
Oct 25, 2017

In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This is a difficult-to-classify show that has a rather sharp edge. It's not for everyone. But the innovative style and approach has made "Dan Carlin's Hardcore History" a New Media hit.

Newest content/release:

Supernova In The East 3
Japan's rising sun goes supernova and engulfs a huge area of Asia and the Pacific. A war without mercy begins to develop infusing the whole conflict with a savage vibe.

If you have interest in history, Hardcore History is the ultimate podcast. No doubt if you have even a passing interest in podcasts, you've probably heard of Dan Carlin's huge series. Started in 2006 as 20-30 minute episodes, Hardcore History is known for its behemoth-sized series, with episodes that can last over 5 hours long. From the reign of the Khans to a deep dive into the mindset and history behind the construction of the atomic bomb, the series spans centuries and civilizations. But the length, and the many month wait between shows, is well worth it, as Carlin is unmatched in his ability to deliver history in compelling fascinating fashion.

Episodes currently available on iTunes/other podcast services:
Supernova in the East - A historical odyssey through Japan's turbulent history into WW2's Pacific theater
Blueprint for Armageddon - A massive six-part series that explores the battlefield horrors across the full span of The Great War
King of Kings - The rise and fall of the Achaemenid Persian empire
The Destroyer of Worlds - A bleak look at the birth of the Nuclear age through the creation and aftermath of the atomic bomb
The Celtic Holocaust - A deep dive into Caesar's genocidal campaign across ancient Gaul
Hardcore History Addendum - A separate feed for additional content like interviews
Painfotainment - An exploration of humanity's history with pain and suffering as entertainment

Purchasable through Carlin's site
Hardcore History 1-20, 24-26, 31-33, 40 - These episodes are shorter one-offs, but no less fascinating and intriguing, touching upon topics such as the Apache's fight against the US government, the brutality of the Assyrians, and the Black Death
Punic Nightmares - The bloody collision of Rome and Carthage during the Punic Wars
Ghosts of the Ostfront - The haunting and disturbing Eastern Front of WW2, where the might of Germany and Soviet Union left millions dead in their wake
Death of the Republic - The compelling journey across centuries following the Rome's ascension to Republic and bloody fall into empire
Thor's Angels - A look at the "Dark Ages", the rise of the early Church in Europe, and how Germanic tribes converted to Catholicism
Logical Insanity - The horrors and moralistic questions behind the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan
Wrath of the Khans - How the nomadic Mongols become one of the most infamous forces of the ancient world
Prophets of Doom - A fascinating and wild thread from the Protestant Reformation to the utterly insane cult takeover and subsequent siege of Munster
American Peril - A discussion of 19th century America struggling between its revolutionary values and its ascent to global power
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Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I've been getting my fix from his twitter.

It seems he's just flabbergasted and doesn't know where to start.

Does he usually comment on anything contemporary, history or socially wise? If he's a historian he might caution against offering too much hot commentary on a specific subject, since they usually take the long view back towards a time that has passed.


Oct 25, 2017
Does he usually comment on anything contemporary, history or socially wise? If he's a historian he might caution against offering too much hot commentary on a specific subject, since they usually take the long view back towards a time that has passed.
Yeah he has a whole podcast dedicated to currents, though with a historian's eye for sure, which is why I liked it so much. It was monthlyish before Trump got elected, then he stopped. It's called Common Sense.


Oct 25, 2017
Does he usually comment on anything contemporary, history or socially wise? If he's a historian he might caution against offering too much hot commentary on a specific subject, since they usually take the long view back towards a time that has passed.

Dan is not a historian. In his own words, he is "a fan of history." He was once a homicide reporter in LA, and later became a commentator on a political radio show who had a hard time taking cues from the station. Common Sense, his politics show, is much older and has far more content than Hardcore History, and it was updated far more often right until the rise of Trump. He says that he tries to record new episodes, but has to discard them because he doesn't know how to put his thoughts together. Or something like that. Disappointing.


Oct 26, 2017
Woop missed this thread going up.

For the holidays was thinking of buying my co-worker Death Throes and Ghosts since he doesn't know about HH but loves history. Thinking about buying it and putting it on a USB. Is that a decent gift?


Oct 25, 2017
Woop missed this thread going up.

For the holidays was thinking of buying my co-worker Death Throes and Ghosts since he doesn't know about HH but loves history. Thinking about buying it and putting it on a USB. Is that a decent gift?
Oh yeah. Those are some of his best stuff.

Then he can be like "where can I find more?" and you can push him to the free stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Great series; just finished my second listen of Blueprint for Armageddon. It's actually that series that spurred my interest in WW1, which I am in the midst of reading about.

I also miss Common Sense. Only found out about that show right before he stopped recording it; shame.


Oct 27, 2017
Poor Dan has been asking for an outsider candidate for so long and it happens and it's Donald Trump an authoritarian narcissist. I don't always agree with Dan but I like listening to his perspective.

On the history side I think Blueprint is his finest work but Prophets might be my favorite story.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't listened to the new Common Sense yet, is it basically Dan lamenting the insanity of Trump and the last few months?

Woop missed this thread going up.

For the holidays was thinking of buying my co-worker Death Throes and Ghosts since he doesn't know about HH but loves history. Thinking about buying it and putting it on a USB. Is that a decent gift?
Sounds good. Death Throes is my favorite HH series. The large span of time covered, and the increasingly drastic changes that occur, is just fascinating. Rome at the start and Rome at the end feel completely different, yet very much the same place; Caesar is very much a byproduct of that ancestor room mentioned in the first episode.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad to see the HH thread return. Now I can go back to being excited and then immediately disappointed when I see this thread bump without a new episode.

Mr X

Oct 25, 2017
Virginia / US
Great stuff, head never heard of this before. Enjoyed the linked talk. Looks like I have some catching up to do, thanks OP.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yay. Better OP than I would have made. The last one was super barebones.


Oct 27, 2017
The most recent common sense was really interesting. His point about using patriotism to silence discourse and blind people to issues was spot on.

Haven't listened to the new Common Sense yet, is it basically Dan lamenting the insanity of Trump and the last few months?

He gets into the NFL some, but its mostly explaining why he isn't doing many Common Sense right now because he doesn't know how to do a show when the fundamental problem is American's hate and view each other as the enemy. Of course he does have some interesting points to make regardless.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't listened to the new Common Sense yet, is it basically Dan lamenting the insanity of Trump and the last few months?

Sounds good. Death Throes is my favorite HH series. The large span of time covered, and the increasingly drastic changes that occur, is just fascinating. Rome at the start and Rome at the end feel completely different, yet very much the same place; Caesar is very much a byproduct of that ancestor room mentioned in the first episode.
He doesn't talk too much about Trump. He makes his feelings on the guy known, but focuses more on the state of disrepair our political discourse is, and how Americans seem to hate each other now.


Oct 25, 2017
Blueprint for Armageddon is the best podcast miniseries that has ever been produced. Full stop, don't @ me
Oct 28, 2017
Elfforkusu agreed

Only HH series I haven't listened to yet is Death Throes of the Republic. Don't know why. Saving it for when the time is right? My flatmate is one of those Rome /his/ nerds so he'll be happy to discuss some Roman history.

Mr X

Oct 25, 2017
Virginia / US
Damn, blueprint for Armageddon is amazing. Listened to the first 3 talks so far. I've always had a great interest in WW II and read up on it, watched the shows about it as it always fascinated me from many viewpoints.

I think WW I just never grabbed me quite as much since I had devoted so much time to WW II research, just from a numbers perspective WW II was bigger. I think it's was also a much clearer good vs. evil. But this is some amazing stuff. Knew about little bits about it WW I, but it really is eye opening having talked about in this manner, love the breakdown and the first hand accounts.

I am guessing it's all great stuff, any suggestions on where to go after this series?
Oct 27, 2017
Damn, blueprint for Armageddon is amazing. Listened to the first 3 talks so far. I've always had a great interest in WW II and read up on it, watched the shows about it as it always fascinated me from many viewpoints.

I think WW I just never grabbed me quite as much since I had devoted so much time to WW II research, just from a numbers perspective WW II was bigger. I think it's was also a much clearer good vs. evil. But this is some amazing stuff. Knew about little bits about it WW I, but it really is eye opening having talked about in this manner, love the breakdown and the first hand accounts.

I am guessing it's all great stuff, any suggestions on where to go after this series?

For a more in depth look at the lead up to WWI, I recommended The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, blueprint for Armageddon is amazing. Listened to the first 3 talks so far. I've always had a great interest in WW II and read up on it, watched the shows about it as it always fascinated me from many viewpoints.

I think WW I just never grabbed me quite as much since I had devoted so much time to WW II research, just from a numbers perspective WW II was bigger. I think it's was also a much clearer good vs. evil. But this is some amazing stuff. Knew about little bits about it WW I, but it really is eye opening having talked about in this manner, love the breakdown and the first hand accounts.

I am guessing it's all great stuff, any suggestions on where to go after this series?
Same. Blueprint really goes to great lengths to demonstrate how much of a hellhole the trenches and frontlines were. Like WW2's battles were horrible, but at least armies had mostly gotten onto the same tactical and technological level. Hearing the stories of cavalry charges into machinegun fire or wearing caps rather than helmets or the endless battle of attrition, of drowning in shell holes filled with poisonous water and's a nightmare

Prophets of Doom and Death Throes of the Republic are my other favorites. Wrath of the Khans was my first Hardcore History, and that's another great series.

Mr X

Oct 25, 2017
Virginia / US
For a more in depth look at the lead up to WWI, I recommended The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914

Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.

Same. Blueprint really goes to great lengths to demonstrate how much of a hellhole the trenches and frontlines were. Like WW2's battles were horrible, but at least armies had mostly gotten onto the same tactical and technological level. Hearing the stories of cavalry charges into machinegun fire or wearing caps rather than helmets or the endless battle of attrition, of drowning in shell holes filled with poisonous water and's a nightmare

Exactly. I mean we all hear about WWI and trench warfare, but for me, I didn't truly sit down and comprehend just how horrible it had to be. Weeks, months, even years with bodies, gas and human waste just filling up your trenches with constant shelling going on all around you. The analogy from one of the first hand accounts he had used sounded pretty poignant in that if you're tied to a post with an executioner wielding a hammer and just as he swings his hammer the blow glances your head on the post with wood flying everywhere painted a hopelessly terrifying picture.

Even from the perspective too that I always tried to comprehend "How could Germany have won WW II" and it's a tough answer to come to, but Germany really could have won WW I and it isn't far fetched. It really opens up a tremendous realm of how things could have turned out differently, theoretically, if Germany had actually won WW I, especially if they had won quickly.

Prophets of Doom and Death Throes of the Republic are my other favorites. Wrath of the Khans was my first Hardcore History, and that's another great series.

Added, thanks. Carlin did seem to refer back to the Khans in the Armageddon series a fair amount, I'll probably start there next. I'm eager to check out his series on the eastern front during WW II also. Sure it's all pretty great.


Oct 29, 2017
Big fan of Dan Carlin here! I really enjoyed the google talk posted above. There's something about his type of analysis and openness that I wish I could find emulated in more places on the net.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is he doing these on youtube anyway? Unless these are just clips from the longer episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
Added, thanks. Carlin did seem to refer back to the Khans in the Armageddon series a fair amount, I'll probably start there next. I'm eager to check out his series on the eastern front during WW II also. Sure it's all pretty great.
No one does badass boasts and threats like the Mongols, and Carlin's quote voice delivers those statements wonderfully

Why is he doing these on youtube anyway? Unless these are just clips from the longer episodes.
It was a test run to see how people like it and maybe do shorter discussions between HH episodes


Oct 25, 2017
Started listening to Wrath of the Khans again, and Carlin's introductory segment - "great men", historical arsonists, passing time and how it affects our analysis of events, etc - might be my favorite opening of all his series. Death Throes' ancestor room is very striking as well
Oct 28, 2017
Why is he doing these on youtube anyway? Unless these are just clips from the longer episodes.
He explained that people would complain if they see a short episode on their HH feed when they are expecting 5+ hours.

He's been toying with shorter stand alone episodes for a while, that's what Blitz was supposed to be, but hasn't gotten it right yet.


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry for the non new episode bump, but listening to Celtic Holocaust and I'd like to read more about Ceaser's military years. Any good books to recommend?


Nov 6, 2017
Friendly reminder of course that if you're interested in any of the subjects Carlin covers to do some additional research on your own! Just for verification or overall learning.

Love the guy's voice and tempo, but you don't get your own FAQ on AskHistorians and repeated mentions in BadHistory for nothing. Dan is overtly accurate in almost every respect. Just make sure you don't pick up any boo boos along the way heh. Enjoy yourselves guys and I'll surely be awaiting new entries as they come myself if nothing else as an introduction to other parts of history I'm not so familiar with.