
Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad to see somebody mention this. Ever since I first saw it, I've claimed that It Follows was the Halloween sequel I always wanted, at least until this October hopefully :).

I guess it was more than just the one aspect that stood out to me that caused me to draw the comparison (although the rest may have just been more subconsciously). Just saw this, and while I agree, I suppose it didn't really dawn on me at the time simply because of how many other movies were actually trying to go for that similar 80s suburban look and atmosphere over the last few years. It might just be that this was one of the few to actually succeed.


Oct 28, 2017
With movies/tv shows, I can watch them while also sometimes browsing the internet on the side. But I still fully pay attention to what I am watching. And 1.5x speed helps me consume media faster, I marathoned all 60+ episodes of Breaking Bad in like 5 days by doing this. It works wonders.


The whole point of an horror movie is to be immersed in it to be able to have a scare. Playing it at forced speed while doing something else is just killing it. As for shows like Breaking Bad where the pacing and cinematography is very important, as much as you could enjoy it the way you did, you probably missed half the greatness of it.


Self-requested permanent ban
Nov 3, 2017
The Exorcist is still scary to me. It's more of an unsettling feeling than straight up Boo! Those are generally the best type of horror films. Not gore fests or jump scares but those that fill you with a sense of dread.

Check out The Others, OP, at 1.0x speed of course.


Oct 28, 2017
OP watching classic horror films at 1.5x speed, browsing on the side. Also claims to be able to focus 100% on both tasks at once. Makes thread about how these films are not as scary as people think. Somehow it seems as though the thread has become irrelevant.
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine watching The Witch for the first time and skipping through the Black Philip scene at 1.5x speed and then going online to complain that it's not scary. Imagine how dumb that would be.

Are we sure this isn't a piss take?!
Nov 1, 2017
Guys, isn't it weird that filet mignon tastes terrible when you blend it into a slurry and pour it into your mouth with a plastic funnel so you don't have to chew?


And 1.5x speed helps me consume media faster, I marathoned all 60+ episodes of Breaking Bad in like 5 days by doing this.

Let me did your 1.5x thing in the scene where
Gus kills Victor with the boxcutter

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
OP, I'm actually offended at your movie watching practices. There's been plenty of people ITT that have explained why those methods would diminish the impact of the movie/tv show you're watching, but you're not addressing them. You most likely had your answer before you ever made this thread, the movie isn't scary to you because you've never really seen it. You haven't even made it to the step of fear being subjective and whatnot because you haven't experienced what the filmmaker intended. All of those quiet moments you're skipping through are building up to a payoff, but you're only watching the payoffs. You might as well watch some movie clips on Youtube and claim that you've seen the movie, because it's the same thing. When you listen to music do you speed up the verses only to get to the chorus/hook? Does that sound crazy to you? This is what you're doing with watching movies and TV. You may think you watched Breaking Bad in five days, but instead you went through a cliff notes version. There is no benefit for watching anything like this, you're just going to replace whatever media you tore through with something else and do the same thing; so instead of speeding through in five days why don't you watch it at normal speed for ten? Do you watch movies at the cinema and get agitated because you can't skip through it? This doesn't seem healthy to me and could be affecting your concentration. I implore you to slow down and give your undivided attention, your brain will thank you for it later.

Preach. OP I'm assuming you skip words as you skim through replies (if you even read them at all) but I implore you to take the time to read this whole post and heed its advice.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is I don't have much free time after playing videogames, which as you guys know, you have to devote your full attention to while playing because your hands are on the controller.

With movies/tv shows, I can watch them while also sometimes browsing the internet on the side. But I still fully pay attention to what I am watching. And 1.5x speed helps me consume media faster, I marathoned all 60+ episodes of Breaking Bad in like 5 days by doing this. It works wonders.

But you don't have to watch the entirety of 5 years of content in 5 days. Just watch this stuff at normal speed and consume less.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
Over the last week I decided to binge watch the most popular and iconic horror movies that everyone knows:

Nightmare on Elm Street
Evil Dead 1 and 2
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Exorcist
Scream 1 and 2
All the Romero, Day of the Living Dead Movies/Dawn of the Living Dead, etc

The thing is...none of them were actually scary.

Speak for yourself. I found most of them scary when I watched them.


Oct 28, 2017
Watched the Texas Chain Saw Massacre for the first time earlier this year and it still spooked me pretty bad. But yeah I guess most of the dread gets lossed if you only fast forward to the gory parts.

Actually I think a lot of older horrorfilms are a lot scarier than todays output. They didn't get to rely on all sorts of CGI ghosts that plague the genre now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
The problem is I don't have much free time after playing videogames, which as you guys know, you have to devote your full attention to while playing because your hands are on the controller.

With movies/tv shows, I can watch them while also sometimes browsing the internet on the side. But I still fully pay attention to what I am watching. And 1.5x speed helps me consume media faster, I marathoned all 60+ episodes of Breaking Bad in like 5 days by doing this. It works wonders.

This sounds miserable.

1.5x speed and while browsing? You aren't watching shit.

"Full Attention" my ass


Oct 25, 2017
But you don't have to watch the entirety of 5 years of content in 5 days. Just watch this stuff at normal speed and consume less.
this.... I honestly find this thread so ridiculous.

if we were on gaf, this OP would be tagged

it just seems to unhealthy to think that you need to consume so much media that you should resort to watching it 1.5x. its like one of my girlfriends friends who gets stressed out when theyre not caught up on watching snapchats


Jun 29, 2018
Lol this thread. 1.5x speed is insane, if it's like 1.2x I might understand but 1.5x messes up everything.


Nov 1, 2017
Films are a product of their time. The original 1933 King Kong was considered scary for the audiences of the time. Today, we would laugh at such notion. The problem with a lot of these films is that they now reside in pop culture. Many of us know about these films even if you have never watched them.

To put this in perspective, the first time I saw the Exorcist I was 14. By the late 90s, the spinning head gag was parodied so much (such as in Beetlejuice, Stay Tuned and The Simpsons) that I legitimately laughed when it happened in the film. When I watched Nightmare on Elm Street for the first time, Freddy was a pop icon at that point, appearing on TV talkshows and known as a jokester. Then you take something like Halloween which was a slasher before the term slasher became a thing. Nowadays, slasher films are a dime a dozen and the idea of a masked killer no longer scares us as we've seen it time and time again.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The scariest movie I ever saw was The Truman Show. That shit scarred me for decades.

A distant second would be Poseidon Adventure.


Feb 14, 2018
The problem is I don't have much free time after playing videogames, which as you guys know, you have to devote your full attention to while playing because your hands are on the controller.

With movies/tv shows, I can watch them while also sometimes browsing the internet on the side. But I still fully pay attention to what I am watching. And 1.5x speed helps me consume media faster, I marathoned all 60+ episodes of Breaking Bad in like 5 days by doing this. It works wonders.

Holy crap I'm glad I read this post before I bothered with a thoughtful response defending the films you listed.

Seriously, turn the lights out, turn off your other devices, and enjoy them movie at normal speed. As a fan of The Sixth Sense, you should already know that most of the horror from these films comes from the sympathy that you feel for the characters. If you aren't invested, they won't be scary.


Jan 5, 2018
You have to be willing to be scared. Watching an horror film all brave like ruins the experience and makes you someone I would never want to watch an scary film with.

I came to say this - if you want to watch a horror properly make sure you're prepared to be totally immersed, in your environment and in your head. No point going into a horror movie trying your best not to be scared.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre are still both brilliant films. Halloween in particular is one of the best suspense movies ever made -- not simply one of the best horror films.

The Thing (Carpenter version) belongs in this discussion too.


Oct 27, 2017
Until recently, I always laughed at these, not believing that most people really needed a plea or reminder like this. Apparently some do, because movie watching etiquette is a dying art. It might be slightly different when you're alone, but the reasoning behind it is still the same.

(They don't actually ask the person that might be texting or talking during the film to leave though)


Oct 27, 2017
I recall when poltergeist came out and it scared the shit out of me. I still find it scary today.

Modern horror films are all not scary jump scares.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
No, fast forward is when you literally skipped through scenes and you can't hear or watch it. 1.5x speed just plays at a fraction of a second faster, so all the characters talk and move mostly the same. You don't even notice a difference really.

Uh...why would anyone do that?

How impatient does one have to be.

On the subject of Sixth Sense, I was 17 or 18 when it came out. Wasn't even slightly creepy to me. Age has a lot to do with finding movies "scary". I don't find ANY scary movies actually frightening at 35.

I certainly respect all the older films though, and love the nostalgia/how it felt to see them when I was younger in the 80s and early 90s.
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