes because they wouldn't leave until we sold to them. As if they didn't believe that I wouldn't sell to them. They gave up and left when I said the police were on the way. It was actually comedic gold TBH, but still, worrisome.
And of course I need to also mention, 70% of the time these people claim to have a "medical condition" as if that will excuse them. Some of them actually try presenting fake ass "mask exemption cards" you can literally buy on Amazon. Like how insane and ignorant do you have to be to do that...
I have customers with legit conditions that wear masks/face shields no problem. Oh and we offer complimentary, face shields to people. No surprise that never changes their tune, and just proves their BS.
Then there was the guy who literally wrote a letter to the state, the company owners, to me personally, saying that what I was doing was illegal. Like he had a personal vendetta out against me (for simply enforcing a corporate policy). He literally took my business card , which has my last name, and starting Googling me in front of me (he came back in with a Trump 2020 mask after I kicked him out once). I actually thought he was going to come murder me at my house. His wife also came back in with him, without a mask, also tried flashing a bogus Mask Exemption card in my face (I literally laughed), so I kicked her out again. And I continued to help him find what he needed, as a customer, while he was literally berating me about the law, etc, etc, when he has no understanding of private property. We require shirts, we require shoes, we require masks. If you have a medical condition we will accommodate with curbside service.
Anyway just wanted to vent. Any other retail workers gotta put up with this? It's super stressful and I just worry the wrong person is going to pull out a gun one day tbh. Like these people get so mad and offended it's scary.

TLDR: anti maskers are nuts


Dec 10, 2018
Then there was the guy who literally wrote a letter to the state, the company owners, to me personally, saying that what I was doing was illegal. Like he had a personal vendetta out against me (for simply enforcing a corporate policy). He literally took my business card , which has my last name, and starting Googling me in front of me (he came back in with a Trump 2020 mask after I kicked him out once). I actually thought he was going to come murder me at my house. His wife also came back in with him, without a mask, also tried flashing a bogus Mask Exemption card in my face (I literally laughed), so I kicked her out again. And I continued to help him find what he needed, as a customer, while he was literally berating me about the law, etc, etc, when he has no understanding of private property.

Sounds like this dude and his wife need a good old fashioned restraining order. This is pretty antagonistic behaviour.

Also grown ass adults acting like playground bullies is never not pathetic.


Oct 26, 2017
Not retail, but I'm a teacher. I can't understate how much I'm looking forward to not having to say "pull your mask up" 50 times a day.


Oct 27, 2017
Better than a place that *doesn't* enforce the "requirement" where you get to spend all day glaring at smug dipshits endangering everybody's health.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been in factory settings and startups several times during the pandemic for work. Most places have masks required and temp check policies. I go in, and... Noses, noses everywhere. "hey, can you pull that up your nose?" "then my safety glasses fog up!" that's why there's antifog sprays next to the earplugs dipshit.

I don't take my KN95s off and I wear goggles on-site.


Oct 27, 2017
every time I see some jackass smugly walking around the grocery store with no mask I can only imagine how tired the poor workers must be


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's stories like this that make me glad I'm not in retail anymore. I already didn't take shit from customers during normal times, so I probably would have been fired like a month or two into the pandemic after telling enough maskless customers to either put one on or fuck off. Most of the managers would usually roll over and give the customer what they wanted anyway when I would push back, so considering they aren't actually enforcing mask usage in their stores I definitely would have had the complaints racking up.

My brother is lucky to not work for some kind of chain, so he freely tells people to put on a mask or fuck off. He had one dude threaten legal action months ago. "I'm suing this other place too" he says. Been at least half a year at this point and he's heard absolutely nothing from that guy again.


Oct 27, 2017
I work at a timeshare resort, so it's easy for me to deny people. Put on a damn mask or you just wasted hours traveling across the country and your entire schedule is shot. They'll bitch or they'll demand their money back Conveniently, a lot of them book through third parties, so the reservations are either non-refundable or they have to jump through hoops. Or on the far end, the ones that come in on those free stays actually lose out on their deposits if they leave.

And if they don't attend the timeshare presentation out of spite, they get charged the room rate & tax on the back end. Telling the free stay people that them being pissed off about wearing a mask to the point that they'll just refuse to attend the two hour presentation they signed a contract for means they gets charged $800 that they won't get back usually gets them to shut up for a bit until they run into issues with the capacity limits for amenities.

Before I got covid-nuked, it got to the point where I'd just toss a mask at them and then step back before bothering to do anything.

I can only imagine how shit will be when I finally recover enough to get back to work, especially with the ease of restrictions. I'm sure we'll still have the mask mandates and capacity limits long after the city and state eases up.

Deleted member 20892

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Yes it is mentally and emotionally draining and often times fucking terrifying. Almost always scared to tell customers to wear a mask/wear it properly because so many fucking people flip their shit. Honestly just people in general against store policies thinking I can change the entire way the store I cashier for works lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Ive been shocked at how well these requirements have gone down around where I'm at, in retail stores and the like at least. everyone wears the mask, thankfully forour sake and the employees. It's far from an enviable position, to say the least.

now places like auto shops, smaller dealerships, etc on the other hand, run by trumpy hicks and shit... good luck catching them in a mask, or enforcing anything whatsoever (recent experiences is why I bring them up).


Oct 27, 2017
Northern VA
I'm in grocery, and a manager, but they absolutely do not pay me enough to actually confront the idiots about it. Luckily in my area like 95%+ of people wear their masks anyway. The 5% that are still refusing are the real lunatics and I can't be bothered trying to deal with them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wear my mask so you all have one less person to worry about.

That and I don't want covid.


Oct 27, 2017
Man... I have felt so bad for anybody in a customer facing job since the beginning of this, but your stories are much worse than I imagined it would be. We're with you, OP - you're doing the right thing but goddamn that sounds hard
Jan 11, 2018
These people are absolute scum of the earth. It's not fucking hard at all to wear the mask for 20 fucking minutes while you shop, but they act like you're asking them to give you their kidney or something. It takes every ounce of resolve to not scream at them every time I see them.

Deleted member 9330

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Oct 26, 2017
I was so so so so so lucky to be able to leave my retail job around June of last year. I absolutely would have been fired for telling someone without a mask to fuck off.

And it would have felt so gooooood.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
I don't work retail but I have had two encounters with guys who tried to fight me because I politely asked them to put on masks when they entered a store without them. I'm a pretty big guy (over 6 feet, around 225) and both felt no qualms with peacocking the instant I asked them if they could please put on a mask, right in front of big crowds and even in front of security guards. They're nuts.

I can only imagine how much worse it must be for retail workers who have to deal with the same shitty sort of people by the hundreds, day after day after day. It must be exhausting.
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Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
This pandemic has made me so goddamn spiteful. Hey bitch, I have severe asthma too! You don't see me wearing it under my nose! At least I can decaf the jackasses who refuse to wear it properly.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I too work retail. We randomly get video audited to make sure we are following all these guidelines with ourselves and customers. Kinda insane that are paying some team to do this instead of passing that onto us for like hazard pay.
Oct 30, 2017
I'm happy my students have been reasonably good about keeping masks on. I try to get them out of the room to take a mask break every now and then.
Even for goofy little kids who occasionally forget to fix their masks if they slip, they still act infinitely better than some of the clowns having temper tantrum meltdowns I saw when things were really bad in our area.


Oct 28, 2017
Sounds like this dude and his wife need a good old fashioned restraining order. This is pretty antagonistic behaviour.

Also grown ass adults acting like playground bullies is never not pathetic.
I love this level of bullshit. Bitching about a mask when he clearly had one. All these people want is a little power trip and to create a fuss like they're part of some freedom fighters.


Dec 10, 2018
I love this level of bullshit. Bitching about a mask when he clearly had one. All these people want is a little power trip and to create a fuss like they're part of some freedom fighters.


My mother works in a mine that creates hot quicklime and is forced to wear thicker, larger and heavier masks for weeks on end. Never heard her complain about it or start a fight once about it.


Oct 26, 2017

My mother works in a mine that creates hot quicklime and is forced to wear thicker, larger and heavier masks for weeks on end. Never heard her complain about it or start a fight once about it.

I was in the Air Force and had to wear MOPP 4 (full on military chem gear) during exercises in humid South Korea in the summer. Sometimes, we'd be in those for hours.


These people freak the fuck out over having to wear this for a few minutes.


They're some of the most thin skinned, whiny ass babies I've ever met.
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Oct 25, 2017
I've kind of given up asking people in my apartment building's elevator to wear masks. I'd say 80% of people are respectful, wear masks, and don't crowd the elevator with more than 4 people at once, but the other 20% get actively angry when you ask them to put on a mask or to not get on. I've instead just started getting off the elevator if they want to get on and waiting for another.

I can't imagine retail that shit must suck. Was in a Target yesterday where everyone was wearing masks (they have someone up front asking people to put them on and providing the standard one). This one dude walked into the self check-out without a mask and really looked like he was trying to fight someone if they came up to him about it.

Deleted member 8752

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Oct 26, 2017
My wife got really into it with an anti-masker at a store once. This is after she worked in a long hospital shift where her patient died due to complications from COVID-19.

After the confrontation, the woman left the store before us and waited for us in her car with the window down in the parking lot. She yelled "what now! What NOW?! YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME!!!"

And my wife, bless her heart, yelled back without skipping a beat, "Now you or someone you know dies of COVID bitch." And then the woman pealed off.

After seeing my wife's example, I haven't been shy once about confronting people who aren't wearing masks. I'll happily say "wear your mask asshole" if a polite request doesn't do the trick.

Enough people have died where at this point, I'm more than willing to be confrontational as a civic duty to those around me.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Retail workers don't get paid nearly enough to have to deal with legit lunatics every day.
I agree. I don't think it should solely be on the retail worker to be confrontational about it. It's up to every customer who is also in the establishment to confront people who aren't wearing masks too.

Retail workers deserve to be "backed up" so to speak.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I always love the medical condition excuse. You probably shouldn't be out if you have problems with your lungs. It's also hilarious it's almost always older people that don't want to wear them.

I know most retail workers just don't want to deal with it and I understand. I was at the mall and there was this Karen walking around maskless. She kind of gave this vibe of looking for someone to challenge her.

The worst people are the ones who have masks but pull them down as soon as they're in the store.


Oct 26, 2017
She kind of gave this vibe of looking for someone to challenge her.

It's what some of these dipshits want. They want to record it so they can post it on Facebook and Instagram and bitch about how their lives are being inconvenienced and how their rights are being trampled. How the US is turning into communist China and how it's not "their country" anymore.

Deleted member 60582

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Oct 12, 2019
Yeah, I couldn't do it these days. I had customers wanting to fight me over stupid shit already (one dude got REALLY upset that we didn't have any blue PS2 memory cards and took a swing at me over it, among other things), I can't imagine having to try to enforce the mask orders. That should be entirely on management or corporate honestly, regular employees should have nothing to do with it.


Dec 10, 2018
I was in the Air Force and had to wear MOPP 4 (full on military chem gear) during exercises in humid South Korea in the summer. Sometimes, we'd be in those for hours.
These people freak the fuck out over having to wear this for a few minutes.
They're some of the most thin skinned, whiny ass babies I've ever met.

Never got to wear these in the Australian Army, but damn they look sweaty.