
Apr 4, 2018
I just hate the CODification of Battlefield.BF5 is even more run&gun than BF1.Its just too chaotic,it feels like COD with 64 players.Maps are too small,you can't even play tactically,everything is so crammed like a giant clusterfuck.Have a feeling there's always 2-3 enemies 20meters around you.

It's like a massive zerg of 10+ people move flag to flag. One minute you are taking a flag on your own way out at side of map then all of a sudden are surrounded by about 10 players. Feels like GW2 open world pvp where a huge zerg of players just steamroll over the map killing anything in its way.

I hate what Battlefield had become.I miss the glory days of BF2(2006) and BF3.I know they had to make some adjustments to cater for a console but today's battlefield just doesn't feel right.

I really hope they will try to stop chasing what COD is and make Battlefield what we all know it can be.

Deleted member 9584

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Oct 26, 2017
To me, this is the best feeling Battlefield game since Bad Company 2. Everything just feels right to me.

Yea, it's a bit faster but I still think there is tons of strategy and tactics to be had. I like the larger playcount being funneled into a smaller area because it forces me to be smart about how I play in order to not die constantly.

Also, BFV and Blops4 are so ridiculously different now. They aren't even comparable for me in any type of playstyle sense.

BFV is not a twitch shooter to me at all.
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Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The best multiplayer Battlefield experience is still Bad Company 2. The maps and player count were perfect.


Oct 31, 2017
Maybe it's not for you but BFV is the best BF game in a long damn time, bugs and all. Combat is much tighter, which leads to the skill gap becoming present. Classes actually have roles and the gameplay rewards playing your class and working as a group.

Sure tweaks are needed, which are coming quickly but the core of the game is solid and fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I disagree.

I don't think BFV plays like CoD at all, I think it plays like BF, capping a point solo and having 10 dudes roll up on you is something that would happen in BF1942.

I've been sneaking behind the lines to kill a bunch of people in BFV, the same way I would do it in BF2.


Jan 7, 2018
And now, thanks to chasing Battle Royale, Call of Duty has a deeper character system than BF with an actual inventory, different ammo types and a longer TTK lmao


Oct 25, 2017
To me, this is the best feeling Battlefield gale since Bad Company 2. Everything just feels right to me.

Yea, it's a bit faster but I still think there is tons of strategy and tactics to be had. I like the larger playcount being funneled into a smaller area because it forces me to be smart about how I play in order to not die constantly.

Also, BFV and Blops4 are so ridiculously different now. They aren't even comparable for me in any type of playstyle sense.

BFV is not a twitch shooter to me at all.
Same, nothing to add to that ahah.


Oct 25, 2017
OP, CoD is actually about choke points. So the thing you're complaining about is the inverse of what CoD is. Basically you should play CoD because it's exactly what you want.

I wish BF was even a slightly bit more chaotic like 1942.


Oct 28, 2017
I just played grand operations for the first time and holy shit. So different to conquest which I almost play exclusively. Much more tactics and thought required here, it's really like heading to the front line in a war. Crawl to the front, talk to the soldiers holding position, hopefully get a breakthrough and slowly move on. The enemy is focused on a couple of points only, so it feels like heading into a meat grinder, just amazing. Really atmospheric.
Oct 27, 2017
I always thought they were more or less the same thing. Like Coke and Pepsi.

No way, they both have guns and are about the military and that's about it in terms of similarity.

As for the topics, sure it still has some issues of feeling more chaotic but I think this game is trying to push slower Squad tactics more than before, but everyone runs around like maniacs still. I do wish they'd slow the Sprint speed or something to try to balance that.

The way some things are designed though doesn't really help that Squad idea and you of course you have to find the squad that actually plays together not 3 snipers and a medic like I wind up being in all the time.

It has its flaws but honestly this is the most fun I've had with the series in a while, though I did quite like Battlefield one as well


Oct 25, 2017
Maps are too small? I mean there are a couple of smaller ones there but overall they don't seem much different to what you'd find in BF3/4/1. I actually thought the map lineup at launch was incredibly strong. It just took a few games of each to workout the flow


Oct 27, 2017
OP: Misses the glories days of BF3
Also OP: Hates that BF5 is too like COD


Been playing since BF1942. This is the best I'd put this in the Top3 if they can fix some of their glaring issues. Only two bad maps and one of those maps could easily be made good with some balance.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
The best multiplayer Battlefield experience is still Bad Company 2. The maps and player count were perfect.

Seriously this. I used to think 64 player was the was to go until DICE started jerking themselves off to constant Op Metro type choke points and just over all cluster fuck of too many players.

BC2 had the perfect balance


Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Aug 21, 2018
You surely didn't play battlefield v and don't know what you are talking about.

The gameplay in bf v has nothing comparable with cod.

Cod is a on rails fps. With no recoil or balance in movements. The character looks like a solid rocky.

The skill curve in cod is almost inexistent.
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Oct 28, 2017
I just hate the CODification of Battlefield.BF5 is even more run&gun than BF1.Its just too chaotic,it feels like COD with 64 players.Maps are too small,you can't even play tactically,everything is so crammed like a giant clusterfuck.Have a feeling there's always 2-3 enemies 20meters around you.

I hate what Battlefield had become.I miss the glory days of BF2(2006) and BF3.I know they had to make some adjustments to cater for a console but today's battlefield just doesn't feel right.

I really hope they will try to stop chasing what COD is and make Battlefield what we all know it can be.

The bolded are some seriously opposing views to hod at the same time. BF3 and 4 were probably the most CoD-like of the entire series, BF1 far less so.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I love that moment you engage with a person and juuuust as you're about to kill them their buddy spawns on them because the game hasn't decided they are in combat yet and you're not only injure, but out of or low on ammo.
But your team-mates on discord still can't spawn on you. That or you sneak up on someone and then suddenly 3 people appear around them, doesn't this game have squad spawn protection for enemies nearby? I SWEAR it had - I guess sometimes it just doesn't work.

I can't find any servers less than 64 and it's too chaotic, I preferred it when there was less players and single encounters had more say in in the matter without 500 people on a bridge opening up on you.


Oct 25, 2017
That hasn't been my experience with BFV at all. It's the most skill based and tactical BF has been in a long time. It plays so much better than the overly chaotic and random BF1.


Oct 26, 2017
God can we just have Bad Company back??

It's been the same for almost 10 years! It's sad that BC2 is still, imo, the best online shooter. These last 3 battlefield have been dogshite


Oct 26, 2017
Only way I can see I agree with OP is if you play Breakthrough game mode, because that is 24/7 chaotic mess like described.
But any other mode, nah not even close. (ok maybe some of those tiny maps in conquest).

So either OP havent played other modes or havent played the game at all.


Oct 25, 2017
BF has always been run & gunny since the Bad company games and even more so since BF3 and onwards due to lower TTK.

The "tactical BF game" hasn't existed since BF2142. Also part of the reason those games were slow were because the movement was so janky, you couldn't even run diagonally in those games and you'd get stuck if there was anything on the ground higher than 3 inches.


Oct 27, 2017
BF4 was the last BF where you had to know your weapon, loadout, and how to maneuver. They abolished the Skill Gap in BF1. They abandoned the skill gap that BF was known for in pursuit of the COD market. I remember playing BF1 beta and thinking What the fuck? This is way too easy. I put down BF1 week 1. When I realized that BF5 was the exact same I dismissed it out right.

I might get an 1X to jump back on BF3.


Oct 27, 2017
For everyone asking for BC3. Just know that DICE will completely ignore it being a "Bad Company" game and still make an BF game close to what we have in BF1 & V. BC3 will only be BC in name to sell more copies.


Oct 26, 2017
BF4 was the last BF where you had to know your weapon, loadout, and how to maneuver. They abolished the Skill Gap BF is known for in pursuit of the COD market. I remember playing BF1 beta and thinking What the fuck? This is way too easy. I put down BF1 week 1. Saw that BF5 was the exact same and didn't purchase it at all.

I might get an 1X to jump back on BF3.

But BF1 and BF5 are nothing a like.
There is free trials everywhere, you should give it a try and see yourself.
Much better than reading troll people repeating the same fake news they have heard from someone else who also havent played the game.


Oct 27, 2017
But BF1 and BF5 are nothing a like.
There is free trials everywhere, you should give it a try and see yourself.
Much better than reading troll people repeating the same fake news they have heard from someone else who also havent played the game.

I have a 1S and tried the free trial. Which why I said when I realized the skill gap was absent I dismissed it. The CEO said they were going with fun over realism (that's not a verbatim quote) in the lead up to the launch of BF1.


Oct 27, 2017
Seriously this. I used to think 64 player was the was to go until DICE started jerking themselves off to constant Op Metro type choke points and just over all cluster fuck of too many players.

BC2 had the perfect balance
Bc2 is overrated garbage

BC2 was the game responsible for codification of the series with removed jets and smaller maps and playercount.
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Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Bad Company? I would go even further back, and say that I miss the gameplay and pacing from Battlefield 1942, and the classic maps from that game. It's just not the same anymore,


Oct 27, 2017
I have no issues with the gunplay, but I am right there with you on the map design being poor.


Oct 29, 2017
BF4 was the last BF where you had to know your weapon, loadout, and how to maneuver. They abolished the Skill Gap in BF1. They abandoned the skill gap that BF was known for in pursuit of the COD market. I remember playing BF1 beta and thinking What the fuck? This is way too easy. I put down BF1 week 1. When I realized that BF5 was the exact same I dismissed it out right.

I might get an 1X to jump back on BF3.

You know what?
I agree. I had 300 hours in BF1 with my friends and we all found it to be the easiest Battlefield, basically, ever.
BF5 at the start definitely felt more "tactical" but once we got familiar with the new/changed mechanics, it doesn't really feel that much different from BF1. The removal of spotting outside of recon is interesting, and makes sneaking behind enemy lines much more viable, which is actually cool. I also dig the less ammo you start with (though I preferred it in the beta where you had even less). I even warmed up to the medpacks, despite finding the TTK way too low for a Battlefield game. But.... sniping feels somehow even easier than BF1 (seriously, what happened to the bullet drop?) and gunplay, while satisfying, also feels far too easy. There should be way more recoil, hipfiring to the extent as you currently can shouldn't be a thing (though its not AS bad as the automatico in BF1... but almost) and then there's the tanks - they are way too easy to take out as assault now. Honestly, it feels effortless. The tanks no longer feel like a threat which is a HUGE issue in a battlefield game. It just feels far too infantry centered atm.

And then there's the map design - yeah, there's some good ones in there, but there's some truly trash ones. I'm really tired of the hardcore infantry focused maps. Honestly, if I wanted a good infantry game, I probably wouldn't play BF. I want to play BF because it's one of the very few games that offer infantry, ground vehicles and airplane combat all in one package. The best is when it all comes together. But BF5 feels like it's far too balanced towards infantry....in this regard, even BF1 was much better IMO. In that game - tanks were actually pretty damn terrifying.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
when i read posts like this i wonder if people like op got into the series with battlefield 3 or bad company 2

Deleted member 1759

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have to disagree.

BFV has the potential to become my favorite Battlefield game, gameplay/gunplay is excellent. Just needs more content and some tweaks/fixes.


Oct 25, 2017
But BF1 and BF5 are nothing a like.
There is free trials everywhere, you should give it a try and see yourself.
Much better than reading troll people repeating the same fake news they have heard from someone else who also havent played the game.

Also a lot changed from the beta.

I fucking hated the BF5 beta and talked shit but got humbled real quick when I tried the final game.

Dice fixed a lot, game feels good.


Nov 27, 2018
Disagree it's the best battlefield game since Bad company 2. They need more content to play with, shooting mechanic is on point.


Oct 25, 2017
BF4 was the last BF where you had to know your weapon, loadout, and how to maneuver. They abolished the Skill Gap in BF1. They abandoned the skill gap that BF was known for in pursuit of the COD market. I remember playing BF1 beta and thinking What the fuck? This is way too easy. I put down BF1 week 1. When I realized that BF5 was the exact same I dismissed it out right.

I might get an 1X to jump back on BF3.
But there plenty of skill in bf1, people at like bf is this type of hardcore/ procore shooter when not . THe only skill that was need in bf4 was learning how to tap fire


May 17, 2018
I kind of get what you're saying about some maps feeling a bit smaller scale than previous titles but Battlefield does not play like COD AT ALL. I have gone back and forth BFV and BO4 MP and the feeling is massively different.

The launch maps in BFV are somewhat lackluster, the only map that is truly awesome is Arras but the game just doesn't play or feeling like COD at all, it's just that the map art direction and design in BFV is not as great as some older maps/titles.

But trust me, maps like Seine Crossing or Metro are just as chaotic as maps like Rotterdam.


Oct 25, 2017
Battlefield V is just a proper version of Battlefield 1 shit. Not even close to 3, 4 and Bad Company 2.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked BFV's beta. attrition system slowed everyone down amd focused players around defending their flags

But they eased up on that

Still, I wouldnt be able to go back to bf4 or bf1 simply due to the insane spam and spotting

BF4's nonstop radar monitoring to see enemies that shot drove me up the wall. It never felt Authentic

And i hate commanders because often one side would have one and the other wouldnt and that sucked