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Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
I guess I'm undecided for now. With people suggesting we should pick based on F2P picks, bare in mind those free picks won't last forever. As we can attest to the remove of the free CYL1 pick.

In fact, PM1 in particular hasn't exactly been using B!Micaiah much. He pretty much stopped using B!Lyn when we got B!Louise from the TT+.

And Eir more less kind of made PM1 not use healers all that much either.


Oct 25, 2017
I still haven't picked my free CYL2 or 3 hero. Ended up pulling multiple copies of the ones from CYL2 so the free pick is likely fodder. Waiting to see which one of the CYL3 I don't get as a random pity breaker and then fodder them too.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
Plumeria with dat jump to 6th place! *chef kiss*

May 18, 2018
Marth get shafted again lol.
I guess there would be less competition next year, besides maybe Chrom, Yuri, M!Byleth, and Seliph(If he doesn't get an alt for 2020). Though maybe he will get third because it's practically tradition now.

For females, I expect Bernie, Eirika, and maybe Constance.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I doubt she will get thyrsus since its technically lorenz staff and not a weapon to begin with.
Hades or Abraxas makes more sense
Marth get shafted again lol.
I guess there would be less competition next year, besides maybe Chrom, Yuri, M!Byleth, and Seliph(If he doesn't get an alt for 2020). Though maybe he will get third because it's practically tradition now.

For females, I expect Bernie, Eirika, and maybe Constance.
I really doubt Bernadetta will be able to hold up, specially if she is introduced to the game. I think her case will be much like Tharja that was 3rd in cyl1 but keeps dropping


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
We'll get the details on the anniversary goodies, by the look of it.

I just hope the day-long advance notice doesn't cause everyone to expect the world.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
About CYL, no matter if you like Dimitri or not, you have to admit if they don't give his brave alt a "Kill every last one of them" quote it will be disappointing


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
Did my last-minute full summons on the two old New Year's banners. That was a mistake.

Only three 5★ units out of 60 summons/180 orbs and they were all dupes (NY!Camilla/F!Tiki/OGTakumi). The cherry on top was that I ended both banners with 4%/4% pity-rate.

Horrible. A contender for my worst summoning session ever.


Oct 27, 2017
Ugh, grinded through most of the monthly orb quests to get enough for a full summon on the TMS banner and got my 4.75% pity broken by Swordhardt. Guess I'm not getting any TMS characters aside from Itsuki.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Let me interrupt FEH Channel to complain that I don't want to play Aether Raids anymore if they don't remove Surtr. Seriously eff this guy. I shouldn't have to carry around two dedicated counters, and still lose 50% of the time he's on the map.

Deleted member 9972

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Third anniversary taking pay to win to a new level, and hiding QoL updates behind a $10 a month service.

Was tempted to jump back in depending on what was offered, but damn... this is heading down a dark path

Iori Loco

Nov 10, 2017
I look forward to my free 5* hero pull to be a dupe with terrible bane and boon.

And no valuable skills, don't forget about it.

But seriously, don't know how to feel about Feh pass, the costumes with bonus stats are the only thing worth it, the rest feels like stuff that should have been updated for the new version, guess I'm safe until a character I really, really like gets to the pass, sorry Lyn, you weren't enough, although I wonder if now we'll have to check in arena or whatever PvP mode to see which version of that particular character we're facing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
$9.49 per month for Feh Pass? Yeah, not ever doing that.

The seasonal summon looks like it's going to be the biggest crapshoot ever. Hopefully we can manipulate the Voting Gauntlet into a good result for everyone, though.

I guess I need to see the implementation of the Divine Codes combat manuals and the exchange rate... But the rewards don't seem strong enough to make me want to merge up Mythic Heroes for Mjolnir's Strike.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
A couple thoughts about the show:

1. The Hero Fest stuff and anniversary goodies sound neat.
2. Oh boy... I really like all the heroes in the Valentine's banner. No idea how I'll get the orbs to try for all of them or just offer my soul.
3. The Feh Pass stuff sounds kind of useful, but I'm not big on the price tag.
4. Least we know what those pages will be used for. Could be helpful for merges.

All in all, not too bad. I can't wait to see who I'll jinx to victory in that Voting Gauntlet.

...My latest victim was Panne. Keaton, let's see how you fare.

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
Academy Lysithea already confirmed, just as War phase Lysithea gets voted into CYL. 😩

The best news from the update is that featured banner characters can appear at 4* now. Being able to trade for Combat Manuals is cool too.

Feh pass feels too expensive, but Nintendo has been implementing subscriptions into most of their mobile games lately.

The Valentines units are pretty boring. I might try for Rudolf, but I need to see his artwork and kit first.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
United States
I wouldn't be so opposed to the pass if it wasn't $10 and locked the autostart and rewind.
I've wanted alternate art for past heroes for a while now (Robin, Cordelia, and Oboro), but this is a monkey's paw situation.

Hero Rises Voting Gauntlet will be pretty fun to see unfold. Valentine's banner is okay, I'll probably try and get Faye.
Art at the end is always great.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cordelia and Lyn get an "alt" before Seliph, screw this game
The only good thing about this channel was the 4* focus stuff and the manuals, and of course that fehnix is much better than feh


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If the pass was just updated art and voice lines it would be fine, artists and voice actors are expensive. But locking QoL features behind it is an issue. Specially since they are using it to 'fix' gen 1 units stats.

The codes are interesting at least. The two paths shown had SLaevatein (who has mirror impact) and Kliff (Fort. Def/Res).
Also please, now they have a way to give away manuals - put the askr trio manuals there


Nov 4, 2017
There was some decent stuff in the FEH Channel that will get ignored due to the FEH pass.

I was like as if I'll spend money on the pass when it was first brought up, but didn't think it was that bad since other games do this and if done right is a smart way to add/maintain revenue.

Saw the Lyn costume and I was in, they had me spending money on this game for the first time since Kaden/Velouria's banner...... than I saw the +2 stat buff and was like eh..... you shouldn't be doing that.....

And it just worse from that point on, a lot worse.

Let me interrupt FEH Channel to complain that I don't want to play Aether Raids anymore if they don't remove Surtr. Seriously eff this guy. I shouldn't have to carry around two dedicated counters, and still lose 50% of the time he's on the map.

Is it 2018 again? Since when has Surtr been a threat outside of his initial bonus week? I mean ffs I used blue Est to wreck him back in his "prime".

The only Surtr you should be seeing is him attacking you with a completely redid kit in an armor galeforce team.

Cordelia and Lyn get an "alt" before Seliph, screw this game

Yeah "alt".... and they're trying to sell the FEH pass.... it's hilarious that this is your complaint about the FEH Pass, says it all really.

Seliph would also get an alt next year if people aren't memeing to get a 5th version Marth because they want to see him with no pants.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The cost is at least twice what it should be at max. $120/year is two full games, which 24 mobile gacha costumes are not.

I think I would happily subscribe at $2-$3/month, and would begrudgingly do it at $4-$5. $10 is ah hell no tier.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Am I understanding the 4* update correctly to mean that for new banners going forward, there is a 3% chance of pulling the focus heroes as a 4* unit in addition to the 3% chance to pull the focus heroes as a 5* unit?


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
LMAO at the subscription service! Mario Kart Tour is definitely effecting past Nintendo mobile releases! In seriousness, I'm pretty disappointed that the new alts are locked behind a pay wall, if I'm getting this straight.

But I thought everything else in the FEH was solid!

I'm just glad that "A Hero Rises" is back! You can definitely think of numerous possibilities on who would win. And the fact the free character is decided on a VG makes it all the more interesting. I can think of numerous possibilities, but other than duo heroes, I can narrow it down to Igrene, B!Fjorm, and L!Azura being some of the potential candidates for the event and that's due to their skills and they'll be used in F2P guides.

And it's interesting that going forward, one of the focus units on new units banners can be obtained at 4*.

And couldn't be happier that we can now make combat manuals with the divine codes.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
And adding more, eh I'm honestly torn with the hero fests since it's in a 3 week span and there's no way I can summon in all of them. I'm absolutely torn! Least we'll get 5 tickets each. Might just start summoning on the mythic banner then.

And Valentines banner. OH NO! Not more true damage shit from this Alm! Granted we don't know how is prf works, he has LUNAR FLASH!

Heh Conrad and Silque get alts already!


Oct 25, 2017
Good news everyone, the concepts for the CYL winners have been solidified.

Dimitri: Brave Reaper. Cavalry Axe. The Tempest King won. He never deserved it. The voices still haunt him. So many terrible people still run free. Fodlan continues to be plagued by outsiders invading, and cities are being destroyed by unknown means. By now Dimitri has given up and fully embraced his true nature, a wild boar that knows nothing but killing. With Edelgard's axe and the Death Knight's armor, he roams Fodlan striking down anyone he deems unworthy of living.

Edelgard: Brave Saint. Flying Blue Dragon. Fodlan is ruled by a corrupt church, and with the people blindly devoted to it there is no hope of breaking its grip on the continent. Thus to free Fodlan from the church's tyranny Edelgard subverts the church in her favor, declaring herself the true voice of the goddess. Her coup is completed when she hunts down and drinks the blood of Seiros and the four saints, giving her the power to control the church and even the ability to turn into a new Immaculate One.

Claude: Brave Bandit: Infantry Sword. Claude has always been an avid fan of history, but perhaps greater attention should have been paid to who he studied. With a smile on his face he became the dominant power in Fodlan, striking down all the evils that lurked within it. That is until he defeated Nemesis and claimed his Dark Creator Sword. From there his true nature has been revealed as just one big troll who played everyone for his own amusement. Backed up with a terrifying weapon and the descendants of the 10 Elites, Claude becomes the new King of Liberation, raiding and pillaging the entire world as he pleases.

Lysithea: Brave Hegemon: Armor Colorless Beast. Those Who Slither in the Dark wished to use the power of crests to create the most powerful weapon in history. They succeeded. The experiments on a young Lysithea granted her immense physical and magical power. She used this power for revenge to slaughter their leadership and take control of the group for herself. Her experiences taught her that only she deserves the right to lead Fodlan. Continued work on her gave Lysithea the ability to take an unstoppable monstrous Hegemon form, which she uses to force the entirety of Fodlan to bend to her will. Sweets are only the first of many tributes she shall demand.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017


No one posted the wee templates. So I have posted the wee templates.

Definitely getting in on that Lysithea action!

I don't mind the recency bias as Three Houses has by far the most Fire Emblem characters I enjoy from one of the mainline titles.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah "alt".... and they're trying to sell the FEH pass.... it's hilarious that this is your complaint about the FEH Pass, says it all really.

Seliph would also get an alt next year if people aren't memeing to get a 5th version Marth because they want to see him with no pants.
People are already complaining about other stuff so there is no need to pile on that, also let me complain what I think is annoying.
The resources that go towards this resplendent thing is the same that goes towards a new unit so i will call it an alt. They could easily give thise resource towards seliph that people have been asking for an alt for almost 2 years already.

Bara Ike has been tapped the most. 😎
Nobody can win against Ike.
His brave version is second green too.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
Nearly 240 orbs game me:

2 F!Byleths - YEESSSSS! One has the perfect IVs of SPD+/RES- and the other is HP+/ATK-. Will just fodder the latter copy for ruptured sky and fury 4. This is perfect for Nephenee and Karla! I'll just have to see if I'm lucky to summon another copy.

L!Ephraim - SPD+/DEF, not relevant IVs but he will be merged into my existing one anyways.

And got my first Loki: RES+/SPD-. Ehhh it's something at least.
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