
One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
I hope I'm alive to see the day that physicists finally manage to get gravity to play nicely with the other fundamental forces. I won't understand any of the math behind it, obviously, but this has been an ongoing project that humanity has failed to make significant progress on for over a hundred years. I want to see it happen.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought they'd already unified EM, Weak and Strong based on the Higgs Boson stuff? Or is that still work in progress?

(note that I have no idea what the Higgs Boson is or in what way it unifies the non-gravity forces; I know only the barest minimum of what's going on in that area)
EM and weak are unified. The rest aren't. Higgs is needed to make standard model work, which is not a unified theory.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty awesome reading that article. As the end says, there is no reason to assume either there is only a fifth force, could be more. The way we explain dark matter and dark energy seems extremely janky right now, be interesting to see if new forces make it feel more intuitive or even crazier.


Oct 26, 2017
I read the article, thought it was interesting, and wanted to learn more about Beryllium-8...

2 hours later I emerge from the nuclear physics rabbit hole I dug myself into. I demand my sleep back, OP!

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017

You can only have four copies of the same card in your deck in MtG.
How did so many people get this joke!?

Thanks in any case :)


Oct 25, 2017
It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.
Oct 27, 2017
Careful, this is not a replication. It's a theory paper discussing models that might explain the signal, not a new independent measurement.

Anyway, this is being overhyped by the press as usual, and I wouldn't bet on it standing. Here's a particularly lucid assessment by experimentalist and data analysis expert Tommaso Dorigo, who works at the CMS experiment at the LHC:


Oct 28, 2017
This is why I'm always kinda skeptical actually when people say things like "we'll never travel outside of our solar system!" and stuff like that.

We barely understand our universe as is. There's so much we don't yet understand, dark matter and energy are 95% of the universe (we think) and we can't properly even quantify those.

Agreed, we know nothing. Particles spontaneously come into and exit existence in empty space. Constantly I hear people say the edge of the universe...like peek a boo if we can't see beyond a local "universe" it doesn't exist?


Oct 28, 2017
This is why I'm always kinda skeptical actually when people say things like "we'll never travel outside of our solar system!" and stuff like that.

We barely understand our universe as is. There's so much we don't yet understand, dark matter and energy are 95% of the universe (we think) and we can't properly even quantify those.
I also hate people that disregard a before the Big Bang. Bitch just because we can't see what happened before doesn't mean there wasn't something there!