Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
FuncoLand opened in my area just as I was old enough to make my own money, mowing lawns and stuff like that around the neighborhood. I had seen used games for sale before, typically at video rental places or maybe the occasional pawn shop, but nothing like FuncoLand.

I remember how I heard about FuncoLand - it was from a friend who saw an ad in a local newspaper or something. One of their crazy sheets where they'd list the price of tons of games, along with the address. I remember telling my dad about the ad and he flat out not believing me. He thought my friend had pulled a prank on me. A few days later I managed to get the address of the place and my dad and I went looking for it one Saturday. I can even remember the exact location of the store.

It was absolutely amazing. I walked in there with $60 in my pocket and walked out with a stack of games. This was early on in Funcoland's life that they sold me all my shit with game cases, too. That would have been ONE game prior, where at Funcoland I walked out with like 5 games.

There are modern retro gaming stores, and there are of course things like Gamestop, but nothing will ever amaze me as much as Funcoland did. When they closed the location near my house, my dad and I would literally drive all the way across Houston to another location on saturdays. It'd be a day trip, because getting from one side of Houston to the other took so long.

What an awesome store.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I used to ride my bike to Funco as often as I could and pretend I wanted to buy something. They had tons of TVs and consoles and would let you try anything. Was awesome.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Worked at FuncoLand around the Dreamcast launch. Had a lot of fun there, but parents used it as a baby sitter while they went to Circuit City next door.


Nov 15, 2017
When i was a kid, the thought of a Funcoland just made me tingle. It took me till high school to find one here in Brooklyn, where i end up buying a super Nintendo console and Super Metroid in the early 2000s, which i never got to play. Funcoland was a magical place when i visited it back then.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
The one near me growing up let you try any PS1 game you wanted before you bought it which I always thought was amazing but looking back I have no idea how they were allowed to do that. Maybe the games I always wanted to try were just already open or something.


Dec 5, 2017
I used to get those papers all the time and save money as a kid to get games, I remember Mega Man X2 and X3 always being ridiculously priced and could never get them. I sat in a Funcoland and beat X2 once, lol.

Slappy White

Oct 27, 2017
I wish I could go back in time and buy every single one of those snes games at the prices they listed. Funcoland was dope!


Oct 27, 2017
Stadium Events for $0.39.

The rarest North American NES game, worth thousands of dollars.

For thirty-nine cents.

Even Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak for $9.99 can't compete with that.


Oct 28, 2017

ah good times.

edit- oh and they would let you demo a game before you bought it. Either they had an opened one already... but they would let you try it right there in the store.


Oct 27, 2017
Funcoland was awesome. Remember looking at those price sheets over and over and thinking about which games I was going to buy with my money before I even had the money.

By the way, wish I would have bought some of those $.39 Stadium Events, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how many times I looked over that sheet you have posted in the OP when I was a kid.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I got my first subscription to Game Informer from FuncoLand. It was like 1999-2000, when the Dreamcast was alive.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Funcoland was like a fucking museum. I grew up really close to the one in northern MA, and it was amazing. I loved that place so much, even if it was kind of smelly.

Then Software Etc ate it and then it became a GameStop. It still saddens me so much that GameStop won the EB/GameStop War.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Funcoland was the shit! I regret selling my old games though, as I've turned into a collector since last gen.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Funcoland was fucking magical. I remember getting my first (the first one I owned, anyway) game from there: Streets of Rage 2.


Oct 26, 2017
There used to be something like a Funcoland here in Toronto, but I only went a few times, shit was like a warehouse lol. But sales sheet just like OP.

But when I'd go to the US, the only game stores I was really familiar with was KB Toys, Babbages, Meijer, etc. Only time I do remember going to Funcoland was in Jersey when KI came out for SNES. I don't really remember the store, I think games were in bins?

Deleted member 6215

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I used to go to FuncoLand when I was in college. Just before the GS acquisition I made a decision to buy a ton of classic NES games that I had owned/played as a kid. Turned out to be one of my better ones..I only regret not getting more.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Man that paper takes me back. The Funcoland in my town growing up turned into a Gamestop unfortunately.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I went to Funcoland a lot in college.

My best purchase was a copy of Gunstar Heroes, which still had the promotional Fruit Roll-up in it.

The game was probably 6-7 years old at that point, and the Fruit Roll-up tasted fine!


Nov 30, 2017
The spot where my local Funcoland opened up is STILL a Gamestop now.

I remember Babbages was similar in tone, too. I loved the TVs they had that could constantly be demoing games.

I feel bad that these kind of stores have no place in the modern world. Finding something for the cheap on those list, and realizing it was actually an awesome game, was great. Now, the prices at almost ANYWHERE you can buy and trade games, are generally matched to whatever Gamestop has on their website. Pawn Shops, local chains... they're just trying to be even with Gamestop.

The sense of discovery and the feeling of seeing SO many games before you, just can't be matched in the same way, now. I used to love hitting multiple stores (not just Funco, but the others) with my siblings and mom, because it really felt like each place had a chance to wow you.

Now you just use a store search on a website. If you DO find anything they don't know about, they're normally really irksome and deny the sale, lol. Opinions and knowledge on games are a few presses away, so very little is an unknown mystery.

Really, in a way, I often have more fun browsing and buying the cheap dollar games on a digital sale, than I have going to storefronts now. The indies that can't even afford a physical release, match the old bargin-bin searches of those days better.


Oct 25, 2017
When my family moved in the mid-90's we moved to a place that finally had a Funcoland. Had a friend telling me about this place you could trade in games!

I still sold him most of my stuff, only really checked it out in 1997 - 1999. Used a lot of my earliest wages buying up a big NES & SNES collection. Prices were even better then than on your list there. I bought stuff like Chrono Trigger, Panzer Dragoon Saga, and rebought Earthbound for real cheap prices. I think CT was $25, PDZ was $35, Earthbound was like $10.
Oct 29, 2017
I must have been 4-5 years old when Funcoland was still in my local mall. I can vaguely remember the sign but soon after it became a Gamestop with their original sign. Good times in there though. I still remember the day I bought Spiderman for the N64.


Oct 27, 2017
I was just thinking about Funcoland and Babbages today. I loved when I got a chance to go to the mall and visit those stores.


Oct 31, 2017
I used Funcoland and traded with my school buddies like the stock market. After 2-3 years of trading and swapping stuff at the store I had a NES/SNES/Genesis/Sega CD/PS1/N64 with tons of games and even managed to get this Samsung GX gamer tv that they had:

So I definitely have a deep love for Funcoland. Truly an awesome place, it also taught me how to hustle lol.


Nov 7, 2017
Loved Funcoland. I used to be a Nintendo only gamer (just because that's all I was bought growing up), but one summer when I was 16 I took most of my work paycheck and went in and got a Playstation 1 along with Alundra and Parasite Eve for something like $120. It was a a revelation. I bought so many great games over the years from Funcoland.

I wish I would have taken advantage of some of their Dreamcast prices at the end of its lifecycle. It was a fraction of what Dreamcast games are now.


Oct 25, 2017
Krejlooc I was just thinking about the ol days with this store man. I remember getting my first copy of mvc2 (of many) on DC. You could go in with 100$ and come out with a ton of shit. (accessories/game). You dont get that same value anymore at the modern trade in stores. You always feel like they are ripping you off. Here, it felt like you were ripping them off!


cool 90s commercials!

even their training vids were p cool

funcoland message:

more here:
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I used Funcoland and traded with my school buddies like the stock market. After 2-3 years of trading and swapping stuff at the store I had a NES/SNES/Genesis/Sega CD/PS1/N64 with tons of games and even managed to get this Samsung GX gamer tv that they had:

So I definitely have a deep love for Funcoland. Truly an awesome place, it also taught me how to hustle lol.
Hah, my little brother had that TV. Sound was pretty solid, lots of bass.

I remember the first time I bought a game at Funco after going in there for years just to play things. The game? Xardion for SNES.


Nov 1, 2017
Funcoland was definitely my go-to back then for games, and never recalled having any negative shopping experiences. EB Games wasn't too bad as well. Stocked up on a lot of carts when I bought a Genesis in the early 2000s at great prices (was a SNES kid during that era, but was always fond of Sega's titles).

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
I used to ride my bike to Funco as often as I could and pretend I wanted to buy something. They had tons of TVs and consoles and would let you try anything. Was awesome.

Yeah, same here. Me and my brother would circle games in the ads that we were interested in and then ride our bikes to the store like once a twice a month to see if we could find a couple of them. I miss the hell out of Funcoland, haha

Thurston Last

Jul 26, 2018
The Funcoland near me sucked. Terrible deals, employees all assholes.

Electronics Boutique was superior.


Oct 27, 2017
The first funco land that ever opened was right by my dads work. I was young but always remember my dad coming home with tons of different NES games. One opened by our house and I remember going in there and you could try out any used game you wanted to before you bought it to make sure you'd like it.

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
It was a Funcoland that I got my original copy of Final Fantasy X when it came out for PS2.

I'll never forget that.

Of course it's now a Gamestop. :P


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
Funny thing about Funcoland.

For the longest time, my SNES copy of super mario all stars was missing and I tried to get a copy from KB toys (remember them?) only for the cashier to tell me Funcoland had a wide collection of SNES games.

Went to Funcoland and got my copy for $5. One of my biggest memories of Funcoland. And then gamestop took over like a month later. :(

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My first funcoland visit saw me trading in a Sega gen 2 for a TurboGrafix 16. It was further away than all the other stores, but it was the only one I wanted to go to. I bought Smash 64, their last copy, there the very next day after playing it at a friends party the night before. It was the only place I have played Superman 64, on one of their kiosks. It's where I not only discovered the Dreamcast, but played it for the first time on a kiosk. And so, so, so many more memories. In my area, before the great decline and buying out of games stores by that one company, we had - Funcoland, Babbages & EB Games in the same mall not even 10 min away from Funco, and just 5 min down the road from the mall we had a GameStop, back in te good days of them. The mall also had an arcade, two movie stores, and three cd shops. I was in heaven growing up with all of that 15-20 minutes away from where I lived. My parents wouldn't object to taking me there, once we actually found out where they were of course. I loved that era, goddammit...