
Oct 25, 2017

Included in the Season Pass:
1. Additional Episode 1
2. Additional Episode 2
3. Additional Episode 3

The Season Pass Bonus will be released on the same day as the game. Item 1 is planned to be released before the end of April 2024. Item 2 is planned to be released before the end of July 2024. Item 3 is planned to be released before the end of September 2024."


Oct 25, 2017
Good to note for anyone who wants to do the rogue saber digressions. You have to to the choice combo to Todoroki and Rat. I'm finding this out the hard way since I did:

respectively for my playthroughs.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a trophy guide available yet? I want to start the game today, but as always, afraid to skip missables.


Mar 1, 2021
so for you FGO sickos hows the writing compare to that games arcs like lost belt no clue if any of the same writers like Nasu worked on this

for a muso it seems like it could be fun and outside the world design the visual effects and cutscenes look very pretty for a anime game but as usual KT games don't run great on pc :/


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a trophy guide available yet? I want to start the game today, but as always, afraid to skip missables.
The only thing really missable are digressions which the game tells you will disappear when you go to progress the story. Even if you do miss them though the game is built around multiple playthroughs and it's pretty easy to grab the ones you miss in NG+

so for you FGO sickos hows the writing compare to that games arcs like lost belt no clue if any of the same writers like Nasu worked on this

for a muso it seems like it could be fun and outside the world design the visual effects and cutscenes look very pretty for a anime game but as usual KT games don't run great on pc :/
Good though it's built around 3 endings and the "true ending" you can get in NG+ is the one that really ties the story together. The writing team is the FE Three Houses writing team iirc.


Oct 25, 2017
so for you FGO sickos hows the writing compare to that games arcs like lost belt no clue if any of the same writers like Nasu worked on this

for a muso it seems like it could be fun and outside the world design the visual effects and cutscenes look very pretty for a anime game but as usual KT games don't run great on pc :/
I would put the writing generally on the level of LB1/2/4/5 or the better EoR chapters, but not as good as LB6. That said, it also has a much more fleshed out protagonist than FGO does, which is a point in its favor.

As for who wrote it: Nasu came up with the initial ideas for the project while consulting with Kou Shibusawa. Sakurai and Higashide came up with the initial story outline along with the various characters, background lore, and so on. The first draft of everything was written by the Koei Tecmo writers responsible for Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Age of Calamity. Sakurai and Higashide then rewrote things as necessary according to which characters they were overseeing and made sure everything fit properly with TM lore.

Sakurai was responsible for Iori and Saber, and they ended up rewriting quite a lot of their dialogue to the point that Sakurai and Higashide are credited as writers and as supervisors. There are points of the game where I'm pretty sure you can tell Sakurai is writing when the dialogue suddenly becomes fancier, particualrly in scenes that break down Iori and Saber's characters. I believe Higashide was more hands-off but may have been involved more heavily for Lancer, who was included in the game at their suggestion. Nasu reviewed everything at the end of the process, and I expect he may have also made edits to the dialogue for his pet characters like Tamamo Aria and Gilgamesh. Nasu did mention in interviews that he had to make less changes than expected as the Koei Tecmo writers were both skilled and were fans of Fate to begin with.

As for who was assigned which character beyond the protagonists, I'm not actually sure since I don't believe there's a breakdown anywhere, but from experience with the writers I'd expect Sakurai was responsible for Yui+Rider, Tsuchimikado+Caster, Dorothea+Assassin (this one's more of a wild guess than the others), Takao+both Berserkers, and Rogue Saber while Higashide was responsible for Zheng+Archer, Chiemon+Lancer, and the remaining Rogues.

EDIT: Apparently this actually was described in the material book, at least to the extent that it mentioned who created each character. So Nasu has sole credit for Rogue Lancer and shared credit for Iori and Musashi, even though he likely didn't write much/any of their dialogue in the game, and Meteor is credited with Crice even though he's not in the game's credits...but he's done uncredited work on TM games before so it's possible he may have been involved just for her by providing ideas and reviewing her dialogue.

I was right for who created almost every character except team Caster, which was handled by Higashide.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing really missable are digressions which the game tells you will disappear when you go to progress the story. Even if you do miss them though the game is built around multiple playthroughs and it's pretty easy to grab the ones you miss in NG+

That's great to know, thank you!


Oct 25, 2017
That's great to know, thank you!
It's kind of worth noting that as the story progresses some areas also become locked down eventually where you can't access large portions of the area, and that rogue servants who are beaten in the story can become unusable until new game plus which also locks you from their skill trees and by extension certain Iori skills that require unlocking a set number from their trees if you hadn't unlocked them already


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
damn battle recollections giving me big loots

it is funny though that i continue to die in 1-2 hits from random bullshit regardless of my level, like hey are you not at full hp fighting rider? catch this instant grab and die

but void stance makes up for it since it kinda shreds


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of worth noting that as the story progresses some areas also become locked down eventually where you can't access large portions of the area, and that rogue servants who are beaten in the story can become unusable until new game plus which also locks you from their skill trees and by extension certain Iori skills that require unlocking a set number from their trees if you hadn't unlocked them already

Do you happen to know how long the game is, with all the multiple playthroughs and the true ending?


Oct 25, 2017
Do you happen to know how long the game is, with all the multiple playthroughs and the true ending?
Getting all three endings, while reloading for the third ending on NG+ instead of doing a third playthrough, took me about 55 hours. This was a "most things done" playthrough on Normal difficulty only. The only things I didn't do were the "all upgrades" achievements, which require a bit of extra grinding for materials and clearing out at least 15 of the "Battle Recollections" (basically boss fight replays), and the "all logs" achievement which requires combing through every area in the game for some bonus encyclopedia entries. I did end up 100%ing the available story cutscenes and sidequests.

The total playtime if you're going for all achievements and/or want to play through the game on the highest difficulty in NG+ is probably closer to 60-70 hours.


Mar 1, 2021
well that's good to hear thanks for all the break downs it's nice to get a solid Fate game that is condensed in a nice amount of time with some fun gameplay to fill in all the plot

surprised to see the FE team working on this and the rest for each of the characters pretty much being okay'd by Nasu sounds promising as well ,excited to get deeper into this needed a JRPG of sorts in my downtime atm
Sep 5, 2021
so for you FGO sickos hows the writing compare to that games arcs like lost belt no clue if any of the same writers like Nasu worked on this

for a muso it seems like it could be fun and outside the world design the visual effects and cutscenes look very pretty for a anime game but as usual KT games don't run great on pc :/


I found the translations of several interviews with various people responsible for the game. Here are parts of them (to read the full versions click on the links):

Character Designer's comments: Wataru Rei

Q1. What were your first thoughts on this project and how did you feel when offered the role of character designer?

I was obviously happy to hear about but I didn't feel confident I'd be a good choice for a project this big. I never even dreamed I'd one day be asked to draw a Saberfaced Saber.

Making a period piece was an unlikely idea even for a series with as long a history as this one. Add that to Koei Tecmo's action elements, and you really get a Holy Grail War like none ever before. I was really excited about that.

Q3. Any favorite characters? I could be just anyone you've been paying special attention to.
After receiving the game's script and all designs, my favorites were the Assassin team. I got very attached to their characterization and Assassin's design is way too catered to my tastes... I've been drawing him a lot in my free time. Producing his sprite was a hard-fought battle due to him being so much bigger than the standard model size, but I really wanted to draw him.

Second place goes to Lancer's story. I look forward to finding out how did she got summoned in that form and where is her arc going by playing on my own game copy.

Q4. If you already played the Fate/Samurai Remnant demo, how did you feel about it?
I enjoyed walking around town with my Servant in the exploration parts. Saber was cute like a puppy, entrance with curiosity about pretty much everything.
In battle, you can sometimes control the Servant instead of just the Master, which gives a really good taste of superhuman power. You got something like team moves you can unleash under certain conditions, and that was kinda frustrating because I always whiffed them... (laughs). I look forward to seeing the intro cut-ins for all the other teams. Oh, and please check the opening animation. It's gorgeous.

Story Director's comments: Higashide Yuuichirou

Q1. What were your first thoughts on this project and how did you feel when offered the role of character designer?

When I was told we'd be doing it with Koei Tecmo, I had no expectations. "It's going to be just some action game with familiar Servants", I thought. Then I heard it was set in the early Edo period, the protagonist was Miyamoto Iori, and his Servant was ******, and that's when my chest clutched and I knew this was going to be something.

Q2. As one of Fate's writers, tell us what felt memorable in your interactions with Samurai Remnant's staff, including their writers.

If felt that their writers had a perfect grasp of what kind of game we were trying to make, and this comprehension never stopped them from being ambitious with their script. They were particularly remarkable in handling the voice actor recordings. There it really felt like they completely understood everything we wanted to with this story and what the characters were feeling at all times. It was a wonderful time!

Q4. If you already played the Fate/Samurai Remnant demo, how did you feel about it?
One character's sudden appearance got me really hyped despite me being a story director and already knowing all the spoilers and future developments of the plot. Having visuals to go along with really reawakened me to the potential of this game.

Also, one comment I'll repeat because I think it's really funny: "Man, Fate's Edo Period is scary. Whenever you get into a fight with a thug, new thugs start appearing out of thin air!"

A 2-meter tall sumo wrestler! (generic enemy) A mysterious ronin with amazing skills! (generic enemy) Our Servant making quick work of them (so strong, so powerful)!

And the additional enemies that keep spawning in without any fear of this overwhelming might! Run away, guys! Can't you see all the people getting snapped like twigs right in front of you?

Every fight got me questioning how realistically we could write this off as a gas explosion.

Also, my greatest expectations are for the drama that can be produced with the story and gameplay integration. I'm really looking forward to playing the game for myself.

Story Director's comments: Sakurai Hikaru

Q1. What were your first thoughts on this project and how did you feel when offered the role of character designer?

When I was told we'd be doing a new Fate/ with Koei Tecmo, I still had no idea what I was getting into. It was only when Nasu and Takeuchi told me that protagonist and his Servant were Miyamoto Iori and ****** that understood how serious this project was.

Q4. If you already played the Fate/Samurai Remnant demo, how did you feel about it?

I had a great time playing the β demo. A storm of blades carrying blood in its winds! Unprecedented action gameplay through a Samurai Master trying to fight side-by-side with a superhuman Servant...! Yes, Servants are strong. They can take on ronins, ninjas, gokenins, and whatnot in droves and blow them away like it's nothing. They're strong. Truly strong. Even in a situation that somewhat limits their potential for not-yet-revealed reasons, their strength is absolute. There is value in getting to flaunt the superior level of a Servant in one-vs-many action. I believe fans of the Fate/ series will have a great time with it.

It took a lot of extra polish to arrive at the commercial version of this game, so much so that I struggle to imagine a better version of this game than what we have. Look forward to the release date.

What brought Nasu and Shibusawa together to get the Fate/Samurai Remnant project started? Could you tell us how you first met?

Shibusawa: I've been playing FGO for 6 years now. I'm such a fan that playing FGO became the first thing I do every morning. Its charm got me good, and that eventually grew into a wish to make a Fate/ game with Koei Tecmo. Later, a previous partner of mine, Aniplex CEO Iwakami Atsuhiro, allowed me to meet Nasu and Takeuchi. We got to passionately discuss our passions and aspirations for each other's games over lunch and discovered we had a lot in common. It was an unforgettable occasion.

Nasu: As you know, Shibusawa is a legendary veteran of the gaming industry. So when Mr. Iwakura introduced me to him, I took that as a study opportunity. It's not every day you get to directly ask someone who fought in the Dawn and the Expansion of Gaming about the challenges and emotions of that era. But what surprised me going there was how familiar he was with the current gaming scene. And the greater shock was learning he plays FGO. I mean, THE Shibusawa Kou? Playing our game? And this happened to be at a time when I was completely obsessed with Koei Tecmo's hit action RPG, Nioh. While Koei Tecmo established its identity through its flagship Musou series, Nioh distinguished itself from the rest with its brutal difficulty and its obscenely well-polished gameplay which made masterful use of high, medium, and low stances. Taken in by the refreshing shock of getting a Soulslike from an unexpected source, that was all I could think of in the 80 hours it took me to beat it. I remember how happy I was to hear the creator of a game I love say he loves FGO.

Shibusawa: The Nioh talk was the intense part of that day. Back then I was still in the middle of my 3rd Nioh playthrough, totaling around 250 hours. I sink deep into good games, both from my company and from others. My current time sink is Hogwarts Legacy, but before that, I beat KT's Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty with over 100 hours on the clock. It's a great game, but harder than Nioh. I had a particularly tough time against the first enemy: Zhang Liang. It took me an entire day to beat him. It was so difficult I wanted to handcuff that game's producer.

Nasu: Zhang Liang was so strong! I totally get wanting to handcuff the producer. I'll never forgive Zhang Liang, Liu Bei, that Zhang Liao who was somehow stronger than Liu Bei and Lu Bu, and the three idiots from Wu! ...That said, I had a great time figuring out how to beat Wo Long's ultra-challenging bosses and managed to play the game to completion.

It's surprising to me that Shibusawa still plays video games for dozens of hours to this day. But what would you say got you started at FGO?

Shibusawa: I give every game that gets a lot of praise or discourse a passing check, be it console or mobile. If I like it, I finish it, even when some take 200~300 hours out of me. Reading reviews or coming into contact with the good parts of a game through Let's Plays is also a valid way to enjoy them, but I prefer feeling the controls and experiencing what makes the game good with my own hands. FGO was massively popular since its launch and is debated enough to frequently pop up on Twitter's trending topics. When I finally gave it a try, I was hopelessly drawn in by the curiosity to see where the story goes next, and its battle system was very deep in its simplicity. The more I grasped its gameplay essence, the longer I could keep playing. And most of all, it had a lot of cute characters (laughs). I quickly became captive to this love, and I still play it to this day, now having already completed all 7 Lostbelts.

That's amazing! You're quite the accomplished player.

Shibusawa: My favorite FGO story is Epic of Remnant's Seven Duels of the Heroic Spirit Swordmasters, and the part of it that particularly grabbed me was its central character, Musashi. Her laudable and earnest lifestyle, her gallantness, and her adorableness really resonated with me. That's why when I first met Nasu, I let all of my fan mind out and spent the whole day talking about Musashi (laughs).

Nasu: Shibusawa told me when we first met that he played FGO, but at first I assumed he was just saying to be polite. But as I heard him talk, it got me like "Wait a minute... No way, he is a hardcore FGO player!?". He gradually convinced me. I mean, yes, Musashi is one of FGO's flagship characters and one I put a lot of effort into creating. And this veteran felt her charm enough to passionately talk about how much he liked her for a long time. This proved we shared the same sensitivities and saw things from the same angles. That's a surefire way to earn my friendship.

Really? Shibusawa liked Musashi that much?

Nasu: By the time of Part 1's finale, FGO gained traction because it challenged itself to do things other mobile games didn't, and in doing so, brought about the golden age of mobile, but as far as I knew, most console game creators still wouldn't give FGO a chance back then. And it was under these circumstances that the leader of the giant that is Koei Tecmo Games played FGO, got to savor its story and gameplay, and fell in love with some of our characters. And then he came to me to deliver his opinions in person. It was the first time I heard a fellow member of the video game industry praise FGO, which made the experience all the more intense.

Shibusawa: I'm someone who played a whole lot of games, but even from my perspective, FGO stands out for the hidden depths of its story and the charm of its characters. It was certain that an amazing game could be made out of fusing that FGO core with the action know-how that Koei Tecmo Games built through years of experience. So after that lunch, I called our producer Shou [Tomohiko] to form a development team and put together a draft proposal, then we knocked at Type-Moon's door.

Nasu: The man Shibusawa Kou himself personally presented the project pitch—This was as much of a big deal to me as if Miyamoto Musashi barged through my door. Half of me was losing my mind at the sudden start of something huge, while the other half had already predicted this would happen since that first lunch. People who are still active since the dawn of Japanese gaming history are people who still love games despite knowing all the horrors of production. People like this are filled to the brim with love for games and the wish to keep making good games. And he said he loves FGO. When you meet someone like this, the eventual conclusion will always be "Let's make a game together". What I absolutely didn't expect was how fast he'd come in with his project for a new game... He cut to the chase with the quick draw of a sly old swordmaster's iaijutsu.

Shibusawa: After this opportunity to talk to Nasu and Takeuchi, I was itching to make a game with them as soon as possible (laughs).

Nasu: That speed made clear how serious and passionate Shibusawa was about it, and with how much he was willing to provide, I simply couldn't say no. —And that's how the Fate/Samurai Remnant project was set in motion.

How were you involved in FSR's production, Shibusawa?

Shibusawa: Me and Shou, the producer who conceived the project with me, were leading the main workforce. He selected a project team centered around himself, and this team defined the total budget, what the project would be about, and what would be the strong points of the gameplay. Meanwhile, my job was to play the game during the α and β stages of development and give my comments. Our company has hundreds of debuggers and balance checkers in the quality control team and we build our games by adjusting through their praises and complaints, but I also play all the games to decide how valid their comments are. In short, I contribute to the game's quality by delivering all this commentary to the producer.

Nasu: The development team is blessed to have Shibusawa's commentary. It's not only the perspective of someone who had a long career under his belt but also the perspective of a passionate FGO player.

Shibusawa: My comments are just on really minor details. Things like "The camera movement on this scene leaves Musashi off-center" or "Move the camera here, I can't see the smaller character because the bigger character is covering them".

What specifically did you do?

Nasu: The entire FGO writer team, myself included, got together to define the cliff notes version of the plot and all the character profiles, then the Koei Tecmo Games writer team wrote the script based on that. Then they returned it to Higashide and Sakurai for supervision... and that's where it got into a loop. And after that's all concluded, I checked the general state of the final product. Most of my energy is allotted to FGO's production, so I couldn't be too thorough about it, but I took the role of general supervisor following the policy that I should only comment on the parts that really were not negotiable.

Shibusawa: I believed that since we were making a Fate/ game, I had to assign it to my best staff. And for that, I told the producer to leave FSR's script to the writer team we used for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which received excellent reviews on Metacritic.

What were your thoughts on Koei Tecmo's script?

Nasu: Man, it was a wonderful surprise. I already knew how competent the Koei Tecmo Games writer team was from their work in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Whenever I talked to them during FSR's production, they knew the exact answer I'd want to hear. All they did just confirmed how high their level was.

But what part specifically made FSR feel special?

Nasu: From what I played, FSR is the Fate spin-off that most accurately portrays the power relationship between Masters and Servants, and is also where it is the easiest to understand. That's what truly surprised me. The protagonist, Miyamoto Iori, is a physically ordinary human being, but being Miyamoto Musashi's number one pupil, he's quite skilled with the sword. You control Iori to fight village hooligans and surprise attacks from ninja squads, and against those human opponents, he can't lose. In the game's prologue, he wins a one-vs-many battle without major difficulties. It's only natural that he's that strong since his teacher is THE Musashi. But against a Servant, it's a whole other story. After effortlessly soloing a ninja squad, he's overwhelmed by Rider. Rider is powerful beyond his comprehension and could one-shot him with a good punch. Being able to savor the difference in strength between a skilled human and a Servant registered in the Throne as a Heroic Spirit in an action game felt like a completely new experience. The thing that will catch your attention once you play it is how clear the difference is.

Shibusawa: The battle sections of the game leave no room for ambiguity. Combat against normal humans is quite easy, although with a few enemies you'll have to try hard to beat. The Servants in particular were all conceived to be on the difficult side, but that overwhelmingness is what makes them fun. I find them all very well-polished already, but we'll keep adding some extra luster as we can.

From the gameplay video I watched, the Servant battles looked as brutal as a Soulslike boss battle.

Shibusawa: I told the development to balance the game for broader accessibility, but even then the Servant battles are harsh enough to produce a few Game Overs. That said, the difficulty here is not any similar to a Soulslike, and every battle is designed so the solution becomes clearly visible if you try enough times or go level up your characters or buff yourself. As Nasu explained, it's a game that thoroughly lets you feel how close to death you are in a battle against a powerful Servant.

Nasu: If you watch a Servant battle, you'll understand the despair that is for a human to challenge a Servant. But the protagonist is Iori, Musashi's seasoned pupil, so he stands a minimal chance against a Servant if he enters the duel prepared to die. Ascertaining this balance was one of the main themes debated in FSR's production, and I feel like we found a good answer to deliver the game with.

This article also contains character introductions for the entire main cast of Fate/Samurai Remnant. Could you tell us if there's any particular character two you like to draw special attention to?

Shibusawa: You already know by this point that my answer is Musashi! Her new outfit's design is superb. She's so pretty, and dignified, and awesome. As a Musashi fan, I couldn't ask for more.

Nasu: Musashi's FGO outfit is defined by its classiness and catchy colors, while this game's Musashi is lavish and chic in a way that highlights her grimness and importance. That's wonderful in a whole new way. As for my answer, I'd first like to recommend Saber and Iori, the protagonist duo. Fate/stay night portrays the Boy Meets Girl romance between Shirou and Saber. Samurai Remnant, on the other hand, is centered around Iori's and Saber's buddy film-esque relationship. In previous Fates, you see a lot of Servants shouldering the darkness of their violent deaths until they gradually find salvation by meeting the light in their Masters. However, the dynamic in this game will be different, so that's something I hope you enjoy.

Shibusawa: Iori and Saber are a really good duo. They can be silly in non-overlapping ways so each gets to quip on the other's antics, and depending on the situation, their core positions on the dynamic can be reversed. They're a fun pair I never get tired of watching. I also like Chiemon. He's a man with an undescribable grudge, and the character with the most villainous portrayal in the entire game, but there's an undeniable charm to his commitment to his evil.

Nasu: The way Chiemon believes the ends justify the means can be considered a dark foil to how Iori fights willingly putting himself at risk if that's what it takes to minimize the damage to others. Another character I suppose I should call attention to is Assassin. He's got a wonderful design as an unexplained abomination that doesn't belong in this world. He's one guy I can see the skilled Servant guessers out there deducing the answer ahead of time if they focus on how his Class is Assassin and the tiny symbols inserted in his design.

Shibusawa: While the whole cast is generally eccentric, I'd say you can trust Zheng Chenggong to be your perfectly typical friendly man.

Nasu: Zheng Chenggong is a real historical figure, so we're portraying him in a way that doesn't deviate too much from his factual counterpart. He is a pleasant and honest man who has a positive relationship with his Archer partner. Keep your eyes peeled to see what kind of bond he'll develop with Iori's team.

I'm intrigued by how most Masters are Asian but then you have Dorothea as the only Westerner from the Mage's Association.

Nasu: Even if the story is set in the Edo Period, when negotiation with other countries was limited, you can't have a good Fate without mixing in heroes and mages from both sides of the globe. We already had a Western Servant, but I really wanted a Western mage too, so each writer gave their idea and the one chosen was Dorothea, the woman from the Clock Tower.

Now I'd like to ask about Shibusawa's history with Type-Moon games. What have you played other than FGO?

Shibusawa: FGO was the starting point that made me realize the power of Type-Moon games. Then Shou recommended me the PC version of Mahoutsukai no Yoru, and that one is a huge shock. The player-appealing power of a visual novel and the power of Nasu's pen were incredible. Particularly in how realistic you can envision the spectacle of the combat and action scenes from just the prose. And there's an amazing visual presentation on top of that. That fight scene with the doll in the amusement park is not even animated but delivers a high-quality cinematic experience with just clever use of event CGs. I didn't even know visual novels could do that. At the time, I emptied my schedule to spend a few days alone with my Mahoutsukai no Yoru. That is the visual novel genre in its perfect form. I know that a console version came lately, but that still hadn't been announced when I played it. I'm considering replaying that one.

Nasu: Thank you so much. Nowadays, games made using 3DCG for a photorealistic gameplay experience are thriving. But despite this, I believe visual novels can compete with the immersiveness of 3D games if the prose, art, music, and visual effects are good enough. The result is a player spending hours in a 1-on-1 confrontation with the art and prose. If that happens, they only keep sinking deeper into the game's world. Basically, when released the PC version of Mahoutsukai no Yoru, I started wondering if I had created a form of brainwashing device. The way you get to enjoy the narrative through prose is proof that visual novels are a genre that still has value even to this day.

I played the console version of Mahoutsukai no Yoru, released last year. I was inspired by how well your prose aged. The way the text and the visuals fill each other's gaps was sublime.

Nasu: Since visual novels are text over pictures, I believe each page needs to be a work of art. If you visually depict all words there, what will it look like? How will you feel about the text flowing in from each click? Each page of Mahoutsukai no Yoru was carefully woven with these questions in mind. That's why it took absurd amounts of time to complete. It was similar to the process Shibusawa mentioned before of replaying the game from scratch with every version update. After playing through the entire game, I played it again from the start to confirm how the game feels. "This is the emotion I want to bring to Chapter 7 so I should tone down Chapter 3", for example. Chapters where I wanted a quieter atmosphere needed to be restructured with as little text as possible, for example. These should give a good idea of how the scenes were fine-tuned down to the minimum detail.

Shibusawa: You were examining everything this meticulously? Must have taken forever!

Nasu: Oh, it did. You have no idea how much time I spent on this. If I was asked to do it again, I'd say no (laughs). Mahoutsukai no Yoru was refined like a glass artisan's work. A task only possible because it was made in an era when I was still young and didn't have FGO in my hands. Meanwhile, Tsukihime - A Piece of Blue Glass Moon had twice Mahoutsukai no Yoru's size, so development would have taken one extra year if done in the same format. So I had to change methods and let the art and music do the brunt of the work (laughs).

Shibusawa: I played the console versions of Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime later. Those were also shockingly wonderful experiences. The scene in the prologue where Shiki splits Arcueid into pieces made me scream. It was the shock of a sudden turn for the horrifying combined with the unquenchable curiosity to see where that was going to go. I had never played a game that shocking before, so this got me good. And I was happy to see Mahoutsukai no Yoru's protagonist, Aozaki Aoko, also appear in Tsukihime. I really like the way the two games connect.

Nasu: Thank you so much. I'm sure our readers must be shocked to hear the words "Aozaki Aoko" coming out of Shibusawa Kou's mouth, but I must assure you, I'm more shocked (laughs).

The console version of Tsukihime only covers Arcueid's and Ciel's routes, so we're looking forward to the continuation.

Shibusawa: Wait, there's a sequel? Really?!

Nasu: The old version of Tsukihime, released as doujin software, has Near Routes portraying the battles against vampires and the Far Routes portraying the secrets of the Toono family and Shiki's roots. The console version contains only the Near Routes and the continuation is currently under diligent development.

Shibusawa: If the Toono clan is getting a detailed showing, then Tsukihime was concealing a much grander story than I imagined. I'm already hyped for it. I'm coming out of this interview with more than I could've ever hoped for!


Translated interviews from Fate/Samurai with Shibusawa Kou (Koei), Nasu, Higashide, Sakurai and Rei Wataru

I found the translations of several interviews with various people responsible for the game. Here are parts of them (to read the full versions click on the links): Character Designer's comments: Wataru Rei Q1. What were your first thoughts on this project and how did you feel when offered the...


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I've been playing way slower than others and I'm not sure why. Just doing all of the digressions and going around exploring each map. 35 hours and just started chapter 3. Friend of mine who reviewed it said it took them 29 to finish. I'm not usually way slower than everyone else!


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I've been playing way slower than others and I'm not sure why. Just doing all of the digressions and going around exploring each map. 35 hours and just started chapter 3. Friend of mine who reviewed it said it took them 29 to finish. I'm not usually way slower than everyone else!
i'm guessing you went around doing those optional battles every time it's available? since you can easily refresh their availability with save & load


Oct 25, 2017
It turns out the reason for it is that the timer does not stop when you go to the home screen on PS5. Makes me feel a bit better.


Jul 25, 2021
Finished NG+ and the NG+ ending. Thoughts a bit mixed.

It feels like a really cool idea that sort of botches the execution somewhat.

The reveal that Iori is not a Shirou but in fact a Kirei is such a fantastic idea, but man, the NG+ cycle desperately needed a more extensive rewrite to make the reveal feel more earned. As it is it's basically just a handful of small scenes peppered throughout the same game you've already played, and it really comes off a lot more like "tell, don't show". It feels like if this was a VN, NG+ would be its own 15 hour route or something, and there's just not enough substance here. To the contrary you end up with weird shit where the game starts to make it clear that Iori is not a good person, but Saber will continue to get on with him amicably.

NG+ adds more digressions but these largely tell you things you could already infer from your first playthrough. There's a large focus on Chiemon who I didn't care much for. I am disappointed that they didn't use more digressions to expand Iori's true nature more, beyond offhand chiemon comments. Additionally, Lancer and Assassin both feel like kinda ass to control, making these digressions kind of a slog. It's actually kind of impressive how unpleasant characters that aren't Iori or Saber or Musashi or maybe rogue lancer/saber are to play as, especially after P5S has characters that all feel pretty great. Like Assassin feels like you're hitting enemies with a pool noodle ffs.

And finally, just in terms of the ending itself -- the fight absolutely should have transitioned from controlling Iori to controlling Saber and this feels like a massive miss. Instead of being able to fight unhinged iori with all his stances, you instead sort of just repeat the saber fight from chapter 4 or whatever with a few new moves at the end. Also afaik there's not even a unique final boss track for this fight wtf?!

Big respect to have the final ending for the game be such a downer one though. Also kinda removes any interest I have in the DLC lmao.

Overall, honestly surprised by the review scores. Having finished it I definitely enjoyed it but it felt like a good low/mid 7. low 8s feels pretty high given a lot of the rough edges the game has.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished NG+ and the NG+ ending. Thoughts a bit mixed.

It feels like a really cool idea that sort of botches the execution somewhat.

The reveal that Iori is not a Shirou but in fact a Kirei is such a fantastic idea, but man, the NG+ cycle desperately needed a more extensive rewrite to make the reveal feel more earned. As it is it's basically just a handful of small scenes peppered throughout the same game you've already played, and it really comes off a lot more like "tell, don't show". It feels like if this was a VN, NG+ would be its own 15 hour route or something, and there's just not enough substance here. To the contrary you end up with weird shit where the game starts to make it clear that Iori is not a good person, but Saber will continue to get on with him amicably.
I feel like there's plenty of hints on your first playthrough that Iori isn't the type of person he presents himself as and that something isn't quite right with him. NG+ just makes it a lot more blatant. Personally, NG+ only served to confirm my thoughts on what he was like during my first playthrough.

He rarely, if ever, actually voices concern for the people of Edo. With him it's always "it is the moral thing to defend the people" or "putting a stop to the Waxing Moon Ritual would follow the path of peace", or "killing people is against the law". But it's never "killing people is wrong" or "I can't sit still while people in front of me are being hurt" or anything like that. The first digression with Arjuna where he sees something unsettling in Iori is also something you can get in NG, along with Li Shuwen being cryptic with him. The most blatant thing is how his lines when speaking with Yui in her ending path don't quite line up with how Yui seems to percieve him, and he obviously hesitates a few times while deciding what to say to her.

Speaking of that subject: The way Yui puts so much trust in Iori while ignoring all the red flags reminded me of Bazett thinking she befriended Kirei in F/HA. At least Iori doesn't kill Yui on any route.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished NG+ and the NG+ ending. Thoughts a bit mixed.

It feels like a really cool idea that sort of botches the execution somewhat.

The reveal that Iori is not a Shirou but in fact a Kirei is such a fantastic idea, but man, the NG+ cycle desperately needed a more extensive rewrite to make the reveal feel more earned. As it is it's basically just a handful of small scenes peppered throughout the same game you've already played, and it really comes off a lot more like "tell, don't show". It feels like if this was a VN, NG+ would be its own 15 hour route or something, and there's just not enough substance here. To the contrary you end up with weird shit where the game starts to make it clear that Iori is not a good person, but Saber will continue to get on with him amicably.

NG+ adds more digressions but these largely tell you things you could already infer from your first playthrough. There's a large focus on Chiemon who I didn't care much for. I am disappointed that they didn't use more digressions to expand Iori's true nature more, beyond offhand chiemon comments. Additionally, Lancer and Assassin both feel like kinda ass to control, making these digressions kind of a slog. It's actually kind of impressive how unpleasant characters that aren't Iori or Saber or Musashi or maybe rogue lancer/saber are to play as, especially after P5S has characters that all feel pretty great. Like Assassin feels like you're hitting enemies with a pool noodle ffs.

And finally, just in terms of the ending itself -- the fight absolutely should have transitioned from controlling Iori to controlling Saber and this feels like a massive miss. Instead of being able to fight unhinged iori with all his stances, you instead sort of just repeat the saber fight from chapter 4 or whatever with a few new moves at the end. Also afaik there's not even a unique final boss track for this fight wtf?!

Big respect to have the final ending for the game be such a downer one though. Also kinda removes any interest I have in the DLC lmao.

Overall, honestly surprised by the review scores. Having finished it I definitely enjoyed it but it felt like a good low/mid 7. low 8s feels pretty high given a lot of the rough edges the game has.
I thought Lancer felt pretty good to play. Assassin though lol yeah.


Oct 25, 2017
i didn't expect ng+ only ending is that short. at first i thought i'll do a proper run for that ending way later like i mentioned before, but eh since i kinda want to compile my proper thoughts about certain chara might as well check the 2 variations of that and do what i originally planned somewhere near dlc 1 release.

anyway... screw you higashide & mushroom. lancer's inclusion in this game was a mistake. i rather being bombarded with those never ending onee-chan gag or vanilla apoc rather than having to see this "yes, master" drone anymore outside of this game
also how the fuck that shit chiemon can somehow use la pucelle to kill hieda no are?????? how is that even possible in the first place? what a bullshit situation

as for gameplay, both lancer and assassin are a bit slow to my liking. my issue with lancer specifically was that her affinity tech have uhh... lag or something after doing it. i don't remember actually having time to take advantage of enemy being stunned vs when controlling other servants
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Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I'm in early hours for the game (still in Chapter 1), but I'm glad I stuck with the game past the very iffy prologue. As a Fate fan, I want to love Fate content, so I gave it that extra energy, and the game has really come through for me.

The only thing i worry about is all the requirements for both skill tree unlocks and reportable quests. It would be really nice if I could pin those things to my UI so I know what I'm gunning for.


Nov 3, 2017
This game truly show its H visual novel roots when they dedicated a full screen illustration for (chap 5 ending) unprotected homunculus hand holding 0_0;;
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Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
finished up all the endings, i was foolishly going for platinum but i missed literally one stupid food stall probably in asakasa or something and that plus some of the green item pickups that i didnt grab yet mean another playthrough. and i probably wont do that right now!

as far as the endings go
they are indeed all bittersweet and entreat the darkness is like a straight downer, ha. but even after all that i can still feel saber with me. the game i think mostly revolves around enjoying spending time with my historical mass murderer friend as i learn to be a true sociopath, which you know, that feels like if you wrote in 2 more lines it would literally be one of those "you are playing the video game to kill as much as possible now you are the bad guy" rhetorics. if it is one of those its not that obnoxious though.

the non true endings are nice excuses to make big scary bosses including like a literal from software dragon, even if chiemon and zheng are kinda whatever and their servants (not archer, archer is my beloved boy) are also whatever

honestly the only ending that wouldnt have made me sad is if yui and iori lived, since saber cant stay. alas!

anyway, omega force generally makes games that are mediocre and repetitive but with characters doing cool things i really like, and this is yet another one of those. i never knew anything about the fate series other than original saber. and now i am reading fate/stay night and gonna end up gettin sucked into all this. so thanks omega force and type moon. i had like 60ish pretty awesome hours with that game and now im staring at a billion more hours of other fate stuff, rip me

oh right also the difficulty curve is so goofy, hard mode is prettymuch ideal for most of the NG playtime until you actually have money and become op, sword demon difficulty is like literally not any harder because by the time you can play it you, again, have money and are approaching godhood on iori. big boss nue and izuna are the only true threats besides saber turning the tables and casting that water shit at point blank range on me

i beat every optional boss in sword demon mode and all it took was some rice balls
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Jun 4, 2019
Finished the game, Rat route and I loved it, it sparked my Fate mania once again, took me almost 45 hours and I have no desire to do the other routes honestly, the gameplay while enjoyable it was a bit too repetitive.

What a great game, hopefully they make another one in a different era, Edo has such a nice atmosphere here, now waiting for the anime adaptation, it will surely come.


Nov 6, 2017
The good:

The characters.

The art of the characters on specific.

When the story actually moves forward.

The bad:

All the rest.

Repetitive until nausea "gameplay"

Repetitive plot points

Repetitive sponge boss battles (fight this boss 2 to 3 times in one battle, to later fight them again 3 or 4 times more)

Bland as F**** world.

Different music? No, you get to 2 tunes and f* off.

Different type of enemies? No, you will fight snakes, tentacle enemies and random yakuza for hours on end.

This game is the perfect definition of copy paste.


Jul 25, 2021
Very cool, though given its battle recollections I think this just means for boss fight rematches via the shrine thing next to house.

Would be nice if they continue to do free updates along side the paid DLC like Team Ninja often does.


Oct 27, 2017
Very cool, though given its battle recollections I think this just means for boss fight rematches via the shrine thing next to house.

Would be nice if they continue to do free updates along side the paid DLC like Team Ninja often does.

I wasn't sure since some articles worded it oddly when I tried looking up more info, but yeah, it probably is just the boss battles. Still pretty nice.


Oct 25, 2017
Hope they let servants dodge cancel their strings for the battle recollections. Outside of Lancer, they genuinely over commit with their attacks. There were times where I was thinking I'd rather be Iori instead of a servant. The fight against
Rogue Lancer and Rogue Assassin
Oct 25, 2017
its about $36 on pc atm. whats the general vibe of the game? I occasionally am fine with a fate story and im generally ok with the musou combat flow.

I assume its a fairly repetitive experience, but is the story worth the time?


Nov 27, 2017
I'm also wondering a bit, been interested and it's 25% off on switch(tho I don't know if that puts it in the faster or slower KT discount group)


Oct 25, 2017
Game is solid fun - enjoyed the story quite a bit.

Gameplay is serviceable enough. The musou part of it is trivial as the the real combat is breaking down larger boss or sub boss type enemies.

Some of the systems are relatively half baked but overall I recommend the game


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
yeah it's serviceable, and i enjoy the interactions you have with saber and some of the other servants. considering the ups and downs of fate story quality i would say it's just fine, more on the actiony side of things without a lot of like psychological moments though


Oct 25, 2017
The true end is what really makes the story for this game. At least in my opinion.
Oct 25, 2017
i suffered through fate extra (starting ccc now) with a bunch of cheats. As long as the combat is half enjoyable (saw that there is an easy mode too so thats awesome), im game.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Im at what I assume is the final boss of my first playthrough (Rat). Man they are kicking my butt lol. The whole game is cake until this final fight, which requires parrying everything. Want to see the other routes but I also want to get to P3R or Yakua IW. Gunna wait on the DLC for at least a bit.