
Oct 25, 2017
[ Update 16.12.2018 ]

A very close friend of mine came to visit me. We had a very fruitful session. I will finally leave the house for the first time since November as I will visit Houston later on today with my friend who also doubles as my therapist as I continue to mourn the loss of the my wife. I'm very excited about tomorrow as I haven't hung out with my childhood friend in years. she left Texas years ago as she found better opportunities somewhere up north but I'm considered family to her so she will be staying with me until I'm better. I'm very grateful for her support.

I brought my sister up as my final concern with my friend and told her about what's been going on since she moved in with me. After hearing my story, my friend suggested that we invite my sister to this session. my sister was out of the house as I sent her out in order to have a private 1 on 1 session with my friend. when she arrived, my friend immediately confronted her about what's been going on.

to keep it short. I almost kicked my sister out of my house. my friend confirmed my suspicions and we got a confession out of my sister. My sister... has very inappropriate feelings for me.

When she moved in I was very unresponsive so she became very affectionate. hugs, kisses, etc. at first it was fine and i did become more responsive. but then she started wearing my late wife's clothes, she changed her hairstyle to match my late wife hair, she had become very clingy, very intimate towards me. and she began sneaking into my bed in nothing but her underwear.

I was nearly at my breaking point when she began sneaking into my bed. I mentioned earlier in this thread I was looking for my late wife as I was waking up. I was semi conscious and in a dream like state as I was waking up. when I saw my sister in bed next to me. I mistook her for my wife as my vision was blurry. I thought my beloved wife had returned to me. desperate to feel my beloved once more, I embraced her and gave her a real passionate kiss. but that kiss finally woke me up. woke me up to this hell. My wife didn't return to me. Instead I saw my sister with a very satisfied look on her face. I've never seen her smile so brightly before. she told me its okay. that its okay to think of her as my wife. okay to call her my wife's name. I left my bedroom in the most unstable condition I have ever been in.

My sister took advantage of my loneliness, my instability and attempted to take my wife's place. Needless to say, I was in shock. and in the midst of that shock I destroyed the guestroom and the living room in my house.

Yet I was unable to confront my own sister on her actions. It was so shocking, I was afraid to find out the truth. However, thanks to my friend, I was finally able to confront her about all that had transpired. she confessed that she has been in love with me ever since we were kids but always held back due to the fact that we're brother and sister by blood.

We had a lengthy session that lasted last well into the night. And we came to the conclusion my sister also needed therapy. Despite everything that had occurred, I still love my older sister. I understood why she did what she did. because honestly, my wife was fairly similar when we first met except she was far more assertive and forceful.

I told her I won't deny her feelings. because in truth, you can't choose who you fall in love with. if it were possible, there wouldn't be lonely people. I don't have anything against incestuous relationships, as one of my employees is in one and he is an outstanding man of character. I am in the firm camp of free love. as long as two adults are in a consentual relationship that hurts nobody, its not my place or business to judge or stand in the way of anyone's happiness.

However, I made it clear to my sister that what she did is not okay. because she took advantage of my grief and instability whilst I am still in the period of mourning over the loss of my beloved wife. my sister apologized for her actions and to ensure she wouldn't resort to these underhanded methods again, she will also be taking sessions with my friend... at the expense of my wallet.

In conclusion, my childhood friend who is also my therapist will be temporarily staying with me until I've move on from my wife's death. My sister will also remain living with me at the recommendation of my friend. easier to have sessions if we live in the same place though we will be taking our sessions separately.

In the end however there was a stunning relevation. after the session, having skipped dinner doing this session, we all ate my sister's cooking. she had one more thing to reveal to me. Originally she was going to bury her feelings for me and she intended to go to her grave without me ever finding out. When I asked what changed her mind, she told me to open my wife's safe that was hidden in our closet.

for the record, let me state that this safe along with my own was not viewable if anyone walked into our closet. it was extremely well hidden. the only way my sister could possibly know about that safe is if either me or my wife told her about it. and when she recited the safe's code. I knew the only way she could know is if my wife told her that code herself. so I immediately visited the safe. I have both locations of the safes setup so that it makes a mark in the wall for everytime someone successfully visits. Both me and my wife write down the date of each visit to its respective mark without fail.

Relying on this and knowing all the marks upto this point. I confirmed my sister has not been into the safe. as prior to her moving in, I visited my wife's safe as I wanted to see if she left anything behind for me but I ultimately decided against it. because I thought I wasn't ready to open it. I just lost my wife and I was going to open her safe which kept her most private things. so I wrote down the date next to the fresh mark and after 2 minutes ive hidden the safe from view again. it takes roughly 2 minutes to reveal and hide both our safes. This was at the request of my wife so I got very creative.

the last mark which had a date was my own so I confirmed my sister never visited the safe. I opened it and I found mail letters. a lot of mail letters. also some other other stuff but what piqued my interest was that the letters were organized. there were mail letters for me from my wife. and one category stood out: Death. I looked into that category and found a couple of letters. and then I found what I was supposed to find:

A letter for me from my wife with conditions for reading it. the letter states I am not allowed to open the letter unless the conditions were fulfilled. the conditions were as follows:

1. My wife was longer among the living

2. My older sister remains among the living

3. Learning my older sister's biggest secret

4. I have moved on from the passing of my Wife.

The letter continues to read that the contents of the envelope contain two letters. One with my wife's thoughts explaining the purpose of the letter. the other a direct order.

and finally, the letter concludes that my wife already knows about my older sister's secret since July 21, 2016 (which is also the date that this letter was written) and leaves me with a warning that the conditions for opening the letter hold equal authority to that of an order. I do not dare defy my wife's orders so I put it back and closed the safe.

the letter is without a doubt from my wife. I immediately recognized her handwriting as she used english calligraphy to write her letters. her handwriting and calligraphy is not easy to copy and more importantly her use of ink. or rather her lack of use of ink. when she writes using english calligraphy, she always does so with her own blood. Did I mention we were a crazy couple?

I found some other letters but they all had the requirement of me moving on from my wife's death before I can open them. all but one. and so finally finding a letter I could open and read, I unsealed the letter and what I got was something I really needed to hear.

my wife already guessed the state I would be in if she has passed away before me. While she is enjoying my despair as she feels that it means i genuinely loved her, she understands that as my wife, she has to make sure I am able to keep going even when she's gone. so she has ordered me to to stop wallowing in my despair. She also has given me permission to find someone else when the time is right, but only on the condition that She remains #1 in my heart. The other person must willingly become #2 or else my wife will never forgive me. finally she concluded that she will always love me and like myself, she also believes that even in death, our love cannot be parted. so she told me to please keep on living and try not to confine myself in our house.

My emotions are in full force now. but now my mind is clear. What a thoughtful wife I have, I am truly grateful that I met her. I don't know how long it will be before I can move on but now I have the motivation I need to do so. I will rely on my friend to help me get to where I need to be. I will fulfill those conditions. I will read those letters that right now I am not allowed to read. especially the one with regards to my sister. So my wife already knew of her feelings for me? not only that, she even went so far as to tell her about the safe and the code to it? I cannot fathom my wife's thoughts as to why to keep it a secret from me. but she has never betrayed or lied to me yet and I'm not gonna start doubting her decisions now. I will place my faith in my late wife as I always have.

everyones fallen asleep since i went to my wifes safe. but i feel full of energy. I still mourn the loss of my wife and its still difficult but now my mind is clear on what I need to do. took a shower. got dressed. put on my shoes. I unlocked the front door to my house and opened it. for the first time since November. I left my house as I take my morning walk that I normally take. thank you all for reading. I think I will be fine now.

[Original Post]

Ever since my wife passed away a few months ago, I have been losing my sanity or what's left of it.

I feel empty inside. Nothing brings me joy. Everything feels like nothing matters anymore. Everything is inconsequential.

Since November, I haven't left my house. I have others deliver food and other necessities for me. I am in a position to be able to work from home so money is not a problem. Helps when you're the boss. Some of my employees check every now and then to see if I'm doing fine but I always send them away.

I have no real motivation to leave my house. Surely this is not healthy? but I have no real reason to go outside either. Apart from work or the mailman, I rarely speak to anyone save for my older sister. When she found out my wife died, my older sister moved into my house to watch over me. that was her excuse. my parents told me I need company and who not better than family? Though I have my doubts. I have a cold relationship with my family in general. With my older sister our relationship was... difficult.

It wasn't always like that but she hated my wife from the very beginning so our relationship soured ever since. Though right now it remains difficult but for an entirely different reason.

I also have an uncomfortable situation going on but I'm not sure if I should speak about it as it is rather unbelievable. because quite frankly, even I'm have trouble believing it myself.

in conclusion: my wife passed away late October, starting early November I no longer left the house. I read to pass the time. play fire emblem fron time to time. but for the most part, I feel very empty and do literally nothing for days on end. I miss my wife very much. Nothing is the same without her. Sometimes I dream of her when I sleep. this is the only time I get to feel any sort of happy emotions. but all dreams come to an end and I wake up... to this hell. this living hell. I hate waking up. I have been sleeping 10-14 hours every day...

I wonder how long will I confine myself to my house? even with my older sister here, it feels very empty. I regret getting a big house. lately it feels too big for me.

going to sleep again so signing off here. I don't think I will be answering questions so don't be surprised if I don't respond. Maybe I'll answer one or two. But right now, I just want to dream of happier moments in my life.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Go outside, start with little things like a walk around the block. Move on after a while to trips to the store and then other mose involvd things. Start living life again. I know it's hard but it's what your wife and family would want you to do


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck that's heartbreaking. If you ever need someone to speak to on the phone or whatever, PM me.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I"m so sorry to hear about your wife. I can't imagine how difficult that must be.

I know it's easier said than done, and that leaving the house won't magically make everything better, but I'd encourage you to get out. Even if it's just to get out and go to a park and sit on a bench to read or go to a cafe those small moments can make things a bit better as you work through things.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I have two close friends who have gone through similar situations, and I lost my closest friend and had a similar emotional response, though not as long lasting.

Everyone mourns differently, so what works for one person may not work for you. I do think, however, that getting out of the house and doing something with some normalcy to it, even getting groceries, is a great positive step to recovery.

I know it's hard, and my heart goes out to you friend. You have my condolences. I know it isn't easy, but making this thread is a really good start.


Oct 25, 2017
you need to see a therapist. what happened to you is tragic and you're not going to be able to fully process it without the help of a professional.

you don't deserve to live like this for the rest of your life.

what is the unbelievable situation?


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
I'm so sorry for you loss OP. Please, please, get professional help, sometimes we can't deal with everything by ourselfs.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
You might want to talk to somebody. Maybe a psychiatrist or if you're religious someone at a church or temple.
Oct 30, 2017
Small steps mate
Meet someone you know for a coffee
Pop out for a carton of milk

You've acknowledged it's not healthy to which is half the battle.
The other half is making your brain recognise going out is a good thing again.

Doing that in small steps will get that going


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry about your loss, but it goes without saying that being inside all the time is not healthy, even a mere 15-30 minute walk during daylight hours will do you the world of good.

If you're really struggling please speak to a professional, you sound like you have another issue you don't want to discuss with us which is fine but keeping it bottled up will not help either.

Given how recently your wife passed away though you're still going to be in the grieving state so what you're feeling is totally normal, you just need time.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry OP.

Like other posters, I don't think your wife would want to ever see you this way. Hope you get the help you need.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't really have great advice as I've never been in a situation like this, but if you have a steady job then you probably have some sort of health insurance. The only suggestion I can give is to consider seeing a grief therapist who can perhaps help you get through this in a more effective way. They might come to you, but otherwise it could be an added incentive to get out of the house.

Good luck, Turok.
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for your loss, but it's not your life that was over OP. I know you don't want to hear that, hut it's true. Start with small things. Go get your own groceries, take walks, try talking with your sister, just do more than staying cooped up.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't imagine what losing your significant other is like, but I have to think that they wouldn't want you to be stuck feeling like this.

You will come to peace and acceptance in time, and be able to again fully live your life. I'm sure thats what she would want for you.


Oct 25, 2017
Your wife's passing is still very recent, we all have our own ways of dealing with grief. It seems as though it's not effecting your work and the people who rely on you right now, so while it is unhealthy to cut yourself off from the real world to the point you rarely venture outside... I wouldn't worry about that too much just yet.

It's when these things become habitual that they can become issues that have knock on effects on other aspects of our lives, and apparently it takes around 3 months for behaviours to form into habits. So, while it's hard to think of anything else right now I would bear this in mind. My advice would be to try to go outside for a walk at least once a day, even if all that time is spent absent mindedly strolling while your mind does whatever it needs to, at least part of your habit will be venturing out. That could be vital later on.

I watched a film recently that had a moment that stuck with me: it told us that we need to take hold of our grief and let it wash over us, don't turn away from it and bottle it up. This will always be with you, but once the grief has passed you can remember all the good things about your wife without the overbearing sadness swallowing you up.

This is going to hurt, and probably for the rest of your life, but the suffering will pass.
Oct 27, 2017
Is there anyone that you can hang out with, just like tag along with like doing regular stuff, going grocery shopping, etc?
Oct 25, 2017
You're gonna feel this way for a long time op. Took me about 5 years and only medication finally helped. I almost never left the house. Self isolated, all that. Believe me when I say that it will get better, but it takes a lot of personal effort. No one else can fix you (but they can help).


Oct 27, 2017
You should consider speaking to a therapist. Social isolation is fertile ground for depression to grow and it sounds like it may be taking root already.

If nothing else, do it for her.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
If you are in a temperate climate, consider gardening. It will give you an outlet and a purpose, plus get you out of the house,if only just in your yard.

Other than that, I am sorry for your loss. Really heartbreaking.

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
Please look into counseling, friend. The hardest part is reaching out, but once you're there it can really help.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure I can offer any useful advice. I hike when I feel this way and it helps but I can't imagine the depth of your suffering right now. I'll just say that I hope you find peace and my thoughts are with you.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm so very sorry, OP.

If you're in a place to do so, please consider professional mental health supports. A social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor. Any of the above can help you start to process the grief you're experiencing and the best of them will help you work on some coping skills. People won't be able to change what happened, but can help you cope with today.

There are some that do therapy by phone, text, or even home visits.

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
So sorry to hear, OP.

My wife is my best friend and I'd be broken without her. Even when I'm at my worst I try and focus on the good moments I've shared on my life with the people I've loved.

Your memories of her and your time with her can never be taken away. Dont try to ignore your pain but from time to time try focusing on the happy moments you've shared.

Like others have said, try going for a walk or find something that brings you joy. I'm sure your wife would want you to be happy.

Good luck, friend. And as always, we're here for you.


Nov 1, 2017
Sorry to hear about your wife OP. You gotta get out, maybe start off with a walk around the block with some headphones. I've been there, lost my partner five years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. It's always gonna suck, and everyone will tell you this, but it really does get better.


Jan 3, 2018
Start with baby steps. In cold weather, walk to a coffee shop and read a bit there. Maybe 30 minutes to start. In warmer weather, walk to a park and do the same.

Do this every day and it will help a bit with the pain, just feeling at least a little more surrounded by life.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm very sorry for your devastating loss. Please seriously consider a grief therapist who has the experience to help you through this.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
You have people relying on you to bring food to the table everyday. Loss is a painful motherfucker, but if you let it grip you it will become a disease. Instead focus on making everyone who needs you improve their lives and focus on a bettwr future for everyone, depend on their dependance to slowly crack a smile day by day.


Oct 25, 2017
OP I believe you're in Houston but might be wrong. If you're anywhere near Seattle I am happy to come take you for a Mexican lunch and a margarita and a friendly ear - I'll pick you up, buy you food and if you hate it and want to go home I'll take you right back. You can blub or sit silently or rage against the mariachi music and I will have your back. If you're nowhere near Seattle then I would be surprised if somebody local to you wouldn't do the same. Pm me if it might work for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for your loss, I lost my son last year everyone asks how I got/get through it, I just reply it's either I rise or I fall.

I've found Time is the greatest healer, i found slowly keeping myself moving and taking time, and let myself feel my emotions helped me go through it.

Every weekend I still go to my sons grave and tell him how my week went


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Less than two months isn't a long time in terms of grief for a loss this horrible. Take it easy on yourself, practice gentleness if you can. It will get better but it's going to take a lot of time. Walking is of course a good idea, but if that doesn't work for you right now, maybe go out for coffee in the morning? Even if it is just a drive thru...anything to get out for a few minutes.

If I were in your situation, I would have to sell the house to heal. I would not be able to stand living in my family's house without them.

I'm not sure if you are ready to talk to a counselor, but note that there are some who will meet via video call or come to you if you aren't ready to leave the house.


Oct 25, 2017
Ever since my wife passed away a few months ago, I have been losing my sanity or what's left of it.

I feel empty inside. Nothing brings me joy. Everything feels like nothing matters anymore. Everything is inconsequential.

Since November, I haven't left my house. I have others deliver food and other necessities for me. I am in a position to be able to work from home so money is not a problem. Helps when you're the boss. Some of my employees check every now and then to see if I'm doing fine but I always send them away.

I have no real motivation to leave my house. Surely this is not healthy? but I have no real reason to go outside either. Apart from work or the mailman, I rarely speak to anyone save for my older sister. When she found out my wife died, my older sister moved into my house to watch over me. that was her excuse. my parents told me I need company and who not better than family? Though I have my doubts. I have a cold relationship with my family in general. With my older sister our relationship was... difficult.

It wasn't always like that but she hated my wife from the very beginning so our relationship soured ever since. Though right now it remains difficult but for an entirely different reason.

I also have an uncomfortable situation going on but I'm not sure if I should speak about it as it is rather unbelievable. because quite frankly, even I'm have trouble believing it myself.

in conclusion: my wife passed away late October, starting early November I no longer left the house. I read to pass the time. play fire emblem fron time to time. but for the most part, I feel very empty and do literally nothing for days on end. I miss my wife very much. Nothing is the same without her. Sometimes I dream of her when I sleep. this is the only time I get to feel any sort of happy emotions. but all dreams come to an end and I wake up... to this hell. this living hell. I hate waking up. I have been sleeping 10-14 hours every day...

I wonder how long will I confine myself to my house? even with my older sister here, it feels very empty. I regret getting a big house. lately it feels too big for me.

going to sleep again so signing off here. I don't think I will be answering questions so don't be surprised if I don't respond. Maybe I'll answer one or two. But right now, I just want to dream of happier moments in my life.
I think I'd feel the same if my wife passed. The tough thing about that sort of situation, is that you get what you give in life. If you're sitting inside not inspired to do anything, nothing is going to come and inspire you. You'll have to take the first step if you want to find happiness again. It might not seem worth it to you now, but from the other side of happiness looking back it will be obvious.

It's not disrespectful to your wife to find happiness. You gotta take care of yourself.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Ive never been in that situation, and I couldnt imagine what thats like. But dealing first hand with depression I know that forcing myself, no matter how much I dont want to, to go out, even if its just to the store, Helps immensley, start their op, learn to be comfortable with yourself, then the people will come and you will be ready. But dont rush. 2 months is not a long time, and this will take a long time, but the pay off will be so worth it


Jun 19, 2018
You are allowed to mourn OP. Be gentle with yourself. Ive been going through a rough patch myself (only due to a breakup though) but I still try to come into work even though I could stay at home.

But I can totally see why you wouldnt be up for that yet. Try to take small steps outside. Looking up at the sky from your yard as a first step, maybe take a stroll around the block. Social interaction (however minor) is the key to regaining yourself in the long term.

I am sure you Will be ok, and I wish you all the best.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
OP I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. We're all here for you. Please try to get yourself outside and active again, even if it feels extremely hard to generate the desire to do it.
Feb 10, 2018
This is what helped me quite a lot when i'm having a difficult time, just making sure to get out and about most days for a little while each day even if I don't feel like it.

It does not even have to be hardcore exercise. It's just really bad if you sedentary a lot.
OP is working so I'd imagine he is quite active though.

Maurice Hamblin

User Requested Ban
Apr 6, 2018
Can't even begin to relate here but the fact that you are allowing yourself the space to be sad and feel this mourning full on is a very powerful thing. It's been two months. The mistake a lot of people make in these instances is going out of their way to tell themselves to feel happy before they are ready. You're being gentle with yourself and that's fine. Be patient and kind to yourself and don't give in to the urge you'll likely have of feeling bad for feeling sad and trying to change that for the sake of the comfort of the people around you.

Take as long as you need. You're in the rare position to do so.
Oct 28, 2017
i can only imagine that most people would feel the same in your shoes, just go easy on yourself and start with small steps when you feel ready OP


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We deal with grief in different ways, but when you feel up to it maybe leaving the house for even a short walk may help in the long run.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Two months is not a long time. People deal with grief differently and I can't imagine how you're feeling. I feel like your post is a bit of a cry for help. When you're ready to talk to people about this tragedy there are plenty of groups with people who do understand what you're feeling. There is therapy. There's all of us here on ERA. There is no schedule for grief, just know that you aren't alone, even if you want to be.


Jan 11, 2018
My experience is significantly different than yours (@ OP) - by no means am I trying to equate it to your experience (I was much younger and had only a few years with my then-fiancee).

When I was in college, I ended up falling in love with someone that worked in the lab with me (another student, same major). I had proposed to her after about a year of us being together, everything was looking great. I went to a party (wasn't my normal motif), got ridiculously drunk (wasn't used to drinking, either), and had asked her to come to pick me up (since I wasn't safe to drive). On her way, another driver ran a red light and rammed right into the driver's side door.

She didn't survive the accident, let alone make it to the hospital. I couldn't function from then on. A friend from my hometown came up to visit me, found me in the corner crying my eyes out (frequent situation), and had no motivation to leave. I wasn't going to classes. I wasn't eating or drinking. I just couldn't function because I felt so horribly depressed. Her parents blamed me for the accident (still do, fifteen years later) and I only barely made it through the funeral without losing my mind. It felt like the world was missing something, my world was missing something. It's like a gap in your life that feels completely unnatural, like a new wound that hasn't even started to heal and yet you're expected to stitch it up and walk out into the world.

I made a lot of mistakes trying to fill in that gap. I dropped out of college because I couldn't keep up with the academic requirements for my scholarships. I moved to the middle of the country with someone I knew wasn't good for me (relationship wise). It was a string of mishaps, one after another.

I know (somewhat) what you're going through. Waking up was a chore. Hell, existing felt like a chore. But as many of those who have already have responded: there comes a point where you have to decide how to cope with the world without her in it. Holding this isn't the healthiest thing in the world to do, no. At the same time, it's been less than two months and the holiday season is upon us. Pulling yourself out of that hole now will feel like an impossible task. I'm not going to lecture you on how to deal with this loss. Just keep a small voice in the back of your head to remind yourself not to throw yourself into the darkest shade of thoughts. Hang in there, it will get better (somewhat).


Oct 27, 2017
Before I start my post I want to say a few things. Firstly I'm sorry to hear about your loss and you have some good employees that watch over you. We are also all here for you and we care.

It is going to be hard around the festive period this time of year , I would find something to work out like a project to help you through it. Try going somewhere local like to get a coffee to help you get back out there.

Staying in the same environment can make things worse from personal experiences.

Even if it means just going for a drive or going for a walk it can help.

Lastly I want to let you know that we have your back and if you need anyone to talk to we are all here for you :)


Nov 14, 2017
I'm really sorry to hear that OP. Everyone handles loss their own way and it's okay if you want to be alone right now, but it's good that you're thinking about this. Just start with small things like taking walks around the block or interacting a bit with someone when they come by to check on you. Above all be kind to yourself and never hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry for your loss, taking time for yourself is important but outright self-imposed isolation is probably not healthy. If possible, seek out a therapist/grief counsellor, or simply start with running some errands or seeing friends, or just going into the office. I'm sure your employees are concerned. I'd hate to nag you, but you're shutting yourself in like this is also stressing out your employees, and your family, no one wants to see you suffer.

Concerning your sister, is there any reason to believe she's taking advantage of you? You'd know better than us, but if she's just around for the free rent, kick her out now before she tries to establish residence or something. I know there is some temptation to be self-destructive and just let situations fester until they come to a head, but get ahead of yourself now even if it's difficult.