
Feb 9, 2021
I've seen this tweet doing the rounds on Twitter and sparking discussion among other gaming journos over the last few days. So thought it would be interesting to get a wider take on how perceptions around the Xbox brand have, or have not, shifted over time.

People talk a lot about the transformation at Xbox in terms of producing better hardware and buying studios and such, but I think the shift from being the "gamer bro" console to banging the "when we all play, we all win" drum is an interesting story in its own right.



Oct 20, 2019
I thought it was the gamer bro console too and have also done a 180 on it so, agreed. Halo being the biggest game for the first two consoles added to the fact, but with GamePass and the indies it's becoming a console for everyone.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Of course, there's still work to be done on the accessibility front but they lost the dude bro edginess stuff all the way back on xbox one.

They have proven consistently their main goal these days is play for everyone everywhere.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I've personally started warming up to Xbox. The X1 generation was almost non-existent to me and all the big 360 games was just way too "dudebro-ish" as well. This is honestly the first generation where I'm actively keen to see where they go.


Nov 3, 2017
I'd say so. Personally I haven't thought about them that way in quite awhile. So seeing them branch out is nice.


Oct 28, 2017
I guess as a bit of a counterpoint, Xbox is in the process of acquiring the biggest "edgy, masculine" franchise in the world.

I think they will lean into whatever sells well.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
In the sense of the content being made and the striving towards accessibility, then yeah. Definitely.

I don't know about the XB1 generation (because I was old at the time and had better things to care about) but I do have strong memories of the 360 being seen, possibly unfairly, as the go to console for "dude bros" and it feels different now.

There are still internal issues and problems with fanbases but those aren't Xbox exclusive things.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
To a point, anyway. My roommates definitely still thought that was what the Xbox brand is all about until I discussed it with them. (One was rather surprised I wanted to play Xbox games, even as she considered my career in games journalism.)

I think what happened here is that people who aren't plugged into this stuff now but were more readily aware of it while growing up are still going to think Xbox is "the dudebro brand." It makes sense.

That said, I would hazard a guess that most players in the year 2022 just grab what they want and don't give this a whole lot of thought regardless.

Though anecdotally, I recall how, while camping overnight for a Series X on Black Friday, almost everyone was clearly getting a console for Call of Duty, and every single one of them not only said they were there for "a Sony" but they were all shocked that I wasn't. So, you do have that sort of crowd as well, and some among them surely fit the "dudebro" stereotype, and the PS4 era really did a number on attracting those folks to cross the imaginary line.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's much less associated with them but they are still definitely the closest to that stereotype of any major company in the industry if we include Activision. It feels hard to claim that the company that will own Halo, Doom, Call of Duty, & World of Warcraft isn't still heavily invested in the dudebro gamer stereotype


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, as someone who never owned but played an Xbox, the 360 seemed to lean too hard in being the system for 'cool teens', so I just lost all interest.
Picked up a One S in 2018 for Rare Replay and Halo MCC, and I've kinda been continuously impressed by what they're doing. The biggest selling point for me is their legacy content: I'm super grateful for their efforts in that area.


Oct 27, 2017
It was originally targeted at that demographic but it's thankfully matured along with them. I'm really happy with the Xbox ecosystem these days and I love the efforts they've been making at preservation.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Hard to say, it's still a lot of shooters and men protagonists. And now they'll have COD that couldn't be more edgy/masculine/gamer lol

But things like Tell Me Why are a progress, we need less guns.
Oct 27, 2017
I think Game Pass and the plethora of indie games will go a long way in changing perception. Obviously, it's going to take time, as it won't happen overnight, but the June showcase is a good example of the immense variety that exists in the Xbox ecosystem.


Oct 26, 2017
It's much less associated with them but they are still definitely the closest to that stereotype of any major company in the industry if we include Activision. It feels hard to claim that the company that will own Halo, Doom, Call of Duty, & World of Warcraft isn't still heavily invested in the dudebro gamer stereotype

WoW is in no way "dudebro".


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
Not for me they haven't, and their military affiliations and very American focus and branding is the reason why.

Oh and now they own COD.


Oct 18, 2020
As far as perception goes I think this is true. Though back when they they had that reputation I actually found they had a broader line up than they do now. At least as far as first party and exclusives go. I miss weird MS.


Oct 29, 2017
You mean, Phil?

Satya is his boss and is mostly allocating budget.

Maybe I'm just rolling in Xbox's new image with Microsoft's under Satya's leadership because I don't think you could have the today's Xbox under Balmer. I'm glad that Phil has a boss who is on the same page about accessibility and putting software on every device. I suppose I meant to say, God bless Satya and Phil 😁

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Gaming culture has definitely moved far away from the dude bro perception and MS's efforts have definitely contributed heavily to that as they were THE premiere dude bro experience back during the 360 days.


Oct 25, 2017
I would say so. I think they have gotten the gamer stench off of them. Now they provide a whole host of worthwhile experiences.


Oct 27, 2017
It's simply because videogames got bigger. The biggest released projects were still gears and halo and the upcoming biggest project is starfield. Forza Horizon is probably the exception.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Xbox has always been great for indies. Xbox Live Arcade was my favorite thing about the 360.

I'm honestly not sure what Xbox's current identity is tho. "Gaming for everyone" sounds like a marketing talking point and I'm not convinced they embody that more than other platforms.

Apple Arcade could say they were "gaming for everyone," and it would probably be as valid a claim (and equally obnoxious) for them as for Xbox.


Oct 25, 2017
Hard disagree, Sony is the place to play sports games and CoD, where the audiences for all those games are the biggest.
Used to be the 360, but Donnie let those deals go.

Xbox has always been great for indies. Xbox Live Arcade was my favorite thing about the 360.

I'm honestly not sure what Xbox's current identity is tho. "Gaming for everyone" sounds like a marketing talking point and I'm not convinced they embody that more than other platforms.

Apple Arcade could say they were "gaming for everyone," and it would probably be as valid a claim (and equally obnoxious) for them as for Xbox.
They are the only console manufacturer with an accessibility initiative and actual controller. Much more inclusive than the others.

But sure equate Apple with this:

Xbox Adaptive Controller | Xbox

Connect switches, buttons, joysticks, and mounts to create a custom controller experience that is uniquely yours.


Oct 26, 2017
Xbox has always been great for indies. Xbox Live Arcade was my favorite thing about the 360.

I'm honestly not sure what Xbox's current identity is tho. "Gaming for everyone" sounds like a marketing talking point and I'm not convinced they embody that more than other platforms.

Apple Arcade could say they were "gaming for everyone," and it would probably be as valid a claim (and equally obnoxious) for them as for Xbox.

The adaptive controller alone puts them far ahead of others in the "Gaming is for Everyone" department.


Oct 29, 2017
Maybe a bit, but I still think of Xbox more of a teen & young adult target audience, compared to Nintendo aiming at children and Sony aiming at adult players. That's probably down to me still associating Xbox with the Halo/Gears/Forza trinity, but obviously now that they've bought every game studio they'll start appealing to pretty much every segment.


Oct 27, 2017
It probably still is if strictly compared to the console competition but in general and overall they are catering to a broader audience as a brand.

Also speaking mostly about the US.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the stuff they do with accessibility is great, but also really not a strong part of their brand and I'd be willing to bet if you asked casual gamers about it they'd have no idea what you were talking about. I think the brand largely stems from the types of games associated with Xbox, and I don't think that's really changed


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
All the xbox people replying to that tweet are super happy to be reading stuff like that. Probably music to their ears, exactly the feedback they wanted to hear.
The adaptive controller is dope. In terms of peripherals, I agree. In terms of games, not as much.
I think it goes a bit farther than just that though. They also have the cheapest next gen console, gamepass which includes cloud gaming and loads of genres, their PC multiplatform strategy, etc.

Its a good business pitch, pretty different and much better than what they had before with the edgy personality.


Oct 25, 2017
The adaptive controller is dope. In terms of peripherals, I agree. In terms of games, not as much.
>Looks at Minecraft

Ah yes, let's make distinctions of games and peripherals to make a point.

Not like people associate the DualSense with Playstation as a brand. Or the Move. Or the PSVR. Definitely not.

Nevermind the title is about the brand


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Xbox has always been great for indies. Xbox Live Arcade was my favorite thing about the 360.

I'm honestly not sure what Xbox's current identity is tho. "Gaming for everyone" sounds like a marketing talking point and I'm not convinced they embody that more than other platforms.

Apple Arcade could say they were "gaming for everyone," and it would probably be as valid a claim (and equally obnoxious) for them as for Xbox.
The have accessibility controllers, and publish games with diverse characters - they swapped Gears protagonist to a woman - and I can't picture Nintendo, Sony, or Apple publishing a game with a trans protagonist like Tell Me Why. Xbox is clearly putting their money where there mouth is.

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
It's far from perfect, but Xbox feels to be most inclusive and acceptive of brands in console space. Personally I feel most at home and welcome there (after PC).


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
The have accessibility controllers, and publish games with diverse characters - they swapped Gears protagonist to a woman - and I can't picture Nintendo, Sony, or Apple publishing a game with a trans protagonist like Tell Me Why. Xbox is clearly putting their money where there mouth is.


has a prominent trans character, plus Ellie (a gay woman) as protagonist

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
I always saw whatever "the" console was of the time to be the "edgy" "dudebro" one. Maybe it's because of the time period the 360 ruled the US; online and social media were on the rise and maybe helped proliferate that image. To me the Playstation is equal in that feeling, I always remember this segment whenever I hear someone try to describe the PS as the artisan's choice of console. Nintendo is the one that I can't say I've ever associated with that sort of audience.