
Dec 14, 2017
Edit: As a lot of people rightfully stated it, I should have started with this: they are three excellent actors (and they all seem like great people) and companies are more to blame than them. The fact that I can't stand their voices in AAA and AA games is unfortunate given how talented and invested they are in most of their roles.

I am a big fan of acting performances in games.

Some of my favourite games are deeply tied to the voices / performance captures of actors. My personal best game of the generation is Mafia 3, and it would never be the case without the incredible performances of Alex Hernandez (Lincoln), Lane Compton (Donovan) or Jay Acovone (Sal Marcano).
And what about Red Dead Redemption 2? Holy cow this cast is amazing. I can remember most of the gang's voices just by thinking about them. They have personality, these actors are engaged with their characters. Just watching some interviews of the actors make you realize how deep they went into understanding their pixel couterparts, it's outstanding.

In the previous generation, it felt like most of the big story-driven games were hugely dominated by three actors : Laura Bailey, Nolan North, Troy Baker.
Just take a look at all the PS360 AAA and AA games featuring one of these actors:

All Assassin's Creed Games (Nolan North)
CoD Black Ops (Nolan North)
All Uncharted Games (Nolan North, Troy Baker)
Spec Ops: The Line (Nolan North)
Deadpool (Nolan North)
The Last of Us (Nolan North, Troy Baker)
Final Fantasy XIII (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey)
Nier (Laura Bailey)
Catherine (Troy Baker)
Batman Arkham City (Troy Baker, where he has like 4 different roles)
Batman Arkham Origins (Troy Baker)
Mass Effect 3 (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey)
Binary Domain (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey)
Resident Evil 6 (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey)
Bioshock Infinite (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey)
Saints Row IV (the player can portray Nolan North, Laura Bailey and Troy Baker...)

In 2013, two of the main GOTY contenders had their main protagonist played by Troy Baker. In 2012 he appeared in 14 (!!!) games. That is obviously not a complete list, but if you are a AAA solo story-driven game enthusiast like me, chances are most of your favourite PS360 games had one of these 3 actors as the main / supporting cast.
It seems like this has been a tiny bit less obvious in this generation. Since 2015, Nolan North only had two very big roles in Uncharted 4 (main character) and Mafia 3 (supporting cast, with his actual appearence) and Laura Bailey mostly has secondary characters voices - although the importance of her wharacters in debatable. Troy Baker on the other hand is EVERYWHERE. He is Revolver Ocelot, he is Death Stranding bad guy, he's the CoD Advance Warfare main character, He's The Lord of the Ring's main character, he is Batman in TWO DIFFERENT UNRELATED GAMES, Lego Dimensions and Telltale's Batman... and he also played the Joker in Akham Origins.

This means... Troy Baker has played Batman in 2012, and the joker in 2013. This is ridiculous.

So... I think I'm deeply tired and bored of hearing the same voices over and over. I'm happy for them that they managed to be successful at what they do, acting being such a difficult field of work to enter in. But the joke "if you want to be a voice actor in video games, just wait for Nolan and me to die" made by Troy Baker during the Game Awards isn't a joke anymore.

I'm French, so a lot of the games shipped in my country are dubbed in French (except for Nier, Catherine and the Telltale games, all the previous examples had French voice acting), and I'm at the point that if I know the game will be casting one of these 3 actors, I either play it in French without any hesitation, or simply don't play it at all. Even replaying some of the previously quoted games can be a struggle for me. I recently replayed Spec Ops: The Line, which is an outstanding dark and harsh story about PTSD and war making humans go crazy. Yet, most of Nolan North's acting is just Uncharted-level of lightness (the first part, which is coherent with the story), and when it gets darker it's like watching Jim Carrey in The Number 23 trying to be all somber and down-to-earth (I suppose a lot of people like his performance, I'm just explaining why it felt very off to me).

I believe the weirdest performance was Troy Baker's Ocelot. It feels like Baker is trying to make an impression of Patric Zimmerman but also kind of not being very invested in what he says at all. He's actually trying to make his voice hard to recognize, but I spent the game struggling to understand why the hell this hugely known video game actor was casted just so he could transform his voice so much that it's impossible to recognize and is pretty damn boring. It's the opposite with Laura Bailey as Nadine in Uncharted 4. She's a good actress and all, but we all know her voice, and knowing what Laura Bailey looks like, it was so weird listening to her voice dubbing a black woman.

There are of course some exceptions. It's hard to imagine Uncharted without Nolan, and when the character's model is actually the face of the actor (Death Stranding, Mafia 3, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare), it's a bit different. But overall, I wish a lot of casting directors weren't so scared of hiring a wider set of less known and less safe actors, like they did for most of Mafia 3 and all of RDR/GTA cast - although it seems not all of them were treated correctly, that has to be noted.

I'd rather say "when I see Steven Ogg's actor all I can see is Trevor" than "when I hear the Bioshock Infinite dude all I can hear is Batman/TLOU/Catherine/Joker".
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Alt account
Feb 5, 2020
They are annoyingly played out.

Just because it's Troy Baker, doesn't make him perfect fit for certain voices. Like Ocelot for instance.

I have no clue why developers would go for these big names, instead of unknowns (if they do their parts better, which I will assume there are a ton of voice actors out there that don't ever get a chance to partake in project like MGS).

I had no clue Nadine wasn't a black woman in UC4 though, but yeah, no surprise there either. A big named voice actor? "Eh who cares if she's white, she can do a good 'black' voice right guys?". Is how I see it happening.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like you might get some flak for this OP but to be honest, I do understand some of where you're coming from. The more ubiquitous it is for the same actors to take roles, the less easy I find it for myself to enjoy the character on the whole. This isn't ALL the time of course. Someone might say that actors in film do multiple roles and it's no different but, in that case, they still largely look the same. In games, when the characters all look so different, BUT sound the same because it's well-known performers, it can take me out of the experience.


May 25, 2018
I don't know who these people are and almost never came across them but one thing I know for sure: there are way too many french people on this board.
En vrai, perso j'ai jamais eu ce problème vu que pour moi quasiment tous les doubleurs américains ont la même voix. Ca suffit avec les types qui ont une GROSSE VOIX SOMBRE. Alors que les Xenoblade et leurs accents britanniques, là on parle, là c'est ma came


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Sep 26, 2019
Myeah... With Shadow of War, whenever I watched a cutscene, all I saw was Troy Baker walking around on a soundstage.


Oct 27, 2017
How about we just boost minority voice actors and give them more chances and opportunities to audition for roles?


Oct 8, 2018
Feels like a rant from last gen or earlier this gen, i dont think they've been performing as much recently.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no clue why developers would go for these big names, instead of unknowns (if they do their parts better, which I will assume there are a ton of voice actors out there that don't ever get a chance to partake in project like MGS).
Because they're tried and tested and have a history of good to great quality work? As usual people here assume that gamers outside of this bubble actually care about this. As long the performance is good and the actor/actress is dynamic enough, I can't see the issue.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I tend to agree, though I did love the moment when I realized that

Was played by Nolan North. When they're not typecast as the Nathan Drakes or Booker DeWitts of every video game, and when they really try for different roles, they do a great job.
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Oct 25, 2017
Pacific North West
This is how I feel with Yuri Lowenthal.
It's gotten to the point where I can't stand his voice anymore and flat out refuse to buy any games that doesn't have at least dual audio.
Thank fuck Star Ocean First Departure has dual audio.


Oct 28, 2017
Finding good talent to do voices isn't that easy, especially with the increasing reliance on performance capturing. These actors are just very good at what they are doing and Baker in particular is also very versatile (if allowed). Maybe this trend can be mitigated through the use of bigger name actors since AAA budgets are going up and up.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Have they been in any big games recently? They used to be in tons of stuff but I feel like I haven't heard them in a long time


Oct 29, 2017
Karnaca, Serkonos
I don't know who these people are and almost never came across them but one thing I know for sure: there are way too many french people on this board.
En vrai, perso j'ai jamais eu ce problème vu que pour moi quasiment tous les doubleurs américains ont la même voix. Ca suffit avec les types qui ont une GROSSE VOIX SOMBRE. Alors que les Xenoblade et leurs accents britanniques, là on parle, là c'est ma came
Conclusion: Tout est mieux en VF.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Casting Laura Bailey as a black woman in UC4 was so fuckin stupid
As mentioned, I believe her casting predates Nadine's design being finalized. With that said, you could argue that she should have been recast when Naughty Dog ultimately decided to make Nadine a black woman.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Troy Baker is the one that really annoys me. It's almost always the exact same voice for every character >_<


Oct 27, 2017
Thats what makes voice acting so peculiar to me.

You can design an amazing character, with awesome design. Even create a plot around them. but as soon as they open their mouth it has to match up right or the audience is immediately taken out of the immersion.

Some times, like this, its not even about matching up lol. You are just pulled out cause you think oh troy baker.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
They are annoyingly played out.

Just because it's Troy Baker, doesn't make him perfect fit for certain voices. Like Ocelot for instance.

I remember listening to the KojiPro podcast and they had voice director Kris Zimmerman on and she said they were actually told not to hire a specific voice actor because he already "is in everything". They didn't name who but it's obvious that must've been Troy Baker. She said she ended up having him audition anyway and he turned out the best guy for the job according to her.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I don't know who these people are and almost never came across them but one thing I know for sure: there are way too many french people on this board.
En vrai, perso j'ai jamais eu ce problème vu que pour moi quasiment tous les doubleurs américains ont la même voix. Ca suffit avec les types qui ont une GROSSE VOIX SOMBRE. Alors que les Xenoblade et leurs accents britanniques, là on parle, là c'est ma came don't know who Troy Baker or Nolan north is? What have you been playing this decade?


Dec 14, 2017
Have they been in any big games recently? They used to be in tons of stuff but I feel like I haven't heard them in a long time

Troy Baker, yes. But as I mentionned in the OP, the other two not that much. They still work a lot, but not as the main protagonnist that often anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Then why exactly did they decide to go for a black woman if they have a white voice actress? Weird.

Because they liked the design the best? I mean UC4 is game where a white women is voiced by a black actor.

I'm not discounting times where a white actor was cast in a PoC role that they shouldn't have gotten but this whole thing is nuanced. Not often, but it's not that simple.


May 10, 2018
Very talented people but yes I've agreed with this for a long ass time. It often feels like there are 5 VOs in the industry.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally, sometimes it's immersion breaking when hearing a voice and immediately recognizing who is behind it. Which is why I like to hear new voices.


Mar 22, 2019
This is how I feel with Yuri Lowenthal.
It's gotten to the point where I can't stand his voice anymore and flat out refuse to buy any games that doesn't have at least dual audio.
Thank fuck Star Ocean First Departure has dual audio.
Him and Johnny Yong Bosch were in every mid 2000s JPRG lol.


The Fallen
Dec 26, 2018
Who doesn't love a character voiced by Nolan North talking to a different character who is also voiced by Nolan North??



Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I find their prevalence sort of baffling. They can't be cheap to get, right? And it's not like a voice actor's name is going to sell copies of a game. Sure, they're absolutely great at their jobs, but I'm always confused why games, especially smaller games with smaller budgets, wouldn't try getting someone cheaper/less instantly identifiable instead. It would be better for the game (probably cheaper and it would help the game not fall into the sea of other games starring the same handful of people) and better for smaller voice actors who have trouble getting roles.


Nov 28, 2017
I have to agree especially with Troy, other than TLOU its just his normal voice and its everywhere. Completely ruins characters for me.