
DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017

1. Practice
Practice makes… you know the rest. This mode keeps things simple – just you, your car and the road. It's the perfect way to get used to the handling of a brand new car for the first time, without having to compete for track-space with rivals.

2. Ghost Battle
Like practise mode, this is another great place to hone your craft, only this time you'll be racing against the ghosts of other players. Unlike in a full 1v1 race, Ghost Battles allow you a valuable insight into the way your opponents approach a track. Keep an eye out for their glowing skid-trails to help you study their lines and knock valuable seconds off your lap times.

3. Time Attack
Those who have already checked out the Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue will be more than familiar with this mode. The objective is simple – record the fastest lap. Achieving it will be another matter…

4. Race
This is what's it's all about.
Intense, head-to-head racing
in some of the most exciting cars you'll ever get behind the wheel of. All cars are fitted with the Phase Shift Impact Prevention System, so all you and your opponent need to do is focus on your lines. But don't make the mistake of thinking there won't be any crashes – the 20 tracks will demand total concentration and no shortage of skill to navigate safely.

5. Duel
As well as a traditional race, you can also take on drivers in Duel mode. Score points by putting distance between yourself and an opponent – and the first driver to fill up their bar wins! The race lead can swing frequently from one driver to another in Inertial Drift, so every second you can stay ahead is vital.

6. Endurance
In this mode you'll race solo, attempting to reach each checkpoint before the timer runs out. Sure, the first lap might be easy enough – but how long will you be able to keep it up?

7. Style
Every drifter knows that it's not always about speed. This mode rewards those who are willing to take a risk in the pursuit of style. Race on the very limits of the track and earn points for nose skims, dirt drops and more. You can chain up moves for a greater reward, but be warned: you will be penalized for crashing.
for real this time? pls. also physical still coming for everything
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Oct 25, 2017
This game seemed really fun from the bit I played of the demo. It's an arcade racing game with a heavy focus on drifting, and you manage your drift angle with the right analog stick. The left stick is mostly to give the car a general direction in which you'll be drifting. Cornering is largely done with the right stick. Takes a little getting used to, but it's a very cool concept. Quite liked it. Very promising. Hope it sticks the landing in the full release!
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Nov 25, 2017
I was just looking at the list of Initial D games and wondered why there were so few outside arcades. Hopefully this is pretty close :p


Oct 25, 2017
I tried the demo of this and had a lot more trouble with the control of it than I thought I would. I absolutely hated how the second car in it controls.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
I tried the demo of this and had a lot more trouble with the control of it than I thought I would. I absolutely hated how the second car in it controls.
the second car is fuckin weird. I eventually got the hang of it, and kinda even like it more than the first. it is fun how the cars will seemingly handle completely differently

second course though sucks


Oct 27, 2017
I was thinking this is what Initial D was actually supposed to be called. Just a miss translation like Varia Suit or something.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I tried the demo of this and had a lot more trouble with the control of it than I thought I would. I absolutely hated how the second car in it controls.
I'm the opposite. Felt like the first car was too easy to manage so it didn't really feel like drifting, while the second one required throttle / break control to take good turns on the track so while harder, it was much more rewarding.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking this is what Initial D was actually supposed to be called. Just a miss translation like Varia Suit or something.

Nah. Nothing to do with the ID Arcade Stage games. IDAS games get very technical and require great precision on full spec cars, despite being arcade, and tracks get really crazy as well once you get out of Akina/Myogi/Akagi and onto other prefectures.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah. Nothing to do with the ID Arcade Stage games. IDAS games get very technical and require great precision on full spec cars, despite being arcade, and tracks get really crazy as well once you get out of Akina/Myogi/Akagi and onto other prefectures.

I meant that the Initial D show was actually probably supposed to be called 'Inertial D'.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
edit: I nuked my post because honestly the more I play this, the more I enjoy it. It's such a unique racing game.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Reviews have been dropping, looks like it's reviewing well, scoring in the 8 to 9 range based on the reviews I've been getting on google search.

Basically the demo is a very accurate representation of the final game (you mostly race against AI ghosts, there isn't any car collision to interfere with your drifting, and there don't seem to be full-grid races). A demo I enjoy more and more as I keep on playing! It's really all about the drifting, and it has a Ridge Racer Type 4-inspired visual novel-like story. So I have to say this is looking like a must play for me at the moment. I thought the twin stick drift mechanic was weird at first but now it feels super nice. There's something addictive to how this racer plays. It is just simply unique.