Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

He's rightly getting roasted for implying a lot about how trans people identify and how more people have come out as lesbian as society has become more accepting.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Who cares about this guy? Dude has no career from this point on except being a twitter troll


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Dude sucks. I don't know why people even bother posting about him.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I kinda wonder if this is just going to be a thing going forward now that it's culturally accepted you can't be overtly hateful and violent to gay folks, so just make sure you couch it with a thin veneer of plausible deniability and jokes that "you don't mean that way."

You can't openly use slurs towards gay people anymore, but society's starting to twig onto the idea that there's more than just them, so now they've got a new target. Gay people are fine, some of my best friends are gay, but ugh why do they have make up all these labels when they should just say they're gay.

Anyway I don't know who this guy is but he sounds like a clown, and not even a famous enough clown to know him by name for saying stupid bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Wholly unsurprised by Glenn going TERF
I kinda wonder if this is just going to be a thing going forward now that it's culturally accepted you can't be overtly hateful and violent to gay folks, so just make sure you couch it with a thin veneer of plausible deniability and jokes that "you don't mean that way."

You can't openly use slurs towards gay people anymore, but society's starting to twig onto the idea that there's more than just them, so now they've got a new target. Gay people are fine, some of my best friends are gay, but ugh why do they have make up all these labels when they should just say they're gay.

Anyway I don't know who this guy is but he sounds like a clown, and not even a famous enough clown to know him by name for saying stupid bullshit.
fwiw he is gay


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, I remember when we couldnt question him cos he was saving all the LGBT in Brazil. At least thats what it was told here.


Dec 17, 2017
Anyway I don't know who this guy is but he sounds like a clown, and not even a famous enough clown to know him by name for saying stupid bullshit.
He co-founded the Intercept, which does do some good reporting, and he was the first to report on the Snowden leaks. But yeah, he has been saying dumb shit for a while now and should be ignored.


Oct 28, 2017
not really surprising, sadly. Glenn has been on a downward/clownward spiral for years

I kinda wonder if this is just going to be a thing going forward now that it's culturally accepted you can't be overtly hateful and violent to gay folks, so just make sure you couch it with a thin veneer of plausible deniability and jokes that "you don't mean that way."

You can't openly use slurs towards gay people anymore, but society's starting to twig onto the idea that there's more than just them, so now they've got a new target. Gay people are fine, some of my best friends are gay, but ugh why do they have make up all these labels when they should just say they're gay.

Anyway I don't know who this guy is but he sounds like a clown, and not even a famous enough clown to know him by name for saying stupid bullshit.
not sure what you mean, since the target of this is bi people and trans people, not gay people


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
not really surprising, sadly. Glenn has been on a downward/clownward spiral for years

not sure what you mean, since the target of this is bi people and trans people, not gay people

Yeah I know. I'm talking about the idea of the straight majority treating the gay community as model minorities as a way to further attack the rest of the Queer community.

Like, "oh you're not bi, you can't like men and women, just say you're gay." That's something we put up with.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how this woman he's referencing became a "famed" lesbian but she's going to have to offer actual evidence to support her claim.
i didnt know who she was either so i googled it

she was "cancelled" for writing some article once (i did not look up what it was but i assume its dumb)

and now hosts a podcast about cancel culture... so you know

also for the record she just said her wife is the rarest or something. bi and in a gay relationship (followed by something about her now making a new flag which... i guess is a joke? i dunno seemed dumb to me)
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Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
He co-founded the Intercept, which does do some good reporting, and he was the first to report on the Snowden leaks. But yeah, he has been saying dumb shit for a while now and should be ignored.

Basically every single debate of the past four years has been perfectly calibrated to short circuit all of Greenwald's ideological priors. His anti-imperialism has had him freaking out for years about how skepticism around Trump's Russian connections and fondness for Putin will lead to a new Cold War, and now his free-speech absolutism has him flirting with the gender critical crowd.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Lmao of course Greenwald sites Jesse Singal's best friend and podcast co-host to shit on trans people and imply we're erasing lesbians


Oct 25, 2017
The Deep North
I don't loathe him as much as some here do but then I was never under any illusions about who he is.
He was always a libertarian, never a liberal. He represents all the selfishness that entails.
He & his Husband live their life together under constant and serious threat, let there be no doubt about that, but he has always displayed the solipsism that is threaded through the meretricious philosophy that Randbots promote.
Oct 8, 2019
Basically every single debate of the past four years has been perfectly calibrated to short circuit all of Greenwald's ideological priors. His anti-imperialism has had him freaking out for years about how skepticism around Trump's Russian connections and fondness for Putin will lead to a new Cold War, and now his free-speech absolutism has him flirting with the gender critical crowd.

Or he was always a right wing libertarian who always had these views. Its just that it was harder to see when Obama was in office.

"Oh some people got angry at a person for saying that trans people are corrupting lesbians into being men? Guess I got to voice about how trans people are totally corrupting lesbians into being men." That doesnt happen, all that means is that Glenn Greenwald cares about gay rights because his gay himself, while trans acceptance, and bisexuals acceptance can go straight out the window.


Oct 29, 2017
Everyone comes at bi people. It sucks.
Right? I'm pansexual myself and I'm sick of the idea that I "just haven't chosen yet". Like how he completely dodges the fact that we have a culture & society that overvalues heterosexuality & demonizes homosexuality & same sex coupling (there are still places in this country that highly discriminate against anyone LGBTQ either covertly or overtly). Glenn maybe in such an all-encompassing culture bi/pan people who establish long term heterosexual relationships might have been incentivized through lifelong indoctrination to make that choice in the end as the path of least resistance and it's not the gross implication that they only made that choice because they were constantly lying about their identity.

I don't understand what people with this mentality think I gain by saying I'm pansexual. Particularly if you're queer yourself you'd take care not to fall into the bigot trap of saying that people claim to be queer as some sort of fad or because it's "popular" or trans people choose to be so because they're somehow "mentally unsound".
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Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Or he was always a right wing libertarian who always had these views. Its just that it was harder to see when Obama was in office.

"Oh some people got angry at a person for saying that trans people are corrupting lesbians into being men? Guess I got to voice about how trans people are totally corrupting lesbians into being men." That doesnt happen, all that means is that Glenn Greenwald cares about gay rights because his gay himself, while trans acceptance, and bisexuals acceptance can go straight out the window.

Eh, it's hard to look at how he behaved in the Bush admin, or how much he actually disdained Obama, or how much he promoted early AOC and think he's a right-winger. He's like medicare for all and climate justice and end racism and whatever else, but also he'd throw anyone of those under the bus in a heartbeat if it closed a US overseas base or bankrupted a Wall Street firm, which leaves him really vulnerable to being co-opted into this left–right "populism" fantasy that has him out sucking up to Josh Hawley and Tucker Carlson and shit.

And then this transphobic stuff, yeah, comes from him being an ultra-libertarian on speech and censorship issues. He's spent the last day or two complaining that Congressional Democrats are trying to intimidate Fox News into silence, too.
Oct 8, 2019
Eh, it's hard to look at how he behaved in the Bush admin, or how much he actually disdained Obama, or how much he promoted early AOC and think he's a right-winger. He's like medicare for all and climate justice and end racism and whatever else, but also he'd throw anyone of those under the bus in a heartbeat if it closed a US overseas base or bankrupted a Wall Street firm, which leaves him really vulnerable to being co-opted into this left–right "populism" fantasy that has him out sucking up to Josh Hawley and Tucker Carlson and shit.

And then this transphobic stuff, yeah, comes from him being an ultra-libertarian on speech and censorship issues. He's spent the last day or two complaining that Congressional Democrats are trying to intimidate Fox News into silence, too.

So his not a right wingers his just an insanely stupid leftist who constantly feels the need to suck up to people who worship the military in an attempt to close military bases, and feels the constant need to diminish other LGBT because his just really into free speech.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, it's hard to look at how he behaved in the Bush admin, or how much he actually disdained Obama, or how much he promoted early AOC and think he's a right-winger. He's like medicare for all and climate justice and end racism and whatever else, but also he'd throw anyone of those under the bus in a heartbeat if it closed a US overseas base or bankrupted a Wall Street firm, which leaves him really vulnerable to being co-opted into this left–right "populism" fantasy that has him out sucking up to Josh Hawley and Tucker Carlson and shit.

And then this transphobic stuff, yeah, comes from him being an ultra-libertarian on speech and censorship issues. He's spent the last day or two complaining that Congressional Democrats are trying to intimidate Fox News into silence, too.
How he promoted Ron Paul when was running for President or how he throw AOC under the bus because she called out Ted Cruz during the Gamestop saga, or how he never defend the Squad when he goes to Tucker Carlson show.


Oct 29, 2017
You got me Glenn, I'm only pretending to be Bi so I can cuff my jeans.
I'm in it for the massive interpersonal benefits it grants. My Christian mother after years of telling me how she'll be sickened if I never became pansexual, you know after reading all the Bible passages & hearing all the sermons about how only pansexual people get to go to heaven, was absolutely thrilled and overjoyed when I came out to her. It's so worth it to lie about being pansexual for the sake of enriching my relationship with my mother & her faith so much.


Oct 27, 2017
It's depressing how prominent Bi erasure still is. I saw this attitude way too often in the 90s and even into the 2010s. It's weirdly mainstream, even from other queer creators. Even shit that tried to present itself as queer positive like Glee took shots at Bi people. It has never not been gross.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Eh, it's hard to look at how he behaved in the Bush admin,
So, there's Willis' self-satisfied decree, in its vapid entirety. According to Willis (and many of Drum's commentators, if not Drum himself), anyone who believes that it's important for a nation to be comprised of citizens who have at least some joint national allegiance and a minimal common foundation -- never mind a common language in which they can communicate with one another -- is a White Supremacist bigot.


Current illegal immigration – whereby unmanageably endless hordes of people pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate – renders impossible the preservation of any national identity. That is so for reasons having nothing whatever to do with the skin color or origin of the immigrants and everything to do with the fact that what we end up with are segregated groups of people with allegiences to their enclaves, an inability to communicate, cultural perspectives incompatible with prevailing American culture, and absolutely nothing to bind them in any way to what we know as the United States.
The parade of evils caused by illegal immigration is widely known, and it gets worse every day. In short, illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone. Few people dispute this, and yet nothing is done.


A substantial part of the GOP base urgently wants Republicans, who now control the entire Federal Government, to take the lead in enforcing our nation's immigration laws. And yet the GOP, despite its unchallenged control, does virtually nothing, infuriating this sector of its party. The White House does worse than nothing; to the extent it acts on this issue at all, it is to introduce legislation designed to sanction and approve of illegal immigration through its "guest worker" program, a first cousin of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

This was Greenwald under the Bush administration.
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Jun 24, 2020
Basically every single debate of the past four years has been perfectly calibrated to short circuit all of Greenwald's ideological priors. His anti-imperialism has had him freaking out for years about how skepticism around Trump's Russian connections and fondness for Putin will lead to a new Cold War, and now his free-speech absolutism has him flirting with the gender critical crowd.

He's not really anti-imperialist, just anti-American government (mostly Democrats).

This is the same dude who made his career defending Nazis' rights to free speech and yet constantly complains about cancel culture.


May 20, 2019
It's depressing how prominent Bi erasure still is. I saw this attitude way too often in the 90s and even into the 2010s. It's weirdly mainstream, even from other queer creators. Even shit that tried to present itself as queer positive like Glee took shots at Bi people. It has never not been gross.

It's weird how it seems to be getting worse. Anecdotal evidence and all that, but I have several gay and trans friends who actively mock/discriminate against anyone who identifies as Bi. I would say 10 or so years ago they were much more accepting of it and now it's all, "Oh? Bi? Watch how hard I can roll my eyes." I honestly don't understand it.
Dec 30, 2020
I like to think he's having a breakdown like in Dr. Strangelove.

"We must protect our lesbians, and our precious bodily fluids."
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
The heel turn from Greenwald has been a sight to behold. It seems driven by a myopic interest in foreign policy and desire to make some sort of horseshoe coalition with the white nationalists on the right.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC

My wife is bi (was with and married to a woman for 8 years), she and I are happily married after we both left awful first marriages.

I wonder if that hurts his feelings 🤔.
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
His tantrum when he left the Intercept really was something for pretty understandable editorial concerns

He's unreadable. I've never read him much, so I don't know if he's always been like this. I also don't know what it is about Substack that makes them (not just Greenwald) think every piece has to be so GD long. You add that to the screed quality of Greenwald's adjective laden writing, and it's a completely disaster.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
I read through his comments in the Twitter thread, but I don't understand the reaction that he's "mad" at bi / trans people. Is there some toxic narrative he generally tries to push, which his Twitter thread ties into? (Note: I don't know much about this guy / his issues, so if my question is easily answerable via googling just let me know.)


Oct 27, 2017
As a bi boi...... We are always attacked it's so frequent i can't even

One of my friends was recently venting to me that whenever he's dating a guy some people make backhand comments like just commit to being gay but then when he's dating a girl someone would privately ask him if he's really just straight but confused.

It sounds maddening honestly, it's like he can't win either way.