
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Oh god, I can't imagine how transforming multiple items in Omnigel with a single button would make managing the inventory much less tedious.

Add that, the ability to sprint outside of combat(so that getting from point A to B doesn't take forever), a boost option on the Mako & better grip so you don't bounce all over the place and can climb steep hills more easily, and that would already make ME1 a much better game without altering it too much so that it would piss off the fans of the original.
I always found it super weird when it transitioned from combat to exploration and you suddenly lost your ability to sprint. Sometimes it would happen mid-sprint.


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
It's a lot more than that, especially ME1.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I mean if we get:
- Overhauled inventory system
- A dedicated cover button/command
- Sprint at all times
- Fine-tuned MAKO steering/platforming (remember the platforming?!)

In ME1 I'll be very happy


Oct 27, 2017
I've played the trilogy numerous times, but I've never played it as anything but default male Shepard. Maybe I'll try to make my own, but default is just canon in my head.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time. The opening to ME2 is definitely my favorite game opening of all time.

Ballsy from a narrative level and a pitch late perfect title card entry. So good.
Jul 24, 2018
One of my favorite games of all time. The opening to ME2 is definitely my favorite game opening of all time.

Ballsy from a narrative level and a pitch late perfect title card entry. So good.
I feel like the opening was a cheap way for them to basically reboot the progress players who played the first game had made for the sake of people jumping in with 2. It didn't help that the whole Lazarus Project thing was just quickly forgotten about.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like the opening was a cheap way for them to basically reboot the progress players who played the first game had made for the sake of people jumping in with 2. It didn't help that the whole Lazarus Project thing was just quickly forgotten about.
But it wasn't forgotten. And ME3's Citadel DLC rides on it hard.
Jul 24, 2018
But it wasn't forgotten. And ME3's Citadel DLC rides on it hard.
I don't remember the DLC dealing with any potential ramifications it might have had on Shepard. Like her coming back to life is a big deal and they just sort forget about it pretty quickly in ME2. Citadel was a bit silly though so maybe I missed something but it felt like the whole thing was completely forgotten about.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't remember the DLC dealing with any potential ramifications it might have had on Shepard. Like her coming back to life is a big deal and they just sort forget about it pretty quickly in ME2. Citadel was a bit silly though so maybe I missed something but it felt like the whole thing was completely forgotten about.
The entirety of the main story of it revolves around the remnants of the project itself- i.e. creating clones, people to harvest their organs.
Jul 24, 2018
The entirety of the main story of it revolves around the remnants of the project itself- i.e. creating clones, people to harvest their organs.
I do remember Liquid Shepard but the somewhat whimsical tone of the whole thing made it hard for me to take it seriously as opposed to the idea that maybe our Shepard is the clone, like that could have been an interesting consequences of Project Lazarus from ME2. And it wasn't really ME3 I was thinking about but rather ME2 in isolation, like how Shepard just seems to move past it really quickly with no real emotional scar's beyond the actual silly scars on her face that makes her look like a cartoon demon if she starts doing morally questionable things. Like the lack of any sense of existential dread over the idea she was brought back from the dead was something I thought was needed.. It made it feel a bit like cheap plot convenience to reset Shepard back to level 1.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really curious to see what they will do with ME1. I remember Christina Noman talking about how the started experiment with ME1's combat during early ME2's evelopment, and one of the things they realized is that simple tweaks didn't have much benefits, they had to go deeper. They were developing an entire new game though, so that wasn't a problem, but for a remaster, workin in the constraints of ME1? It's a challenge.
I wonder if they'd be able to change the cover system to make it snappier like in 2 and 3.

The gunplay should be fixed as well.. hopefully


Oct 25, 2017
I do remember Liquid Shepard but the somewhat whimsical tone of the whole thing made it hard for me to take it seriously as opposed to the idea that maybe our Shepard is the clone, like that could have been an interesting consequences of Project Lazarus from ME2. And it wasn't really ME3 I was thinking about but rather ME2 in isolation, like how Shepard just seems to move past it really quickly with no real emotional scar's beyond the actual silly scales on her face that makes her look like a cartoon demon if she starts doing normally questionable things. Like the lack of any sense of existential dread over the idea she was brought back from the dead was something I thought was needed.. It made it feel a bit like cheap plot convenience to reset Shepard back to level 1.
It was, like much of the series since the start of ME1; most of the interesting plotlines were side-shows to shit-talking *u cAn'T uNdERstAnD* robots.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I do remember Liquid Shepard but the somewhat whimsical tone of the whole thing made it hard for me to take it seriously as opposed to the idea that maybe our Shepard is the clone, like that could have been an interesting consequences of Project Lazarus from ME2. And it wasn't really ME3 I was thinking about but rather ME2 in isolation, like how Shepard just seems to move past it really quickly with no real emotional scar's beyond the actual silly scales on her face that makes her look like a cartoon demon if she starts doing normally questionable things. Like the lack of any sense of existential dread over the idea she was brought back from the dead was something I thought was needed.. It made it feel a bit like cheap plot convenience to reset Shepard back to level 1.
Yeah, I was a surprised that other than that dlc there was so little of the Lazarus project in ME3.

It felt like a perfect setup for a "we used Reaper tech to rebuild you" or some other reveal. Instead they stayed with the basic story from ME2: "we threw enough money at your corpse and it came back to life".


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
I wonder if they'd be able to change the cover system to make it snappier like in 2 and 3.

The gunplay should be fixed as well.. hopefully

I think if they want to make ME1 palatable for modern audiences, they have to. Same with gunplay, as ME1's gunplay is basically non-existent. The big question is how those will affect the rest of the game. You have take into consideration level and enemy design for example.

I do hope they show that next week, rather than just being a cinematic trailer. Let us see the remaster in its full glory!
Jul 24, 2018
It was, like much of the series since the start of ME1; most of the interesting plotlines were side-shows to shit-talking *u cAn'T uNdERstAnD* robots.
I think if they had went with the idea that maybe our Shepard is a clone of the real Shepard who is dead, or at least raised that point as far back as ME2 could have made for some interesting storytelling. It could also tie into the whole aspect of what it means to have a soul, or being alive in regards to organics and machines which is what the Reapers are. But ultimately Mass Effect went through a lot of rewrites with a different lead writer, abandoning plot threads etc. It's a shame.

Also I apologize for the auto correct bummers in my last post xD


Oct 29, 2017
Don't expect a visual overhaul on the level of Halo 2 Anniversary or something, but there's definitely a good amount of work that's gone in, not just visually but systems wise too.
It doesn't get said much here, but thank you, Shinobi. Given their past remasters, I was expecting a bare minimum my given their past remasters, but I am now genuinely excited for this. I shall allow myself some hope. 😏


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
I feel the Lazarus Project did exactly what it set up to do. A fantastic and memorable intro for ME2 and a way to move the story foward. I can understand why some people, ever since ME2 was released, wanted it to be explored further, as bringing back someone from the dead is a huge deal. But personally I never really cared for it. As I mentioned, it did its job superbly well.


Oct 28, 2017
just gimme already. I never played 1 but loved 2 and 3 and also skipped the DLCs so there will be a good amount of new content for me. Cant wait. Hope its a decent remaster


Sep 13, 2020
Don't expect a visual overhaul on the level of Halo 2 Anniversary or something, but there's definitely a good amount of work that's gone in, not just visually but systems wise too.
Hey Shinobi, you've probably had this asked a thousand times already but as you're a huge fan of the games, from what you know of the changes system wise, especially in 1, how are you feeling about them? Positive or still waiting to see in action?


Oct 30, 2017
I hope mods from Nexus will work with LE.
If the refinements are as extensive as has been suggested, I'm going to safely assume that most mods will NOT work, unfortunately. There are games with far minor changes for an upgraded remaster that aren't compatible with old mods. As someone else mentioned, though, I'm hoping that Bioware uses some of the mods as a barometer for the release, so certain things such as visual upgrades or controller support for PC are just packed in.

Umm maybe not this week then?



Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020


Nov 4, 2017

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Mass Effect 2 is my least favorite of the entire trilogy. Back when it was released I absolutely loved it, hell, I still enjoy playing this game. But there are too many flaws that can't be ignored. Gameplay wise, I hate that Bioware wanted to turn the game into a third person cover shooter. Having to hide while waiting your shield or health to regen pisses me off. They also removed most of the RPG aspects from the last game... You can't even level up while doing the mission. Planet scanning was a borefest. Mako sections weren't the best, but they could have improved them instead of removing them. Finally, the story is a big complete filler. Instead of investigating and learning more about the Reapers, we waste our time because some bugs are abducting humans.

But too much negativity, let's say something positive. Many of the party members are awesome. Mordin Souls is an instant favorite. Garrus is also even better now. Loyalty missions are also entertaining and a great way to learn more about our party members and the galaxy. And finally, Suicide Mission is like one of the best final missions in gaming. Too few games have managed to make your decisions throughout the entire game play an important role in the final mission. And the soundtrack is one of the best.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember picking my pre-order up at a Gamestop next to Target in the Bay Area. I probably played four hours straight before taking my first break. I was enthralled. I don't think of it often enough but ME2 certainly one of my favorite games. I look forward to playing it all again.

The only soundtrack I ever ordered faster than the one for ME2 was Mirror's Edge. Great, great music.


Oct 25, 2017
ME2 is when I lost all interest in Bioware. I despise the gameplay, I don't like the writing and I really don't like the soundtrack. I'm not sure if it's just because I was expecting a radically different game or what, but I think it just made me realize how shallow Bioware games are and it's kind of retroactively soured my taste on even the earlier games of theirs that I like.

Even KOTOR which is a ride or die for me is kind of dull to me now because it's all the same old Bioware tropes (even if played to perfection). Clearly Bioware games are not for me anymore, and that's fine.

I haven't played it in forever though, so looking forward to doing a quick playthrough with the remaster.


May 29, 2019
My wife and I got a refurb XBox 360 for a wedding present. As someone who only played Blizzard games on PC I was a little nonplussed. Then I saw that epic launch trailer. I knew nothing of Mass Effect 1, or BioWare, or really anything non-Blizz related. But I knew I had to play that game.

The characters! The music! Hale's voice-acting! That opening scene! The first encounter with the Collectors! That final mission!

Mass Effect 2 is the reason I obsess about video games, read this board, preorder game consoles. All of it. I'm so thankful, and I can't wait to revisit that first experience on my shiny new PS5.
Oct 25, 2017
A minor detail I'm looking forward to is how/if they'll change the achievements. As a relatively early 360 game, ME1's achievement list... isn't great. Specifically, the party member achievements that require you to have a specific party member with you for "most of the game" (that's all the info you get). Those definitely need a rework.

ME1's achievements do unlock bonuses such as extra powers and gamerpics, which is an awesome use of them.


Oct 30, 2017
A minor detail I'm looking forward to is how/if they'll change the achievements. As a relatively early 360 game, ME1's achievement list... isn't great. Specifically, the party member achievements that require you to have a specific party member with you for "most of the game" (that's all the info you get). Those definitely need a rework.

ME1's achievements do unlock bonuses such as extra powers and gamerpics, which is an awesome use of them.
I've thought about that too. I 100% got every achievement in every game. And, yeah, ME1's "use these party members for most of the game" meant a minimum of 2.5 playthroughs. And the Insanity achievements were a real slog at times.

Tying this into the Paragon/Renegade system (which I don't think will be reworked), I've never been a fan of achievements that force players to play a certain way or with certain characters in lieu of having players simply play the games the way they would prefer. I shouldn't be thinking "well, I really think this character would be better for the mission, but the achievement I need requires me to bring this other character along". Mass Effect is at its best when it allows you to experiment and explore on your own terms.

That's why I've never been a major fan of the Paragon/Renegade system locking you out of certain content if you're actually roleplaying as you'd like to. If you're not 100% Paragon or 100% Renegade - if you've been neutral on some things, or felt one situation deserved a harder approach than others - then you can miss out on a lot of good content. In theory, I like the Reputation idea that if you're perceived as too much of a goody-goody, your threats won't matter, but if you're perceived as too much of an abrasive A-hole then people are less likely to trust you or help you out. I just think a better middle ground could exist, but, again, not expecting this to change.

Still, I am curious what achievements/trophies they'll include, and what they may unlock as bonuses throughout the playthroughs. If they go the extra mile with some fun new ones, I'll be pleasant surprised and hyped for trying some new things.


Nov 4, 2017
I've thought about that too. I 100% got every achievement in every game. And, yeah, ME1's "use these party members for most of the game" meant a minimum of 2.5 playthroughs. And the Insanity achievements were a real slog at times.

Tying this into the Paragon/Renegade system (which I don't think will be reworked), I've never been a fan of achievements that force players to play a certain way or with certain characters in lieu of having players simply play the games the way they would prefer. I shouldn't be thinking "well, I really think this character would be better for the mission, but the achievement I need requires me to bring this other character along". Mass Effect is at its best when it allows you to experiment and explore on your own terms.

That's why I've never been a major fan of the Paragon/Renegade system locking you out of certain content if you're actually roleplaying as you'd like to. If you're not 100% Paragon or 100% Renegade - if you've been neutral on some things, or felt one situation deserved a harder approach than others - then you can miss out on a lot of good content. In theory, I like the Reputation idea that if you're perceived as too much of a goody-goody, your threats won't matter, but if you're perceived as too much of an abrasive A-hole then people are less likely to trust you or help you out. I just think a better middle ground could exist, but, again, not expecting this to change.

Still, I am curious what achievements/trophies they'll include, and what they may unlock as bonuses throughout the playthroughs. If they go the extra mile with some fun new ones, I'll be pleasant surprised and hyped for trying some new things.
Honestly the paragon/renegade system is a carry over from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic were you can argue it makes somewhat sense given the IP to have light side actions and dark side actions but Mass Effect it really doesn't have the same set up in lore, it doesn't make sense to have things set up so black and white. It's one of the things I'm glad they moved away from in their newer games. I love the choices in the Mass Effect trilogy but not the rigid dichotomy they are set up with


Nov 8, 2017
Man, I remember going for the Insanity achievement and the Praetorian and Collector Ship sections were gut-tighteningly difficult. Even Grunt with all his shield buffs activated was just crumpling like paper against those things.

I'm pretty sure I was running around in a panic and somehow managed to get through those tough sections through sheer hit-n-run tactics.

Everyone talks up the Banshees, but the Praetorians are MY personal big dreaded enemy. Wish they had shown up in ME3 more than just multiplayer.

ME3 multiplayer was some of the most fun I've had in gaming. Really miss it.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Mass Effect 2 was an insane rollercoaster.

I believe my first playthrough recruitment order was Jack -> Archangel, and by the time I was nearing the end of the latter I felt like I was in the Sci-fi adventure of my childhood dreams. The set pieces just in those two quests were beyond anything I had experienced.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Mass Effect 2 was an insane rollercoaster.

I believe my first playthrough recruitment order was Jack -> Archangel, and by the time I was nearing the end of the latter I felt like I was in the Sci-fi adventure of my childhood dreams. The set pieces just in those two quests were beyond anything I had experienced.
mine was Archangel -> Mordin

Mass Effect 2 changed my life in gaming. I have never felt so immersed as I did back then.


Oct 27, 2017
So few releases this time of year, now would be a really good time to drop a mass effect remaster *hint* *hint*


Oct 30, 2017
BSN still has some of the background to the infamous 'Tali's Sweat' thread. :-)


Tali's Sweat Revisited | BioWare Social Network Fan Forums

This article deserves a short introduction (and possibly a justification). Often cited as an example of 'everything that was wrong' with BioWare fans and the 'BioWare Social Network', the "T
As much as people make fun of the Tali's Sweat thing, I am reminded of another thing that ME2 did that put a huge smile on my face.

And, well, that was making Tali and Garrus romance options.

To be blunt, I remember a lot of discussion after ME1 at how, well, boring the limited options were for ME1 players. MaleShep got "space-racist" Ashley and "nubile innocent alien babe" Liara, with FemShep getting "insomnia-cure" Kaidan and "I'm not a lesbian if I'm monogendered" Liara again. While all the characters had their fans, a lot of players gravitated towards intriguing alien characters like Garrus and Tali as their closer companions throughout the adventure, and grew to like them more. I remember entertaining conversions about the fun and freaky prospects of a relationship with more alien aliens, of the interesting ideas of how a relationship would work.

When ME2 launched, there was no confirmation of which characters showing up would be romance options or not. Hell, a character like Garrus wasn't even confirmed to be a permanent party member going into the game (isn't that crazy?) and none of the marketing showed him in during the Suicide Run.

So as I played through the game and in my initial playthrough, I did feel that sort of intrigue popping up when I bumped back into Tali. Yeah, I realized, I did like her more than my last hook-up with Ashley. Tali seemed stronger, more capable, more well-defined and developed as a character, but I still wasn't convinced Bioware would permit a less-traditional hook-up compared to the more standard fare. But as I progressed... well, I started to smile when I saw her goof and accidentally express interest.

The reason something like this really made me happy - beyond just having a fan-favorite character from ME1 jump from comrade to love interest - was that Tali in particular was a character that was designed wearing a mask and a full-body suit, with three fingers and chicken legs. Unlike a character like Miranda who had the benefit of being "genetically perfect" (and being, you know, Yvonne Strahovski ), any real interest in her was mostly generated through the strength of her writing and voice acting, because without easily readable expressions or overt sexually appealing physical traits that was all players had to go on.

But through the sheer strength of that writing, Tali grew to become one of my favorite teammates and my default love interest (and every playthrough as MaleShep where I tell myself I'll play differently, I always end up back with her). It was a weird romance - one that was at times goofy, ridiculous, awkward, uncomfortable, but at its heart driven more by the bonds of trust and respect than sheer physical attraction. It was honest.

ME2 didn't knock every romance out of the park ("heavy risk, but the priiiiize"), but the strength of the relationships between Shepard and new characters - be they Miranda, Jack, Thane, Garrus, or Tali - seemed a step above the mere flirty banter from ME1, where the benefit of a previous adventure certainly made those romancing Garrus or Tali feel like it was worth it to play the long game. It wasn't perfect (and ME3 continued to do better), but it's almost bizarre to replay ME1 and find the romance options there so very vanilla and restrictive.

Knowing that characters like Jack were planned to be pansexual and that Jacob could've been a gay romance option stings a bit, because ME2 was already a step up, and it could've been an even bigger one.