
One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Here's another vote for Hollow Knight. Another benefit is it's super light on power consumption so your battery will last you a lot longer.


Oct 25, 2017
So many choices...

Dead cells
Slay the spire
Hollow knight
The entire steamworld selection of games.
Hyper Light Drifter

I'd personally pick a roguelike with a nice addictive gameplay loop and then one other one like hollow knight or HLD to switch to and make more natural progress when you feel like changing it up.

Safe travels.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Hollow Knight, the thread!



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd recommend Phoenix Wright in general if you haven't played it. Three Houses was also great.

I've played Civilization VI on Switch quite a bit, it's pretty good and benefits from the touch screen, but it will drain your battery pretty quickly.


Oct 27, 2017
Civ VI looks like the perfect choice, and its also on discount...
And I was too looking for a game to pass some time and got it yesterday!
I still have to start it though, but after years of Civ I have high expectations (I stopped playing on III and just barely touched IV)


Oct 27, 2017
Civilisation 6 will for sure keep you busy, but if you wanted to break it up with a couple of games id recommend

Dead cells - super addictive time sink and every play through is different. Totally different to anything I've personally played before but I loved it. They've also just released some DLC for like 5 dollars.

Steamworld heist - you could finish the whole campaign in about 15 - 20 hours and it's brilliant.

You could get both of the above for under your budget on the e shop

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah if you haven't touched Stardew Valley and you're into those sorts of games - that'd be my suggestion. I've lost hours and hours to that game.


Oct 27, 2017
From the ones you suggested go with Civ6, it's a big heavy on the battery mostly later in the game but it's a famed time sinker.

But, I'd also suggest Stardew Valley.


Nov 27, 2017
Of your list both Disgaea and Civ are excellent timesinks especially if you get into the stat maxing of the former


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
Out of the ones you mentioned, Civ VI would be my recommendation. Make sure you can charge your Switch though.


Jun 12, 2019
I think Ys VIII is at a sale in the eShop and it's probably one of the best games I've played on the switch, and since it's a "metroidvania" where you have to explore and discover new places in the same island you won't get bored of it in 27 hours. You don't need to play the other Ys to understand it, since it doesn't make any reference to them and the plot begins and ends with this game

I got bored of this game after 1h. It's very low budget and generic.


Oct 26, 2017
Grab Golf Story and Ironcast. One is a quirky and fun RPG and the other is a steampunk roguelite match puzzle game.
Oct 27, 2017
On the same subject, what do you guys do to work thru long flights? Have a ten+ hour flight in a few months and I can play games, read, listen to podcasts but I've never been on a flight that long. Any suggestions for when I get antsy?


Oct 25, 2017
On the same subject, what do you guys do to work thru long flights? Have a ten+ hour flight in a few months and I can play games, read, listen to podcasts but I've never been on a flight that long. Any suggestions for when I get antsy?

Depending on the airline, movies are a good way to pass the time. I usually fly Air Canada, and they typically have very recent releases. A 10 hour flight is pretty nice since you can watch 2-3 movies and play games for a bit. Anything past 10 hours starts feeling a little long, though. I'd probably just listen to music at that point.


Oct 25, 2017
Have you played Stardew Valley? It's great and could keep you entertained for a long time.
What genres are your favorite?


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
Hollow Knight is a great pick.

Also worth mentioning - if you haven't played it already is Final Fantasy 7. Switch Port is soooooo good.
Also Collection of Mana is on sale at best buy right now for $15. Secret of Mana is a great action RPG from the 16bit era and it holds up pretty well still.


May 9, 2018
Do play Fire Emblem, but not on this trip. I bought it for a trip a few months ago (just finished my second playthrough) - and I was barely able to play any of it on the plane because of how much it eats the switch's batteries. On my launch switch it went from 100% to 0% in maybe three hours or less. You could bring a backup battery pack/portable charger, as I did for my trip back, but honestly for a longer trip like this I'd recommend sticking to indies that aren't so battery-hungry.

Stardew Valley's a great suggestion, as are Hollow Knight and Dead Cells. Boxboy and Ace Attorney Trilogy have also served me well on plane trips, but save an offline version of the FAQ for Ace Attorney just in case you get hopelessly stuck without access to wifi.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Ignore your own thread and get Fire Emblem after all.

It's pure crack, and because it has a rhythm of three different games that alternate all the time; dating sim, RPG and battles, it doesn't bore you as quickly as any other game would.


Oct 25, 2017
Another vote for Slay the Spire. You can just replay it again and again and it won't get repetitive or boring.
Oct 28, 2017
I say buy 2/3 games for cheap. That way you have a mix that if one doesn't tickle your fancy you still have 2 other choices.

Katana Zero $14.99
Untitled Goose game $19.99
Child of Light: UE $4.99


Oct 25, 2017
I would recommend Puzzle Quest. It's a match 3 type game like bejeweled, covered with a generic fantasy paint job and RPG trappings. I've played it on 360, PSP and now switch and I still get sucked into it. Bonus is that it's cheap, so you could get another game to go with it and be under your price limit.

Second recommendation is Hollow Knight. Metroidvania in an insect world with great art style, massive map and pretty challenging. Those two would easily keep you busy, and both are big time sinks that could get you through the trip on their own.
Puzzle Quest is on Switch? Hot fucking damn! *opens wallet*


Mar 13, 2018
If you're into puzzles, Picross is really great for trips. You also don't need to worry about reminding what to do next if you need to close it suddenly and pick it up later, since you can easily figure out a next step for any puzzle after a quick glance.


Oct 27, 2017
I recently traveled and played Dragon Quest Builders II on my Switch during my flights. Highly recommended, even if you don't like building games.


Nov 1, 2017
Slay the Spire is what I'd take.

Most of the time when I'm on a trip or in transport I play this game. And I'm already at 500h or more.

It is easy on the battery, has a huge learning curve while not being insanely hard especially thanks to its amazing balance. It's going to get free updates with new character which easily adds 100h to it if not more.

I agree with people who say "get several smaller".

Hollow Knight is another game that's like 10-15$ but actually worth a full price one. Exploration is amazing and boss dight can become so amazingly addictive when you get the patterns and begin to dance with them.

Steamworld Heist and Stardew Valley are also cheap very good games. Heist is shorter but more than enough for a trip and a must play.
Last edited:


Apr 5, 2018
from your list, i recommend civ vi.
if you're traveling Id suggest less action heavy games that you can enjoy in piece meal and can sleep/ pause at any time


Oct 27, 2017
You'll need a game with a good enough gameplay loop or enough variety that it'll keep you busy for the majority of that time. That's going to be Ori of the ones you listed, though somebody listed Steamworld Dig, which is probably the way to go. the first game is six hours long, and the second one is 15-20, both with addicting gameplay loops.

Also, maybe grab Picross S if you haven't played them before?