Do you clear clear each level 100% before moving to the next level?

  • Yes, I will complete 100% each level before starting a new one

    Votes: 134 40.2%
  • No, but I return to complete the levels 100% later

    Votes: 147 44.1%
  • No, I usually rush through each stage

    Votes: 52 15.6%

  • Total voters
Oct 25, 2017
I have been reading the Super Mario 3D World thread here in Era and some threads on Reddit, and it gives the impression that some people are rushing through the levels as fast as possible without collecting the 3 green stars + stamp + golden flag, and then complaining that the levels are short.

Do you actually rush through the levels without collecting everything first?

I mean, a very important part of Mario games is collecting stars, and by doing that you are not only completing the game, but it is an integral part of Nintendo's game design... Some of the best platform challenges in Mario games are found trying to get all the collectibles.

Heck, they are not even that hidden. They are easy to find, but require some extra platforming.

It doesn't apply only to Super Mario 3D World but most Mario games. I find it extra work to finish the game and then retuning to complete the levels, and I prefer to clear each level 100% before starting a new one.

How about you?


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
For games with shorter levels like 3D World, yes. For Odyssey, I didn't because it was far too many moons and I wanted to just enjoy the rest of the game and come back later.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I try my best, but if I'm stuck I'll move on until later when I need 100% for the final challenge.


Oct 25, 2017
I do what i can, but go to next stage

after i finishi the game i will go back and get everything


Oct 25, 2017
Bronx, NY
I'm more likely to rush 2D Mario levels than 3D ones but generally I just play without worrying about missing stuff too much and get it later. In 3D World's case there's an unlockable character so I'd have to go back anyway.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
I do and I hate games that don't let you and don't make it clear you don't have the ability to 100% the level yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I tend to 100% a world before going onto the next. In games like 3D World, that means getting everything before doing the castle stage. In games like Odyssey, it's doing everything the game would allow me to do before a repeat playthrough.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In 3D World, I try to find everything in a level but I'll move on if I miss something. I go back for 100% once the game is finished.

In the Galaxy games, I go through as many stages as I can, as fast as I can, and I 100% them after finishing.

I like having a reason to go back to old stages.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, if I want to get the 100%. Some can't be gotten until later though (like in Odyssey).


Nov 12, 2017
not really

I do a pretty thorough scan of the entire level though which usually results in 100% completion but if I can't find everything first try I just move on & come back later


Oct 26, 2017
I tend to just complete the game and do as best to collect them on my first go, and once I finish the game.. I'll go back and check each level to see what I missed and redo them.


Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
I mean, a very important part of Mario games is collecting stars, and by doing that you are not only completing the game, but it is an integral part of Nintendo's game design... Some of the best platform challenges in Mario games are found trying to get all the collectibles.

How about you?
Hard disagree here. They're optional, not an integral part. You do it if you want to, but they're not required.


Oct 25, 2017
For 3D World I do my best and then move onto the next level, but I don't go to the next world until I clean up all the levels (flagpole, stamps, and stars).


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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It depends on how the game is structured. 3D World yes since each level is isolated from each other. In SM64 no because several levels require you to return after collection powerups in order to clear all of the objectives.


Jan 24, 2020
In 3D Mario, collecting is honestly the main attraction to me, so if I'm not going for the stars then I probably won't have any fun. Obviously I prefer the more sandbox games, and often times there's so many collectables it's not really feasible to 100% a level before moving on like Odyssey. But I'll explore the level as much as I can and get what I can find, and then move on. I only really beeline the games without collectables like Galaxy, think it's why I didn't enjoy it much. You're never really trying to find anything or explore, you're just running to the end to get the star, and then starting the next mission and repeating.


Oct 27, 2017
3D World is pretty different from most since 100% completion means you're gonna play every level multiple times

if I miss something, I know I'll be coming back later anyway


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I burn myself out if I'm too focused on going for 100% as I go. I do what I feel like first time around and then go back post game to clean up.


Oct 25, 2017
No good in between poll option there, nice

I play the level as best I can for fun and if I want to dig deeper or return, I will, but I don't rush either. If I'm having fun I'll play more, but I sure as hell aren't going to pain my way to 100% just because, haha


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Yup. Of course I do this. The lessons taught in earlier levels teach you how to succeed at later challenges, so I generally 100% them so I am never surprised later on.


May 30, 2019
Yes. I always try to 100% levels before moving to the next one. I usually do up to 3 tries on each level in order to find all the collectibles. If I can't find something after the third, I'll move on to the next level - but I always go back to 100% the missing ones before I fight the boss.

In fact, I hate when levels are too big or requires backtracking (like in Spyro 2). It just makes the experience much worse to me and I end up losing my motivation to 100% them. Mario Odyssey is a great example of an almost perfect game that doesn't work for me - it's just too much.


Oct 25, 2017
I try to get as much done as possible in my first go, but it won't stop me if I missed stuff. I'll come back to the levels later on if they are gating something extra/bonus, but most of the time I don't go for 100%


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
At least in the case of 3D world I do. Not much reward for doing so but they give you the checklist so I wanna fill it out.

Rare Opiums

Oct 28, 2017
I would go 100%'d for the first 3 levels, which is usually very easy. After that, I try to finish it quickly and complete it later.


Oct 29, 2017
Hard disagree here. They're optional, not an integral part. You do it if you want to, but they're not required.

In 3D World (and some NSMB titles I think?) they are required for progression. The average player will probably get plenty enough to progress without needing to replay + hunt down every last one, but they aren't not required.

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
Now that I'm playing 3D World I'm trying to get everything on my first go but if I miss something I usually leave that hanging to have even more of an excuse to replay that stage later. It's a bit of a short game so I'll take any excuse for replayability, even if I'll probably come back to this game periodically just for the fun of going trough it again.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes, but not always.

Sometimes I just feel like moving on to the next level to see more of the game, and I'll return later and find more stars/collectibles or whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
As for 3D World, I go for everything at the first go except beating all levels with all characters, because that's tedious as hell. For other Mario games, nah. I'll just return to the level later on if possible.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
Funny enough, I've been playing the old Crash Bandicoot games in the N Sane trilogy and my answer there is ABSOLUTELY not. Those Relic times and perfect crate runs are no joke.

For Mario, linear ones I'll try and grab everything just for something interesting to do. For the open world games I just stick around in a world until I feel like moving on, it varies.


Apr 26, 2018
I'm shocked by how many people said yes to this. I really don't think 100 percenting each level as you go is how you're supposed to play these games.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Sometimes. I didn't really do it with Odyssey, but I was doing it with Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury until I got to the bonus worlds. Some of the obstacle arrangements make me want to move on after I reach the flagpole and not go back until I have to. lol
Sep 22, 2019
I try to do everything on my way to the goal, but not getting frustrated with every little detail, I might get burned out of the game that way.


Oct 27, 2017
With 3D World I try to get everything but will come back later to 100%. Considering you need to beat the levels with each character anyways for some stuff, I don't get too fussed about getting everything my first time through. It gives me a reason to replay the levels for that extra star or stamp.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
No, kills pacing and I get bored. I have tended to come back and try to 100% all or most levels, so I voted for that option. I look for things and take my time on first play through of levels, so I'm not just blowing through them. I just rarely replay it to find something I missed unless it was something I saw where it was and just missed it (and couldn't get back to it) and want to grab it before I forget where it was.

Though I'm not sure about bother with that anymore as the last couple times it was just a lot of frustration/tedium to just unlock harder levels that frustrated me more and I often didn't finish. lol.

With Gamepass, Epic freebies etc. I'm more in the mode of just playing through games and seeing the credits (and dropping earlier if I'm not feeling it) and moving on to something new. More the variety is the spice of life gaming mindset vs. playing the hell out of games to 100% things that almost always involves playing well beyond the point I stopped having fun with the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Not really? I definitely make the effort to get the stars but if I am stuck I move on. I don't really try and go back to complete it either.
That might change now that my son is old enough to watch me play.


Jan 1, 2018
None of the poll options apply to me. I'm not going to get hung up on trying to 100% a stage before moving on, but I'm also not going to rush the stage. I'm probably also not going to return to it later. I take my time and try to do everything I reasonably can, but if for example there's a star that I just can't figure out how to get without resorting to a guide or spending hours on, I just move on.


May 17, 2018
Not really.
I do my best to look for every secret in a level but if I can't find everything I move on to the next one.