
Oct 31, 2017
if graphics stayed the same and it meant locked 60 and cleaned up image quality for every game it would be the best gen ever


Oct 25, 2017
If you're comparing them to the ps4 Pro and Xbox one x and not the base consoles then maybe


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
I think a number of the games looked really great. Particularly Ratchet and Horizon.

That being said, the combination of the upgraded consoles + 1080p stream make this jump seem less impressive. Going from 4-6TF machines to 10-12TF machines make this gen upgrade seem a bit less impressive graphically. Add to that showing 4k games at 1080p/30 doesn't help.


Oct 27, 2017
Most games shown were crossgen, multiplat or smaller games. Horizon 2 is the new benchmark and the improvements are as big as ever. It looks far beyond anything this generation has to offer and it's an early PS5 game.

Ratchet is also a vast improvement over the last game.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Everything is clearly a step above what the PS4 can do, but really good graphics are like table stakes now. AAA games already look better than CGI movies from a decade ago. Now they're going to look better than CGI movies from 5 years ago. The technical wizardry doesn't hit the way it did when I was a kid. And the real shame is that the ROI is not increasing, so the poor souls working Sony's salt mines are putting in more effort than ever and I'm just over here like, nice I guess? How's the framerate?


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. For now. The true power of the consoles won't be squeezed out until a couple of years from now. Happens every generation.

And now that the iterative hardware precedent has been set it seems totally foolish to not wait that few years for the inevitable upgraded console.

But of course being part of the zeitgeist yields the same badge of honor whether it's for a major game or console release.


Dec 4, 2017
And now that the iterative hardware precedent has been set it seems totally foolish to not wait that few years for the inevitable upgraded console.

But of course being part of the zeitgeist yields the same badge of honor whether it's for a major game or console release.

I don't see an issue with buying a console on launch. I don't plan on it though. Demon's Souls isn't worth a $500 purchase or whatever it is. I don't expect God of War for a long time. Also both Xbox and PS5 look like butt.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Correct, but for example you could look at Second Son and Shadow Fall from PS4 event back in the day and probably can't say these looks like it could run on PS3.
I agree with this, and on top of that I could look at Uc1 and not say it looks like a Ps2 game


Oct 27, 2017
I remember people saying this in 2013, and they were as wrong then as you are now

not a single game shown looked like it could run on a PS4


Oct 25, 2017
I was whelmed by the stream, but going back to look at the 4K trailers was night/day. Next-gen as hell


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what some people watched if they thought those games looked like your average PS4 games... lol.


Mar 17, 2018
No, these games were pretty much PS4 games other than R&C. Technically that could have been a R&C PS4 game too and they just added the shift mechanic a year ago.

That said you need to see the 4K feeds because that stream was grainy and 1080p. These will be cleaner PS4 games with better lighting or denser vegetation.

The truly impressive stuff won't come until 2022 and later probably. That would be a 3 year development timeline.


Oct 25, 2017
I think there are two things at play here. First of all the stream was terrible go watch 4k videos and look at the uncompressed images. Second compare these games to how a game looks on base ps4. Going from 900-1080p to this is a massive leap that the mid console refreshes kind of ruined


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
This legit looks like a linear progression to me:





It's a gradual and consistent progression into the legitimately Dreamworks CGI level visuals we're seeing today.

It's getting closer but these graphics would stick out like sore thumb. Modern pre-rendered cgi is still its own class. Maybe it could match some cheaply rendered childrens tv series.




Oct 27, 2017
I think we're hitting a point where games are going to be advanced by more subtle things like lighting or the amount of stuff you can cram on the screen, or performance, as opposed to outright noticing "wow these graphics are better". We're getting in the uncanny valley right now, and the uncanny valley is really hard to get out of.


Nov 6, 2017
I'm genuinely shocked by how the visuals looked. The game lineup was amazing but the visuals were super disappointing. GT7 was probably the worst example of that. Maybe we really are reaching diminishing returns? I don't know, I feel like if they showed horizon running gameplay or demon's souls they could've blown us away. That unreal engine demo was absolutely stunning and gave me that true generational leap feeling. I didn't get that this time around at all unfortunately.


Nov 11, 2017
It's getting closer but these graphics would stick out like sore thumb. Modern pre-rendered cgi is still its own class. Maybe it could match some cheaply rendered childrens tv series.



In what world is a video game still going to take 4 hours to render, and about 20-30 hours of post compositing.....? Is that what people think a... game...console is going to eventually do?
Oct 25, 2017
Diminishing returns for sure when it comes to just in your face detail.
It still looks significantly better though when you're looking at a 4K source.
The real improvement is the detail extending into the background.
Combine that with the fast loading, like how Ratchet switched environments quickly on the fly, it's a huge difference.


Oct 28, 2017
Portland, Oregon
The visual improvement are going to be in the subtle details, lighting effects, environment density etc. Characters on PS5 look just as phenomenal as they do in AAA PS4 games, Its a very marginal upgrade, but one well worth it. Just look at the grain and environmental filmic effects on the new Ratchet game.. the image is amazingly clean and that adds so much more to the atmosphere when you compare it to the PS4 version, despite the characters looking extremely similar in both versions. We arent ever going to see the kind of jumps we got with ps2>ps3>ps4, and I'm good with that.

Now what I really need to see is the systems potential for rendering VR games. Getting images as crisp and clear as they looked in the PS5 demo is surely out of the question, but all the new lighting an rendering capabilities will make for some extremely compelling and immersive PSVR content- that is if they dont kill it off like they did with Vita.
Feb 8, 2018
I think a number of the games looked really great. Particularly Ratchet and Horizon.

That being said, the combination of the upgraded consoles + 1080p stream make this jump seem less impressive. Going from 4-6TF machines to 10-12TF machines make this gen upgrade seem a bit less impressive graphically. Add to that showing 4k games at 1080p/30 doesn't help.

With all this considered most of the actual gameplay and Horizon 2 trailer and other trailers still show a significant difference.


Jul 18, 2019
go back and compare HZD and this new trailer. never trust your memory. even then, look at how grand the world is, graphics aren't just in the details, HZD has mountains, a few cities and the likes copy pasted everywhere. this new game has huge ships, cars, airplanes in the distance, it makes the world more alive. stuff like this are just not possible on a ps4.


Feb 3, 2020
I feel like people say this every gen because they fail to understand that a system's power and capabilities won't be realized until 3 or so years into the system's life. I'm sure none of these games were built from the ground up on the PS5.

However, Ratchet and Clank looked nothing like it's PS4 predecessor. That and Horizon 2 look like a slight step up from PS4 games. Also, ray-tracing which is another layer of graphics.


Oct 26, 2017
I think the super clean 4k look is a bit misleading to. And i think people have a tendency to have their very own criterias to what seems impressive or not.

What i mean is, some PS4 graphics rendered super cleanly at 4k would pass for next gen for many people. In some of those PS5 games, art direction and IQ is sooo good yet i look at them closely and i'm like.. not sure what's so different from a PS4 game in assets or tech.

For me, something that i'm expecting from true nect gen graphics are crazy details at mid and far distance. I think you can see that in Horizon Zero Down.

Now something like the Demon's Soul remake. It looks amazing, and the upgrade from the original is huge but.. i see that kinda look where LODs start to lose texture and details pretty quick actually.

I really think a key of "looking next gen" will be the density.
It's interesting that Kana is also for PS4, but it could be a case of downgrade rather than targeting the PS4 to start with.


Dec 4, 2017
This is why you wait a couple of years before you buy, wait for the games and the quality (unfortunately it looks to be only lighting and rez this gen)

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I also have my 2080ti PC hooked to my LG OLED and only Control or Metro Exodus on ultra with ray tracing has maybe been on the same level of what I saw in many of those trailers.
I don't think I saw anything that looked better than RDR2 on PC. But... that's not saying much because that game is insane.


Alt account
Mar 2, 2020
I think it would be more accurate to say that we've hit the point where even 4K YT streams can't accurately portray what modern games actually look like. There's just too much compression. Just look at some of the screenies from these games...

Too many people in here sounding like Phil Spencer in his recent interview...


Oct 28, 2017
The only next gen game I've seen so far that actually looks next gen to me is Hellblade II, and I have no idea if that's representative of what in game graphics will actually look like.


Alt account
Mar 2, 2020
I'm baffled, it's like people don't remember what ps4 games look like, pop ins and inferior lighting. Especially in open world, this stuff is closer to cgi now.
That's not how that works. It's all about perception. People are comparing these games to Doom Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. There weren't PS3 games like this when PS4 launched. The mid-gen console refreshes are messing with people's perception big time.

The generational graphical leap is there, it's just not perceived to be the case. Unfortunately, the general public will see it this way as well.

People like me running the original 2013 launch boxes are ecstatic though. That's why I never mess around with these half-step refreshes.


Oct 28, 2017
Diminishing returns has always been a thing. As you approximate a recreation of real life, there's only so far you can go.








Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 3, 2019
I think most people in this thread don't understand the meaning of diminishing returns.


Nov 8, 2017
It's going to take a while until we get stuff that really takes advantage of the hardware. The event was 90% stuff that had nothing to do with the PS5 other than being possible to play on it. If you look at the Demon's Souls screenshots, that kind of lighting and detail is not possible on a PS4 without massive performance tradeoffs.

It was not a good event in terms of actually informing people about what the system is capable of, outside of the pre-alpha R&C footage.


Oct 29, 2017
idk man, Ratchet and Clank looked hella impressive, and the time warps looked like something that would be impossible on a PS4. That's not something that's possible without an SSD.

Graphically a lot of these games looked great, and on top of looking great, the creative freedom given to developers thanks to the SSD will be great. Your already seeing it with Ratchet and Clank, what you saw in that trailer just isn't possible on a PS4 with a regular hard drive.
That was my thought as well - it's loading massive new environments every few seconds. It's less about the graphical fidelity (though it looked great) and more the instant loading.