▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Pre OP Note:

343 still has not explained how the Bonobo issue happened and what's being done as far as accountability. Out of respect for the community and those hurt/disappointed/affected by this, I'm using this OP to help those voices be heard. I will ask for the OT title to be updated if we get a response and threadmark it.

Halo Infinite Adds New Juneteenth Nameplate, Named 'Bonobo' After Species of Ape

343 doesn't deserve to skate by this, here's why --
  • Stop deflecting with this toolset nonsense. Not only has this never happened before, it would be naive to believe this is the first time despite this toolset not even being used for Infinite, on Juneteenth no less. People really show their ass when they throw this around, "B-But the toolset is named Bonobo!" Stop feeding that narrative, it's not true. Not even 343 themselves said that was the cause nor have they explained it. It's a smoke screen that was only mentioned in passing by Unyshek (343 Community Manager), but not even Unyshek himself in that Tweet made any direct connection.
  • 343 has a history of questionable situations --
Halo is an important franchise. It's important to fans, it's important to the gaming industry and its legacy, and it's important to Microsoft. But with shit like this, it really doesn't feel like Halo is cherished and respected internally, but Microsoft/343 need to start holding it to a higher standard. And that's not even mentioning the 10 years of issues with 343 games and media. 343 has proven itself to be a problematic studio, sad to say.

So without further ado, I present to you an OP fitting of not only Halo Infinite right now, but the community's engagement -- Not even a single OT3 title suggestion in OT2 --



Post Pre OP Note:

We all love Halo. You wouldn't be reading this "OT" or putting up with the questionable parts of the fanbase if you didn't love it lol. Do not take this next part of the OP too seriously.

Right now, Halo is enjoyable if you aren't having issues or can put up with the ones you are having. For many, many others though, things don't look so bright. Let's accept each other's experiences as we collectively hope for a better future.

Personally, I'm having a blast with Infinite despite desync, getting killed around corners, the abundance of an overpowered radar that players don't realize limits their skill progression, etc., but then again I still put thousands of hours into all previous games, even Halo 3 with its horrible netcode and bloodshots, or the 2004 host BR with years of cheaters, or Reach multiplayer, or the decade of 343 releases -- Halo's always been bad, except..

Halo at its best --




How it currently feels to be a Halo fan --




Let's be honest, this franchise's multiplayer has yet to recover since 2004 when Halo 2 nerfed the POWER of CE's gameplay, Halo 3 continued that trend as a Halo 2.5, Reach was Bungie waving the white flag, H4 was 343 not reading the signs, TMCC lol, H5 gameplay was a step forward with 57 other steps back, and Infinite was 343 lEaRnInG fRoM pAsT mIsTaKeS.

We'll get there though. Eventually. Maybe.

What, you wanted a serious OT? Too bad, maybe you should read 1% of the OP's in the threads you post in.

Check back in a future season for the rest of your OT.

Post Post Pre OP Note: Halo was and still is a franchise.


Here's a FUN stat -

OT2 Wall of Fame & Shame

Before looking at this list, I decided to bless $Halo Bucks upon the #1 poster.


Congratulations Trup1aya for your fat dub! You're a CHAMPION amongst us.


Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
When did Frankie end up getting outed for racist shit? That's so disappointing.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020

Seems Staten is a fan of the combat dance in and out of the game


Oct 26, 2017
I've put pretty much any interest in Infinite MP on ice until they make a meaningful response to their racist slime. Yes, it "helps" that they currently have a whole MP season focused on modes I can't play with friends, so that makes it easier.


Oct 26, 2017
This was an article that I saw the headline for and assumed I wouldn't be on the same page as the writer on. I was wrong; It's absolutely dead-on in details without getting lost in vapid negativity:

Halo Is Languishing

Halo’s absence from the Xbox and Bethesda showcase was not only obvious, but expected for many of its most loyal players


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
and a fan of sweeping controversy under the rug.
Don't think that's really fair to pin on him when he's not the one leading content and design (meaning, art design; that was Jerry Hook). The blame imo seemingly falls on Hook's replacement and Bonnie. The design team for letting the name go through and Bonnie for not providing more transparency on actions being taken.

Like i said in the other thread hopefully some silence is due to them conducting reviews and creating better strategies internally to prevent similar things from happening. And maybe even someone getting fired.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
What an amazing thread.

People who complain the most and having terrible takes being on the wall of shame. Hmmph.


Oct 25, 2017
This was an article that I saw the headline for and assumed I wouldn't be on the same page as the writer on. I was wrong; It's absolutely dead-on in details without getting lost in vapid negativity:

Halo Is Languishing

Halo’s absence from the Xbox and Bethesda showcase was not only obvious, but expected for many of its most loyal players

100 percent agree with this. I am still baffled that Halo wasn't at the Microsoft/Bethesda showcase. Only thing I would add to this article is to remind everyone that 343i botched the Master Chief Collection so bad that you couldn't progress in the campaign or play a single game of matchmaking without issue for months before it was abandoned with issues for two years prior to it being reworked.

The Halo IP deserves to go to another developer. 343i had it's chance and it constantly missed the mark for about 10 years.
Oct 30, 2017
It's really a shame. I played 700 matches within the first 6 months of the game's release and then immediately fell off when season 2 started. I had no drive to engage in another battle pass system with meager rewards underneath a terrible challenge system.

I booted up MCC a couple of days ago and the difference between the two in terms of quality was astounding. MCC's challenge system is fair and generally only requires you to play the fucking game. That's it. No having to play specific playlists or play in a certain style antithetical to team play...just play these games which are still enthralling and varied to this day. The rewards are awesome-looking without having to be the sole focus of the experience. MCC drives the player to have fun. Not to have a second job.

Infinite is a pale imitation of good Halo. How 343i became so separated from MCC's philosophy is beyond me. It's like they looked at what worked and went, "how can we do this in Infinite but make money?" not understanding that MCC's systems work because it isn't directly tied to revenue. 343i has become greedy and bloated and their actions towards anything continue to be sticking their heads in the fucking sand.


Oct 28, 2017
I think this OT title is really fair haha, can't complain about it, you made the right call Funk (for once).

Answering this part by Trup1aya from the previous OT:

Which brings us back to the social engineering issue- there's no system in place for finding like minded players. There's no veto system, there's no match composer. There no way to "like" a gametype. This game makes very little effort to make sure people are playing what they like to play.

It's funny as 343 doesn't think to have any thought regarding the social experience Halo used to be. It's like for them, Halo should be a competitive shooter, and nothing else. Guess that's the difference between a company which is player and user oriented at the time, Bungie, and a corporation which is marketing oriented, 343 Industries.

Fortnite is actually testing a stuff allowing you to have social tags which help finding like-minded players in-game thanks to matchmaking and LFG:

Halo used to be in the forefront of this social experiment when it comes to video game on console, until 343 Industries took over, and I still can't shake my mind they didn't understand this, especially since they are chasing a new audience (they apparently can't reach), audience which is now born into social media habits and open communication.

It's like 343 doesn't understand neither the game they're making nor the players themselves.


Also sharing this video about the recent "leaks" which really made me laugh, in case you didn't see it from the other OT:



Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Damn, they havent explained Bonobo yet? I thought they did the next day after removing it. not good


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017
they only ever said that it was a mistake that never should have happened. they have not expalined how it happened.
Sorta related, but I watched a YT video with Ted Price and Luke Smith about Destiny and development, Luke mentioned using a tool called Bonobo, by name in the interview. Just a coincidence, but interesting nonetheless.


Oct 25, 2017
While I feel OP's heart is in the right place, I think in practice this thread is really only going to be a free pass for people to be be even more toxic nerds about Halo.


Dec 11, 2021
Put over 200 hours into infinite and yet now I have barely any interest in logging on. Game is in dire need of new content, be that maps, weapons, modes. I mean we still haven't got a doubles playlist.. like, how?!

Such a shame as the gameplay is fantastic when you aren't getting screwed over by desync.


Oct 27, 2017
Put over 200 hours into infinite and yet now I have barely any interest in logging on. Game is in dire need of new content, be that maps, weapons, modes. I mean we still haven't got a doubles playlist.. like, how?!

Such a shame as the gameplay is fantastic when you aren't getting screwed over by desync.
Game should have been delayed as long as it took to launch with Forge.


Oct 25, 2017
100 percent agree with this. I am still baffled that Halo wasn't at the Microsoft/Bethesda showcase. Only thing I would add to this article is to remind everyone that 343i botched the Master Chief Collection so bad that you couldn't progress in the campaign or play a single game of matchmaking without issue for months before it was abandoned with issues for two years prior to it being reworked.

The Halo IP deserves to go to another developer. 343i had it's chance and it constantly missed the mark for about 10 years.

I don't think any other developer wants to be -only- making Halo for their existence.


Oct 16, 2018
Maybe the ot needs some general information on the issue? I did a quick search for bonobo but have not found the issue

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Sorta related, but I watched a YT video with Ted Price and Luke Smith about Destiny and development, Luke mentioned using a tool called Bonobo, by name in the interview. Just a coincidence, but interesting nonetheless.
It is not a coincidence. 343 still uses some of the old tools that Bungie did for Halo before they left Microsoft.
Jan 6, 2022
New OT smell, thank you for putting this one together, FUNKNOWN iXi . I also love that thread title, I REALLY would like an explanation as to what happened and/or a follow-up about the appropriate punishment being delivered.

Lots of great posts in this thread already! I love Infinite, and continue to play almost daily. Campaign Co-op will be a nice addition, excited to hopefully try it in the next few weeks.

Agree with others, another delay (or a longer delay) would have solved some of the perception issues with this game. However, I also don't think 343 would have made the progress that they needed to without community input/anger. I think another year of this game behind closed doors would have ironed out a lot of bugs and content issues, but they still would be clueless on running a live-service game. They are learning a very painful lesson right now about how to do that, and that could only be learned by releasing the game.

I still have faith in Joseph Staten and Max Hoberman and I think the fact that they continue to aggressively hire is a good sign. I'm new to Resetera and just joined so I could talk more about this game, because I love it so very much. I only hope it continues to grow and meet others' expectations, because mine have been exceeded


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
I think this OT title is really fair haha, can't complain about it, you made the right call Funk (for once).

Answering this part by Trup1aya from the previous OT:

It's funny as 343 doesn't think to have any thought regarding the social experience Halo used to be. It's like for them, Halo should be a competitive shooter, and nothing else. Guess that's the difference between a company which is player and user oriented at the time, Bungie, and a corporation which is marketing oriented, 343 Industries.

Fortnite is actually testing a stuff allowing you to have social tags which help finding like-minded players in-game thanks to matchmaking and LFG:

Halo used to be in the forefront of this social experiment when it comes to video game on console, until 343 Industries took over, and I still can't shake my mind they didn't understand this, especially since they are chasing a new audience (they apparently can't reach), audience which is now born into social media habits and open communication.

It's like 343 doesn't understand neither the game they're making nor the players themselves.


Also sharing this video about the recent "leaks" which really made me laugh, in case you didn't see it from the other OT:

Halo's social features were so cool and way, way ahead of their time. I used to love taking screenshots. In Reach you could see all the screenshots anyone took if it had your character in it. Really cool stuff. Then you could log on to and browse screenshots by tags, you could like or dislike them, and you could save them to your file share. Such advanced stuff that 343 tossed aside. The and Halo social features were incredible for their time. They were so popular even that Call of Duty copied them, going back and playing Black Ops 1 that game also had loads of social features that just does not exist in the modern CoD games.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe the ot needs some general information on the issue? I did a quick search for bonobo but have not found the issue

Halo Infinite Adds New Juneteenth Nameplate, Named 'Bonobo' After Species of Ape

It has since been patched, but it's insane to me that this managed to go live without anyone stopping it (UPDATE) 343 Community Manager responds: Based on some explanations in this thread from people familiar with the software in question, this explanation doesn’t add up. Not to mention that...

Good idea. I'll add that to the OP too.

bring back summer flight radar

It's in the OP, it's official.

Radar must go.

While I feel OP's heart is in the right place, I think in practice this thread is really only going to be a free pass for people to be be even more toxic nerds about Halo.
In a page or two, this thread will be back to talking about shop items, the progression system, and cosmetics, as it would have been regardless of the OP and OT title. In other words, there's little influence it has towards the content of the thread beyond the early pages.

It's just how it goes. But at least with the OT title, it may at least linger in the back of people's minds so it's not lost to time.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. Among many other things they should of nailed down before launch. What a shit show this game has been.
It's just a shame because it seems like the #1 priority was setting up the shop, but there doesn't feel like enough content was even ready to keep it running smoothly. I see the War Master set is back in the shop again this week.

Even the campaign doesn't really feel worthy of revisiting once you've beaten it. Every Halo before has had certain set pieces that make that mission appealing to revisit. Halo Infinite lacks that, in my opinion.
Jan 6, 2022
It's just a shame because it seems like the #1 priority was setting up the shop, but there doesn't feel like enough content was even ready to keep it running smoothly. I see the War Master set is back in the shop again this week.

Even the campaign doesn't really feel worthy of revisiting once you've beaten it. Every Halo before has had certain set pieces that make that mission appealing to revisit. Halo Infinite lacks that, in my opinion.
I agree with you, for the most part.

However, Pelican Down is one of my favorite Halo missions period and I will be replaying that once co-op and replay comes out


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... same. Its not much fun to talk about Infinite at the best of times
It's why I stick to the low sodium halo subreddit if I ever feel like discussing it.

However the bonobo shit should be highlighted. As a black man that's a GINORMOUS halo fan, that shit has really soured me. I used to play every single day and I can't even bring myself to play more than a couple times a week at most since it happened. Really disappointed.


Oct 25, 2017
She's a 10

... But, she likes the Radar + AR/Melee meta


Great op FUNKNOWN iXi I'm ashamed I'm no longer a wall of shame member. But also proud. Love you guys, love Halo, hoping for brighter days to come


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Precision start toggle you fucking cowards.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Pre OP Note:

343 still has not explained how the Bonobo issue happened and what's being done as far as accountability. Out of respect for the community and those hurt/disappointed/affected by this, I'm using this OP to help those voices be heard. I will ask for the OT title to be updated if we get a response and threadmark it.

Halo Infinite Adds New Juneteenth Nameplate, Named 'Bonobo' After Species of Ape

343 doesn't deserve to skate by this, here's why --
  • Stop deflecting with this toolset nonsense. Not only has this never happened before, it would be naive to believe this is the first time despite this toolset not even being used for Infinite, on Juneteenth no less. People really show their ass when they throw this around, "B-But the toolset is named Bonobo!" Stop feeding that narrative, it's not true. Not even 343 themselves said that was the cause nor have they explained it. It's a smoke screen that was only mentioned in passing by Unyshek (343 Community Manager), but not even Unyshek himself in that Tweet made any direct connection.
  • 343 has a history of questionable situations --
Halo is an important franchise. It's important to fans, it's important to the gaming industry and its legacy, and it's important to Microsoft. But with shit like this, it really doesn't feel like Halo is cherished and respected internally, but Microsoft/343 need to start holding it to a higher standard. And that's not even mentioning the 10 years of issues with 343 games and media. 343 has proven itself to be a problematic studio, sad to say.

So without further ado, I present to you an OP fitting of not only Halo Infinite right now, but the community's engagement -- Not even a single OT3 title suggestion in OT2 --



Post Pre OP Note:

We all love Halo. You wouldn't be reading this "OT" or putting up with the questionable parts of the fanbase if you didn't love it lol. Do not take this next part of the OP too seriously.

Right now, Halo is enjoyable if you aren't having issues or can put up with the ones you are having. For many, many others though, things don't look so bright. Let's accept each other's experiences as we collectively hope for a better future.

Personally, I'm having a blast with Infinite despite desync, getting killed around corners, the abundance of an overpowered radar that players don't realize limits their skill progression, etc., but then again I still put thousands of hours into all previous games, even Halo 3 with its horrible netcode and bloodshots, or the 2004 host BR with years of cheaters, or Reach multiplayer, or the decade of 343 releases -- Halo's always been bad, except..

Halo at its best --




How it currently feels to be a Halo fan --




Let's be honest, this franchise's multiplayer has yet to recover since 2004 when Halo 2 nerfed the POWER of CE's gameplay, Halo 3 continued that trend as a Halo 2.5, Reach was Bungie waving the white flag, H4 was 343 not reading the signs, TMCC lol, H5 gameplay was a step forward with 57 other steps back, and Infinite was 343 lEaRnInG fRoM pAsT mIsTaKeS.

We'll get there though. Eventually. Maybe.

What, you wanted a serious OT? Too bad, maybe you should read 1% of the OP's in the threads you post in.

Check back in a future season for the rest of your OT.

Post Post Pre OP Note: Halo was and still is a franchise.


Here's a FUN stat -

OT2 Wall of Fame & Shame

Before looking at this list, I decided to bless $Halo Bucks upon the #1 poster.


Congratulations Trup1aya for your fat dub! You're a CHAMPION amongst us.



If only I played Halo Infinite as much as I shit post about it, this thread would be a better place

I think this OT title is really fair haha, can't complain about it, you made the right call Funk (for once).

Answering this part by Trup1aya from the previous OT:

It's funny as 343 doesn't think to have any thought regarding the social experience Halo used to be. It's like for them, Halo should be a competitive shooter, and nothing else. Guess that's the difference between a company which is player and user oriented at the time, Bungie, and a corporation which is marketing oriented, 343 Industries.

Fortnite is actually testing a stuff allowing you to have social tags which help finding like-minded players in-game thanks to matchmaking and LFG:

Halo used to be in the forefront of this social experiment when it comes to video game on console, until 343 Industries took over, and I still can't shake my mind they didn't understand this, especially since they are chasing a new audience (they apparently can't reach), audience which is now born into social media habits and open communication.

It's like 343 doesn't understand neither the game they're making nor the players themselves.


Also sharing this video about the recent "leaks" which really made me laugh, in case you didn't see it from the other OT:

Thanks for cross posting.

I'll say this till I'm Blue in the face- the gameplay niche Bungie created with Halo is largely responsible for it becoming a successful franchise, but the constant emphasis on evolving the social experience is majorly responsible for the franchise reaching its highest highs.

CEs console LAN, followed by H2s matchmaking and party system, followed by h3s Forge+theater+file share is a big part of the reason Halo remained a giant even while other fps were carving out some sizeable market share.

By focusing on making the gameplay their own and regressing on the social experience, 343 totally whiffed on prioritizing the things necessary to maintain the games mindshare. It's hard to believe how anti-social Halo Infinite is compared to the games that came before it. Meanwhile I watch the industry innovate in this space while running circles around 343.
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Oct 25, 2017
The sad thing is, even when Forge does launch, it'll be another 6 months before any community designed maps get added to the game, because they are so anal about testing maps, unlike Bungie who gave us a whole playlist one Summer of nothing but custom maps on Foundry or Sandbox.
And then remember how hype it was when they just dropped Cold Storage on us one day and threw it in a 24/7 playlist? I racked up so much time there.