What Are Your Three Favorite Mainline Final Fantasy Games Since Final Fantasy X?

  • Final Fantasy X

  • Final Fantasy XI

  • Final Fantasy XII

  • Final Fantasy XIII

  • Final Fantasy XIV

  • Final Fantasy XV

Results are only viewable after voting.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still wild we got a single 'mainline' game last generation (ofc, XIV got expansions and 7R happened (which I was really happy with)). Going back to... ~3 this go around would be amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
XII is a straight up masterpiece, and only gets better with age. XIV is a fantastic game that I unfortunately can't fully get into because I don't care for the genre, and XV is a mess, but has a ton of heart and is the only Final Fantasy after IX that made me feel something.


Oct 25, 2017
XI is very arguably the best Final Fantasy of all time. Still going strong, as underrated as ever.

And XII is one of my favorites, too.

X had an enjoyable story/characters/atmosphere, but I personally dislike its combat and customization mechanics, as well as the fact that its console remasters lacked the basic QoL options that all the other FFs got (and that it got on PC).

Still haven't played XIV. Someday.

XIII is... OK, a damn sight better than XV in hindsight, at least.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Isn't VII Remake considered a mainline Final Fantasy? Would've put a vote towards it if it was an option.

Ought to be entries for each FFXIV expansion too, hah. My remaining votes would go XIV then. Shadowbringers and Heavensward are simply fantastic.

Each of XIV's expansions has been, in my opinion, a better experience than what I've played of the rest. Granted, from the remaining list, I've only finished XV and nearly finished XIII. XIV may not be the prettiest FF game, nor are some of its gameplay content all that mechanically interesting due to the limited nature of what types of things they can do for an MMO (at least that's my understanding of it), but it more than makes up for it in virtually every other area. The story, characters, lore, environments, and let's not forgot the music. My god, the music. Soken's work has been nothing short of mesmerizing. Everything from town music, boss themes, dungeon themes, and so on, it all sounds so damn good and it's hard to pull away when I'm listening to most any track in any of the many soundtracks the game has. This is the only MMO I've spent this much time with, but I never expected MMO combat to be so entertaining. Sure, it starts off slow and only really picks up when you're level 50 but combat in the expansions is so satisfying, especially by Shadowbringers. Now, I'm not an MMO person, I practically roll my eyes whenever I hear the acronym, but I've come to realize that part of what makes FFXIV such a wonderful experience is the fact that it's an MMO with an ongoing story. This makes the world and characters really feel alive because their stories keep going. It doesn't just reach the ending and then stop, maybe with a few more things for the epilogue. Now, not everyone continues to have big and exciting stories, but it still feels great seeing certain NPCs pop up again and remind you that they have their own stories too. It doesn't just stop when you're done.

My next vote had to go to XV, if only because it's the only other entry I've finished in the list. It's a good game, and I love the ending. It's probably one of my favorite video game endings in general. That said... I do have a lot of issues with the game ranging from its combat, open world, to the story filled with so many blanks... but it was a decent time with great music, a good (if slightly overrated) main cast, and a damn good main antagonist.

By default, my last vote goes to XIII because I got close to finishing it. Unlike XII and X. I will correct all three mistakes one day. If XIII has anything going for it, it's its gorgeous visuals that still look good to this day. It's a, what, 2009 game? Crazy how good it still looks. It's also got pretty sweet music, or at the very least has one very memorable track in the form of its battle theme Blinded by Light. The battle system was also pretty fun from what I remembered, allowing you to string multiple turns together and change your set of abilities in the middle of a fight. It felt like a good progression of the combat systems the franchise had been using up to that point. I'm not against XIII's linear nature too as I don't think its necessarily a bad thing. It would've been better if it wasn't as strictly linear as it was, sure, but it was pretty good despite it.


Oct 25, 2017
Didnt know XIV was that beloved. I loved XI so maybe I should check it out?


Nov 11, 2019
X and XIV are the ones I truly love most, there are aspects of XIII I really enjoy but I don't rate the game as strongly overall. No comment on XI, no love for the others.


Jan 2, 2020
XV, XIII, XII in that order. I like 14 but it is kind of a weird one for me to compare to the non-online games.


May 17, 2020
10's my least favorite game in the series and I don't play MMOs so it's 12, 13 and 15 by default lol

I like every Final Fantasy though. 12 ends up near the top of the list and 13 and 15 are somewhere around the middle I'd say.


Mar 2, 2021
Voted FFX (one of my favs ever), FFXIII, and FFXV although almost by default since I don't like mmo gameplay lmao so this question was basically between FFXII and FFXV and I might be one of the exceptions who didn't care much for FFXII while enjoying FFXV despite its flaws

FF7R would easily replace FFXIII if it counts. My favorite Final Fantasy since FFX


Oct 27, 2017
This was easy for me X, XII, and XV. Easy bc I couldn't care less about MMO FF entries. I'm not even indifferent, I'm actively irritated after wasting so many hours getting to whatever is the "good parts."

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
Didnt know XIV was that beloved. I loved XI so maybe I should check it out?
XIV is one of those games where you hear people praising it and you think "Okay there's no way it's actually that good. They're exaggerating." And then you play it and you realize that no, they're right.

If you liked XI, then you'll have an even better time because it's way less grindy.


Oct 27, 2017
X rules
XII sucks
XIII is really really bad for most of the game, and then really really good in the end
XV is mediocre

God FF has really not been for me for a while.


May 2, 2018
Tangential, but as someone whose only foray into FF is FF13 (which I quickly bounced off of), what are the Final Fantasies that are genuinely worth visiting? Ideally those that have held the test of time.


Oct 27, 2017
X, XII, and XIV... and I haven't even played FFXIV!

FFXIII is my dirty vice, though, I love the rhythm of the battle system. I'd buy a remaster in a heartbeat.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Tangential, but as someone whose only foray into FF is FF13 (which I quickly bounced off of), what are the Final Fantasies that are genuinely worth visiting? Ideally those that have held the test of time.
they all end up being wildly different games, and it's going to depend on your stomach for older titles, but i think the general consensus ends up being that 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 are the must plays, and everything else you can pick up depending on if they pique your interest due to mechanics or story

xiv is pretty beloved here and i will sing its praises all day, but it's still an MMO and requires a significant time investment before the pieces fall into place and stuff actually gets good


Oct 27, 2017
"since x" implies that i like x or that it's the last good one, neither of which are true for me.

but xi, xii and xiv.


Oct 27, 2017
I can only pick 3??? Ok fine:



Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
12, 13, 14 without hesitation.

I don't actually think very highly of 10 and put it in the lower tier of all FF games.

Never played 11.

12 and 14 are both in my top 10 favorite games of all time.

13 has issues and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone without qualifiers, but I found it fun overall.

15 was pretty miserable from what I played of it. First main series FF game I played since FF2 that I just couldn't finish.


Oct 28, 2017
X, XII, XIV. If X didn't count it'd be XIII-2 I guess, but none are anywhere near XII / XIV for me.


Oct 28, 2017
X -> XIV ->->->->-> XII ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> XV-> XIII

Haven't played enough XI to be comfortable ranking it, but it could feasibly be above XII (because that's a game I respect but don't particularly like, while XV and XIII are the two worst mainline FF games / the only ones I'd consider to be 'bad').

exactly this. Every single ">".


Oct 29, 2017
I've only played 3 (X, XII, XIII) but X is just so far beyond the others that I only voted for it.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No VIIR is weird.

Of those listed: XI, XII, and XIV.

Would replace XIV with VIIR if it was an option.


Oct 27, 2017
X and XII. I never played XI or XIV. I played XIII and XV but they aren't good enough to put into any favorite list.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It's weird to not include VII Remake in the poll, especially as there is another poll option slot available.

Out of the ones listed, I'd go with X, XIII and XIV in that order. If VII Remake was included, it would push XIV off though.