Oct 25, 2017
The latest proposal, from Republican Stan McClain, would allow instruction in "acquired immune deficiency syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, or health education" only in grades six through 12, generally meaning for children aged 12 to 18.

McClain confirmed at a recent committee meeting that discussions about menstrual cycles would also be restricted to those grades.
He defended the bill as a way to make sex education more uniform statewide and give parents more leverage over curricula, and later said he was open to amending it, media reports said. The bill passed the subcommittee by 13 votes to five.

Florida considers ban on discussion of menstruation before sixth grade

Planned Parenthood advocates say the ‘absurd’ draft legislation regarding periods would present a ‘reductive and binary view of sex’


Oct 27, 2017
Because menstruation is something can never occur in someone younger than 12.

Fucking ghouls

Edit: God, reading the article confirms it's even worse than just the headline reads. They really are running backwards at full tilt.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I was born in the 80s and grew up with girls who definitely hit puberty before 6th grade, and my understanding these days is that sexual maturity tends to start a little earlier for more girls / young women than it did even 20-30 years ago. This seems insane even for FLorida.


Nov 9, 2017
What kind of Taliban ass bullshit is this. If anything, kids need to learn more about menstruation at an early age.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Trans people weren't enough, women don't exist either. Florida is for the cis white men and the cis white men only.


Oct 25, 2017
Its not about pro life or gender identity.
it never was.
But now everyone can see its about hating women.


Omicron Persei 8 Logic
Aug 19, 2021
Reykjavík, Iceland
No one should know about anything, actually. What, is school supposed to prepare you for the future or something? These children need their innocense crushed!

/uj Florida is a ghoulish caricature of a state
Oct 26, 2017
Of course. The same people that accuse LGBT people of grooming children want to prevent children from being taught basic knowledge about their own bodies that would help prevent them from being sexually abused.


Oct 25, 2017
I missed the "discussion of" in the thread title somehow and wasn't all that shocked that it was Florida.


Jan 12, 2018
I got my period when I was 10 back in the 80's, and those of us with the requisite parts certainly discussed frequently who had and hadn't gotten it yet a lot around that age. By 12 it was old hat to most of us. This is nonsense.


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
As a former 4th grade teacher in Florida, this is such an absurd proposal that any person proposing it has to be a fucking moron who doesn't need to be anywhere near children or hold any sort of political office. Fuck him and fuck the fools who support this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
No one should know about anything, actually. What, is school supposed to prepare you for the future or something? These children need their innocense crushed!

/uj Florida is a ghoulish caricature of a state

Ironic as hell that Conservatives preach how much they love this country but hate or oppose about 99.9% of it though.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Florida GOP is speed-running its way to 17th-century New England Puritan levels of living.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Many, many girls and people with periods get their periods earlier than 6th grade. I got mine in 6th grade, but I also had been educated about it so I knew what was happening to me and what I needed to do because my mother explained it to me before I was even 5 and I was taught about it in 3rd grade.

Imagine how many people with periods will go without understanding what the fuck is happening to them and think something is severely wrong with them. I've heard so many stories about people who had immense shame and fear when they started their periods but hadn't been educated about them, and how that fucked them up even when they were adults because of the stigma surrounding discussions of periods.

We should be teaching about periods as soon as kids start school. They need to know. Fuck Florida. They would probably also be happy if people with periods were forced to stay at home and couldn't go to school with the boys like in 3rd world countries with little to no period product access.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
It's weird that there's old dudes sitting around thinking about this kind of stuff
there is this classic:



Oct 26, 2017

Only out of touch men could come up with such a thing. Ffs, this shit can happen in elementary school.

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
Many, many girls and people with periods get their periods earlier than 6th grade. I got mine in 6th grade, but I also had been educated about it so I knew what was happening to me and what I needed to do because my mother explained it to me before I was even 5 and I was taught about it in 3rd grade.

Imagine how many people with periods will go without understanding what the fuck is happening to them and think something is severely wrong with them. I've heard so many stories about people who had immense shame and fear when they started their periods but hadn't been educated about them, and how that fucked them up even when they were adults because of the stigma surrounding discussions of periods.

We should be teaching about periods as soon as kids start school. They need to know. Fuck Florida. They would probably also be happy if people with periods were forced to stay at home and couldn't go to school with the boys like in 3rd world countries with little to no period product access.

Chad Varah, Anglican priest who founded first suicide-prevention hot line.

Varah's vision began in 1935, when, as a 23-year-old deacon, he brooded bitterly after the first burial service he conducted for a girl, who, by varying accounts, was 13 or 14. She had killed herself because she wrongly feared that the onset of menstruation meant she had a venereal disease.



Oct 28, 2017
At some point people just need to make their lives unbearable. Those making these laws feel like they are invincible and it shows.


Oct 25, 2017
Out of curiosity, how do they do it now? As a child growing up in the south in the 90s, we (both boys and girls) didn't start sex/health education until that age. I can specifically remember boys having to go to a different room on certain days during sixth grade.
No one should know about anything, actually. What, is school supposed to prepare you for the future or something?
Conservatives want people to be as dumb as possible, since smarter, better educated people tend to vote against them.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Imagine how many people with periods will go without understanding what the fuck is happening to them and think something is severely wrong with them. I've heard so many stories about people who had immense shame and fear when they started their periods but hadn't been educated about them, and how that fucked them up even when they were adults because of the stigma surrounding discussions of periods.
My Boomer mom used to tell me the story of how when she was little, her Southern Baptist mom never had any sort of talk about menstruation with her because good Christian mothers just didn't do that in those days or some such shit. As a consequence, when her period finally started when she was 10, she freaked out in terror, screaming for her mom that she was dying. Her mom only laughed at her and threw a tampon at her. As you might imagine, the experience gave my mom all sorts of messed up feelings and shame going forward related to her gender and reproductive system. If only the schools she had attended back in those days had had some sort of mandatory education about this sort of thing, it could've saved my mom a lot of unnecessary trauma.

Of course, with this new bill, Florida GOP is looking to nip that possibility in the bud for future generations of menstruating kids they're hoping to shame and damage, like they did earlier ones. Just another day in a ruthless, Christo-fascist culture.
Dec 30, 2020
...I suddenly have the urge to pull a Carrie with several hundred thousand gallons of blood in a fire suppression helicopter over the Florida political institutions.