
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Note that I didn't say aliens, you weirdos. I said a UFO- an "unidentified flying object." No serious conspiracy peddling from me; I just want to share a cool experience.

As I was coming from my sister's house after venting about my job, I looked up and saw two crafts that were parallel to one another. I thought "planes," but the way they stayed in formation threw me off; neither one was trailing off on its own path as you'd expect from seeing two planes incidentally in the same vicinity (maybe military jets then). I slowed down in the street and just watched them slowly fly through the sky together. After a few "What the fuck"s, I started speeding down the street to the main freeway because trees were beginning to obscure my vision, and by the time I merged onto the street and parked at an empty warehouse, one of the lights turned around and left over some trees. I kept calm and thought it's probably a plane considering the altitude and general "plane" shape of it. Maybe homeboy's flight path was off and needed to turn around at a weird angle to land properly.

But what sparked my imagination the most was that the second one. It just remained hovering in the sky. It was pretty small at this point, suggesting it was far away, but it wasn't moving, or at least I couldn't perceive it to be moving. Maybe it was flying directly parallel to my vision so where I wouldn't easily perceive the motion, but it didn't get smaller. I stayed for two radio songs, so around 6-7 minutes, and it never moved. It was a row of three lights, with the two on the end pulsing between red and green, and it stayed in place for as long as I decided to look at it.

Once again, probably a plane, military or otherwise. Probably a drone. Something man-made. I mean, I live around some pretty busy flight paths. But it was thrilling to see something I couldn't easily explain! We live in a time of unprecedented access to information, different viewpoints, and thus an unshakeable skepticism and rationality towards the world around us (most of us anyway). Hell, I'm not one to believe in paranormal or cosmic stuff myself. The supernatural, at this point in human history, is just fantasy. But that understanding didn't matter in the moment. Having a purely visceral experience with the world, to see something off and not be able to definitely point to an answer, was fascinating to the point that it became calming! It's nice being reminded that there's a hell of a lot we don't know, that maybe there really is weird shit out there beyond our comprehension. I don't know. Mysteries are cool.

It was probably just planes lol.


Oct 27, 2017


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Medalion lol so y'all just see "UFO" in the title and have these memes at the ready.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Pictures in the OP aren't loading for me.
I deliberately left this part out of the story because it's so aggravatingly cliche' and typical that it will ruin the narrative (and it doesn't matter to the point anyway- it was probably planes); I actually tried to get some fucking video, but my camera was in selfie mode, and by the time I fixed the error my phone died because I'm a lazy millenial who uses it on the job lol. I can upload the crap that I have where you probably see and hear me say "what the fuck" a few times, but no visuals on the UFOs. Sorry!


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Like you think Military Jets especially if you live near a Military Base or drones.
I don't particularly live near any military bases, but Hartsfield-Jackson is about 40 minutes away from my house, and probably 30 or so away from where my sister lives and where I saw the lights. And Hartsfield-Jackson is a fucking nightmare of aviation, so yeah.


Digital Dumpster Diver
The Fallen
Jan 23, 2018
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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd still say that's close enough for flight practices.
Oh definitely. Like I said, probably just planes. But they were still weird-actin'!

Ive seen a few in my day. Mine were for sure aliens though. I didnt have a feeling of fascination and wonder when I saw the ones I did. It was pure fear.
I apologize for your scarring.

You are totally getting probed in your sleep tonight...
Don't do this to me; I'm actually about to go to sleep and I have a visceral memory as a kid of being afraid of the alien in Signs. Fuck.

You didn't see squat.
Don't talk to me with a Dragon Ball Super avatar.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I saw one when I was a teenager going out to check the mail during the night. It looked triangular with different colored lights like running lights only larger slowly alternating towards the center. Seemed to be flying pretty low or else it was really big. Scary but kind of awesome.

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Me and my sister once saw a few triangle-shaped objects with orange lights underneath when we were kids.

Years later, I saw a documentary about a few UFO sightings here, and they all described the same shape. Timing was all wrong, though.

I've always wondered how much of what I remember is actually real, and how much of it got colored by information afterwards.
Oct 28, 2017
Oh definitely. Like I said, probably just planes. But they were still weird-actin'!

I apologize for your scarring.

Don't do this to me; I'm actually about to go to sleep and I have a visceral memory as a kid of being afraid of the alien in Signs. Fuck.

Don't talk to me with a Dragon Ball Super avatar.

If it appeared to be "hovering" that is going slow enough and high enough to appear to be motionless. If it was truly hovering well it's either a secret government tech or aliens, shrug.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Woah that's cool! I can't wait to see those pics and videos OP! 7 minutes is a long time so I'm sure you got some great footage in this wonderful age of smartphones that everyone on the planet has!

I deliberately left this part out of the story because it's so aggravatingly cliche' and typical that it will ruin the narrative (and it doesn't matter to the point anyway- it was probably planes); I actually tried to get some fucking video, but my camera was in selfie mode, and by the time I fixed the error my phone died because I'm a lazy millenial who uses it on the job lol. I can upload the crap that I have where you probably see and hear me say "what the fuck" a few times, but no visuals on the UFOs. Sorry!

I know you apologized OP, but come on now. This isn't even the first of these kinds of topics on here or on the old website.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Nothing like a UFO story before going to bed. :D
I saw something that looked like a spinning wheel on fire. It was pretty mesmerizing. A shame I've never seen anything like it since that night. :(


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, I didn't know it was so personal for you...
That show annoys me so much.

If it appeared to be "hovering" that is going slow enough and high enough to appear to be motionless. If it was truly hovering well it's either a secret government tech or aliens, shrug.
The first explanation is what I'm thinking. It had to be moving to some degree, especially since when I drove down the street far enough, I looked back and couldn't see it anymore, so I had to have moved to a point where the visual illusion of "hovering" broke.

I know you apologized OP, but come on now. This isn't even the first of these kinds of topics on here or on the old website.
Filming a UFO is like being a gun owner: you think you'll actually be ready when your time comes.

Edit: Going to bed; I'm too tired. Hopefully will wake up in six hours unprobed.
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Oct 28, 2017
That show annoys me so much.

The first explanation is what I'm thinking. It had to be moving to some degree, especially since when I drove down the street far enough, I looked back and couldn't see it anymore, so I had to have moved to a point where the visual illusion of "hovering" broke.

Filming a UFO is like being a gun owner: you think you'll actually be ready when your time comes.
I'd put my money on that, you probably just got spooked, it happens.
Can you imagine if the Greys are actually jacked like that?


Oct 25, 2017
I posted this in another thread but this seems like the most appropriate. Disclaimer: I don't believe in little green men but I am a bit confused at what this was.


I eventually lost sight of it.
Oct 28, 2017
no, those orange lights are me after 3 McChickens with extra mayo

So you're telling us that you're the Alien OP saw. Anyway since you mentioned it, how do you use the drive thru?

I posted this in another thread but this seems like the most appropriate. Disclaimer: I don't believe in little green men but I am a bit confused at what this was.


I eventually lost sight of it.

Now that is peculiar.


Dec 10, 2017
Don't do this to me; I'm actually about to go to sleep and I have a visceral memory as a kid of being afraid of the alien in Signs. Fuck.

Oh, this reminds me. When we went to see Signs in the cinema, that night when my friend went to bed his sister had a few friends over. His bedroom was on the ground floor and like all the rooms in the house it had a large window looking out onto the back garden (and an incredibly impressive view of the harbour below).

Now, for some reason his window hadn't had a curtain installed in years. It was fine otherwise - they were out in the countryside and they were on a hill where nobody could see them. But it's important that it didn't have any curtains as that night, when he went to bed, he was watching the harbour lights through the window when he saw a shadow run past. He'd just seen Signs for the first time a few hours ago, and he damn near had a heart attack.

Turned out to be one of his sister's friends. Not sure why he was outside to begin with but that's a story I laugh at every time.