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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
So I bought God of War last week and already sold it because I just can't deal with what the game has to offer, because I already seen it somewhere else.

Sometimes, people say that the AAA games are just a copy of another AAA game in another setting, that they are lacking originality or they just take anything that's popular in gaming nowadays... and I think God of War is unfotunately a great example . Almost everything I've seen in this game is taken from popular trends during these last 10 years. It's ok to take inspirations from things that are working but here is the catch with GoW : it doesn't work for me. at. all. The list is long so I think I will just talk about what's bothering me the most.

The first thing that irked me is the high amount of RPG elements, there are levels, armors, crafting, forging, upgrading, skill trees, talisman, etc. I'm ok with RPG elements as long as they make sense and don't make navigating through the menu a pain in the arse. But it's not the case, this game is just throwing me lots and lots of stuff at my face it's actually boring. There is actually more loot than in some RPGs, so much loot that I actually don't care about upgrading since I know I will get a better armor every 30 minutes. It also makes getting treasure chests tedious (and there is another reason but I'll come back on it later), since I know that most of the time, the reward I will get wouldn't worth crap, but since I'm a stupid completionist at heart I can't leave one treasure chest unopened, poor me. Also, I'm actually really disappointed but how much your stuff makes battles easier or harder, I kinda like the battle system but it doesn't reward skill enough, if I'm like 2 levels below a random mob, I will just hit him like a potato and get hit like a truck in return, it's really sad. I don't understand why these elements take so much place in the game, it just drags the pace and get everything longer for no reason...

Another thing that bothers me, it's the huge inspiration from Naughty Dogs games. Like The Last of Us. Obviously there is Atreus but it's not the only thing, there is also the camera angle (well it's in every sony games actually /s). While the combat is not has confusing as I thought when I saw the trailers, the exploration is irritating with this camera. You can't see things clearly since Kratos back is like on a third of a screen. Also the game is really beautiful (sometimes, not always, for example the witch's forest is a little bit TOO colorful) but it forgot to get to give player a clear understanding on where you can walk and where you can't, there is a lack of visual clues on that departement, sure there is rubbles that indicates a invisible wall but it's not easy to see from a distance with this camera angle making exploration not really fun or even rewarding for the reason above. Another thing that irks me is the good old boost you give to your partner to reach some places, this mechanic is downright infuriating right now, it's not fun, it's boring when you see it for the 47th time, really, I'm tired of this.

There are also others things that bothered me like the bad guy who is just a wildling from game of thrones that talks like a random vilain from a netflix series or the fact that Atreus sometimes talks like he is a millenial who browses 9gag and watches Rick & Morty. The pace feels likes Max Payne 3 sometimes where the game decides you will not sprint (sprint on L3, stop with that guys, changing to holding X does not resolve the problem) because Atreus needs to follow you even if there is no cutscene. The pacing also suffers from the old syndrome "you're princess is in another castle" where you're initial quest is supposed to take a few hours but there is also something that doesn't work out and then the game drags for too long for absolutely no reason. I actually did not bother to finish the game because of this

That's too bad, I don't totally dislike this game. Father-son relationship was kinda interesting and the combat is not bad per se but really, I can't bother with everything I mentionned below because I already saw it in a lot of other games and medias. It's tiring when you deal with this the 3455th time when it's not actually properly implemented in the game correctly.

(Also I'm kinda worried this game got such good reviews, which maybe means that everyone will take inspiration from it and I'm not ready for this)
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Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
I loved the game but I understand where you are coming from, you are right about the RPG elements though, it's pointless and felt completely out of place. Not to mention it wasn't very deep or interesting.

The combat system however is absolutely incredible. The more you play the better it is.


Oct 28, 2017
There are also others things that bothered me like the bad guy who is just a wildling from game of thrones that talks like a random vilain from a netflix series or the fact that Atreus sometimes talks like he is a millenial who browses 9gag and watches Rick & Morty.
Haven't played the game yet, but this is highlight of the post right here. Lmao


Nov 2, 2017
I take it you dislike the majority of the games you play OP right? Because almost everything have been done before.


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sick to the back teeth of that stupid 'Sony Template' meme. So reductive.

I think you should have done more research on the game before buying. Sorry you didn't like it.


Oct 27, 2017
I said this in the recent Horizon Zero Dawn thread and I think it applies here too...

God of War is a beautiful and well crafted game but feels so static in its design because of how homogenous it ends up being.

... I also hated the roadblocking, but that's for another topic.
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The Gif That Keeps on Giffing
Feb 24, 2018
WHY is this picture always brought up in Sony discussion?


All these games play very differently, yet they're the same apparently.

You're downplaying Baldur's role massively too to that of a wildling from Game of Thrones. I don't get it. Your talk of Atreus doesn't line-up with his character at all either.

I do agree on the 'princess in another castle' though. I don't think it hurt the game much though. Fair enough if you didn't enjoy it, but there is some unwarranted hyperbolic statements in the OP.


alt account
Jul 9, 2018
The game is too slow for me. I loved all the other GoW games before. They had better pacing.


Jun 1, 2018
I loved God of War from start to finish, got my Platinum and just couldnt get enough. I dont know what sort of expectations people go in with to get disappointed but Im still surprised this game doesnt surpass them.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with your opinion on some respects, I picked this up at launch and I'm struggling to stay interested. And I mean, I love Uncharted and The Last of Us and all that good stuff. So I'm not opposed to the Sony Cinematic Third-Person Action Game template per se.

But I totally agree on the RPG aspect. There's menus and sub-menus and skill trees and sockets and gems and crafting and buffs and debuffs and all kinds of shit! Jesus, I thought I was playing a fucking action-adventure game over here, not min-maxing an MMO build on a fucking spreadsheet. What gives? There's taking inspiration and there's downright not knowing when to stop and do your own thing.

I'll probably stick with it, but this game unfortunately gives me then familiar feeling of those games that end up taking me years to finish, due to going months between sessions during the playthrough. Shame!


Oct 27, 2017
I really, really wish everything bad with modern games were some highly subjective quips in a extremely polished, complete and packed with content game.


Oct 26, 2017
How far did you get through? Because the level means pretty much nothing until super late in the game or optional Rifts (mid to late game) and there's really not that much loot. You buy nearly every armour set and as long as you buy a set every now and then and upgrade it you shouldn't really run into a level spike unless you wonder off the main path.

Also, lol at using that terrible picture as a point. All Sony games have trees and a 3rd person camera angle? But it still cherry picks certain games and use cutscenes (UC4, Ghost and basically TLoU one).


Oct 28, 2017
In my opinion, some times a game is so good and so far ahead of everything else that even if derivative still stands out and remains a masterpiece. That's exactly what God of War is.

It's like saying Mario Galaxy is anything but a masterpiece just because it has the familiar Mario platforming.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I said this in the recent Horizon Zero Dawn thread and I think it applies here too...

God of War is a beautiful and well crafted game but feels so static in its design because of how homogenous it ends up being.

... I also hated the roadblocking, but that's for another topic.

For sure, the amount of work put into it is incredible, props to the devs for that


Oct 27, 2017
I think it is fair to say we are really spoiled this gen since we start to see threads bashing one of the best crafted games ever. Sorry to hear you didn't like the game OP. Just out of curiosity, what are your favorite games this gen?

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
What is it with all these dislike threads all of a sudden.
People are allowed to not like things, it's called opinions. What I'm sick of is how most threads which might have an unpopular opinion of a popular game go the same way, with fast drive-by posts and general dismissiveness. Every. Single. One.


Oct 28, 2017
Limerick, Ireland
While I can understand your opinion I really don't get how anyone could dislike this game if you're into action/adventure games. It doesn't sound like you are so ya...

I mean I don't like Air Combat/dogfighting games because I get dizzy so I'm not gonna go out and buy the latest Ace Combat.


Oct 27, 2017
Every time I open a thread hoping someone will have crafted a genuine critique about this game, and it all boils down to Last of Us like camera and boost mechanic.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Ah, I see there's a new version of that template.

My favorite part is the use of an opportune moment from the latest Death Stranding trailer that frames the camera perspective in a way that isn't true to the actual gameplay portions of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Shame you didn't like it.

I beat it twice, once in give me god of war and i still thinking about replaying it sometimes. All because of the superb combat.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm probably going to be heckled, but I found the game to be too shallow honestly. It's a GORGEOUS video game, probably one of the very best in terms of cinematic scope. But the gameplay loop was utterly boring to me.


Oct 25, 2017
People are allowed to not like things, it's called opinions. What I'm sick of is how most threads which might have an unpopular opinion of a popular game go the same way, with fast drive-by posts and general dismissiveness. Every. Single. One.
Is there any other way to engage with posts like this though? There are very few ways to respond here. Either you circlejerk over not liking it either. You argue (or dismiss, in the case of ridiculous borderline memes like that picture he posted) the points made in the OP. Or you just go "Ok, that sucks for you OP".


Nov 12, 2017
Did you do any research on this game before buying into it, OP?
This is a game that got a perfect 10 from dozens of outlets. Which must mean it's the perfect game for nearly everyone right?

I was actually about to have a discussion with someone in the fanboyism thread, but that got shut down. What I wanted to say there I will say here: It's not that you shouldn't trust reviewers, period, but be discerning about the language in the review beyond the number score. Sometimes reviewers will make empty statements and use purple prose (and I am guilty of this myself) to bolster their opinion of a game, and often times that kind of rhetoric does not translate into anything of substance for potential players. It's nice to see something you think you'd like affirmed by someone else, but if you actually dissect reviews you often find a lot of them do not align with your personal tastes so their 10/10 could mean nothing to you. It doesn't hurt to be cautious.


Oct 25, 2017
Every time I open a thread hoping someone will have crafted a genuine critique about this game, and it all boils down to Last of Us like camera and boost mechanic.
This thread has an extra critic tho. It takes stuff from other games! if people are not going to play games because they have seen it in other games, and the execution doesn't matter then we might as well not play any game.
I've gotta admit it's a bit deflating seeing Sony's primary audience all hitting their 30s/40s and Sony, naturally, doing their hardest to pander to them: everyone is old, has a bond with some kid, is involved in a "mature story".

It's becoming depressingly boring, and the stories often aren't even that good.
Sony makes 2 games that are 5 years apart with a kid and now everything has a kid. There're ton of games in their lineup that are not "everyone is old, has a bond with some kid, is involved in a mature story" if you actually looked.
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Nov 26, 2017
I've gotta admit it's a bit deflating seeing Sony's primary audience all hitting their 30s/40s and Sony, naturally, doing their hardest to pander to them: all of their characters are becoming old, they all have a bond with some kid, and are the centre of a "mature story".

It's becoming depressingly boring, and the stories often aren't even that good. Nintendo tried the same with Mario Sunshine, and luckily, never did it again.


Oct 28, 2017
Bournemouth, UK
Comparing Atreus to Ellie, one of the only close companions I've seen done properly, is firstly very surface-level, they are very different. Then to say it's been done before? Nah, not buying it mate, sorry.

The RPG stuff was over-complicated but as others have said you can largely ignore and enjoy the amazing combat and level design (lake of nine is one of the best I've seen).

At 10 hours in you should know the game is not the same as others...even other GoW games.

You're entitled to your opinion but I disagree with a lot of it.
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