
Oct 27, 2017
What is the definition of a hardcore gamer and what authority defines it?

Owning an xbox one apparently.

A lot of people in here saying "well he's right". About attach rate? Sure. But he then goes and says

This is due to the fact that our userbase is made up of more hardcore gamers, and we return to the previous point: it is our relationship with the community that puts us in this position.

Which isn't quantifiable and just a stupid thing to say unless his goal is to stir up console war nonsense.
Dec 4, 2017
Why would anyone be proud to be a hardcore gamer?
True, it is like saying "I'm so nerd", why label yourself ?
Can't be just a person who enjoy comics, super hero movies, video games, science fiction, rpg ?
in other hand I do know (unfortunately) some people who will use this to provoke others saying that they are true gamers, that their gamescore is a proof that they can talk about games.
But in the end, if you aren't crazy, this means nothing.
Nov 12, 2017
Attach rates will be higher because their user base is smaller. The console is not a mass market console. Mass market consoles have different type of users ranging from casuals(low attach rate) to "hardcore" users(high attach rate). More casual users = a reduced attach rate. That is not necessarily a bad thing at all. Greenberg's statement is frankly garbage tbh.
It is a mass market console


Oct 28, 2017
Ugh. Another cringeworthy statement from Greenberg.

But I'll bite. This statement needs proof, in my opinion: "sales data for many games are much higher on Xbox"

Many games sell more on Xbox you say? Okay, name them.

Name the multiplatform games also available on PS4 that have sold more on Xbox. We'll wait.
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Oct 27, 2017
Lol okay then? I'm sure if all the Sony casuals wanted to go buy Xboxes you'd welcome that with the quickness.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I ve got a badge from the Ministry of Interior, Casual Gaming dept but i want to apply for an upgrade hence the question. Also, can one use it abroad?

Gamers don't travel externally. Only through games. We aren't gamers because we have one destination but because we choose to have many.

I can't, just delete my account. I'm so sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
I would associate the exact opposite with an audience for entirely western games which require an enormous marketing budget to be remotely successful.


Oct 25, 2017
Greenberg is probably my least favorite PR guy.
Everything he says is stupid and disingenuous and he feels like a remnant of a time in console history that ended many years ago.
Oct 25, 2017
Come on really? No kidding the console with the smaller userbase will have a higher attach rate due to having a lower percentage of casual gamers. Hardly thread worthy. This site needs to have some standards lol.


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
Not hard to believe the attach ratio statement. Just because one console sells more hardware and software doesn't mean it sells more software per hardware unit compared to the competition.

Yeap but that didn't mean attach rate... that mean they spend more money on MTX or DLCs.

I read in NPD threads (two years ago) that PS4 attach rate was bigger than XB1... actually we have up to date PS4 attach rate so I'm asking if XB1 really has bigger attach rate?
That NPD data was retail only. We have no idea what the attach rate would be if digital is included.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Anecdotal but this has been my experience for over a decade now. Those serious about online gaming and such got an Xbox (often with other consoles and/or PC), those just interested in playing all the hip games just picked up a PlayStation - this is definitely the scenario in Italy at least. Can't really comment for other countries.

Got Danny

Nov 8, 2017
Greenburg is probably reading this thread laughing about how much feathers he rustled. Meanwhile his kid has been secretly harboring a ds4 for when he goes to his friends house under his pillow.

One day (likely 2moro) his wife will discover it. It'll be an uncomfortable discussion at the dinner table, but ultimately through conversation with his child, he'll realize the console warring is tearing his family apart.

Expect him to retract this statement tomorrow. Sometime after dinner in his timezone
Oct 31, 2017
Wtf does hardcore even mean, really?
Same thing I'm wondering. I've been gaming since the 80s on PCs and on consoles. I basically started gaming even before I knew how to write my own name. Am I a casual now because I don't own an XB1?

My graphics card alone on my PC costs more than an XB1 and I've spent thousands on dollars on gaming over the years but I guess according to Aaron Greenberg I'm a filthy casual now because I play on PC and PS4 XD.


Oct 25, 2017
Anecdotal but this has been my experience for over a decade now. Those serious about online gaming and such got an Xbox (often with other consoles and/or PC), those just interested in playing all the hip games just picked up a PlayStation - this is definitely the scenario in Italy at least. Can't really comment for other countries.
Hip games? Which genre do those fall into?


Nov 2, 2017
People should stop using one company's statement as general statement in gaming industry. That was for Ubisoft only, doesn't include EA, Activision, Capcom, Codemasters and so on. Really, it's dumb.
I thought I had a 3rd party source but can't find it. I do agree though, although its the only source that points either way.


Nov 10, 2017
In his defense he never said the Xbox one or One s had hardcore gamers. Only the OG Xbox, 360, and X are mentioned.


Oct 25, 2017
There's so many things you have to take into account to say such a thing, another typical Greenberg statement.

Greenberg is probably my least favorite PR guy.
Everything he says is stupid and disingenuous and he feels like a remnant of a time in console history that ended many years ago.

Same here, can't stand the man.

He reaks of that stereotypical slimy salesman, and I know they all are business men at the end of day, but I wish they had replaced him when Mattrick left. I don't know what sort of work he does within MS, but as a PR mouthpiece almost everything he says leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and always seems to want to fan the console war flames as it were.


Oct 27, 2017
Greenberg never fails to get under some of you guys skins.

Hardcore/casual we know what he means. Don't take it so personally.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If only they would talk more about their use base being more socially engaged (real world) and those features imthat make their fan base strong. They have a survey on the Insider hub about charitable giving via Xbox (like Amazon Smile). Why not talk about that and how their audience is primed to support goood causes?

This Warrior why stinks.