
Oct 25, 2017
i love stories of someone getting their commupence-especially in the workplace and in fact I'm daydreaming about conducting some of my own before I leave my current job. Any good stories?


Oct 25, 2017
Revenge on my old office co-workers/bosses? Pff I'm above those fuckers, I ain't got time for that.


May 19, 2018
Got revenge on my parents real good for treating me like shit. Won't get into details but looking back on it I wish I had apologized and made amends before it became too late.


Oct 27, 2017
I worked with some incredibly lazy assholes that tried hard to bring me to their level. When I refused, they would throw me under the bus and tried to bully me. I continued to work my butt off and eventually I got promoted twice. I now make waaaay more than them, while doing less work and I actually enjoy my job. They are all rotting away at my old site, being super jealous that I made it to the top. Feels good to not fall into peer pressure.


Oct 25, 2017
Only in video games... In real life, I don't have the time to worry about other shitty people enough to start a feud that would likely end much much worse than simply just letting things go.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm waiting for my dad to die so I can go tip over his casket at his funeral.

Realistically I'll just be happy when he passes and go on about my day.

Edit: sorry if I upset anyone, I just got triggered is all.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Not really, just back in my younger days I was driving my dads old Mazda 6 sport and some goon tried to overtake me in a twisty one way road, so I had put it in Sport mode and blocked him. Lowkey wish someone would try that again now in my more capable cars...but nope. Probably a blessing though, don't wanna die that way.


Oct 28, 2017
This is too long to post in detail but at a shit job way back I heard or had a hunch that some shady shit was going down. Never underestimate the power of bluffing. I told my new supervisor to her face "there's something funny going on here and I'm about to fucking find out everything " . So I leave thinking nothing and the manager who i knew phones me like half hour later going "what did you say to x " " what the hell is going on " ....
I'm like i told her there's shady shit going on and I'm about to find out what.
He says dude she just had a breakdown and confessed she's sleeping with a coworker (both married ) and he's been plotting to get rid of you spreading lies and she's scared now and doesn't know what to do ....
I say oh yeah acting all casual while thinking "wtf !!!!!" Now I'm really mad . I'm like what lies ? He says " she says he been saying you give drugs to clients to keep them calm "
Now if you're in the human services industry you know this is about as bad as it gets like ruin your career bad so my next phone call is to regional coordinator. And I'm super pissed .
I'm like " how long has this bullshit been going on behind my back which you apparently knew since he reported me to you "
She's saying oh I'm sorry we realized we made a mistake and he was losing it we fired him . I forced her to name him though I knew who it was . I was saying ok well I consider this slander so my next step is to get a lawyer . You'll be hearing from me . Left without notice and never spoke to them again .
Just the worst organization and unprofessional morons I have ever worked with . All from a dumb hunch

passepied joe

Oct 25, 2017
This is too long to post in detail but at a shit job way back I heard or had a hunch that some shady shit was going down. Never underestimate the power of bluffing. I told my new supervisor to her face "there's something funny going on here and I'm about to fucking find out everything " . So I leave thinking nothing and the manager who i knew phones me like half hour later going "what did you say to x " " what the hell is going on " ....
I'm like i told her there's shady shit going on and I'm about to find out what.
He says dude she just had a breakdown and confessed she's sleeping with a coworker (both married ) and he's been plotting to get rid of you spreading lies and she's scared now and doesn't know what to do ....
I say oh yeah acting all casual while thinking "wtf !!!!!" Now I'm really mad . I'm like what lies ? He says " she says he been saying you give drugs to clients to keep them calm "
Now if you're in the human services industry you know this is about as bad as it gets like ruin your career bad so my next phone call is to regional coordinator. And I'm super pissed .
I'm like " how long has this bullshit been going on behind my back which you apparently knew since he reported me to you "
She's saying oh I'm sorry we realized we made a mistake and he was losing it we fired him . I forced her to name him though I knew who it was . I was saying ok well I consider this slander so my next step is to get a lawyer . You'll be hearing from me . Left without notice and never spoke to them again .
Just the worst organization and unprofessional morons I have ever worked with . All from a dumb hunch
Good superpower you got there
Oct 28, 2017
Oh. Rad. Man im drunk and continue to show my ads.



Oct 26, 2017
Getting families evicted and watching them as they're forced to pack up their shit and fuck up is damn near sweet revenge to me.

I'm not sure why they thought they could make life hell for their neighbors without consequence for so long. The best one was the grown ass man that started crying and begged me to help him convince the landlord to change their mind.


Oct 28, 2017
Good superpower you got there
On any given day I'll just forget that story completely it's like too crazy to even remember considering it was completely out of the blue .... revenge part was that dude lost his job of 20 years , so did supervisor and the manager and I both quit leaving a staff of 6 down to 2. Feel bad for that company's clients though.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I do have someone I want to take revenge on, but...
Nah, if someone is occupying that much space in your head you can never truly win.
I feel like this is true. I also feel like there is not something I could do to that person that would actually matter or make me feel better, so the best I can do is be successful, be happier and better than before.

Deleted member 14887

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Getting families evicted and watching them as they're forced to pack up their shit and fuck up is damn near sweet revenge to me.

I'm not sure why they thought they could make life hell for their neighbors without consequence for so long. The best one was the grown ass man that started crying and begged me to help him convince the landlord to change their mind.

Needs context.


Oct 27, 2017
Getting families evicted and watching them as they're forced to pack up their shit and fuck up is damn near sweet revenge to me.

I'm not sure why they thought they could make life hell for their neighbors without consequence for so long. The best one was the grown ass man that started crying and begged me to help him convince the landlord to change their mind.

WTF? Are you some kind of psycho?


Oct 25, 2017
The joys of revenge are only short term
The aftermath always leaves a bitter feeling
The best revenge is moving on


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
My boss's assistant is kind of a shrill harpy sometimes and she'll always blow things way out of proportion and give me grief over the smallest things

So when she messed up the boardroom table and the boss had to pay $3000 to fix it, I felt nothing but warm fuzzies inside

Not revenge, but I loved seeing the look on her face

Fuck you, Susan

passepied joe

Oct 25, 2017
Getting families evicted and watching them as they're forced to pack up their shit and fuck up is damn near sweet revenge to me.

I'm not sure why they thought they could make life hell for their neighbors without consequence for so long. The best one was the grown ass man that started crying and begged me to help him convince the landlord to change their mind.
What happened, without context you sound like a HUGE asshole lol


Oct 28, 2017
When I was in High School some kid stole my GameBoyAdvance and Pokemon game. At first I thought it was a friend playing a joke on me, but soon realized it was a legit jacking. I went to school security and they looked at Camera's, it was some dude that wore a Beavis Mask, ran to an area where there were no camera's, completely changed his clothes and got rid of the mask... dude had a plan and I was told there no way they could find him. Thankfully I was I high up in the ROTC program and knew a ton of people from every grade level, I put the word out if anyone had a kid in class with a Beavis mask and sure enough I found the guy thanks to one of my cadets. Security tracked him down and sat us in a room together, called his mom in to get my stuff back,

This happened near the end of the year, so with the mandatory suspension the guy pretty much missed all his finals and failed a few classes. They asked if I wanted to press charges and I said no, he's been through enough and hopefully this was a learning lesson for him. Not really revenge but it felt good tracking the guy down and showing him some humility even through he stole my shit and even erased my game :(.


Oct 25, 2017
In like third grade this kid would pick on me in the worse way. Like he would see me and just punch me or spit on me and I would not do anything. I finally had enough of his shit when he tried to take my drawing and rip it up. I went crazy and repeatedly smashed his head into me desk. I damn near cracked his skull. He never even looked at me again.

A few years later I had another bully that would mess with me on my bus which he did not even take. One day I beat him in the face with a deodorant can. Felt real good as I did this in front dozens watching.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
In like third grade this kid would pick on me in the worse way. Like he would see me and just punch me or spit on me and I would not do anything. I finally had enough of his shit when he tried to take my drawing and rip it up. I went crazy and repeatedly smashed his head into me desk. I damn near cracked his skull. He never even looked at me again.
Are you a young child planning on going into an elite military academy by any chance
Oct 25, 2017
Back in the day when I had one of those shitty jobs for teenagers. New guy starts for summer work, and he's having a hard time with one of the cleaning jobs so I go over and let him know the easiest way to do the job and I'm met with "Are you telling me how to do my job!", this was his first day BTW. So I left him to it. But throughout the summer he had a terrible attitude that he was too good for this job and what he was studying in university was what he actually was. Anyway I avoided him but kept an eye out for any opportunities of inconvenience him. Then one night it presented itself we were closing the late shift and is was 2:30am and he left his keys in the staff room, so I scooped them up and threw them away, far far away. He spent at least 20 minutes running around panicking looking for his keys and had to leave the building as it was getting closed for the night. He had to call the breakdown service to get into his car and then a locksmith to get into his apartment, he didn't finish that until 6am.


Oct 25, 2017
This is too long to post in detail but at a shit job way back I heard or had a hunch that some shady shit was going down. Never underestimate the power of bluffing. I told my new supervisor to her face "there's something funny going on here and I'm about to fucking find out everything " . So I leave thinking nothing and the manager who i knew phones me like half hour later going "what did you say to x " " what the hell is going on " ....
I'm like i told her there's shady shit going on and I'm about to find out what.
He says dude she just had a breakdown and confessed she's sleeping with a coworker (both married ) and he's been plotting to get rid of you spreading lies and she's scared now and doesn't know what to do ....
I say oh yeah acting all casual while thinking "wtf !!!!!" Now I'm really mad . I'm like what lies ? He says " she says he been saying you give drugs to clients to keep them calm "
Now if you're in the human services industry you know this is about as bad as it gets like ruin your career bad so my next phone call is to regional coordinator. And I'm super pissed .
I'm like " how long has this bullshit been going on behind my back which you apparently knew since he reported me to you "
She's saying oh I'm sorry we realized we made a mistake and he was losing it we fired him . I forced her to name him though I knew who it was . I was saying ok well I consider this slander so my next step is to get a lawyer . You'll be hearing from me . Left without notice and never spoke to them again .
Just the worst organization and unprofessional morons I have ever worked with . All from a dumb hunch
A little l-theanine never hurt anybody.


Oct 25, 2017
In Scouts this loser was bullying and picking on a friend of mine.

So we told our Leader(I guess that was the name) and he had him do 20 pushups in front of everyone as punishment.

Partway through the guy let out the biggest fart, everyone heard it and laughed, even the adults couldn't help it.

The bully was beet red as he barely finished the pushups. He never did anything like that again.

Nothing beats revenge on a bully.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No but the closest would be when the neogaf melt down as I did not like Tyler Malka, as I found him to be an arrogant little prick and I never brought his faux feminist approach.

Was really glad to see his little kingdom to come down crashing.


Oct 25, 2017
In like third grade this kid would pick on me in the worse way. Like he would see me and just punch me or spit on me and I would not do anything. I finally had enough of his shit when he tried to take my drawing and rip it up. I went crazy and repeatedly smashed his head into me desk. I damn near cracked his skull. He never even looked at me again.

A few years later I had another bully that would mess with me on my bus which he did not even take. One day I beat him in the face with a deodorant can. Felt real good as I did this in front dozens watching.

Had a similar situation. I was in highschool (sophomore) when this dude would randomly decide to fuck with me at least once a week during lunch time. So after a couple of weeks of his BS, I said to myself "the next time he so much as touches me again, I'm gonna make an example out of him".

Fast forward to the middle of the week and he's at my lunch table. So I'm trying to ignore him, and he flips my tray. Tray had leftover food and a chocolate milk cartoon on it. So I picked up the tray and held it in my hands.

Then I said to him, in front of everybody,

Me: "you see this tray?"
Him:. Huh? Wha-?
Me: I said do you see this tray?
Him: yea. So?
Me:. You know I can beat your ass, right? (I turn to my friend sitting right beside me and say: "does he know I can beat his ass?")
Him: (getting nervous) I'd like to see you try.

Boom. Boom, boom. The whole cafeteria got quiet. Those were the sounds of me bashing his head in with a lunch tray. 3 times. It. Echoed. He just kinda sat there looking at me and was looking confused. I dropped the tray and told him to get up as I walked around to his side of the table.

The pressure was on so he had to get up. He took off his backpack and ran up to me. Next thing I knew I was on the floor with a school officer on top of me.

I didn't know if I won or lost, so I called numerous people around school. (I was suspended and awaiting "school trial") They said everyone was talking about the fight. They said when he approached me to punch I parried him and threw numerous punches at him. Then they said he tried to tackle me and scoop me off my feet. They said I stopped his scoop, and reversed him by throwing him across the floor (yea wtf?). He slid quite a distance. Then I got tackled by staff, and school officers because they thought I was the badguy.
Nov 8, 2017
Some random person online once tricked me into installing a trojan on my PC in the 90's (I was stupid back then), then he started fucking with my PC.

A few days later, I found out it was actually a friend from school playing a prank.

So a week later I told him about what happened as if I didn't know it was him. Then I told him I'd called the police and they'd traced the hacker's IP address and they were going to press charges against the person for criminal hacking.

My friend was clearly shitting himself; could hear it in his voice, but he still didn't want to admit it was him, and was telling me maybe I should tell the police to call it off and that it wasn't such a big deal. But I was like "Nah, this fucker is gonna learn not to mess with me", so eventually my friend came clean.

Of course, there were never any police involved.


Oct 28, 2017
One of the hot girls in high school that wouldn't give the time of day was more than willing to shake her tits in my face for a dollar bill years later at the strip club... that's not really revenge but I did get some satisfaction from it.

Edited for clarification.


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
Getting families evicted and watching them as they're forced to pack up their shit and fuck up is damn near sweet revenge to me.

I'm not sure why they thought they could make life hell for their neighbors without consequence for so long. The best one was the grown ass man that started crying and begged me to help him convince the landlord to change their mind.

WTF? The whole family deserved your 'revenge'?