Nov 7, 2017
No shit
Lots of places are going back to no masks and this shit is still spreading
We fucked and unfortunately sdcc gonna be canceled again imo
I seriously doubt that. Calm down and step away from Era for a minute. I'm totally guessing that you live in Boston (since you're a Celtics fan) and that city is pretty good with COVID cases and vaccinations. Unless you are severely immunocompromised you should be good to live your life
Nov 27, 2017
I seriously doubt that. Calm down and step away from Era for a minute. I'm totally guessing that you live in Boston (since you're a Celtics fan) and that city is pretty good with COVID cases and vaccinations. Unless you are severely immunocompromised you should be good to live your life
Nah I'm in California and between LA and San Diego is the shit wasteland known as Orange County and riverside county
People stopped wearing masks a few weeks after quarantine here lmao
May 31, 2018
A vast majority of people are not going to care about anything COVID related anymore. Even the 100% rule-followers I know are mad that COVID coverage urgency "disappeared" during the height of Russia-Ukraine situation thus giving the "it's just the flu" crowd a victory lap and making them look right. Now the crowd that says "what about the numbers" are being met with people talking about hospitals saying a person died of covid because the hospital gets more money that way.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah I'm in California and between LA and San Diego is the shit wasteland known as Orange County and riverside county
People stopped wearing masks a few weeks after quarantine here lmao
I 'm in LA and I finally stopped wearing the mask at the gym, felt nice, hopefully we can all start to go back to normal somewhat,

We have to live with it and it's just about time. Even Fauci believes that people have had enough and won't accept wearing masks anymore and a reason why another booster shot seems complicated since a lot of people still have yet to get the first booster.


Jul 25, 2018
The media likes to push "rising cases" because they hope it means more clicks. Since omicron, case numbers have been mostly irrelevant. If hospitalizations due to covid are rising sharply, sure let's pay a lot more attention.


Oct 25, 2017
The media likes to push "rising cases" because they hope it means more clicks. Since omicron, case numbers have been mostly irrelevant. If hospitalizations due to covid are rising sharply, sure let's pay a lot more attention.
Cases mean nothing!

UKHSA data dashboard

Overall summary of the respiratory viruses in circulation within the UK
Oh wait no hospitalizations rise after cases rise its like the most basic cause and effect example imaginable. The UK is also better off then we are especially in vaccine booster coverage and yet patients admitted to hospital are up 25% this week while cases are up 38%.

Also long covid exists.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Almost like you don't pretend everything is fine when things are trending down. That's when you keep doing what you're doing. But that ship sailed a long time ago. At this point, most people are either anti-vax and they'll never change or they're vaxxed up and think they're invincible. Or they're immunocompromised and hoping that apathy doesn't kill them.


Jul 25, 2018
Cases mean nothing!

UKHSA data dashboard

Overall summary of the respiratory viruses in circulation within the UK
Oh wait no hospitalizations rise after cases rise its like the most basic cause and effect example imaginable. The UK is also better off then we are especially in vaccine booster coverage and yet patients admitted to hospital are up 25% this week while cases are up 38%.

Also long covid exists.
What % of the hospitalizations are due to covid?

What % of the hospitalizations due to covid are the boosted population?

What % of the boosted population gets long covid?
Jan 29, 2018
As someone with infants I still have no idea what to do. Continue being a hermit? Yeah it seems like babies shrug it off most of the time but if my kid ended up getting long covid for the rest of their life because I went out to dinner when they were six months old I'd never forgive myself.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
good news about the varriant

justice thomas was just admitted to the hospital with "flu like symptoms"

bad news he's expected to be released

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Living with Covid in the UK means 100, 150 people a day are dying from it. That's seen as acceptable.

Wonder what the US number for that is. 500? 1000? 2000?
Tbf those numbers aren't terribly different than flu+ pneumonia (80ish) and about cancer deaths (150).

This thing is here and staying people will die like they do from every disease. This isn't 2020 lockdowns aren't going to work. See Hong Kong.


Oct 27, 2017
Like others have said: this is our new normal. Covid is never going away and there will always be cases rising and falling throughout each year.

It really sucks but this seems to be the plan experts have decided on. We probably won't get waves like the initial Omicron wave but they'll be much more localized. And it'll mostly suck for those unvaccinated.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
My local news affiliate I've been using to track cases just took the main covid tracker dashboard off the front page along with any other covid sections or articles. They seem to have called "mission accomplished" despite cases here still being higher than some of the dips last year.


Apr 1, 2018
Lol my work just said no more mask without talking to our union. It's going to bite them in the ass.


Jun 13, 2018
Nobody is getting tested to be frank positivity raising means nothing with testing so low. And at home tests are super easy to get now.

Positivity is the thing that scales best across different levels of testing. Yes, larger sample sizes increase the accuracy of any statistic, but when things are consistently declining in a linear fashion it significantly increases the odds that its accurate, and that the decrease in testing is tied primarily to less people getting sick.


Dec 18, 2017
Isn't there some consideration for the fact that the last variant hit nearly everyone already? Practically everyone I know got infected. How is it even going to spread that rapidly?


Jun 13, 2018
As someone with infants I still have no idea what to do. Continue being a hermit? Yeah it seems like babies shrug it off most of the time but if my kid ended up getting long covid for the rest of their life because I went out to dinner when they were six months old I'd never forgive myself.

Kids are far less likely to get long COVID. Almost everyone who gets long COVID eventually recovers even if a year or more out..

The odds of your kid getting COVID and dying are slim to none. The odds of them getting long COVID are slim. The odds of them getting long COVID and having it be a life long issue are far slimmer.

Which doesn't mean it can't happen. But so can a million other things. Life is filled with risk. Just a matter of picking which ones you're willing to accept. Ultimately as their parent that's your call. There's a lot of things you probably never think about that are a lot more likely to hurt a 6 month old than COVID is though. Arguably a lot of things that go with being a hermit included.
Nov 7, 2017
the same thing is happening in europe. are they failed countries? at some point you can't get to zero. it's here forever
Even China is currently having an outbreak and their lockdowns aren't necessarily working anymore

And again I don't understand what do yall want to do besides reinstalling mask mandates. Do yall want to lockdown everytime there is a new variant???

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Even China is currently having an outbreak and their lockdowns aren't necessarily working anymore

And again I don't understand what do yall want to do besides reinstalling mask mandates. Do yall want to lockdown everytime there is a new variant???
I really think people lots of people are angry (largely rightly) we gave up to early and somehow think we still can stop this.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone with infants I still have no idea what to do. Continue being a hermit? Yeah it seems like babies shrug it off most of the time but if my kid ended up getting long covid for the rest of their life because I went out to dinner when they were six months old I'd never forgive myself.
It's real hard. Mine just had their second birthday and we've still not done a ton in normal public with him; a few playdates, a couple lake vacations, and one cross-country trip more recently involving a theme park and meeting family out there. It is very hard figuring out how we feel day to day, and I felt like the worst person on earth when the house all had COVID last year. We were lucky it wasn't bad for anyone. I'm not encouraged by what we're seeing from this administration or the CDC or my state. So I don't want to go full-blown back to normal and have it ripped away; I'll keep dipping my toe here and there and deciding when the water is too hot for me.

Also lol at the posters in here who don't understand CA is a vast state with really different communities goddam


Oct 25, 2017
What % of the hospitalizations are due to covid?

What % of the hospitalizations due to covid are the boosted population?

What % of the boosted population gets long covid?
The "with" vs "from" distinction is definitely not just the new way to downplay Covid since it is very easy to play with the criteria. Someone has a heart attack/stroke and also covid. Will be counted as "with" covid even though we know covid increases chances of both of those.

What is the % of people boosted in the UK vs the US? (There's a huge difference especially with the oldest more vulnerable groups and not in the US's favor)
We also know hospitalization protection from boosters starts dropping at like 10 weeks which most people who are boosted are past. And older people who are already more vulnerable are going to be lower then that since that's the average.
After a Pfizer booster (after either primary vaccination course), vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation started at around 90% dropping to around 75% after 10 to 14 weeks. After a Moderna booster (mRNA-1273) (after either primary vaccination course) vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was 90 to 95% up to 9 weeks after vaccination.

Vaccines seem to reduce long covid exactly how much is up for debate but it does not eliminate it so cases count matter a lot here(5% of 10 million is a lot more than 5% of 1 million) and it almost certainly is somewhat dependent on antibodies so long covid protection would wane along with all other protection.



The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I guess life going forward will just be enjoying the brief respite between waves as much as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like this is the variant that's been hitting Hong Kong and now China. Even with their strict and draconian lockdown rules, cases has been rising steadily in China with close to 4000 confirmed cases today, with the lockdowns in place since 2 weeks ago.

Gaucho Power

alt account
Feb 10, 2021
The media likes to push "rising cases" because they hope it means more clicks. Since omicron, case numbers have been mostly irrelevant. If hospitalizations due to covid are rising sharply, sure let's pay a lot more attention.
Has there actually been decrease in hospitalization numbers? Seems like Omicron is less fatal but since it's more contagious most of the world is still seesawing around same level of hospitalizations.


Nov 2, 2017
I was kind of hoping to get through this year without a new variant but i guess that's not going to happen. I expect things will remain open through the summer and then numbers will begin to spike up later in the fall making masks come back and possibly some restrictions. Unless a new super variant comes along that turns the you inside out i don't see a lockdown happening.


Oct 27, 2017
I 'm in LA and I finally stopped wearing the mask at the gym, felt nice, hopefully we can all start to go back to normal somewhat,

F that, I'm going to keep wearing my mask in public places for as long as I have to, especially around a bunch of sweaty ass gym rats. I'd rather be slightly inconvenienced than deal with any long COVID complications.


Oct 27, 2017
Has there actually been decrease in hospitalization numbers? Seems like Omicron is less fatal but since it's more contagious most of the world is still seesawing around same level of hospitalizations.

This is where we get into lies, damn lies, and statistics territory.

The extremely rapid spread of Omicron means it will tend to hit high numbers of hospitalizations when you aggregate the data at a national or global level, because many regions were hitting their peaks within weeks of each other.

However national hospitalization numbers are not really that relevant to practical issues like "is this individual hospital able to provide adequate care." When you get sick, you don't generally choose any hospital in the country; you choose one that is local to you.

At the local level, some areas saw much worse hospitalizations during Delta. However Delta's spread was more regionally isolated, so it didn't have the same national or global peaks as Omicron.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Yeah, going to keep my mask on for a while longer. It hasn't really prevented me from doing anything (I know that's not the case for everyone), I still go see movies, shop wherever I want, etc. So it just feels like a good idea.


Jul 25, 2018
The "with" vs "from" distinction is definitely not just the new way to downplay Covid since it is very easy to play with the criteria. Someone has a heart attack/stroke and also covid. Will be counted as "with" covid even though we know covid increases chances of both of those.

What is the % of people boosted in the UK vs the US? (There's a huge difference especially with the oldest more vulnerable groups and not in the US's favor)
We also know hospitalization protection from boosters starts dropping at like 10 weeks which most people who are boosted are past. And older people who are already more vulnerable are going to be lower then that since that's the average.

Vaccines seem to reduce long covid exactly how much is up for debate but it does not eliminate it so cases count matter a lot here(5% of 10 million is a lot more than 5% of 1 million) and it almost certainly is somewhat dependent on antibodies so long covid protection would wane along with all other protection.

Not making a distinction between "with" and "from" is also misleading. There are probably many people entering hospital with cuts and broken bones, and car crash injuries etc., that aren't there because of covid. But when they get counted in the stats and people don't look any closer, it spreads fear about rising hospitalizations.

Thanks for the thread on long covid. As I assumed, greatly less risk for the vaccinated. Not zero risk though, I'm not suggesting that. I will continue to not go to the cinema and I can count on one hand the times I've eaten inside a restaurant in the last two years, all of them practically empty at the time too. I'm not going looking for covid, but at the same time I consider it to be a low enough risk factor for me (boosted ofc) relative to the countless other things in life which include risk, that it's not worth getting too worried about.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't there some consideration for the fact that the last variant hit nearly everyone already? Practically everyone I know got infected. How is it even going to spread that rapidly?

Yeah, re-infection is possible but still unlikely.

I know vaccination rates are relatively low in the USA but the number of infected people/deaths per capita is much higher than anywhere else in the world and I suspect the wave in the USA won't be as bad the one that is happening in Europe right now which already either peaked or lost momentum and isn't going to hit the same peaks that were hit in the first wave despite basically fully opening up at the tail end of the last peak.

I feel totally comfortable living my life now. I'm triple vaccinated and had an extremely minor breakthrough infection in January.
My risk of getting infected (and infecting other people) at this point is extremely low.
I largely go maskless now and I've booked a holiday for my family at the end of April and started to re-enroll my children in all the youth activities they've largely missed out on the past couple years.

The only thing that could potentially change that is a new game changing variant (not BA2 which is just a slightly more transmissible version of BA1).
IE. one that can evade previous Tcell/Antibody protections provided by our vaccines/infection and is highly transmissible like Omricon but is as deadly as Delta


HEre is an interesting thread I found in twitter after I posted this that basically echoes what Im saying with the input of health experts:

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