
Dec 25, 2017
Do these exist? I've often seen people get on the defensive in threads about the objectification of women in video games and, in certain cases, claim that male objectification also exists in those games...

While I could see that being the case SOME of the time, I, as a straight guy, have a hard time thinking that those aforementioned cases are what people who are genuinely attracted to men find "sexy" or exploitative, rather than what a straight man/gay woman might THINK is sexy to those who find men attractive...

Being a guy that personally wouldn't be bothered at all playing a game like Danteyonetta, I was just curious if there are games that you all personally feel got the "male objectification" part right...

If this thread has already been done or discussed elsewhere, please delete and send money to my PayPal account as punishment...


Let us note that having attractive-looking characters is not the same thing as objectifying them.

I'm going to echo the sentiment that attractive =/= objectified. Think gratuitous nudity, dumb revealing outfits, pervy camera angles and similar stuff.

I want this to be clear. I mean where they are actually OBJECTIFIED. While I know definitions tend to have ranges these days, I think it would help if, along with your post, you tell us why or what part makes you think the game actually degrades the male character to nothing more than an object of sexual desire, if even for a moment...
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Oct 27, 2017
The Igarashi era of Castlevania was a hit with women due to the Ayami Kojima shonen art. Every protagonist looked like a beautiful male angel.

Also while not personally attracted but I've seen 9S been fetishised by both women and men on the internet.
Oct 26, 2017
Yakuza. I was playing 5 tonight and one of the playable characters took his shirt off to fight and he didn't even have a Yakuza tat and just showed it off to display his hard work keeping in shape for baseball.
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User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Can't think of any. The rare male nudity like Raiden in MGS2 or Dante in DmC are largely played for laughs more than titillation.

Like I guess some of Chris Redfield's alternate costumes like the sailor or Mad Max looking dude could be fanservice, but honestly I just see game devs slapping their knees as they chortle that "they made Chris look unmasculine."


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I can scarcely think of any example of men being objectified in games in similar ways that women are, to be honest.

Let us note that having attractive-looking characters is not the same thing as objectifying them. In other words:
The Igarashi era of Castlevania was a hit with women due to the Ayami Kojima shonen art. Every protagonist looked like a beautiful male angel.

Also while not personally attracted but I've seen 9S been fetishised by both women and men on the internet.
Nope. Alucard etc. might be "bishonen" and popular with female players, but he's not remotely objectified.


Oct 28, 2017
Hmmm... DmC Dante is pretty hot for a bunch of polygons. The intro felt rather pandering too, with him being completely naked and showing off his body for no good reason. And what do you know - a lot of people hated him, lol.

But that's it, I don't think there's a male Quiet in gaming. And that's okay, we don't need that.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like if any series has a lot of male objectification it would be MGS.

But as a bi dude I'm not really looking for objectification so much as attractive protagonists which is why I play a lot of Japanese games. They got pretty dudes on LOCK. The West just cannot compete, nor does it ever try. The West love their ugly dudes.

Raiden, Snake, Dante, Nero, Link, Shulk, Kiryu, Majima, Leon (RE), Adam and Eve (Nier). I could go on and on.


Oct 27, 2017
Chief's Kingdom

Need I say more?


One Winged Slayer
Dec 30, 2017
Zaragoza, Spain.
The Igarashi era of Castlevania was a hit with women due to the Ayami Kojima shonen art. Every protagonist looked like a beautiful male angel.

Also while not personally attracted but I've seen 9S been fetishised by both women and men on the internet.

This. In fact, when I was an inexperienced teen, Ayami Kojima's designs were key to discover that I felt also attracted to people of my own gender. I really, really do love Kojima's designs.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
There aren't any.

Literally, there has never been a male video game character that has the camera lovingly follow the bodylines of their body in a sensual way for the entire game.

A guy being shirtless or even a single sexy shower moment is fine, but unlike their female counterparts, there has never, NEVER, been a male character who has 80% of the run time of a game with the camera ogling them as if they were a sexual object.



Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to echo the sentiment that attractive =/= objectified. Think gratuitous nudity, dumb revealing outfits, pervy camera angles and similar stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
there are so few games that even CONSIDER the female gaze ... like Dream Dad is totaly oogle those men but they are not even close to being objectified


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
there are so few games that even CONSIDER the female gaze ... like Dream Dad is totaly oogle those men but they are not even close to being objectified
Yeah I'd have to say you'd have to go DEEP into Otome territory to even come close, and even then, those are usually restricted to stills.


Oct 27, 2017
Also I'd like to add that I wouldn't be against male characters being objectified the same way female characters are, which is why I largely have 0 issue with fanservice outfits, sexualized designs, etc. I'd rather advocate for that stuff being spread out more than get mad anytime a DOA game comes out.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Better define objectification first. Is an idealized body with little to no personality enough? Or do we need crotch shots?

Also, Genital Jousting. It's objectification to the point of just being a bunch of penises penetrating each other.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The Igarashi era of Castlevania was a hit with women due to the Ayami Kojima shonen art. Every protagonist looked like a beautiful male angel.

Also while not personally attracted but I've seen 9S been fetishised by both women and men on the internet.
Objectifying means that they're treated as sex objects. Igavania characters are just handsome in a less traditionally masculine way.


Oct 25, 2017
Also I'd like to add that I wouldn't be against male characters being objectified the same way female characters are, which is why I largely have 0 issue with fanservice outfits, sexualized designs, etc. I'd rather advocate for that stuff being spread out more than get mad anytime a DOA game comes out.

The problem is that so we reach a place where "1 metal speedo = 1 metal bikini" we need first like a full generation of metal speedo where women get pratical armor

And the DoA and Dragon's Crown go for the Slingbag Speedo AT LEAST


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
There aren't any.

Literally, there has never been a male video game character that has the camera lovingly follow the bodylines of their body in a sensual way for the entire game.

A guy being shirtless or even a single sexy shower moment is fine, but unlike their female counterparts, there has never, NEVER, been a male character who has 80% of the run time of a game with the camera ogling them as if they were a sexual object.


I think DmC Dante is an exception. I distinctly remember how distracting it was that the camera focused on his physique in lewd ways on multiple occasions. I mean, it doesn't help that he's pretty fucking hot (for a video game character), but I honestly feel like he was at least sexualized, if not objectified throughout the entire game.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
There aren't any.

Literally, there has never been a male video game character that has the camera lovingly follow the bodylines of their body in a sensual way for the entire game.

A guy being shirtless or even a single sexy shower moment is fine, but unlike their female counterparts, there has never, NEVER, been a male character who has 80% of the run time of a game with the camera ogling them as if they were a sexual object.


Instead, men get Xenoblade Chronicles 2, were you basically tame and "use" girls with massive breasts and asses and the camera loves to focus on those aspects of their characters, just to name a recent example.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I just watched the DmC intro..... might have to play that game lol

I wouldn't mind at ALL if Nero got some of that treatment for DMC5. He really glowed up


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I think DmC Dante is an exception. I distinctly remember how distracting it was that the camera focued on his physique in lewd ways on multiple occasions. I mean, it doesn't help that he's pretty fucking hot (for a video game character), but I honestly feel like he was at least sexualized, if not objectified.

I'd say he was only truly sexualized in 3 and even then it was for only the opening scene. Unless you wanna talk about DmC, which is still also only 1 scene. If anything, I'd say his attractiveness is played more for laughs than any sort of sexual gaze.

Research is easy with the power of the internet.
Ah my apologies, I got muscle March and Cho Aniki: Muscle Brothers confused.

You can see how easy that would be considering they're both basically doing the same thing.

Instead, men get Xenoblade Chronicles 2, were you basically tame and "use" girls with massive breasts and asses and the camera loves to focus on those aspects of their characters, just to name a recent example.
Yup. Even the upcoming Boyfriend Dungeon, a game you'd think would do the same, doesn't go as far as AAA titles when it comes to male objectification.

There answer is, there are none.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
I'd say he was only truly sexualized in 3 and even then it was for only the opening scene. Unless you wanna talk about DmC, which is still also only 1 scene. If anything, I'd say his attractiveness is played more for laughs than any sort of sexual gaze.

Obviously this sort of thing is up for interpretation, but that wasn't my take during my playthrough. Sure, he's not constantly bereft of clothing throughout the game, but the framing of a lot of the cutscenes has some gratuitous leanings towards sexualization, imo.


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped at Voldo.

Please stop using Voldo, a character who's sexuality is meant to unnerve and horrify, as an example of something women are supposed to find sexually pleasing.
I think reading the whole thing is important and the points that are brought up, not just thinking it's saying "Voldo is in skimpy clothing and is therefore being presented as sexually attractive".


Dec 25, 2017
Better define objectification first. Is an idealized body with little to no personality enough? Or do we need crotch shots?

Also, Genital Jousting. It's objectification to the point of just being a bunch of penises penetrating each other.
I'm gonna Google this in a bit, but I fully expect it to be EXACTLY what you said it is...

I think DmC Dante is an exception. I distinctly remember how distracting it was that the camera focused on his physique in lewd ways on multiple occasions. I mean, it doesn't help that he's pretty fucking hot (for a video game character), but I honestly feel like he was at least sexualized, if not objectified throughout the entire game.

Damn, I just watched the DmC intro..... might have to play that game lol

I wouldn't mind at ALL if Nero got some of that treatment for DMC5. He really glowed up
Hmm...I remember the first scene in DmC, but it honestly never struck me as a vehicle to objectify Dante more than just a cool, "edgy" action scene with some sexual nods in it...I CAN see how someone would probably find it a little teasing, tho...

I'm a straight guy, but I happily played Muscle March in front of my girlfriend. That game is mesmerizing as hell.


This is my first time seeing anything about this game and this screenshot was just so laughably confusing to me, because I assumed that this was gameplay lol...


Oct 25, 2017
I would definitely say that one DmC scene applies. Maybe there's more but I didn't play far into the game. I wish there was more male objectification in games, tbh. It's fun to indulge a bit.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017

This seems like a pretty interesting read with examples and references.

I agree. Interesting indeed. Even with the Voldo example, he's noted for objectification (especially with respect to gay male fetishism).

I stopped at Voldo.

Please stop using Voldo, a character who's sexuality is meant to unnerve and horrify, as an example of something women are supposed to find sexually pleasing.

I thought their explanation was well reasoned. He's not a sex idol, he's a sex object, and that can come in many different flavors for objectification (not just sexually pleasing).


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I stopped at Voldo.

Please stop using Voldo, a character who's sexuality is meant to unnerve and horrify, as an example of something women are supposed to find sexually pleasing.

I mean a woman wrote it this paper to begin with, and bases it off of physical characteristics and theories that she researched on sexualization. If Voldo was actually a woman gender with boobs included it wouldn't matter how much you talked about it being unnerving or horrifying. Apologists for that crap game Agony said the same thing in that the female demon was supposed to be unnerving and horrifying yet there were plenty in there saying it was still female objectification.


Oct 25, 2017
DmC from what I can remember, made my gf legit 'Oh...' during those semi-nude scene at the start


Oct 28, 2017
I agree. Interesting indeed. Even with the Voldo example, he's noted for objectification (especially with respect to gay male fetishism).

I thought their explanation was well reasoned. He's not a sex idol, he's a sex object, and that can come in many different flavors for objectification (not just sexually pleasing).
As a gay man, lol Voldo. How come Ivy is not a grotesque monster and is instead a huge tittied sex doll? These "different flavors" for objectification only apply to men, apparently.


Oct 27, 2017
There aren't any.

Literally, there has never been a male video game character that has the camera lovingly follow the bodylines of their body in a sensual way for the entire game.

A guy being shirtless or even a single sexy shower moment is fine, but unlike their female counterparts, there has never, NEVER, been a male character who has 80% of the run time of a game with the camera ogling them as if they were a sexual object.

This is my take. I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XV, and I've never seen a male character, especially one with a serious occupation as a mechanic, dressed in the way Cindy is dressed and framed in the camera the way she is. The weird part about it is how she's dressed and framed doesn't even fit her personality, yet alone her occupation.
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