Oct 27, 2017
I never played Shenmue but i can honestly really see the appeal and beauty of this game. This really looks chill and beautiful in its own way. Of course i lack the nostalgia but it looks fun and unique.


Oct 27, 2017
I never played Shenmue but i can honestly really see the appeal and beauty of this game. This really looks chill and beautiful in its own way. Of course i lack the nostalgia but it looks fun and unique.
It really is unique especially in an industry where I feel like many games nowadays all feel the same. They all try to mimic one another instead of putting their own identity on the game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I've only played shenmue 1, but it rather effectively killed what interest I had in the series. I find the concept very interesting, but there's a good bit of it that was just not fun to play imo. Lots of the game were me looking at my watch in game while fiddling with my phone.iit doesnt help that the story/cast is kind of.... dull.

I've heard 2 is loads better, and 1 is mostly the prologue as far as the story goes, so maybe 2 corrects all my problems and I'll truly get the appeal after playing it. Otherwise, I can appreciate 1 for the technical stuff it tried to do, but had very little fun actually playing it.
Jun 12, 2018
I've only played shenmue 1, but it rather effectively killed what interest I had in the series. I find the concept very interesting, but there's a good bit of it that was just not fun to play imo. Lots of the game were me looking at my watch in game while fiddling with my phone.iit doesnt help that the story/cast is kind of.... dull.

I've heard 2 is loads better, and 1 is mostly the prologue as far as the story goes, so maybe 2 corrects all my problems and I'll truly get the appeal after playing it. Otherwise, I can appreciate 1 for the technical stuff it tried to do, but had very little fun actually playing it.

Yeah skip 1. Id just go to 3 and watch the recap movies that they're including with the game
Oct 30, 2017
I've only played shenmue 1, but it rather effectively killed what interest I had in the series. I find the concept very interesting, but there's a good bit of it that was just not fun to play imo. Lots of the game were me looking at my watch in game while fiddling with my phone.iit doesnt help that the story/cast is kind of.... dull.

I've heard 2 is loads better, and 1 is mostly the prologue as far as the story goes, so maybe 2 corrects all my problems and I'll truly get the appeal after playing it. Otherwise, I can appreciate 1 for the technical stuff it tried to do, but had very little fun actually playing it.
2 lets you skip time, so you don't have to wait around anymore.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Cool port of a Ps2 game!

On a less joking note, nothing about 3 looks interesting, but I hope longtime fans can get something out of this whole Kickstarter, EGS saga.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only played shenmue 1, but it rather effectively killed what interest I had in the series. I find the concept very interesting, but there's a good bit of it that was just not fun to play imo. Lots of the game were me looking at my watch in game while fiddling with my phone.iit doesnt help that the story/cast is kind of.... dull.

I've heard 2 is loads better, and 1 is mostly the prologue as far as the story goes, so maybe 2 corrects all my problems and I'll truly get the appeal after playing it. Otherwise, I can appreciate 1 for the technical stuff it tried to do, but had very little fun actually playing it.
2 has much better pacing and qol improvements. After playing the demo of S3 the qol improvements obviously go even further and feels more gamey than the previous games but still retains the Shenmue feel.

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
I suppose you've not looked at PS2 games recently. Fans got a lot: a super competent Shenmue 2 sequel. The demo is getting rave reviews.

It's not even worth responding to shitposts like that. I don't really know what people expect a game of this size and scope with this budget to look like. The game looks beautiful when playing and runs amazingly well on PC.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I suppose you've not looked at PS2 games recently. Fans got a lot: a super competent Shenmue 2 sequel. The demo is getting rave reviews.
Did you really need to make that joke?
Yes, like I said, I was kidding.

Shenmue never interested me after playing the first one on Dreamcast (See why the PS2 joke?)

What I was saying is that I hope the actual game satisfy the fans who have been waiting for it for a long time and that the whole EGS and Kickstarter fiasco doesn't dampen their enjoyment.
Nov 8, 2017
Huber said he just played through Shenmue 1 and 2 but I don't see any videos for them on their EZA plays channel. Did he not stream them?


Oct 27, 2017
Why is the text not aligned with the lines!? Oh that's right, its just a beta. It's probably already fixed.
Ryo doesn't always write aligned with the lines. Snapshot from Shenmue 1.

Did they change Ryo's handwriting? For example, the m is different.


Oct 25, 2017
I recently played through 1&2 for the first time last year. They are both archaic, sluggish, and meandering.

They are also baroque, fulfilling, and exceedingly charming. I didnt play it with the English dub, so I'm not talking about the voice acting either. You wont find another series like it, even 20 years after the first.

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a couple of people mad about the line placement and I honestly can't think of anything I give less of a fuck about. I'm pretty sure the text wasn't perfectly aligned in the original games. I never even noticed when playing the demo.
Oct 30, 2017
I recently played through 1&2 for the first time last year. They are both archaic, sluggish, and meandering.

They are also baroque, fulfilling, and exceedingly charming. I didnt play it with the English dub, so I'm not talking about the voice acting either. You wont find another series like it, even 20 years after the first.
You've nailed it.

First couple hours back in 2000 were disappointing, and then the whole world clicked and I just felt like I found the perfect game series for me. Shenmue 2 doubled that feeling. It's cool seeing so many people relate to this series the same way


Oct 25, 2017
You've nailed it.

First couple hours back in 2000 were disappointing, and then the whole world clicked and I just felt like I found the perfect game series for me. Shenmue 2 doubled that feeling. It's cool seeing so many people relate to this series the same way

I admit I felt like I had been trolled by hype after I started playing the first one, but yeah about 3 or 4 hours later I knew exactly why people loved it so much and started to fall in love with just how goddamn deliberate every single thing in the game is. By the time I finished 2 I wanted to rip Lan Di's heart out of his chest, and I cant imagine how difficult it was for people to live with that climax/cliffhanger combo at the end of 2 for so many years.


Oct 27, 2017
I played Shenmue 1 when it was (probably) the most graphically ambitious game ever created. After petting kittens for a while, I stopped playing because the loading times were atrocious.

Shenmue without gorgeous graphics that push the envelope is only half a Shenmue as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy for the fans though and I hope the ending was worth their wait.


Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I backed this game was so Huber could have his dream.

No real intention to play it myself
Heh same, threw 30 euros at it because of Huber. Never played the original games and seeing the E3 trailer for this game made me laugh out loud. It's a real possibility I'll never play it either, but I don't mind. I feel like I invested in a good cause =P


Oct 25, 2017
Not a game I am personally interested but I am so happy for Huber. watched this stream yesterday and it was great :D Brad and Huber with the power of BONDS is always a good time


Oct 26, 2017
Watched this earlier. I respect Huber's love for this series and hype for this game, but I honestly just don't get it. It feels like proto-Yakuza in a few ways, and that series has had a ton of great entries now. The kickstarter for this seemed super scummy and this isn't even finishing the story that people apparently love. Am I weird for not understanding Shenmue's appeal?

All the appeal lies in Shenmue 1 and 2, and the unique things they do. I'm cautiously anticipating 3, but it getting made period was entirely on a prayer. Similarly its graded on a curve, because its got a shoestring budget and a lot of things working in opposition of it being great

There's also an intrigue about what things they might nail, what unique qualities they had planned for S3 that make it into the final game, etc. The series was never planned to be finished in the 3rd game, but it's exciting the idea they might stick to those original plans for the 3rd game because some moments in 1 and 2 are a revelation. I'm excited to have another Shenmue experience.

Which is a pretty impossible thing to explain from simply showing Shenmue 3 in demo form to the uninitiated.
Oct 30, 2017
All the appeal lies in Shenmue 1 and 2, and the unique things they do. I'm cautiously anticipating 3, but it getting made period was entirely on a prayer. Similarly its graded on a curve, because its got a shoestring budget and a lot of things working in opposition of it being great

There's also an intrigue about what things they might nail, what unique qualities they had planned for S3 that make it into the final game, etc. The series was never planned to be finished in the 3rd game, but it's exciting the idea they might stick to those original plans for the 3rd game because some moments in 1 and 2 are a revelation. I'm excited to have another Shenmue experience.

That said, it's a pretty impossible thing to explain from simply showing Shenmue 3 in demo form to the uninitiated.
I'm really excited to see what, if any, innovations Yu Suzuki has brought to the third game. I can only imagine what ideas have been brewing in his head with all the time he's been away.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Was going to watch a few minutes and ended up sitting through the whole thing, the guy's love for Shenmue is really palpable and as a fellow huge fan it felt great and cozy to watch. I've done a complete 180 on Shenmue 3 after watching some demo videos like this one, I'm completely on board now even if it's like a Dreamcast game with modern visuals.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
Loved watching Huber play through this, good times.

Although, that song that would loop non-stop was driving me crazy, especially because it sounded like the Willy Wonka song, Pure Imagination. I couldnt unhear it.


Mar 11, 2018
Watched this earlier. I respect Huber's love for this series and hype for this game, but I honestly just don't get it. It feels like proto-Yakuza in a few ways, and that series has had a ton of great entries now. The kickstarter for this seemed super scummy and this isn't even finishing the story that people apparently love. Am I weird for not understanding Shenmue's appeal?
I've never played Shenmue, but I think it's easy to understand the appeal. Look at the unique NPCs who have routines for their whole day, all of whom you can interact with, and all of whom have multiple lines of dialogue. It's a game where the world around you doesn't feel like is there just for you, Ryo feels like an inhabitant just like all the NPCs. There's not much like that even today.

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
What is with this zero-sum attitude people take with Yakuza and Shenmue? They're completely different games and they can both exist at the same time. The whole "Yakuza is Shenmue but fun" narrative is so basic. Just try it. It's free on Game Pass and cheap on everything else.

Shenmue is unique, which isn't something you can say about Yakuza anymore, after dozens of entries that are all basically the same thing.
I am hoping this line of thought is dropped entirely soon with Yakuza: Like a Dragon going a completely different route now.

It really gets to me sometimes because I do not think Yakuza fans realize that the comparisons between the two are just as meritless as 'Yakuza is Japanese GTA". I mean sure, Yakuza 6 and to a lesser degree 3 had some mild Shenmue vibes, but a lot of that comes from the locations they are based on next to certain company cultures still existing within SEGA to some degree I suppose.
Oct 29, 2017
I played Shenmue 1 when it was (probably) the most graphically ambitious game ever created. After petting kittens for a while, I stopped playing because the loading times were atrocious.

Shenmue without gorgeous graphics that push the envelope is only half a Shenmue as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy for the fans though and I hope the ending was worth their wait.

Shenmue III isn't the end of the story.

I've never played Shenmue, but I think it's easy to understand the appeal. Look at the unique NPCs who have routines for their whole day, all of whom you can interact with, and all of whom have multiple lines of dialogue. It's a game where the world around you doesn't feel like is there just for you, Ryo feels like an inhabitant just like all the NPCs. There's not much like that even today.

Someone gets it! You totally nailed it.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything looks gorgeous in 4K, I'd say even from a current-gen standpoint it looks great. They've modernised what needs modernising and left most of the important things in tact, but truly what they've managed to accomplish on the smaller budget is staggering. It looks so much better in my opinion than even most optimistic fans could have imagined, so even the haters must be shocked. For me, what's holding back the presentation is some of the animation - mainly facial animations - that give it an outdated look and will probably catch some criticism. I think fans will be more than happy with this.


Oct 27, 2017
I played Shenmue 1 when it was (probably) the most graphically ambitious game ever created. After petting kittens for a while, I stopped playing because the loading times were atrocious.

Shenmue without gorgeous graphics that push the envelope is only half a Shenmue as far as I'm concerned.
If you'd given the game a proper chance maybe you'd think differently ;-)

It's worth remembering there was never an option for a AAA Shenmue III. They had no SEGA, no tech, no team at first, and a small budget that was a constant moving target.

They could've played it safe and settled for a story-focussed walking sim with QTEs, but we're getting a fully-fledged 30~ hour adventure with most of the Shenmue staples: hundreds of unique NPCs with voiced dialogue, loads of mini games, beautiful environments, a satisfying combat system (with new RPG hooks), an interesting economy etc.

For people to dismiss this minor miracle just because the character animation's a bit janky would be a crying shame, in my opinion. It's fine for most JRPGs to have super basic animation, static towns, non-voiced characters, 2D portraits etc. but when Shenmue shoots for the stars and tries to offer something far more ambitious it gets shot down for not having AAA production values. I'm just glad Yu Suzuki has stuck to his guns and has put everything into delivering a game fans will love.