
Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
[WARNING: This Thread will have spoilers. If you want a spoiler free environment, please go to the review thread here.]
[Also for shame that no one decided to make an Incredibles II thread. For shame.]


You're getting a quick and dirty one because I don't have a lot of time. Movie is out now in the US. Go see the movie damn it.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Caught a screening last night with some friends.

It's definitely weaker than the first one, but it's a fine sequel none the less. After Syndrome and the Omnidroid fight, the villain and the finale for this one were pretty disappointing imo, but I LOVED the raccoon fight and the scene where Elastigirl infiltrates Screenslaver's hideout.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I just literally walked out of a showing. Amazing movie even though the plot was a bit predictable.

I loved that the Incredible Family's loan house was basically Tony Stark's house from Iron Man 3. Even had them reference it with "eccentric billionaire"


Oct 28, 2017
I just literally walked out of a showing. Amazing movie even though the plot was a bit predictable.

I loved that the Incredible Family's loan house was basically Tony Stark's house from Iron Man 3. Even had them reference it with "eccentric billionaire"

Yeah I caught that too. Eccentric billionaire who wanted to be able to come and go without being seen.


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched it. It was good but not great there are two stories that happening that are suppose to come together (villain storyline / mr. Incredible kids storyline) one is great the other is a predictable bland story.


Nov 15, 2017
User warned: inappropriate/objectification
Could not stop staring at Helen's butt the whole time.


Oct 27, 2017
Funnier than the original with better animation and stepieces, BUT the plot and characters are generally just a little weaker overall. Still worth your time fo sho
Oct 25, 2017
Evelyn being screenslaver didn't even feel like a reveal. It was so obvious, that the sooner we got to it the better.


Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This movie reminded me of why Brad Bird got the MI4 job in the first place. The way he directs action scenes is incredibly fluid and coherent. The art style continues to be gorgeous and I 100% want a game to be set in New Urbrem, if only to explore the architecture. It felt like Gotham, Metropolis, and 60's New York all in one gorgeous bundle. Storywise, the villain was a bit lacking, but that's fine by me since the focus of the film was always meant to be the family. I'm glad Bird leaned into Mr. Incredible's insecurity at being a house-husband and at being a good father.

I dug the movie, and hope I don't have to wait another 14 years to get a sequel.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
For those still waiting for the film to release (you know, because the UK gets it in July) and if you've already re-watched the first Incredibles. Enjoy this to help out with the wait.



Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If it's a spoiler OT, note that in the title.

I feel like it's understood at this point, at least for movies, that the OT is going to have spoilers and if you just want to look for reviews and impressions you just go to that thread. It doesn't really make sense for people to go to an OT for something that haven't even seen and not expect to be spoiled.


Oct 25, 2017
How the hell wasnt there an OT for this?

Saw it last night. Well worth the wait.


Nov 14, 2017
Saw it this afternoon. I can't remember the last time I was that pleasantly surprised by a movie. I haven't loved much Pixar has made since Toy Story 3 but this movie didn't even feel out of place when stacked up to their quality run of the mid-2000s. Hard to say if I liked it more than the original because of how much that movie means to me but it was still great nonetheless.


Oct 28, 2017
Reposting my impressions from the review thread

I really liked this movie a lot. The direction, the creative action, and the animation are really impressive. This sequel proved itself for me just in how computer animation has improved since the last film because it looks soo good in so many ways. It's also got some good humor and some sweet family moments that veer into cliche territory but luckily give them some fresh twists. It's just a fun straight forward adventure.

That being said, there are a lot of disappointments that I just can't shake even as the film won me over in so many ways throughout the film. For one, it doesn't live up to the first in villains, in themes, in character development (Dash is oddly not doing much as a character or even as a set of powers like they forgot to add him into the film until the last draft and even Frozone is in the film less that in the first), and it had something interesting to say and an interesting story to tell. This felt like it could be saying something or diving a little deeper into these characters but then it just fizzles out.

That's not to say this film is bad. It reminds me of Solo in just being pretty much what you'd expect but better executed and more fun than you might expect, but this goes a step further to give just a bit more fleshing out of the characters and the jokes all hit. In terms of telling a straight forward story (that is way too predictable) but still manages to feel fun and engaging throughout, it's a good sequel and above average in terms of most animated sequels or sequels in general. It stops just short of being great though. The first was great, this was just really good.

Btw did anyone see
The Jonny Quest "Quest" logo on the building in the background? Even before they were watching the cartoon on TV, I noticed the font and had to do a double take an wonder if that was a deliberate reference. Soon after they confirmed that is was.
Oct 27, 2017
Berkeley, CA
It was good, I don't think it was great or excellent though. Villain was weak and kind of predictable (I thought it was either her or her brother as Screen Slaver).

The family stuff was cute and the super stuff was exciting and bombastic. Action was well-directed (that Elastigirl close combat scenario with the fake Screen Slaver was bomb).

Seeing that 'jetisons' aethetic throughout the city was awesome too and something we didn't see much in the first Incredibles.

But man, it didn't manage to wow me like the upper echelon of Pixar movies. I think it might how formulaic it was. It reminded me of Big Hero 6 in that regard (down to using the rich capitalist as a red herring and using a spiteful person who has a hidden grudge as the true villain).


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Plot was way too easy to guess very early in the film, but the fights were ok.

Great children's movie! Didn't wow me though.


Oct 30, 2017
Loved it. I too guessed the plot, but who cares. New supers, New action, updated presentation/cinematography. MORE EDNA! Loved it.


Oct 30, 2017
Just got back from the theatre. Really enjoyed it, the action scenes were great and Edna was the highlight of the movie. Biggest problem is that the villain wasn't even half as good as Syndrome.
I quite enjoyed it, even if it's definitely not in the same league as the first movie (which, admittedly, is one of my favourite movies of all time).

The biggest weakness is the kids, who really don't have arcs here compared to the first one. They both get to do some heroics on their own, but neither learns anything or changes in the course of the film (Violet, especially, has a subplot that admittedly leads to some funny gags but in the end just sees her redo the same confidence-building moment from the end of the first film).


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Living in a small town I didn't expect it to be packed at a 9:30 showing. Well I ended up sitting on the second row and my neck is killing me, but it was worth it! This movie looked gorgeous and something I didn't notice in the first one that the setting this takes place in has like some odd modern meets 50s/60s aesthetic that I really loved.

I really would love to see more stories of these guys. Even if not in a movie. Like, how has Disney not gotten Marvel to write a few mini series on Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone before supers became illegal? I'd buy those in a heartbeat.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky, USA
Great op, ContractHolder
No text in image that you can't see on mobile, and everything is straight and to the point. No bullshit.
This is the kinda movie op we need more often. Thank you.

And as for this wonderful film, I am excited to see it again.


Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoyed it, it could never live up to the original but it was still very fun, with great family and character dynamics and amazingly-made action sequences. I hope we get a third movie in a shorter period of time.

Also...everyone thirsty for Elastigirl and I'm over here thinking Evelyn was pretty hot


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I really enjoyed it but the pixar twist villain shtick is wearing more and more thin. Guessed it was Evelyn the second she entered the frame

Thats really the only thing that drags it down a bit beneath the original for me. The gags and action are, yknow, incredible and Giacchino doesnt disappoint


Oct 25, 2017
Man. People liked this as much if not more than the first? I thought it was mediocre as all hell...

The plot was so boring, and the characters just didn't feel as interesting as they did the first go around. Felt completely unnecessary and devoid of actually interesting ideas. Super surface level stuff. For 14 years of waiting for this movie it was sorely, sorely disappointing. Happy for those of you that enjoyed it but this felt so lazy too me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
The original is a top five movie for me and this somehow managed to live up to my expectations. Incredible....


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's the art style, but everyone's eyes looked weird to me. It's the eyelids. It's like they were all sunken into their sockets, making everyone look tired.

Also, the CG for the newscaster really stood out to me as pretty bad. Direct to dvd mid-2000s bad.

Loved the family dynamic. The fight against the Underminer with the complete crew was excellent. Hoping for more full family action in the next one.


Oct 25, 2017
It's alright. That one scene where Elasti-Girl saves the Ambassador during Screenslaver's monologue had some GORGEOUS imagery
Oct 27, 2017
Inland Empire
It might lowkey be the best Superhero film out this year.
So many highlights. Saw it in a packed house (IMAX). Everyone brought their kids. The racoon fight got huge laughs. And man Giacchino's score doesn't disappoint. During the end scene when he has all the brass horns going and it finally "stops" I wanted to get up and clap because it was all so good. And the villain twist was predictable. I wish it would have been a straight up villain but given that it takes place right after part 1 I get it. Still highly enjoyable.


Oct 27, 2017
Completely understand why people wouldn't like it as much as the first one, but chalk me up in the minority of those who liked it more.

So glad seeing Violet and Frozone get more screen time as well. The nose water scene triggered some embarassing memories in me.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still laughing at the water snort sight gag. Violet was great in this.

Lol, too true. That was so good and too real. Violet got some great scenes. Dash certainly drew the short straw in comparison to everyone else.

A great movie. Only disappointed by (1) the lack of surprise they had setup for the villain telegraphed miles away and (2) the final encounter which was greatly choreographed and shot but overall not that great considering a 10+ year hiatus.
Oct 26, 2017
Saw it last night. Great movie but doesn't reach the original for me.

Will pay good money for an "Edna Mode Babysits Jack-Jack" skit on the blu-ray.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Really loved this movie. Felt like I was a kid again, lol.

The one glaring issue with this movie, however, is the villain. From the time Evelyn and her brother (forgot his name) was introduced I knew the villain was gonna be one of them. In fact from their very first interaction I was pretty sure it was Evelyn, with her, "Or dad should have just gone to the safe house" line. Honestly it would have been a bigger twist if the brother was the villain! Lol.

There are a few other nitpicks like Dash not doing much. He has some of my favorite moments from the first film, but him not doing much this time around gave some screen time to Jackjack who was absolutely awesome in this movie.

Kinda sucked that Violets story line was wrapped around some dude too.

Overall though I really loved it.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Whew! Just finished... now waiting through the credits for the stinger.

Wonderful companion film to the first, I hope there's a bit of a time skip for the next one. Was a little sad Dicker had his voice changed, but it was grear to hear another Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul vet in the cast.

I hope they develope a spin off series for that new Disney service. And man, Michael Giacchino knocks it out the park once again.

My only gripe is Frozone's own family / life is so shallow and has no substance. Like, he only exists to serve or assist the Parrs, and you only hear his stereotypically sassy wife, but nothing more. O get that the film is centered on "The Incredibles" but a little more depth into the world and other stars would be nice.
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