
Oct 8, 2018
Think about it like this OP, the game would leak a whole lot more if it launched like how FF7R is doing now.


May 2, 2018
I was spoiled for TLOU, and that didn't take away from the experience in any way. Tacky it might be, Naughty Dog games are well and truly about the journey and not the destination. I'd argue it's their skill with crafting ambience and inspiring feelings that has made them so popular - never the storybeats themselves. Knowing that X happens to Ellie, and Y happens to Joel means little without the build-up.
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Oct 28, 2017
They haven't leaked any of the plot in many years, I don't see why they would now.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Lately some of the posts/threads on this side of the site have been unreal. Do you people not realize the calamity of the situation the world is facing? Spoilers and game delays should be the least of your fucking worries


I want to clarify, that yes, this situation sucks, but really, every one is going through it



Oct 25, 2017
stop worrying about spoilers and you won't be afraid of something so trivial anymore

ez ez


Oct 29, 2017
It's like, sure, I'm very worried that my grandfather was diagnosed with Covid-19 today but I'm also really worried that I'll hear spoilers for this game. I'm not sure which potential outcome is worse here!


Oct 31, 2017
It's not the destination that is important, it is the journey,m (what led to it).

Also, IF it were to leak, it would be easier to know who did the deed. 😏😉


Oct 25, 2017
We're on a video game forum, why are we gate keeping something OP cares about?
Cuz we're going through a pandemic and there's way better things to be concerned about than being spoiled by a video game

if you get spoiled you can still enjoy the game. If whatever the spoiler is, is the only selling point it's shit anyway

it's embarrassing manbaby shit

also you're using gate keeping wrong
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The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
Cuz we're going through a pandemic and there's way better things to be concerned about than being spoiled by a video game

if you get spoiled you can still enjoy the game. If whatever the spoiler is, is the only selling point it's shit anyway
You can be concerned about both at the same time. Its not like OP is saying fuck them kids I only care about spoilers.

I'm using gate keeping correctly. You're basically saying he can't express concern about something unless its a serious thing like the virus. Again, its a video game forum, we can talk about video games.


Oct 25, 2017
You can be concerned about both at the same time. Its not like OP is saying fuck them kids I only care about spoilers.

I'm using gate keeping correctly. You're basically saying he can't express concern about something unless its a serious thing like the virus. Again, its a video game forum, we can talk about video games.
Nah. These are such minor concerns to be voiced during this they should be ashamed


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Hold strong Memento . We will make it.


Oct 29, 2017
Lol why would it even be spoiled it's been in the works for this long with no leaks it's not like the employees that have been working on it all these years are just gonna spoil it


Oct 25, 2017
Until the game went gold and goes to printing and sent to warehouses, I don't think we have to worry about leaks, and by then, it's the same with any other game. It's not like Sony is printing the game now and it'll stay in warehouses until whenever the new release date will be


Oct 27, 2017
People have been very disingenuous as of late, using spoilers as a guise for selfishness. I'm not saying that this OP is doing this, or all of that talk is invalid, but some of it is so obvious. It's like we haven't dealt with staggered releases for the past 20 years online.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Lol why would it even be spoiled it's been in the works for this long with no leaks it's not like the employees that have been working on it all these years are just gonna spoil it
Anything could happen these days...

Maybe when the game's finished, a bored developer who worked on the game might leak it on 4ch for shits & giggles.

We just don't know if those spoilers true or not...

/s /j


Jan 3, 2018
I think you should be aware the ending has already been created months/years earlier, it's not like they only created the ending cutscenes last night. Nothing has leaked yet, so why would anything leak soon?


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Probably stay off TLOU related forum threads then. I'd avoid making threads like this too.

You're surely not new to this, it's the same with any new release. Avoid related media if you want to avoid spoilers or leaks.

It's unlikely that you'll see a leak for the narrative in a headline, at least not on ERA, so stay away from threads and forums that relate to TLOU just to be safe, and I think you'll be fine.

Who does OP think is going to leak it? Naughty Dog employees?

In general I think the weakest point security wise is the playtesters that these studios get in. Most of Sony's games are played by 100s if not 1000s of players prior to release, all of which are NDAed, but it can be challenging for studios to hold them accountable.

A lot of those leaks actually don't get seen by anyone though. I remember working in industry and we'd see leaks here and there, some random would post the narrative on Facebook, 4chan, twitter or some place, and would either ignore the post or not believe it was real.

I remember seeing one wherein someone leaked the narrative for a popular video game series, and the guy got bashed for making stuff up, with folks saying his story was too unrealistic.

Kind of like how the Apex Legends map was leaked one year prior to the games release and everyone just dismissed it. That's a good example.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There are definitely more important things going on.
You'll be fine, even if it leaks.
Just put on a word filter for your browser or something.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
Probably stay off TLOU related forum threads then. I'd avoid making threads like this too.

You're surely not new to this, it's the same with any new release. Avoid related media if you want to avoid spoilers or leaks.

It's unlikely that you'll see a leak for the narrative in a headline, at least not on ERA, so stay away from threads and forums that relate to TLOU just to be safe, and I think you'll be fine.

In general I think the weakest point security wise is the playtesters that these studios get in. Most of Sony's games are played by 100s if not 1000s of players prior to release, all of which are NDAed, but it can be challenging for studios to hold them accountable.

A lot of those leaks actually don't get seen by anyone though. I remember working in industry and we'd see leaks here and there, some random would post the narrative on Facebook, 4chan, twitter or some place, and would either ignore the post or not believe it was real.

I remember seeing one wherein someone leaked the narrative for a popular video game series, and the guy got bashed for making stuff up, with folks saying his story was too unrealistic.

Kind of like how the Apex Legends map was leaked one year prior to the games release and everyone just dismissed it. That's a good example.
That's a fair point. I'm just struggling to see how things would suddenly leak now because of a delay when testers would have been under NDA for a very long time already (presumably some since the game was last delayed)


Alt Account
Mar 7, 2020
Man there are some real hostile responses in here just because someone is worried about spoilers on a video game. Probably not worth the thread but some of you need to remind yourself you are on a video game forum


Oct 27, 2017
It's not like the story is going to set the world on fire. So if something gets leaked... Who cares?
A whole bunch of people care. Why shouldn't people care when plots, twists, character deaths, character relations and a whole lot more get spoiled in advance? People care for these stories and characters, the worlds they're in. People want to experience that first hand, having stuff spoiled before that sours the experience.

This is not a hard concept to grasp, at all.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
That's a fair point. I'm just struggling to see how things would suddenly leak now because of a delay when testers would have been under NDA for a very long time already (presumably some since the game was last delayed)

I suppose they could find the draw to leak more enticing, since people are likely to be hungry for news about the game.

But in general I agree with you, there's no reason to fear leaks more now, than there was before.


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
what spoilers lol. the game isnt in anyones hands and will stay like that until its out. devs are bound by NDA. and hightly I doubt any ND dev wants to put their lively hood to the test in a time like this. so no you wont find any spoilers