
Sep 15, 2019
Seriously for anyone worried about the deleveling, as someone who got hit by it once (maybe twice) when fighting him, just be careful. It's super telegraphed and easy to dodge if you're paying attention, and as someone said the end of world 4 is a super easy spot to farm souls within seconds.


Oct 27, 2017
For people still confused, he only de-levels you if he grabs you with an attack that has an obvious tell and a significant wind up time. If you just die to him you won't lose a level.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Fought him last night. Cunt de-leveled me 7 times, ended up with the clear at level 67. Next to O&S as the hardest boss in the series and Demon's Souls is easily the hardest Souls game overall.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry for not posting this in the OT, but I wanted to share this particular experience. I've played most of Froms Souls games, I killed a few bosses in Dark Souls III, Bloodborne and Sekiro - but there was always a breaking point, a place where I gave up because it was just too hard. I made a thread on this forum where I argued Souls games need difficulty levels - you can find it and see me ranting. I actually never planned on playing another Souls game - but the remake of Demon's Souls and the fact a new generation is here - got me to play it again.

And it was tough playing this game. It's actually not the difficulty itself, it's a psychological thing for me, there is something in that mechanic where you have to reach the boss after dying (and potentially loosing souls) and in every fight I have this fear of dying again and having to do a run all over again (which in my case actually means being more tired, impatient and worse at it). Well, with King Allant - it's even worse than that. It's horrible, actually. I'm sure if you're reading this thread you know he has this mechanic where he de-levels you with an attack, erasing hours of gameplay and leveling. Dying multiple times in this fight may mean loosing hours and hours of gameplay (at least for me).

I knew of this mechanic when I got into the fight. I didn't invest anything in magic, and almost every video I watched used some kind of magic. I went in just with my Dragon Bone Smasher, a lot of grass and courage. You can imagine my heart pounding when I entered the chamber. I could literally feel it beating. After a brief fight - he defeated me and de-leveled me. I feld really bad. I thought no game is worth this.

But here's the thing. Earlier in this game - I was about to quit entirely because of one boss - the Flamelurker. I vented in the OT and people like Sanctuary and Morrigan gave me some good advice. And then there was Finale Fireworker - their help was on a different level. Fireworker gifted me a month of PS+ just to be able to help me - and I refused initially, I just didn't feel like spending anyone's money for this (I can easily afford it but I just didn't want to do it for just one game as I don't need anything else and rarely play multiplayer) - but they insisted - as a gift for pushing on in a hard game. I was honestly moved by this and I accepted. Fireworker gave me advice and helped me gain a lot of souls by letting me kill them in an invasion in order to help. I was really touched by this and the response of this community, that I pressed on. So I killed Flamelurker, then the Dragon God. I killed Maneater and Old Monk. I killed Penetrator. I just kept pushing on - as tough as it was. I meant what I said that I was touched by the help I received and felt I needed to go on.

So this is the reason I tried again with King Allant - even after this fight where I lost a level, even after I got even more frightened to try again. You can't possibly imagine the level of anxiety this gave me. I tried again and he killed me again. Then I tried once more - he de-leveled me again and killed me. Fuck this shit. And then I tried again.


And I did it. I killed the old fuck. I fucking did it.

I yelled in excitement - so much that my wife thought I was crazy. I don't think I've ever felt this way about a game.

And yes, I know - there is this NG+ thing and for a lot of you this was probably a simple fight - and I wouldn't be surprised if there is a much greater challenge later in this game. But for someone who gave up after a few bosses in all those games before because of fear and anxiety - this was an insane challenge and I did it. And I did it by staying calm, telling myself that I can do it, by dodging and hitting with a big sword, then staying calm and telling myself I can do it, then hitting again and dodging again and trying to keep calm in what seemed the longest boss fight in any game I played (while in reality, it wasn't that long, of course). And I did it.

Now, I don't know what awaits me further in this game. I don't know if I'll be able to finish Demon's Souls. Even though I've cleared first three worlds, I haven't beaten any of the bosses in worlds 4 and 5. I'm sure someone will say "you think Allant was tough? Cute. Wait until you see the Eternal Voidslurper in 4-4!" or something like that. But still, I have this fight.

And it feels good. It feels really good.

Thanks to everyone who helped. You are true demon slayers.
I feel like everyone's first Souls game has this moment, for me it was Bloodborne and the Blood-Starved Beast. Everything after that can still be challenging and frustrating, but once you've broken through that barrier everything else seems a little less scary. Like Neo seeing the code of the matrix, haha.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Congratulations! That "holy shit why am I doing this to myself and - FUCK YOU THING THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST I AM YOUR GOD NOW" feeling is amazing and I cherish it dearly. I'm glad you got to experience it!
Demon's Souls is my first Souls game, and I just beat my first real boss (Armored Spider) for the first time last night, after like 4 back to back attempts. With each attempt I learned something or was inspired to try something new.

On the first attempt, I walked in with full temple knight's armor, a Heater Shield, and my trusty Winged Spear.

I got FUCKED UP, and used up most of my consumables while I was at it.

Now at this point I was thinking, well, now I'm not gonna win no matter how hard I try... So I might as well experiment. Keep fighting this thing. See what works and what doesn't. It can't take souls I don't have, right? And then once I have a plan I can go grind 1-1, snag some grass, level up, and try again later.

So on the second attempt, I ditched most of my clothes to see if fast rolling would help, and tried a bunch of different weapons and weapon coatings to see what worked for me and what didn't.

By the fourth attempt, I had ditched my Winged Spear in favor of my upgraded Mail Breaker (similar damage, MB has much less reach and much less stamina cost tho), came in basically naked with no grass on me. I'd learned a lot and wanted to put it into practice. See how far I could get before I had to heal, so I'd know what to procure or bring with me when I'd come back later for the real fight...

..except I fuckin' beat that spider, right then and there. Rolled past every web trap and melee attack with perfect timing. Coated my dagger with slime and yeeted the FUCK out of that spider. Didn't even look at the health bar once cus I didn't think I'd actually do it, so when he reared up in defeat I thought he was launching a new attack lmao. When the spider started fading away and the victory text faded in... I popped off, and it was loud, and also 3 in the morning so I caught flak for it but whatever. It felt so damn good.

This game's gonna ruin boss battles in other games for me. I already know it, I feel it
Everything after that can still be challenging and frustrating, but once you've broken through that barrier everything else seems a little less scary. Like Neo seeing the code of the matrix, haha.

YUP exactly how I felt last night when I killed the spider


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't really prepared for King Allant but thankfully I went into the fight with a shitload of grass and just brute forced my way through it on the first try. I honestly didn't deserve to win but I managed it.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
There's a mf that de-levels you?

Bruh 😑

I cleared 4-1 but just now beat Flamelurker. It took me forever to find him.


Aug 13, 2020
Should have just left Allant till the very end. Every boss in world 4 and 5 is weaker than Flamelurker. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that the Tower Knight is harder than all 6 of the bosses you have left. Also world 4 has a place where you can farm 100k souls in the space of two or three minutes so Allant's delevelling isn't really that punishing. He's always felt like the proper last boss of the game, so I'm kind of surprised no one told you to just leave him for a while.


Sep 22, 2020
I had this moment with Bloodborne. I was enjoying Sekiro a lot but got to a boss that seemed too overpowered and I gave up: I'd already proven to myself I could do it with Bloodborne but didn't see the point of investing so much into a single boss. Maybe I'll try again on Series X.


Oct 27, 2017
I would say Demon's Souls is the most frustrating out of all souls games because in ever other souls game the boss battle is at most 1 minute away from the bonfire but not in Demon's Souls. You have to get past hoards of enemies to reach most of the bosses.

Exactly this, and you get impatient wanting to get back to the boss and end up dying several times on the way back. It's harder to just run by enemies because some levels are very narrow so you either get body blocked or you fall off a ledge.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
The last time I played the game, he took away eight of my levels so I ended up cheesing him with a bow. Fuck that dude.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
This was lovely to read; thank you for sharing, OP. <3

And then there was Finale Fireworker - their help was on a different level. Fireworker gifted me a month of PS+ just to be able to help me - and I refused initially, I just didn't feel like spending anyone's money for this (I can easily afford it but I just didn't want to do it for just one game as I don't need anything else and rarely play multiplayer) - but they insisted

Yep, that sounds Finale Fireworker alright. :)

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like everyone's first Souls game has this moment, for me it was Bloodborne and the Blood-Starved Beast. Everything after that can still be challenging and frustrating, but once you've broken through that barrier everything else seems a little less scary. Like Neo seeing the code of the matrix, haha.

You are not wrong. In Dark Souls this was O&S for me (before I learnt broken columns still stop their attacks); in (vanilla) Bloodborne I think it was Rom.


May 15, 2018
I would say Allant is probably the most difficult boss in Demon's Souls tbh, besides the final boss in world 5(without cheesing). World 4 is pretty cake and is the best place to grind souls though. Make sure you do that before NG+ which is much more challenging.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations OP you're basically done with the game. Also if it helps to know that I think just about everyone has that moment in one of these games where the thought of quitting passed their mind due to the fact no game should be this aggravating. Secret to this is just taking a break for however long you need but always come back, that feeling of getting passed that boss is the best feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell yes, good job OP. I'm glad you pushed on and got victory, that's one of the things I love about these games is that accomplishment when you finally get over the wall.


Oct 25, 2017
I beat DeS on PS3 and now on PS5, all the Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro.

Allant can delevel you!? Wow I had no idea. I usually play these games with no spoilers/hints or co-op the first time through.

Congratulations on the personal victory OP! Did you explain it to your wife? It is what made us all fall in love of the gameplay, at least why I did.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Congrats to the OP. I cheesed him with Poison Cloud in the PS3 version, but fought him normally in the remake and really enjoyed the fight.

As for deleveilng, I think I got hit with that attack 1-2 times, but at that point I was way over what I needed.
For people panicking over this mechanic, it's the last boss you should be fighting (difficulty progress wise, if you want to go from the easiest to the hardest). At that point you have a grinding spot unlocked, where it would probably take you about as much time to get those souls back as getting to the boss from the start of the level. It really, really isn't a big deal.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
Congratulations on the personal victory OP! Did you explain it to your wife? It is what made us all fall in love of the gameplay, at least why I did.

Yeah :) And she respects the things I care about, but not sure she competely understood the emotions involved here. :)


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
YUP exactly how I felt last night when I killed the spider

Congrats! Now I feel bad for just killing it with arrows from a safe distance. :) I found a place where I could literally hide from its attacks, then go out, shoot a few arrows - and repeat. Turned out this was a known cheesing method. This was the only boss I defeated this way. Well, that and the Blue Dragon, if you count that as a boss.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Congrats! Now I feel bad for just killing it with arrows from a safe distance. :) I found a place where I could literally hide from its attacks, then go out, shoot a few arrows - and repeat. Turned out this was a known cheesing method. This was the only boss I defeated this way. Well, that and the Blue Dragon, if you count that as a boss.
lol, I'd have probably done something like that too (I'm a big fan of cheesing shit when I can figure out how), but I decided before I even bought DS, that I wanted my first playthrough to be some kind of gimmick playthrough. Not something stupidly difficult or anything like that... just a playthrough with some self-imposed limitations that might force me to get creative and explore more of the options available to me.
I asked here about playing a fist-focused playthrough, and was told that that's probably not a good idea especially for a first-timer.
So instead, I decided I'd avoid using any and all ranged weapons/items for as long as I can hold out, lol.

Before I logged off last night I did a victory lap around 1-1 to collect some grass and easy souls... and then pressed into 1-2 just to see what was going on over there. Lemme tell ya, I have absolutely no idea how I'm ever gonna fight those dragons.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't understand demon souls. Even tho I beat DS2&3 and BB. So I overleveled to beat the flame lurker and accidentally made the rest of the game a cake walk. Glad you beat him, think I had the same feeling beating flame lurker.

But I think allant even at power level 9001 is pretty flowchart. Very fun, quite enjoyed it.

To be honest, Flamelurker is the wall of the game. If you can beat him, mechanically, nothing can stop you after that. It doesn't help that right after him you can get one of the best spells in the entire series and was probably the sole inspiration for trying to nerf magic for Dark Souls.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
To be honest, Flamelurker is the wall of the game. If you can beat him, mechanically, nothing can stop you after that. It doesn't help that right after him you can get one of the best spells in the entire series and was probably the sole inspiration for trying to nerf magic for Dark Souls.

Yeah, Flamelurker is very much a skill check.


Apr 7, 2019
King Allant is easy if you've played Dark Souls first. He's basically Ornstein without Smough.
Many bosses in it seem to be easy compared to later games so for a person who hits walls in any other FROM games this should be doable for most the hardest boss for me thus far i still died less than the easiest souls boss aside from something like pinwheel.


Oct 26, 2017
It's an absolutely amazing feeling, one you'll be chasing if you're like me. Mine was the Blood-Starved Beast in BB, I had played Souls games before (not all them), but it was the first that was just wooping my ass over and over, making me just question is it even possible, before I finally beat it and It was just such a good feeling and why I hold the games in such high regard. BB also does something later on with that boss too and to see how far I've come felt amazing too, before an even bigger ass whooping gave me that feeling again.


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
Congratulations. King Allant was the only boss I couldn't take out when I played Demon's Souls on ps3. I've beaten every souls/borne/sekiro game since. I'm going through the remake now and I'm scared of meeting him again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I only had the big sword which I put in both hands and dodged his attacks. I'm sure there is an easier way to do it.

The bloodborne method. I like magic so I always played as magic builds but still used my katanas. Bloodborne was hard for me to get into since there is no magic to fall back on or shields so doging is the way to go. Still gonna pick Noble when I get the game but will be using way more bloodborne styles if my recent messing around in dark souls is any indication. Congratulations though, I remember hiding in a corner back in the ps3 days to him.
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry for not posting this in the OT, but I wanted to share this particular experience. I've played most of Froms Souls games, I killed a few bosses in Dark Souls III, Bloodborne and Sekiro - but there was always a breaking point, a place where I gave up because it was just too hard. I made a thread on this forum where I argued Souls games need difficulty levels - you can find it and see me ranting. I actually never planned on playing another Souls game - but the remake of Demon's Souls and the fact a new generation is here - got me to play it again.

And it was tough playing this game. It's actually not the difficulty itself, it's a psychological thing for me, there is something in that mechanic where you have to reach the boss after dying (and potentially loosing souls) and in every fight I have this fear of dying again and having to do a run all over again (which in my case actually means being more tired, impatient and worse at it). Well, with King Allant - it's even worse than that. It's horrible, actually. I'm sure if you're reading this thread you know he has this mechanic where he de-levels you with an attack, erasing hours of gameplay and leveling. Dying multiple times in this fight may mean loosing hours and hours of gameplay (at least for me).

I knew of this mechanic when I got into the fight. I didn't invest anything in magic, and almost every video I watched used some kind of magic. I went in just with my Dragon Bone Smasher, a lot of grass and courage. You can imagine my heart pounding when I entered the chamber. I could literally feel it beating. After a brief fight - he defeated me and de-leveled me. I feld really bad. I thought no game is worth this.

But here's the thing. Earlier in this game - I was about to quit entirely because of one boss - the Flamelurker. I vented in the OT and people like Sanctuary and Morrigan gave me some good advice. And then there was Finale Fireworker - their help was on a different level. Fireworker gifted me a month of PS+ just to be able to help me - and I refused initially, I just didn't feel like spending anyone's money for this (I can easily afford it but I just didn't want to do it for just one game as I don't need anything else and rarely play multiplayer) - but they insisted - as a gift for pushing on in a hard game. I was honestly moved by this and I accepted. Fireworker gave me advice and helped me gain a lot of souls by letting me kill them in an invasion in order to help. I was really touched by this and the response of this community, that I pressed on. So I killed Flamelurker, then the Dragon God. I killed Maneater and Old Monk. I killed Penetrator. I just kept pushing on - as tough as it was. I meant what I said that I was touched by the help I received and felt I needed to go on.

So this is the reason I tried again with King Allant - even after this fight where I lost a level, even after I got even more frightened to try again. You can't possibly imagine the level of anxiety this gave me. I tried again and he killed me again. Then I tried once more - he de-leveled me again and killed me. Fuck this shit. And then I tried again.


And I did it. I killed the old fuck. I fucking did it.

I yelled in excitement - so much that my wife thought I was crazy. I don't think I've ever felt this way about a game.

And yes, I know - there is this NG+ thing and for a lot of you this was probably a simple fight - and I wouldn't be surprised if there is a much greater challenge later in this game. But for someone who gave up after a few bosses in all those games before because of fear and anxiety - this was an insane challenge and I did it. And I did it by staying calm, telling myself that I can do it, by dodging and hitting with a big sword, then staying calm and telling myself I can do it, then hitting again and dodging again and trying to keep calm in what seemed the longest boss fight in any game I played (while in reality, it wasn't that long, of course). And I did it.

Now, I don't know what awaits me further in this game. I don't know if I'll be able to finish Demon's Souls. Even though I've cleared first three worlds, I haven't beaten any of the bosses in worlds 4 and 5. I'm sure someone will say "you think Allant was tough? Cute. Wait until you see the Eternal Voidslurper in 4-4!" or something like that. But still, I have this fight.

And it feels good. It feels really good.

Thanks to everyone who helped. You are true demon slayers.
That great feeling you had while writing this statement about overcoming insurmountable odds is the unrelenting feeling that most Souls players are searching for while playing a souls game. It's the reason why we argue against a difficulty option in the settings, and it's the reason why other games simply don't cut it for us anymore, at least in the mechanics department. You have just overcome your first FromSoft mountain, welcome to the club.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
That great feeling you had while writing this statement about overcoming insurmountable odds is the unrelenting feeling that most Souls players are searching for while playing a souls game. It's the reason why we argue against a difficulty option in the settings, and it's the reason why other games simply don't cut it for us anymore, at least in the mechanics department. You have just overcome your first FromSoft mountain, welcome to the club.

I'm not sure why having a difficulty setting would change that. Games should be accessible to everyone. Not sure why the Souls games are special on that front.


Oct 27, 2017
You know what we need OP. We need that video of you getting the trophy for winning the fight, which most likely has the audio of your scream of excitement.

Do it.