
Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
You've probably read it all before. A fan of the Final Fantasy series gets cold feet about engaging in an MMO installment. In my case it's an extreme aversion — if it ain't Nintendo couch co-op, I'm petrified of it. I get genuine anxiety playing online multiplayer of any variety whatsoever.

But mainline Final Fantasies are few and far between these days. And by "these days," I mean the past 17 years. Time flies; Final Fantasy does not. And when it does... well, let's just say I'm a bigger fan of the older stuff than the new.

So. After six years of growing, gnawing insistence from fellow fans, I have finally taken the plunge. Have my fears been misplaced? Do I feel the aforementioned anxiety? Do lalafel make me want to order takeout falafel? Read on to find out.

I chose archer as my starting class and human midlander as my race. Quinton Chloe is a blue-haired guy who looks like he missed the boat to Fire Emblem Protagonist University. I like him that way. I began my journey in cozy Gridania, which a friend of mine lamented almost immediately because she finds Gridania and its quests the most "generic" of the trio. Already feeling like I'd made a mistake, I let out a deep, deep breath and explored.

Impressed with the number of talkative NPCs, I made my rounds, leaving no character safe from my pursuit of narrative flavor. While some dialogue will inevitably prove somewhat uninspired in a project this large in scope, the majority has ranged from decent to great. Furthermore, I'm surprised by how good the game looks overall. I was expecting it to be a few leagues beneath FFXV, but I'd say it's more like... a couple of leagues beneath FFXV? Haha. Pretty vistas are a big-time plus for me in pretty much any game, but especially RPGs, and sunsets and starry skies have seldom disappointed. The art style is pleasing enough, and it's rarely too "noisy." It's solidified but leaves room to periodically surprise me.

Less comfortable upon first fitting? The combat. I've never really been a fan of cooldown-based semi-action systems; I prefer stuff that's either more overtly turn-based or takes a fuller step into action. As such, I was fairly bored for a while. But I didn't mind much. I was here for the story. And the characters. And the music. And... you know. Final Fantasy stuff.

As I've gained new abilities for archer and dabbled in rogue, I've learned to more properly appreciate FFXIV's system for what it is. I still wouldn't call it a blast, but there's a certain zen involved in executing techniques designed to damage and debilitate enemies gradually, increasing my regular damage output, and then carving through the path with knives and arrows.

The controls and UI were utterly daunting to me for a time. I quickly researched how to minimize the crazy amount of UI clutter, eliminating numerous bars and reducing the size of others, and I cleared up enough visual real estate to satisfy my soul. As for the controls, it all came down to targeting issues. Even now, I'm inexplicably targeting allied NPCs during FATEs and the like on occasion, and I don't understand why. But I asked Reddit for some PS4 targeting tips yesterday and learned some handy things, principal among them being that it's important to face your desired target head-on and tap x to quickly select it.

But all of this is basic journal work. How have I felt about playing a multiplayer title? Admittedly? Still pretty weird. It's harder to soak in the atmosphere of Limsa Lominsa with three dozen players jumping around at the aetheryte plaza, no fewer than six of them typing "TRUMP 2020" at a time. Thankfully, I haven't ran into that sort of thing elsewhere. A fair number of players on my server congregate at Gridania's aetheryte as well, but for whatever reason, they're blissfully quieter.

I am very slow with games that I enjoy. Reveling in a pretty environment is like my #1 jam. I spent so many evenings playing Breath of the Wild and "accomplishing" nothing. I'd find a mountain peak and, well, revel. Nothing like a nice sunset. And as a vagabond, myself, any game that gives me a sense of journey hits me in a good way. All that to say, I've been playing since September 24th and I only just this morning reached my first dungeon. I wasn't thrilled that these are a necessary aspect of the story, but I can appreciate the grander scope that they provide. Such was the case today, as I stalked a pirate captain in a cove for great justice.

Unfortunately, this is when my anxiety returned. I was being rushed. I got popup notifications explaining to me just what in blazes I was supposed to be doing, but my party ran off and I felt the need to follow posthaste. Near as I could tell, everyone was nice enough. They chatted a bit about objectives. I stayed silent. No one yelled at me, despite my feeling fairly confident I was... not great. But I felt taken out of the world somewhat because I was playing beside three other players whose characters are probably being told they're the chosen one, ha. It's not so bad, I suppose; I can just headcanon that they're random adventurers. But it sort of adds to other little nagging issues I've had that are almost certainly all merely necessary aspects of any MMO — like how silly it strikes me that passive goblin camps will set several seated around a campfire and I can pick them off one by one while their families don't budge an inch. Even if they hate each other, come on! Show a little survivalism here, I'm obviously coming for you next!

All told, I am really enjoying Final Fantasy XIV... usually. Whenever I can get lost in Eorzea and imagine I'm playing something of a spiritual FFXII successor of sorts, I'm in love. I got a cool cutscene the other day with an introduction to the evil empire and it feels rad, you know? It's just these moments where I'm required to be reminded that this is, in fact, precisely what it's advertised as — a massively multiplayer RPG — that I'm still feeling fairly apprehensive about.

I firmly believe I can overcome all that if I give this my all. I just hope that I have it in me to give this my all. Because underneath the multiplayer veneer, I can tell there is a brilliant game here not just for fans of its subgenre but for strange solo artists like myself as well. I'll keep diving deeper and deeper. I hope I come to love XIV as much as many of you do. It's a good start. :)

Oh, right. And I ate falafel twice last week.


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
The MMO grind got me burned out so I only play XIV for the story now and I'm pretty happy with that. Basicly play it as a single player game that happens to have a in game messenger and been pretty satisfied with that for awhile. If your looking to "get away" from other players you can customize your chat boxes to block anything you want. You will get the more solo experience when you get to Heavensward and Stormblood since most the playerbase at the start or at the end with Shadowbringers. Heavensward in particular I actually think benefits mood and setting wise from having less players around.


Oct 27, 2017
Believe me when I say it only gets better from where you are.

In terms of dungeons, the first few are very straightforward training-wheels sort of affairs. They're very simple--a good place to learn the basics of running dungeons without any real danger to yourself or your party. All of the ARR (1-50) trials and dungeons are on the simpler end of the scale, ramping up slowly as you go, and as you play I think you'll naturally become used to your place within them.

If you're worried about missing something in the dungeon--which is possible when running it for the first time--just mention that you're new when you first arrive. Other players will understand and help you out.

Good luck on your continued adventures, OP. And, really nice write-up on your experiences.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I leveled to the maximum level in the trial, and picked up the game through Twitch Prime. Stopped just shy of completing A Realm Reborn.

I've been thinking of picking it back up and playing through the story.

My only road block is I can't read the text so communication is impossible for me. I played FF XI for hundreds of hours, and I really miss that community aspect. But that was before I lost part of my vision.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
A few things: you will definitely have a lot more buttons to be pressing as you move on. You have very few buttons right now, and while it's certainly still a tab targeting MMO all the way through, it will definitely feel more "action-y" as you have more thing to do.

Unfortunately, this is when my anxiety returned. I was being rushed. I got popup notifications explaining to me just what in blazes I was supposed to be doing, but my party ran off and I felt the need to follow posthaste. Near as I could tell, everyone was nice enough. They chatted a bit about objectives. I stayed silent. No one yelled at me, despite my feeling fairly confident I was... not great.

Try to not feel pressured in levelling dungeons. The three other people with you queued for Levelling Roulette, got into Sastasha, and got the notification that someone is new. They know exactly what they got into. They chose to get into it. You aren't gonna disrupt anybody if you ask what to do or for any other type of advice. The community is very nice on the hole. If someone gives you shit for being new in a levelling dungeon, tell them in the nicest way possible to fuck off (even though the community is great on the whole, there are still some bad apples in there).

But I felt taken out of the world somewhat because I was playing beside three other players whose characters are probably being told they're the chosen one, ha. It's not so bad, I suppose; I can just headcanon that they're random adventurers.
The official canon is that while every player is the WoL from their own perspective, from your perspective, you are the WoL and the other people with you are your adventurer friends who also have the Echo (except for one specific instance where this is not true). You'll see some references to how you need to gather your adventurer friends to tackle a dungeon as you continue through the story


Oct 27, 2017
Props on giving an MMO a shot.

Sounds to me like you need proper friends to group up with for the stuff that requires actual MP. That way you can take your time!


Oct 27, 2017
... I'd honestly be okay with a brand new singleplayer FF that looks like XIV but has more VO and SFX if it means they can up the breadth and depth.
Aug 28, 2019
I am not an FF fanatic, but there is a good game in there, buried under the MMO wretchedness. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past it. Hopefully you can.


Oct 27, 2017
They are going to be reworking ARR and I think it is a safe bet Trusts (AI controlled party members) will be available so you can play everything (story related) solo if you want. I would bet it will eventually be applied to all expansion story content. Also, once/if you get to Shadowbringers you will have this option (Trusts) in story dungeons at least. However, raid style fights will likely always require multiplayer. You can also rerun some of the ARR dungeons with AI members now via Squadrons, but you have to put some time into that system to level AI members up before attempting higher level dungeons beyond the first available one. It's also meant for alt job leveling, not first time progression.


Jan 4, 2018
Good for you op but I just can't get past the god awful direction in the cut scenes. Scenes are stilted, hang awkwardly before the next line etc, honestly I guess in that way the cut scenes match the early gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Glad you're enjoying it. It's been a fantastic journey for me since I don't know 2014 or 2015 when I started. I can say that if you're enjoying the story, lore, and world now then you're in for a real treat when you hit the later parts of the game and it all starts to open up in such a beautiful, organic way and the stakes of the story grow heavy and personal.

As for the combat, that too will feel less clunky in time as you gain more abilities to weave in between your weaponskills. I'm working on Ninja right now and honestly it's actually too much going on between cooldowns and hard to keep up a good rhythm. Bard is probably my favorite job though so nice to see you taking up Archer. Stick with it!

Social anxiety is understandable and I hope you're able to get used to the occasional need to run group content to progress with the story. From my experience, most people in dungeons are rather quiet anyway and nobody is gonna put you on blast if you mess up or run a little slower than the rest. Just do your thing. Enjoy the cutscenes and lore. It's your game and you pay your subscription.

As for the TRUMP 2020 thing I've never actually seen that lol but I do have Say chat turned off 100% of the time due to all the noise going on in cities. If anyone needs my attention, they can DM me. Or shout real loud. Nothing valuable has ever been said or read in the history of Say chat.

Edit: Also your friends are kind of right, Gridania has the most whatever intro, but it's not going to matter much soon anyway. The three intros converge at Lv20 in the main story scenario, and if you just finished Satasha, you're almost there anyway. For the record, Ul'dah has the most interesting intro. FFXII fans would probably appreciate it for the political intrigue.
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Dec 12, 2017
Not surprised at the "Trump 2020" in Limsa Lominsa.

Limsa is basically Atlanta Georgia but in Eorzea


Nov 15, 2018
If you can get through A Realm Reborn and 2.1-2.5 and still enjoy the game then you are in for whats probably one of the best stories in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
If you can get through A Realm Reborn and 2.1-2.5 and still enjoy the game then you are in for whats probably one of the best stories in the series.
I'd amend this to 2.1-2.3. Dreams of Ice (2.4) is alright and Before the Fall (2.5/2.55) is still one of the high points of the whole story. But yeah, as much as I enjoyed it, you can tell that ARR was a product that was thrown together in a hurry when the original game was such a dud. The post-game stuff is where I felt it shed the growing pains and started to become recognizable as the current game we all know and love.


Oct 27, 2017
I had absolutely zero interest in playing an MMO after brief experiences with FF11 and WoW. Over the past decade+, I've played fewer and fewer MP/online games to the point where if I see "online multiplayer!" as a feature, I already start to dislike it.

But FF14 was different. I went in reluctantly, and while at first I was really confused, a friendly player "tapped me on the shoulder" in-game one day and invited me to their Free Company. I had no idea what that meant, but I'm so glad I said yes. I've come to know and rely on my fellow FC members for help with absolutely all aspects of the game. We have a Discord where we can hang out and chat about the game or life/interests instead of jamming up in-game comms, and after less than a month with the game, I feel a real connection with several of my guildmates, which is a great feeling given how much I pushed against this type of game.

I also find that just about everyone I've run into in-game have been helpful and understanding. When hopping into new dungeons, etc., I always say hi and announce that I'm new. I have a Lv. 55 PLD, and started messing with CNJ last night, and even fighting basic enemies, vets would come by to lend me a quick hand figuring I was probably going to die. LOL Simple level-setting with other party members goes a long way. Only had one time where a DPS was bugging me to pull more... until it turned out that we weren't doing as much damage as they thought we would, so they apologized and ratcheted things back, so even that 'bad' thing turned into something good.

It's really changed the way I view games like this. I also firmly believe that a big reason why I've stuck with this game for so long is how well implemented controller play is.

MSQ-wise, I'm in the mid/high-40s. It's been a bit of a drag lately save for a key high, but I've heard that once I get to 2.3 or so, it's all uphill from there. This slower part is what had me messing with CNJ to mix things up. I really love the game, but I have not gotten to the point where I start comparing it to other FFs. I know there was that thread that talked about this being the best. I'm a bit skeptical, but would love to be proven wrong!


Apr 9, 2019
Good on ya for giving it a shot!

I'm a huge advocate for the game after being one of the negative nancies who trashed it when it first came out and hated on it til about 4 years ago when I started playing. I only have about 1.4k hours in the game but my gf and I levelled together and it was a blast getting through the game, getting married in game so we have a two seater Chocobo, trying out the different classes, etc.

As others have said if you're mildly interested now it only gets better as time goes on. There's some lulls before HW and then a few here and there in SB but the rest of the story is better. They shake off the cobwebs and go "okay now that we fixed that other mess, let's do what we really came here to do."

Also if you get to try the DRK quests do it, the Dark knight questline is some of the best work in the game, and the writer for those went on to head up Shadowbringers. And you'll see why if you play DRK.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel ya with the dungeon woes.
I don't mind rude players but when they blast through it and you feel forced to skip the cutscenes or they just wiz through the map skipping all the optional rooms and treasures it's reslly disappointing.

There's also a major story dungeon towards the end of ARR with lengthy cutscenes, which, if you watch, you get locked out of all the combat because you fall behind the (large) group who are just blundering through it all. The most frustrating moment for me was being locked out of the final boss battle of the dungeon because I didn't want to skip an earlier cutscene, so by the time I caught up with the group the stage had already closed - this was one of the most frustrating moments I've ever had in gaming.

The fact that a 12 (?) party dungeon was so pivotal to the story baffled me.

I'm aware that in Shadowbringers they have introduced A.I companions in place of other players, which I think is excellent, but I wish they do this retroactively as well and give us the option to do it for earlier dungeons. I'd even take bots which say nothing over other players.

This for me is one of the only problems with XIV.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
As a fan of the awesome and unique gear in FFXI I just didn't like the gear system in FFXIV, and without awesome loot to chase I would never stick around in that game. It's a never ending ladder, 4 extra str, 5 extra int, oh boy!!! (drops previous hard earned gear as it's now trash)


Oct 26, 2017
I feel ya with the dungeon woes.
I don't mind rude players but when they blast through it and you feel forced to skip the cutscenes or they just wiz through the map skipping all the optional rooms and treasures it's reslly disappointing.

There's also a major story dungeon towards the end of ARR with lengthy cutscenes, which, if you watch, you get locked out of all the combat because you fall behind the (large) group who are just blundering through it all. The most frustrating moment for me was being locked out of the final boss battle of the dungeon because I didn't want to skip an earlier cutscene, so by the time I caught up with the group the stage had already closed - this was one of the most frustrating moments I've ever had in gaming.

The fact that a 12 (?) party dungeon was so pivotal to the story baffled me.

I'm aware that in Shadowbringers they have introduced A.I companions in place of other players, which I think is excellent, but I wish they do this retroactively as well and give us the option to do it for earlier dungeons. I'd even take bots which say nothing over other players.

This for me is one of the only problems with XIV.
They fixed that for better or for worse, you can't skip cutscenes in the two 8 man ARR story dungeons anymore so everyone is forced to watch it, and the game now asks you to teleport to the boss arena when the lockout happens.
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Oct 28, 2017
Whenever I can get lost in Eorzea and imagine I'm playing something of a spiritual FFXII successor of sorts, I'm in love.
It's basically what it is. Much of the FFXII team came in to rebuild the MMO after the original failure. The writer of ARR and Heavensward is the guy who worked on all Ivalice games and Heavensward is basically considered one of the best FF stories ever

Also the art director of FFXIV is the same as FFXII. It's basically Ivalice with a new name, which gets weird considering Ivalice is in the game too
Oct 26, 2017
I feel ya with the dungeon woes.
I don't mind rude players but when they blast through it and you feel forced to skip the cutscenes or they just wiz through the map skipping all the optional rooms and treasures it's reslly disappointing.
Maybe I've just been extremely lucky, but since returning to FXIV half a year ago I can count only two instances I have had to deal with really rude players. Most interactions with random people tend to be pretty chill.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel ya with the dungeon woes.
I don't mind rude players but when they blast through it and you feel forced to skip the cutscenes or they just wiz through the map skipping all the optional rooms and treasures it's reslly disappointing.

There's also a major story dungeon towards the end of ARR with lengthy cutscenes, which, if you watch, you get locked out of all the combat because you fall behind the (large) group who are just blundering through it all. The most frustrating moment for me was being locked out of the final boss battle of the dungeon because I didn't want to skip an earlier cutscene, so by the time I caught up with the group the stage had already closed - this was one of the most frustrating moments I've ever had in gaming.

The fact that a 12 (?) party dungeon was so pivotal to the story baffled me.

I'm aware that in Shadowbringers they have introduced A.I companions in place of other players, which I think is excellent, but I wish they do this retroactively as well and give us the option to do it for earlier dungeons. I'd even take bots which say nothing over other players.

This for me is one of the only problems with XIV.
All the dungones after ARR only has cutscenes at the beginning and after finishing the final boss. And they made those long main story cutscenes unskippable now for roulette players, but in turns they get rewarded more tomes (end gear currency).


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all are killing me!!

Great write up OP :)
I own the game with the expansions before the newest one but I've only played a little bit over the years since ARR launched. I think I have a level 38ish Scholar.

I really want to play this game - I adore the graphics (Gridania!!!!) and music. The game is fun. I just get distracted constantly with all the other games coming out that I find it hard to sit at the PC and play this hours at a time(though I have a blast every time I do it)

I think part of the problem is I don't have RL friends who play games much less MMOs so I know no one in game and while I like single player stuffmore than multi, it gets lonely.

ive got this installed on my PC. Probably played 4 months ago for a couple weeks. I need to find the motivation lol!
Dec 1, 2017
Unfortunately, this is when my anxiety returned. I was being rushed. I got popup notifications explaining to me just what in blazes I was supposed to be doing, but my party ran off and I felt the need to follow posthaste. Near as I could tell, everyone was nice enough. They chatted a bit about objectives. I stayed silent. No one yelled at me, despite my feeling fairly confident I was... not great. But I felt taken out of the world somewhat because I was playing beside three other players whose characters are probably being told they're the chosen one, ha. It's not so bad, I suppose; I can just headcanon that they're random adventurers.
That's one aspect of the game that will harder/more intense/demanding as it goes on. While most of the people are nice, some bad apples can really ruin it for you.

If the anxiety gets bad, a Free Company with chill players or people you know can join you as an undersized party (if they're high level enough) and you can be like 2-3 to clear anything that's instanced.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I last played this game years ago, not long after the Realm Reborn release (I think!) and I remember enjoying my time with it. But i fell into the same mindset that i do with all paid MMO's, in that I can't justify the subscription. Especially when having to pay for each expansion and having cosmetic micro transactions included. This heavy monetisation has never sat well with me.

it's a shame, because i think they've done a great job otherwise and it's always tempting to jump back in, especially with OP's like this, but I just can't bring myself to do it.


Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoy your writing style. :)

FF XIV is a nice and relaxing MMO compared to most. The player base is generally very supportive which really helps.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
There's also a major story dungeon towards the end of ARR with lengthy cutscenes, which, if you watch, you get locked out of all the combat because you fall behind the (large) group who are just blundering through it all. The most frustrating moment for me was being locked out of the final boss battle of the dungeon because I didn't want to skip an earlier cutscene, so by the time I caught up with the group the stage had already closed - this was one of the most frustrating moments I've ever had in gaming.
Just letting you know this has been changed. The cutscenes in this dungeon are now unskippable for all players, and in return the rewards have been boosted.

It may be frustrating for new players, but most people doing the duty roulette just want to get through the dungeon to get the exp at the end. The game will alert you if it's someone's first time running it though. New dungeons post ARR also only have cutscenes at the beginning and after the boss fight.

Best played with friends. I know era has some free company set up too on a specific server as well.

To OP: Good luck. I just resubscribed last month after four years off after burning out in the 2.1 to 2.55 patch content. Got it done quickly and Heavensward is one of the best Final Fantasy stories in the franchise. I'm currently making my way through the second expansion which is pretty good as well. It was reading all the positive impressions of Shadowbringers that pulled me back in.


Oct 27, 2017
I think part of the problem is I don't have RL friends who play games much less MMOs so I know no one in game and while I like single player stuffmore than multi, it gets lonely.
Neither do I. The few that I do know who play this are on different data centers, so I'd planned on just soloing most of it... which I did, but like I said above, joining a Free Company/guild made it always feel like my friends were online. I can still do whatever I want by myself or ask them for help if queues are long or I'm learning new jobs, mechanics, etc. I think it's in large part why I've stuck with it (I just finished 2.0 today).


Oct 27, 2017
Long Island, NY
Is there any precedent for a MMO to be reimagined as a single player game? I'm interested in FF11 and 14 (and DQX for that matter) for the callbacks to older games in the series and the stories, less so for doing mmo "social" activities like going on raids and stuff, not to mention monthly subscription fees. I hear that FF11 is near impossible to play single player only but you can ignore the social stuff in 14?


Jul 21, 2019
As a fan of the awesome and unique gear in FFXI I just didn't like the gear system in FFXIV, and without awesome loot to chase I would never stick around in that game. It's a never ending ladder, 4 extra str, 5 extra int, oh boy!!! (drops previous hard earned gear as it's now trash)
The job system is also awful compared to FFXI. Everyone is the same as everyone else. Jobs stuck to one weapon because of a terrible system. No more cool shit like SAM/RNG spamming Sidewinders or DRK/NIN with souleater rampage.

The game is such a regression in almost every game mechanic compared to XI. Don't even get me started on the video game sleep aid also known as main quest scenario. Teleporting to waking sands and talking is not fun, developers.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
The job system is also awful compared to FFXI. Everyone is the same as everyone else. Jobs stuck to one weapon because of a terrible system. No more cool shit like SAM/RNG spamming Sidewinders or DRK/NIN with souleater rampage.

The game is such a regression in almost every game mechanic compared to XI. Don't even get me started on the video game sleep aid also known as main quest scenario. Teleporting to waking sands and talking is not fun, developers.
Omg yes, those were so fun. Sidewinder... ah man. Reading this put a big smile on my face. You could do so much with unique main/sub matching + gear. We had a Bard/nin tanking Jailer of Fortitude in sky at one point. Chocobo Mazurka spam, that enmity gain got nerfed eventually though.

I duoed Limbus for a person that wanted to farm ancient coins, main tanking for a geared out endgame ninja as Thief/nin. That Thief S tier evasion.

Kraken club on a relic gun ranger was nuts too.


Nov 10, 2017
I beat the main story and got burned out during HeavenSward. I at least got the Regalia from XV as a mount. Gonna get back into it once I'm done messing around with all the XV content I missed.

It's a great game. I've mastered them all and played a ton of XI. I'd say it's up there as the greatest Final Fantasy of all time.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I really need to reply to y'all! I've been swamped. Thanks for all the posts, though! I'm glad to have generated some neat discussion. I'll quote some of you soon.