
Dec 13, 2017
In the case of two whistleblowers, this one isn't getting a whole lot of press, though it did make it into legal papers.

The tax whistleblower, meanwhile, went straight to Congress ― specifically to the House Ways and Means Committee, which had sued the Trump administration for refusing to provide copies of the president's tax returns in response to a formal request. Democrats say they need Trump's returns to make sure the IRS properly enforces tax laws against the president.

But Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) is far less outspoken than Schiff, and his approach to the tax case has been cautious. He decided to stay focused on the lawsuit, using the whistleblower's material to bolster that case.

In a brief last month, the committee told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that a "federal employee" had approached them with "evidence of possible misconduct" and "inappropriate efforts" to influence an IRS audit of the president. The document provided no further detail about the whistleblower, but in a footnote, Democrats offered to tell U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden all about it in private.

Neal declined to discuss the whistleblower this week, citing guidance from House lawyers. Other Ways and Means members who said they closely follow the tax returns issue have said they don't know anything about the person.

"I think that Chairman Neal has appropriately kept that very close since that person's job could be in serious jeopardy," Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) told HuffPost.

In a court brief this week, Ways and Means Democrats repeated that they had evidence from a whistleblower, which they said suggested the regular IRS audit "may not be functioning effectively, in part because of the absence of safeguards to protect IRS employees and the audit process from improper influence."

The White House has declined to comment on the tax matter. Republicans in Congress have said they don't know anything about it.



Oct 25, 2017


Nov 15, 2017
Add it to the pile. One thing is crystal clear, Don is going to be all in for reelection, back to the wall, because when he's not POTUS anymore, the world will come down on him. But then he hasn't the WH or the Republicans as backup anymore.

Taurus Silver

Big ol' Nerd
Oct 29, 2017
Federal employees are going HAM blowing them whistles. Keep it up, America needs patriots like you.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a perfect audit....totally legal....beautiful numbers. Almost as beautiful as my electoral college numbers. Just really fantastic stuff.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 3, 2017
I really really hope this corrupted shitstain doesn't get away with it


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
At this point the entire Trump presidency is a scandal. Like how are the history books going to document all of this crap?


Oct 25, 2017
It's moments like these that I am actually happy Joe Biden is running in 2020.

Trump getting so assblasted he doesn't win a single poll against him, does some very clearly corrupted bullshit out in the open, and the second that gets leaked, all of the wheels fall apart.