Dec 12, 2017

To those of us that have been around for a while, this was clear from the start. Anthem's reveal trailer was FAR too polished and perfect looking to be representative of a real playable game. To me this is almost on the level of the Killzone 2 reveal in terms of level of bullshit.

After looking at videos of the VIP demo, it's clear the world isn't this lush, detailed or full of life. I mean look at that trailer and tell me it doesn't look at least five years ahead of any other game...the real Anthem looks nothing like that.


Oct 26, 2017
it was super clear it was a render or super confined was just too damn smooth and flushed out for an initial showing.

Thankfully its becoming more and more obvious whats total BS by just how "perfect" everything plays out in a "demo" showing.


Oct 26, 2017
That was one of those trailers that you knew it was bullshit and not possible on current consoles the moment you saw it.

It sucks that they still do this, especially when Anthem still looks good.


Oct 25, 2017
The hub world stands out for sure, especially population density. Gameplay generally looks about right though, definitely within the normal margin of change that we generally see from a trailer this early.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
It's funny you see the woman bump into the man in the first 3 seconds of the trailer , I saw that happen like 14 times this weekend. Very annoying.

With that said most trailers are bullshit.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I remember walking up to that curtain (well, a curtain.. Looked the same but definitely not in the same place) and it didn't even move.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, but at this point its kind of to be expected. Thats why i dont take any e3 trailers at face value. They are usually super polished and running on ultra high end pc's that the xbox one and ps4 couldnt hold a candle to. So for me its expected that like, outside of first party games. Most games shown will come out in a much more paired down fashion, at least on consoles. We've had so many examples this gen alone. Between no mans sky, watch_dogs, even the first trailers/gameplay reveals of destiny, its hard to get mad. I also expect metro exodus to not quite look like the game shown at e3 2017

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
The hub world stands out for sure, especially population density. Gameplay generally looks about right though, definitely within the normal margin of change that we generally see from a trailer this early.
Do the hubs get more populated with people later on?

I watched the Giant Bomb unfinished of Anthem and the hub area had like NOBODY except quest givers and like 2 people at a bar.


Oct 25, 2017
Do the hubs get more populated with people later on?

I watched the Giant Bomb unfinished of Anthem and the hub area had like NOBODY except quest givers and like 2 people at a bar.
Don't know. Maybe, but I doubt it. Just seems like one of those things that was scaled back when it came time to actually make a game, similar to pop density in Witcher 3 towns.


Oct 28, 2017
Ya that trailer was a bold faced lie through and through. I mean even if he said it was playing on pc it would have been a lie but he said it was Xbox one X which is beyond the pale deception.
Dec 12, 2017
Do the hubs get more populated with people later on?

I watched the Giant Bomb unfinished of Anthem and the hub area had like NOBODY except quest givers and like 2 people at a bar.

The hub is certainly what stood out most to the trailer it looks like a super populated realistic version of RAGE as developed by CDPR. Unbelievably good looking.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's quite a huge downgrade in almost every aspect from lighting to foliage density to the quality of the alpha effects even versus the PC version at Ultra settings. The X is probably running medium graphical settings and it's still dropping to the low 20's...

We should know by now not to trust reveals and trailers, especially when they look next to impossible on current hardware. I'm going to try and remember that when they show off the next gen consoles tech demos lol.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
This just in: heavily polished, vertical slices designed specifically for a single press event and nothing else rarely turn out to be indicative of the final product.


Oct 25, 2017
I wanna say "people wisened up by then, so it doesn't matter too much"... but we had people assuring everyone else that looks in-game from what I recall


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
This just in: heavily polished, vertical slices designed specifically for a single press event and nothing else rarely turn out to be indicative of the final product.

Indeed. I remember one of the trailers for Horizon that had Tallnecks all over the place. In the main game there are like four of them...

Hopefully with Ryzen 2 next gen and beefier GPUs this complexity and lighting will become a reality.

I don't think it's just a technological hurdle, but the amount of effort as well. Perhaps I'm wrong.


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
I always had the feeling that this game was targetting the next gen with those visuals.


Oct 26, 2017
Not surprised. I remember 90% people were calling it bullshit by the time they showed it.

Kind of sad really...


Oct 25, 2017
This just in: heavily polished, vertical slices designed specifically for a single press event and nothing else rarely turn out to be indicative of the final product.
You're right, but generally a heavily polished vertical slice should mean "deliver something shippable", not "bait them with a dream".

This happens all the time, and we should be conditioned to expect any game that's years out showing polished gameplay to be faked (because any game that's years out does not have polished gameplay to show). But it's also on devs to manage expectations. Anyone looking at that video knows full well it ain't gonna happen on a base Xbox One or PS4.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This is definitely worse than Watch Dogs and I am surprised more people arent calling it out on it.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
I dont know how anyone could believe it was real in the firt place. It was also way worse than the Watch Dogs difference


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"everything you are about to see was captured in-game running in real-time"

they forgot to put

real-time running on a GTX 8080ti in the year 2026

Deleted member 5764

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I certainly never felt like Anthem was going to look THAT good on consoles, but re-watching this trailer has me pleasantly surprised. What I played in the VIP demo feels like a realistically scaled-down version of what's in that trailer. The flight mechanics especially feel just as good as I imagined they would when watching that trailer for the first time.

I'd criticize it more, but very little of that trailer says "this is an actual game" to me. From the super densely populated Fort Tarsis, to the super lush forests with ideally placed enemies and wildlife.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This just in: heavily polished, vertical slices designed specifically for a single press event and nothing else rarely turn out to be indicative of the final product.

I don't think the hub world stuff was a vertical slice at all. Just straight up non-interactive CGI (made on Frostbite, but CGI still).

Devs really need stop trying to trick people into making them think they're seeing gameplay.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
Agreed, it's nothing new I just thought this one was so beyond the pale ludicrous. At least Watch Dogs KIND OF resembles the final game.

The core gameplay elements remain, at least. You can fly like that. Guns shoot like that. Abilities work like that. There is a fort with a market area. Yes, the graphics, details and such changed, but the core gameplay underneath all that remained relatively consistent from this vertical slice to the full game.

I'm not sure what point this thread serves because it feels like an obvious statement. You can pick almost any E3 trailer, and it is rarely, if ever, a completely accurate representation of the final product. That is the nature of E3 and vertical slice game reveals. If you don't like it, I would encourage you not to buy into the E3 hype. That hype is what fuels the same vertical slice problems that you're upset by.


Oct 27, 2017
Say what you will about Star Citizen, but au least when they show their game, they really show it, with bugs, crashes and all, and that's rather rare un the industry.


Oct 25, 2017
The core gameplay elements remain, at least. You can fly like that. Guns shoot like that. Abilities work like that. There is a fort with a market area. Yes, the graphics, details and such changed, but the core gameplay underneath all that remained relatively consistent from this vertical slice to the full game.

I'm not sure what point this thread serves because it feels like an obvious statement. You can pick almost any E3 trailer, and it is rarely, if ever, a completely accurate representation of the final product. That is the nature of E3 and vertical slice game reveals. If you don't like it, I would encourage you not to buy into the E3 hype. That hype is what fuels the same vertical slice problems that you're upset by.

Lol, welcome to half the threads


Oct 27, 2017
Say what you will about Star Citizen, but au least when they show their game, they really show it, with bugs, crashes and all, and that's rather rare un the industry.

Bioware does also. They did alot of livestreams in the last months showing the game knowing things could break and it happened a couple of times.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, I doubt the hub ever looked like that at any point in development.

true, and putting this at the start of a trailer is an issue


Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Lol you start this thread off with such a faulty comparison (killzone 2). Nothing touches kz2 reveal.

I'd stick to the watch dogs one personally.
Oct 27, 2017
That was one of those trailers that you knew it was bullshit and not possible on current consoles the moment you saw it.

It sucks that they still do this, especially when Anthem still looks good.
That's a phallacy. It's not about hardware. It's about the impossibility of crafting such perfect, lush and complex dynamic gameplay systems without either spending thousands upon thousands of man-years or using magic to make it all work.


Oct 27, 2017
For sure. This game looks nothing like the video, at least on ps4 pro anyway. I expected as much but still disappointing. Hell I'll be happy if they can get the game to fucking work for most people. Looking a bit worse I can deal with, infinite loading screens and the performance I can't


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
In general most big budget games look incredible these days and really don't need to do bullshots or even CGI trailers anymore.