
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


I mean if the US actually had that info, wouldnt they have shared it anyways?

They probably pushed their sources over the past while (or used resources on the ground or around Sinwar) to get this info, and we do not know the cost of it. I doubt the US was sitting on specifically this but do remember that allies do not share all intel with each other unless urgently necessary because there's always a risk of leaks.


Oct 25, 2018

The irony in discrediting the entity that gave you a state.

My sister was just contacted by her daughter's teacher. The mom and dad of a student in her daughter's class is stuck in Gaza and can't get out.

Deborah Graves: Hi everyone, I wanted to share this opportunity to take action on behalf of one of our own classmate's parents, [Removed Student's Name], who was attending Tales and Trails with her dad a few times and her sweet mom and newborn until just before Ramadan. Both of her parents are medical professionals and were helping at a hospital in Gaza but are now unable to safely leave due to Israel closing that border. This info was forwarded to me from one of my coworkers at Redwood Raven campus.

"Twenty American doctors, who Traveled with their respective organizations in collaboration with the WHO, are being denied safe return by Israel to the United States.

Contact the Biden Administration and urge them to demand the Israeli government establish a safe humanitarian aid corridor, ensuring US and other aid workers can carry out their work without fear of attack and have the ability to return home safely.

Please take the following actions:
- go to & follow the steps listed
- ⁠tag @potus and the @statedept in your shares and posts on social media
- ⁠if you are in CA or TX, please call your senator:

The parents have a 5 and 3 year old and a 7 month old.
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Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
It seems that Nola has just been banned again for dubious reasons on another New York Times related post.

  • Inflammatory Commentary
Vague enough that it can be applied to any post. It can really only be understood to mean "this post made me mad". Based on what happened in this thread a few weeks ago I think it's related to their criticism of the New York Times's biased coverage of the genocide.
  • Conflating Populations with Governments
This is referring to this part of Nola's post.

Nola's comment here is fair and backed by numerous polls posted and discussed in this very thread. Stating this should not get someone a 2 month ban.

  • Numerous Recent and Serious Bans for Inflammatory Commentary
This is hard to take seriously when Nola's last ban for "Inflammatory commentary" was for criticizing the New York Times for manufacturing consent for American support of Israel's genocide in Palestine. When asked for clarification the justification given was they sounded like an "alt right / conservative".

Within a couple weeks there was a thread about how the NYT chairman was pushing for anti-Biden coverage because he didn't get an interview. Naturally the thread was full of criticism for the NYT but the only person in that thread who got banned was decrying this incident with Nola.

Last month was a challenging time for this thread and especially so for Palestinian users who have been all but forced out through bans and a hostile moderation environment. I felt like we were starting to turn a corner but then the exact same thing that started it all happens again.

I'm extremely disappointed in Era's moderation.
This shit is making it real easy to not want to be part of this site any longer.

Last month was a grotesque embarrassment, emblematic of just how comfortably people will go to drown out Palestinian voices. And not much has changed.


Oct 25, 2018
It seems that Nola has just been banned again for dubious reasons on another New York Times related post.

  • Inflammatory Commentary
Vague enough that it can be applied to any post. It can really only be understood to mean "this post made me mad". Based on what happened in this thread a few weeks ago I think it's related to their criticism of the New York Times's biased coverage of the genocide.
  • Conflating Populations with Governments
This is referring to this part of Nola's post.

Nola's comment here is fair and backed by numerous polls posted and discussed in this very thread. Stating this should not get someone a 2 month ban.

  • Numerous Recent and Serious Bans for Inflammatory Commentary
This is hard to take seriously when Nola's last ban for "Inflammatory commentary" was for criticizing the New York Times for manufacturing consent for American support of Israel's genocide in Palestine. When asked for clarification the justification given was they sounded like an "alt right / conservative".

Within a couple weeks there was a thread about how the NYT chairman was pushing for anti-Biden coverage because he didn't get an interview. Naturally the thread was full of criticism for the NYT but the only person in that thread who got banned was decrying this incident with Nola.

Last month was a challenging time for this thread and especially so for Palestinian users who have been all but forced out through bans and a hostile moderation environment. I felt like we were starting to turn a corner but then the exact same thing that started it all happens again.

I'm extremely disappointed in Era's moderation.
What the fuck is this bullshit. Especially THIS part. There are PLENTY of polls showing otherwise. The Israeli state DEPENDS on the propaganda and child to soldier pipeline that is the IDF and it's birthright funding of Jewish people with ZERO roots to Israel to help establish a greater "force".

There are PLENTY of Jewish people (especially Orthodox Jews, see next quote) in Israel that despise what the government is doing, but to say that the popular opinion wasn't one of conflict? That's outright bullshit.

I would like to make it clear that this is very very much not me saying that all Israeli citizens are bloodthirsty or hate Palestinians or something in that vein, in fact, we have seen on numerous occasions that there are Israelis suffering from state violence because they are trying to protest the violence of the government towards Palestinians
Example here:


The way the general public views the criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, but literally attacking Jews isn't, is absolute bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
The irony in discrediting the entity that gave you a state.

My sister was just contacted by her daughter's teacher. The mom and dad of a student in her daughter's class is stuck in Gaza and can't get out.

The parents have a 5 and 3 year old and a 7 month old.
Heads up I would edit out the students' name out of respect for their confidentiality (unless this is something that was released 100% publicly).


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
i missed the exodus, but still so sorry richter & other community members couldn't find a safe place online during these horrors, our palestinian & muslim members deserved better

aside from local work, i've tried to find solace in the student encampments & radicalization of so much of our youth seeing the links between the police state & isreali colonialism, etc. as a member of the irish-palestinian solidarity campaign, there's been a lot of good work done over there as well

This has always been a highly problematic element of moderation on this site. If the mods ungenerously interpret something you say then that is further justification to not give you the benefit of the doubt in the future. Meanwhile, certain people are always interpreted as acting in good faith, so they rarely face any consequences for the things they write. It creates a tiered structure which is never a good thing.

I hope the moderation team can see how highly troubling their behavior is here, but I sincerely doubt they will. In the past their response has always been to dig in their heels and then vaguely gesture at the idea of being better in the future.

i just came off a one month ban for simply pointing at the NYT's history of carrying water for fascists, which as framed as "concern trolling in a thread about neo-nazis", an impressive feat of mental gymnastics & as an antifascist, pretty funny as well

i would like to share your optimism, but given the amount of minority groups chased off of here and the complete silence (beyond a thread title change?), i'm not even seeing the vague gesture of doing better this time

I have zero confidence in them after how it went with AsianEra and what happened here.

for what it's worth, i tried posting in the community feedback thread about community concerns for islamapobia, and even when trying to make the case without pointing at names & such, i was threadbanned from the only resource i'm aware of to raise such concerns. other members outright questioning specific bans did not seen as actionable, because as spman2099 highlighted, there are different rules for muslims & socialists on here, and some in our moderation team would very clearly rather continue seeing this exodus than address these issues in good faith


Oct 25, 2018
Heads up I would edit out the students' name out of respect for their confidentiality (unless this is something that was released 100% publicly).
Good call. I'm not sure if it was or not.

I pray hell isn't the only thing waiting for those who did this. Those who act like Oct 7th is the end all be all about civilian's being targeted aren't genuine in their belief of human rights.
Oct 28, 2017

Israeli forces issue evacuation orders for Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah

Al Jazeera's Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir el-Balah in the Gaza Strip, says medical staff at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah have received an evacuation order from Israeli forces.

He said although the situation in the area has been "dire", until today, the Israeli forces had not placed a call to the hospital's director.

Medics based at the hospital fear that an attack on the hospital would mean a "complete collapse" of the limited medical system in Rafah, he added.

Gaza authorities say health system on the verge of collapse

The enclave's Health Ministry says without fuel for hospital generators, the health system across Gaza could collapse in "a few hours".

"A few hours separate us from the collapse of the health system in the Gaza Strip as a result of the failure to bring in the fuel necessary to operate electricity generators in hospitals, ambulances, and transport employees," the ministry said in a post on social media.

Fierce clashes as Israel sends troops back into Jabalia in north Gaza

Palestinians fleeing Rafah have nowhere safe to go as Israel intensifies air, ground attacks in north and south of Gaza.
Oct 28, 2017

Israeli forces step up attacks on Jabalia camp and Rafah in Gaza

Israeli tanks, under cover of heavy fire from air and ground, pushed further into Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday, residents and Hamas media said, while tanks and troops crossed a key highway on the outskirts of Rafah in the south.

In Jabalia, tanks were trying to advance towards the heart of the camp, the biggest of Gaza's eight historic refugee camps. Residents said tank shells were landing at the centre of the camp and that air strikes had destroyed clusters of houses.

Residents and medics said several people were killed and wounded in a series of air strikes on the camp overnight. Medics said they have been unable to send teams to some of the bombed areas because of the intensity of the Israeli bombardment but they have reports of fatalities.

In Rafah, near the border with Egypt, Israel stepped up aerial and ground bombardments on the eastern areas of the city, killing people in an air strike on a house in the Brazil neighbourhood.

Residents said Israeli tanks have cut off the Salahuddin Road that bisects the eastern part of the city, while the eastern part of Rafah remained a "ghost town".

Intense fighting was reported and Israeli forces and tanks were seen in the southeast area of Rafah, residents said.

Jack Lew, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, signalled on Sunday that the Rafah incursion was still on a scale acceptable to Washington.
Oct 28, 2017
It's gone, unfortunately. What did it say?
The tweet is there if you click on the link, but here what it says:

Extremely painful scenes as Palestine Red Crescent teams evacuate four martyrs and 10 injured individuals, all of whom are children, including a baby, due to the Israeli occupation's shelling of a home in the Al-Zawaida area in the middle of the Gaza Strip.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
The tweet is there if you click on the link, but here what it says:
Ah, my bad. Thank you! Also for providing us with all this information.

I live in Germany and I am trying to contribute to the conversation, but it's tough. Too many people are so quick to label any criticism "antisemitism", it's frankly disgusting how so many are taking the easy way out instead of critically engaging with the human rights violations in Palestine/Israel.
Oct 28, 2017
Ah, my bad. Thank you! Also for providing us with all this information.

I live in Germany and I am trying to contribute to the conversation, but it's tough. Too many people are so quick to label any criticism "antisemitism", it's frankly disgusting how so many are taking the easy way out instead of critically engaging with the human rights violations in Palestine/Israel.
Yeah I have seen how tough it is to criticize Israel in Germany. The media and the government are pro-Israel to the bone, probably more so than any other western country.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Feels like a century ago when we were told Israel will never attack a hospital, now it is a a norm and does not even register anymore
Not only attack but methodically target, and then go back and attack again.

Rafah should be the last straw for Egypt but I'm not getting my hopes up. I just want some kind of accountability for all this.


Oct 28, 2017
Cape Town
Not only attack but methodically target, and then go back and attack again.

Rafah should be the last straw for Egypt but I'm not getting my hopes up. I just want some kind of accountability for all this.

That is the most mindboggling part, the whole world can see what is going on and still Israel cannot be held accountable because of the U.S . I have lost what little faith i had in any international institutions. this is beyond fucked up, none of this shouldn't have occurred in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
Someone needs to ask the Biden admin about where are all the Gaza civilians supposed to go to now? The entire area looks like Grozny after Russia leveled it.

Gaza is completely obliterated judging by recent aerial photos.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
That is the most mindboggling part, the whole world can see what is going on and still Israel cannot be held accountable because of the U.S . I have lost what little faith i had in any international institutions. this is beyond fucked up, none of this shouldn't have occurred in the first place.
This is why I go to protests and rallies in my state when I can. As an American, I feel like it's my duty to protest my government making this genocidal state invincible. Where is the "red line?" What will it take to stop blindly supporting Israel and parroting their propaganda? It feels like screaming into the air at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure feels like a full scale invasion of Rafah at this point. Is Biden actually gonna stick to his red line? Does he still have any leverage over Netanyahu at this point?


Oct 28, 2017
Cape Town
This is why I go to protests and rallies in my state when I can. As an American, I feel like it's my duty to protest my government making this genocidal state invincible. Where is the "red line?" What will it take to stop blindly supporting Israel and parroting their propaganda? It feels like screaming into the air at this point.

I understand and share the sentiment, i wish they was something i could do. If anything, my country for once, my country is on the "right side" oh history (South African here)

Sure feels like a full scale invasion of Rafah at this point. Is Biden actually gonna stick to his red line? Does he still have any leverage over Netanyahu at this point?
there was never a red line ... the sooner people realize that the better. One would say Biden's administration keeps on moving the goalpost, but the reality is there was never a goal post. He is fully behind the ethnic cleansing and genocide we are all witnessing... anything else coming from him/his administration is just diversion
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Oct 25, 2017
Frustrated by Gaza Coverage, Student Protesters Turn to Al Jazeera

It's admittedly funny seeing the New York Times report on how college students dislike them over the Israel coverage lol. It's good that they highlighted this disparity at least.

It makes sense why the younger generation is increasingly seeking additional news sources. NYT editorial recently put out an article spewing the same tired misrepresentations of the protests and repeated all of the talking points. And I wonder why the youth hates the NYT?

Traditional MSM has been absolutely dogshit, especially with their student protest coverage. Its also led to Twitch streams becoming the go-to place for a lot of young people to get news updates.

Someone needs to ask the Biden admin about where are all the Gaza civilians supposed to go to now? The entire area looks like Grozny after Russia leveled it.

Gaza is completely obliterated judging by recent aerial photos.

Sure feels like a full scale invasion of Rafah at this point. Is Biden actually gonna stick to his red line? Does he still have any leverage over Netanyahu at this point?

Biden and democrats like Chris Murphy are too busy telling people that there would be a ceasefire if Hamas released the hostages.

Looks like Hamas accepting US mediated ceasefire proposal left the news cycle in the blink of an eye. Not surprised.
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Oct 25, 2017
It seems that Nola has just been banned again for dubious reasons on another New York Times related post.

  • Inflammatory Commentary
Vague enough that it can be applied to any post. It can really only be understood to mean "this post made me mad". Based on what happened in this thread a few weeks ago I think it's related to their criticism of the New York Times's biased coverage of the genocide.
  • Conflating Populations with Governments
This is referring to this part of Nola's post.

Nola's comment here is fair and backed by numerous polls posted and discussed in this very thread. Stating this should not get someone a 2 month ban.

  • Numerous Recent and Serious Bans for Inflammatory Commentary
This is hard to take seriously when Nola's last ban for "Inflammatory commentary" was for criticizing the New York Times for manufacturing consent for American support of Israel's genocide in Palestine. When asked for clarification the justification given was they sounded like an "alt right / conservative".

Within a couple weeks there was a thread about how the NYT chairman was pushing for anti-Biden coverage because he didn't get an interview. Naturally the thread was full of criticism for the NYT but the only person in that thread who got banned was decrying this incident with Nola.

Last month was a challenging time for this thread and especially so for Palestinian users who have been all but forced out through bans and a hostile moderation environment. I felt like we were starting to turn a corner but then the exact same thing that started it all happens again.

I'm extremely disappointed in Era's moderation.
I mean, what happened last time mostly was that although some problematic bans get get reversed and the mod in question stopped posting, there was no in thread followup comment and afaik nothing really changed on that front. I had a feeling things would continue bc of that unfortunately.


Oct 29, 2017


Just a normal day in Israel. A group of losers destroying Palestinian aid and the IDF does nothing. Got any of them hollow sanction threats there Biden you useless sack of shit?

The thing with the war crime of using starvation as a weapon against a population is that it's usually hard to prove. The usual trick is just "inspections" that take an indefinite amount of time, that give cover to plausible deniability. But openly destroying supplies makes it pretty obvious what they're doing (or condoning).


Oct 28, 2017
The thing with the war crime of using starvation as a weapon against a population is that it's usually hard to prove. The usual trick is just "inspections" that take an indefinite amount of time, that give cover to plausible deniability. But openly destroying supplies makes it pretty obvious what they're doing (or condoning).

I don't think it's hard to prove at all and even then proof of war crimes hasn't really mattered. The IDF have killed hundreds of aid workers and blown up many aid trucks. These demons have been allowed to protest by blocking trucks for months. CNN has done multiple reports on them. Sanders said this back in February.

"The whole world is watching. (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is starving the children of Gaza. We cannot be complicit in this atrocity," Sanders said in a video message on his X social account.

Biden is so far past plausible deniability in every faucet of this ethnic cleansing. This genocide is a partnership event between the west and Israel.


Oct 25, 2017
Traditional MSM has been absolutely dogshit, especially with their student protest coverage. Its also led to Twitch streams becoming the go-to place for a lot of young people to get news updates.
This Hasan quote is 100% spot on:
"[The media] loves talking to PR people when it comes to corporations," Piker said. "They have no problem talking to the media liaison when it comes to the NYPD or the LAPD and writing down everything they say without even asking remotely contentious questions. But when it comes to students, they don't treat these students as an organized entity at all."
Mainstream media are pretty much useless on this sort of stuff.


Just a normal day in Israel. A group of losers destroying Palestinian aid and the IDF does nothing. Got any of them hollow sanction threats there Biden you useless sack of shit?

The thing with the war crime of using starvation as a weapon against a population is that it's usually hard to prove. The usual trick is just "inspections" that take an indefinite amount of time, that give cover to plausible deniability. But openly destroying supplies makes it pretty obvious what they're doing (or condoning).
Israeli authorities have no problem suppressing and spraying skunk water on anti-Netanyahu protesters (including hostage family members demanding a deal) in Tel Aviv, but they're obviously powerless against these fascist scum.
Oct 28, 2017

Fighting Flares Across Gaza Amid Push to Revive Israel-Hamas Talks

Fighting between Israel and Hamas intensified across the Gaza Strip on Monday, as mediators pushed for a resumption of talks to pause fighting and free hostages held in the strip.

Israel's military conducted ground raids in the northern Gazan areas of Jabalia and Zeitoun, and fought Hamas fighters in the southern city of Rafah. The raids underscored comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that Israel could face a prolonged insurgency even if it routs Hamas in Rafah.

Israel has pushed further into Rafah over the past week in what it calls a targeted operation to pressure the U.S.-designated terrorist group into a deal that releases hostages in return for a temporary cease-fire.

But the tactic so far has brought only more intense fighting, including in parts of Gaza where the Israeli military previously said it cleared militants. Cease-fire negotiations, mediated by Egypt, Qatar and the U.S., also have stalled.

Still, Arab mediators hope to narrow the gaps between the two sides and expect to reconvene in Doha, Qatar, this week, Egyptian officials said.

The conflict is also creating major friction between Israel and Egypt, erstwhile enemies that signed a historic peace deal in 1979. Egypt on Sunday said it would intervene in support of South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice, citing concerns about the growing scale of Israel's operations in Gaza.

As a result of the fighting in Rafah, the Egyptian crossing at the border city has largely been closed. Military positions near the other important gateway into southern Gaza, Israel's Kerem Shalom terminal, have faced rocket barrages by Hamas. The Health Ministry in Gaza said Monday that a worsening lack of fuel meant it couldn't power generators in hospitals and ambulances.

Egypt is blocking any humanitarian-aid trucks originating in its country from entering Gaza through Kerem Shalom, according to Egyptian officials. Cairo was angered that Israel gave it short notice before seizing the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing last week, and has threatened to cease acting as a mediator in the negotiations and suspend its peace treaty with Israel, the officials said.

In the podcast Sunday, the Israeli prime minister suggested Israel was bracing for a long insurgency in Gaza. He said the military's first job was to destroy the Hamas battalions at Rafah and "mop up" any other fighters. Israel would then have to demilitarize the strip and enter a period when Hamas would launch periodic attacks, "and that's going to be a while," he said.

Netanyahu in parallel said he hoped that Israel could work with local Gazans to manage civilian affairs with support from other Arab countries, an option Palestinian leaders have dismissed and some within Israel's military have said is unrealistic.


Oct 25, 2017

Pentagon official quits over US support for Israel's war in Gaza

A United States Department of Defense official announced his resignation today, marking a rare public departure from the Pentagon over the Biden administration's Israel policy.

Harrison Mann is an executive officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, which collects military intelligence. In his letter of resignation, Mann said the government's "nearly unqualified support" for Israel has "enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians," and that he believed his work "unquestionably contributed to that support." "This has caused me incredible shame and guilt," Mann wrote in a redacted version of his resignation letter shared on LinkedIn.

Mann adds to the growing number of government officials who have publicly resigned over the Biden administration's Israel policy, including officials from the State Department, Education Department, and USAID. Many more reportedly resigned quietly. "I have seen a clear uptick in non-public resignations in the past few weeks," a former State Department official who resigned in November told Politico, adding that more will likely follow.

Pentagon official quits over US support for Israel’s war in Gaza | Semafor

The official, who worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency, tendered his resignation over the US’ “nearly unqualified support” for Israel.


Aug 17, 2023


Just a normal day in Israel. A group of losers destroying Palestinian aid and the IDF does nothing. Got any of them hollow sanction threats there Biden you useless sack of shit?

A related take from a historian of Zionism:


I've been arguing for this whenever I come across liberal Zionists claiming the ideology should not be linked to the worst behavior of an increasingly larger part of its proponents. How many atrocities are needed before you can dismiss the whole movement over this kind of action? Neither White supremacism nor Serbian nationalism (to name two examples) get to have a free pass with the "rotten apples" argument, and the boat has long since sailed for Zionism. You don't simply get to destroy humanitarian aid intended for civilians without repercussions unless you're a beloved (and intended to exist) part of the system.


Wow, the latest ban against Nola is outright disgusting. The administration might as well come out and say they just want opinions pre-approved by White liberals. What a joke of a forum! Is it the problem that we're too brown for your tastes? Y'all haven't even had the decency to show up your faces around here to apologize after your latest pathetic stunt and here we are again with the same BS...
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Oct 28, 2017
My sister was just contacted by her daughter's teacher. The mom and dad of a student in her daughter's class is stuck in Gaza and can't get out.

The parents have a 5 and 3 year old and a 7 month old.


American Medical Missions Trapped in Gaza, Facing Death by Dehydration as Population Clings to Life

Upward of 20 American doctors are trapped in Gaza, some at the European Hospital, due to Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing.
UPWARD OF 20 American doctors are trapped in Gaza as a result of Israel's post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, according to sources with knowledge of the plight of two ill-fated medical missions.

Israel has blocked fuel, food, and water from entering Rafah for over a week, leading to severe dehydration among the general population, as well as among the doctors on mission.

Relatives of the doctors were told by the State Department that rescue efforts were underway, including through coordination with the United Nations and the Israel Defense Forces. Yet on Monday, the Israeli military fired on a United Nations vehicle that was traveling to the European Hospital in Khan Younis, near Rafah, killing a U.N. employee and injuring another.

A family member of one of the doctors stranded at the European Hospital said that he suspected the vehicle was part of the rescue mission, but was uncertain. "We are aware that a car that is similarly supposed to be their rescue passage was shot at and UN employees were killed and injured and we fear for their ability to have a safe passage and exit," said the relative. "We are aware that there is active shelling around the hospital and that staff has been told to stay away from windows."

The doctors are rationing water and at least one physician is in poor health and is on an IV drip to combat dehydration. The dire state of the medical mission underscores how difficult the conditions are for average Palestinians, who have spent seven months enduring the Israeli siege, whereas the medical mission arrived only recently. More than 1 million Palestinians are trapped in Rafah, which is at the southernmost end of the Gaza Strip. As Israel threatens a full-scale invasion of Rafah, Israeli troops entered the area last week and took over the crossing into Egypt.

The doctors are part of two medical missions, one of which was organized by FAJR Scientific, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It was not immediately clear which organization set up the second mission.

The Intercept asked about the stranded doctors during the State Department's daily briefing on Monday. "We're aware of these reports of U.S. citizen doctors and medical professionals currently unable to leave Gaza," said spokesperson Vedant Patel. "We don't control this border crossing and this is an incredibly complex situation that has very serious implications for the safety and security of U.S. citizens. But we're continuing to work around the clock with the government of Israel and with the government of Egypt to work on this issue."
The UN vehicle that got hit a few hours ago was apparently on a mission to rescue the doctors.
Mar 18, 2019
Wow, the latest ban against Nola is outright disgusting. The administration might as well come out and say they just want opinions pre-approved by White liberals. What a joke of a forum! Is it the problem that we're too brown for your tastes? Y'all haven't even had the decency to show up your faces around here to apologize after your latest pathetic stunt and here we are again with the same BS...
Mar 18, 2019
So listened on the way home and like a lot of The Daily coverage it comes 80% of the way to being a great piece but then contains about 20% that taints almost everything and borders on misinformation peddling(and is hard to catch if you aren't engrossed in the topic in detail), including the way they use active/passive voice and selectively encourage trust and skepticism based on which side is making an allegation.

They seem to pretty accurately frame everything(albeit noting they carry through the entire piece a subtle and unchallenged US imperialist view) right up until they get to the end where they begin doing what I suspected which was the both sides dance when the facts would seemingly paint Israel as the monster and problem here.

They accurately frame the Israeli domestic aversion to a ceasefire and discussed Palestinian statehood deal as not just a far right view, but a consensus Israeli public view. As are most of Bibi's views. But of course to balance the scales the reporter switches to editorializing when the host asks what Hamas's position toward this framework of a deal would be. First prefacing(paraphrasing), well, it's hard to say what they want, we don't really know BUT: [INSERT]two minute diatribe repeating every Israeli anti Hamas talking point about all Hamas will accept is Jewish blood and genocide(despite the Hamas leadership spokesman stating their position in contradiction of the reporter's editorializing, which even if you doubt, which would be fair, should be noted). Editorializing that even goes against what their own reporting has touched on as Hamas's goals and diverging views amongst leadership. Then despite starting the segment stating, accurately, only Israel has refused to sign a ceasefire deal with a long-term contingency, they then start framing that too as both sides based on that editorializing. Like, what?

Felt obvious by the end that The Daily couldn't dare to let the piece reach the conclusion the evidence pointed to which is: despite everything, there is more motivation in a generation from the US, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and the Arab world to see not just an end to this conflict but a real Palestinian state and the problem is that Israel's bloodthirsty government and population are dead set against that. Which they've done that manufactured both-sides or misinformation pump by my count now 4 times with coverage of Gaza on The Daily(and probably more but I've stopped listening): Their reporters not actually coming away with evidence of command centers under hospitals where they just sort of ended the show giving the IDF the benefit of the doubt, the passive voice they used to talk about Israel's bombing of WCK, their water carrying for the UNRWA accusations show, or when they suddenly pivoted on an episode about the UN genocide claim to evoke IDF talking points and frame Israel as the victim and JAQ'ing off about how maybe it's really equally Hamas's fault, maybe?

What is insidious to me about the NYTimes coverage on Israel(and a lot of US foreign policy) is the way they just inject subtle editorial decisions, or how they frame stories, that can drastically change the context you would come away from their stories with if you just went in without a ton of prior knowledge.
I've seen polls that show the overwhelming majority of Israelis support the genocide in Gaza... White liberal genocide apologists are trying to silence people like Nola for speaking the truth.
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Oct 25, 2018


American Medical Missions Trapped in Gaza, Facing Death by Dehydration as Population Clings to Life

Upward of 20 American doctors are trapped in Gaza, some at the European Hospital, due to Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing.

The UN vehicle that got hit a few hours ago was apparently on a mission to rescue the doctors.
Yup, they are among this group.

Biden is a sack of shit.

FAJR Scientific on Instagram: "We are witnessing mass casualties at an unprecedented scale in Gaza. While the situation worsens, our medical team is working tirelessly to bridge the needs of the local staff and community despite extreme supply shorta

fajrscientificus on May 12, 2024: "We are witnessing mass casualties at an unprecedented scale in Gaza. While the situation worsens, our medical team is working tirelessly ...".

The one in the glasses is the mother of the children. Both of the parents are anesthesiologists.

FAJR Scientific on Instagram: "This is FAJR Scientific’s team in Gaza right NOW! Despite the conditions of Rafah, our team stays resilient and determined to do all they can for the people of Gaza. They are exemplifying what real life superheroes look

fajrscientificus on May 9, 2024: "This is FAJR Scientific’s team in Gaza right NOW! Despite the conditions of Rafah, our team stays resilient and determined to do all th...".

The parents are the two on the bottom of the first slide.
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Oct 28, 2017

Top Biden official doubts Israel can achieve 'total victory' in Gaza

The Biden administration does not see it likely or possible that Israel will achieve "total victory" in defeating Hamas in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said on Monday.

While U.S. officials have urged Israel to help devise a clear plan for the governance post-war Gaza, Campbell's comments are the clearest to date from a top U.S. official effectively admitting that Israel's current military strategy won't bring the result that it is aiming for.

"In some respects, we are struggling over what the theory of victory is," Campbell said at a NATO Youth Summit in Miami. "Sometimes when we listen closely to Israeli leaders, they talk about mostly the idea of....a sweeping victory on the battlefield, total victory," he said.

"I don't think we believe that that is likely or possible and that this looks a lot like situations that we found ourselves in after 9/11, where, after civilian populations had been moved and lots of violence that...the insurrections continue."
Nov 16, 2017

Biden is so far past plausible deniability in every faucet of this ethnic cleansing. This genocide is a partnership event between the west and Israel.
Yeah, but if you can't stomach a vote for Biden, you're as bad as Trump. Don't you know what Trump would do?

That's how so many people talk, including here. God forbid the people asking for a non-genocide candidate voice their opinion without a bunch of holier than thou liberals show up on your doorstep telling you how it isn't Joe's fault and how much he's privately upset.


Nov 19, 2017
Yeah, but if you can't stomach a vote for Biden, you're as bad as Trump. Don't you know what Trump would do?

That's how so many people talk, including here. God forbid the people asking for a non-genocide candidate voice their opinion without a bunch of holier than thou liberals show up on your doorstep telling you how it isn't Joe's fault and how much he's privately upset.
People do this because they're scared shitless at the possibility of a second Trump term.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
People do this because they're scared shitless at the possibility of a second Trump term.
Rightfully so.

Biden's complete alienation of the Arab American community is frightening. I mean, can you blame anyone for not wanting to support someone making your people's aggressor become nigh invincible to all consequences? Trauma makes people make emotional, irrational decisions and that's exactly what's happening with the vote uncommitted crowd.

Anyway, let's not derail the thread with US election stuff or risk getting a warning or ban or whatever.

Still have people saying this isn't a genocide even with the aid trucks being sabotaged, the ceasefire talks being sabotaged, the horrific Rafah footage… and some people really don't believe any of the news that says anything bad about Israel. And to go around and twist it so that wanting the violence to end is actually anti-Semitic is the most twisted thing of all. My entire family has drank that Kool-Aid at this point.


Oct 28, 2017
Malcom X made these statements during his time in the Nation of Islam and he died 60 years ago prior to the to the 'Southern Strategy' being established and utilized, which vastly changed the leanings of Democrats and Republicans and is the point that the GOP squarely became the party that used race as a bullhorn to get votes.

Point being - this quote is is often used to paint the current political landscape with a 'both sides are bad' view which ignores all nuance and context of when he said it and what changed in his life and in the world after he said it. Would you quote his statements about MLK Jr and the March on Washington, or his and the NoI's views on the separation of White and Black Americans, or their stance on voting at the time as justification for a viewpoint? Those happened around the same time as his quote, after which he went through a rapid shift to supporting the Civil Rights Movement and MLK Jr's part of it. He was a much different man just two years later when the NoI (and potentially government elements) helped assassinate him.

I'm loathe to roll out any quote from a historical figure to justify any situation for the very simple reason that we can't know how those people would feel in modern contexts. I prefer to leave them in their time and context. While I don't doubt the man would be supportive of Palestinians I have no idea how he'd feel about anything else unless he rises from the dead and gives a speech.

I've seen polls that show the overwhelming majority of Israelis support the genocide in Gaza... White liberal genocide apologists are trying to silence people like Nola for speaking the truth.

That's the same sort of logic that would be used to justify calling all Palestinians terrorists:

Palestinian poll shows a rise in Hamas support and close to 90% wanting US-backed Abbas to resign

The findings signal more difficulties for the Biden administration’s postwar vision for Gaza and raise questions about Israel’s goal of ending Hamas’ capabilities.
Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas' claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes, with a large majority saying they did not see videos showing the militants committing atrocities.
Hamas *are* terrorists, including against their own people. The IDF *are* committing war crimes at the behest of Bibi/Likud/Israeli Government.
I'm not willing to paint those who are not supporters of Hamas or the Israeli Gov as supporting genocide - those people are the key to breaking the cycle of violence and need to be supported.


I mean if the US actually had that info, wouldnt they have shared it anyways?

Not necessarily - If the info revealed anything about US intelligence sources or capabilities that didn't want to be revealed, or the info was classified above a certain level, or the judgement was that sharing it was outside US interests (eg that his specific location could result in Israel doing something the US wanted to avoid, such as another embassy [well, embassy compound] attack) then they might be hesitant to share. Intelligence sharing has a whole extra bucket of red tape to go through, and there are some immensely strict rules about interacting with 'allies' even at lower clearance levels, because not every 'ally' is a friend.

The shadow of Jonathan Pollard no doubt plays a part as well.
Oct 27, 2017
ICJ says these are new [issued on March 28] provisional measures in addition to reaffirming the ones from February:


Going back to those additional provisional measures that were issued by the ICJ on March 28:

The Court is also of the view that the provisional measures indicated in the Order of 26 January 2024 do not fully address the consequences arising from the changes in the situation explained above, thus justifying the modification of these measures...

The Court also notes the statement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, according to which "[t]he situation of hunger, starvation and famine is a result of Israel's extensive restrictions on the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid and commercial goods, displacement of most of the population, as well as the destruction of crucial civilian infrastructure" (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), "Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on the risk of famine in Gaza", press release, 19 March 2024)...

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, for his part, referring to the latest IPC Global Initiative report on food insecurity in Gaza, stated that: "Palestinians in Gaza are enduring horrifying levels of hunger and suffering. This is the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system -- anywhere, anytime. This is an entirely manmade disaster -- and the report makes clear that it can be halted. Today's report is Exhibit A for the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire." (United Nations, Secretary-General's press encounter on Gaza food insecurity report -- Statement, 18 March 2024.)

...For these reasons, THE COURT... Indicates the following provisional measures:

The State of Israel shall, in conformity with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and in view of the worsening conditions of life faced by Palestinians in Gaza, in particular the spread of famine and starvation...

Take all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation requirements, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary...

South Africa writes, in its May 10th request for even further provisional measures:

...Israel's military assault and operation are killing the Palestinian people of Gaza, while Israel is simultaneously starving them, and deliberately denying them humanitarian aid and the basic necessities of life. Those who have survived so are facing imminent death now, and an Order from the Court is needed to ensure their survival... Israel has seized control of both the Rafah and the Kerem Shalom (Karem Abu Salem) crossings in Rafah, [19] thereby taking full and direct control of all entry and exit of people and goods to and from the whole of Gaza. It has to date closed both crossings to the movement of goods and people in both directions, [20] blocking the two main arteries for getting life-saving aid to Gaza's starving population. [21] The failure by Israel to allow in the fuel necessary for sustaining humanitarian operations and facilities such as sewage and water plants is throttling the already crippled humanitarian operation. [22]

...In view of the extreme urgency of the situation, South Africa requests that the Court consider this Request without a hearing, insofar as that would be capable of expediting a determination within a week, by 17 May 2024. However, if the Court considers that it cannot accede to South Africa's request for an Order without a hearing, the Court is respectfully requested urgently to schedule an oral hearing for South Africa's Request to be heard on or before 17 May 2024, in accordance with Article 74(1), (2), and (3) of its Rules.

Specifically, South Africa requests that the Court indicate the following provisional measures:

1. The State of Israel shall immediately withdraw and cease its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate.

2. The State of Israel shall immediately take all effective measures to ensure and facilitate the unimpeded access to Gaza of United Nations and other officials engaged in the provision of humanitarian aid and assistance to the population of Gaza, as well as fact-finding missions, internationally mandated bodies or officials, investigators, and journalists, in order to assess and record conditions on the ground in Gaza and enable the effective preservation and retention of evidence, and shall ensure that its military does not act to prevent such access, provision, preservation or retention.

3. The State of Israel shall submit an open report to the Court: (a) on all measures taken to give effect to these provisional measures within one week as from the date of this Order; and (b) on all measures taken to give effect to all previous provisional measures indicated by the Court within one month as from the date of this Order.

...As stated by the United Nations Secretary General on 7 May 2024, "[w]e are at a decisive moment for the Palestinian and Israeli people and for the fate of the entire region". [58] In this moment, South Africa respectfully asks the Court to accede to its request to indicate further and/or modified provisional measures in these proceedings, and to clarify those provisional measures the Court has already ordered.

The extreme gravity of the situation facing Palestinian men, women and children in Rafah, and the existential risk that the Palestinian people in Gaza as a part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group face, demands further action by the Court.

In the words of the spokesperson for UNICEF, "[w]e have pleaded and implored countless times; we do so once more. For the children of Rafah. We need a ceasefire, now." [59]


Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch documents a relevant pattern, in a new May 14th publication:

Gaza: Israelis Attacking Known Aid Worker Locations

Israeli forces have carried out at least eight strikes on aid workers’ convoys and premises in Gaza since October 2023, even though aid groups had provided their coordinates to the Israeli authorities to ensure their protection. Israeli authorities did not issue advance warnings to any of the...

...Israel's attack on April 1 on the World Central Kitchen convoy, which killed seven workers, far from being an isolated "mistake," is just one of at least eight incidents that Human Rights Watch identified in which aid organizations and UN agencies had communicated with Israeli authorities the GPS coordinates of an aid convoy or premises and yet Israeli forces attacked the convoy or shelter without any warning.

In these eight incidents, Israeli forces killed at least 15 people, including 2 children, and injured at least 16 others. Five of these attacks were the subject of a recent New York Times investigation that included visual evidence and internal communications between aid organizations and the Israeli military.

The other seven attacks are:
  • Attack on a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF or Doctors without Borders) convoy, November 18, 2023
  • Attack on a guest house of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), December 9, 2023
  • Attack on an MSF shelter, January 8, 2024
  • Attack on an International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) guest house, January 18, 2024
  • Attack on an UNRWA convoy, February 5, 2024
  • Attack on an MSF guest house, February 20, 2024
  • Attack on a home sheltering an American Near East Refugee Aid Organization (Anera) employee, March 8, 2024
As of April 30, the UN reported that 254 aid workers had been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023, with UNRWA personnel accounting for 188 of these fatalities. On May 13, a UN vehicle was hit on the way to a hospital in Gaza, killing at least one UN staff member and injuring at least one more. According to UNRWA, 169 of its facilities have been affected by the hostilities in 368 incidents and at least 429 displaced people have been killed in UNRWA shelters. Israeli forces have, according to the UN, also shot at and shelled people congregating to collect aid, killing and injuring hundreds. These attacks are having a chilling effect on efforts to provide lifesaving aid in Gaza.

...During a recent trip to Cairo and northern Sinai, near the border between Egypt and Gaza, Human Rights Watch met with staff from 11 humanitarian organizations and UN aid agencies operating in Gaza who said that Israeli attacks on aid workers had forced them to take various measures that for some included suspending activities for a period of time, reducing their staff inside Gaza, or severely restricting their aid activities in other ways.

"I can't risk sending more staff into Gaza because I cannot rely on deconfliction as a way of keeping them safe," a senior employee from one of the organizations whose guest house was attacked told Human Rights Watch. He said this was a key factor in limiting the organization's ability to provide medical services. "You can build docks and send shipments, but without a safe operating environment, you will have a pile up of shipments that people aren't able to deploy safely to help people."

This pattern of attacks despite proper notification of Israeli authorities raises serious questions about Israel's commitment and capacity to comply with international humanitarian law, which some countries, including the UK, rely on to continue to license arms exports that end up in Israel.

Human Rights Watch has found that Israeli authorities are using starvation as a method of warfare in Gaza. Pursuant to a policy set out by Israeli officials and carried out by Israeli forces, the Israeli authorities are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to its survival. Children in Gaza have been dying from starvation-related complications.

Israel has not responded to a Human Rights Watch letter sent on May 1, requesting specific information about the attacks on aid workers documented in this report.

...Israel should make public the findings of investigations into attacks that have killed and injured aid workers, and into all other attacks that caused civilian casualties. The Israeli military's long track record of failing to credibly investigate alleged war crimes underscores the importance of the International Criminal Court's (ICC) inquiry into serious crimes committed by all parties to the conflict. Israeli and Palestinian officials should cooperate with the ICC in their work, Human Rights Watch said. Israel should also provide the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel access to Gaza to conduct its investigations.

Given the pattern of attacks on aid groups that have provided Israeli authorities with proper information about their locations, a group of recognized international experts should conduct an independent review of the humanitarian deconfliction process. Israel should give these experts full access to its processes, including the coordination and communications that occur before, during, and after such attacks as well as information regarding any alleged military target in the vicinity and any precautionary measures taken to mitigate harm.

Israel's allies, including the United States and United Kingdom – both states sending the weapons parts apparently used in at least one of the documented attacks – should suspend military assistance and arms sales to Israel so long as its forces commit systematic and widespread laws-of-war violations against Palestinian civilians with impunity. Governments that continue to provide arms to the Israeli government risk complicity in war crimes.

They should also use their leverage, including through targeted sanctions, to press Israeli authorities to cease committing grave abuses and enable the provision of humanitarian aid and basic services in Gaza, in accordance with Israel's obligations under international law and recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) orders to Israel in the case brought by South Africa concerning alleged violations of the Genocide Convention.

"On one hand, Israel is blocking access to critical lifesaving humanitarian provisions and on the other, attacking convoys that are delivering some of the small amount that they are allowing in," Wille said. "Israeli forces should immediately end their attacks on aid organizations, and there should be accountability for these crimes."