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Feb 24, 2018
It's taken me a few days to write this post due to trying to figure out how to word it correctly so not to create the thing I'm trying to discuss or singling out anyone as bad of the cause.

Over the past two years, I've been feeling that's it has been harder and harder to discuss things calmly in gaming for a manner of reasons and have been feeling this the most in the past few months. This has been for a manner of reasons that I will discuss but I would like ask people first if their is anyway to be well, be more nicer to each other and more respectful of people's opinions.

The first has been a great influx of dog-piling on even the most minor of mistakes or just uneeded and aggression and snark. The thing that inspired me to write was a thread recently on ERA where someone was asking what had to the game Ghost of Tsushima. The resulting thread was full of people rather nasty and mean spirited to the user who didn't really do anything wrong, even if you thought the question was silly, that was something that could have been sorted in like a sentence, not dog-piling on someone in mass and acting like jerks. It legit made me uncomfortable seeing so many regular users drive by posting and being needless arses, but it's not a problem not limited to ResetEra as I see this same thing all over the place, it feels like mob mentality is so easy to happen in the gaming community and it's something as a community we need to learn to control.

Secondly and this is the point I was worried about, honestly I'm sick of any criticism, upset or anger towards any issue being treated as no better than harassment or endorsing abuse and harassment. Too many times have I seen this, too many times have I seen someone upset about something being told to shut up because to them, criticism or "Outrage" = Harassment or if one arsehole thinks death threats is a good idea to do, that means anyone with similar criticism MUST think death threats are good which is nonsense, especially when we're talking about games. The fact that I see this most often when social issues are brought up, most infamously for when trans people had concern about the portrayal of trans issue in Cyberpunk 2077 and they were aggressively being told to shut up using this rhetoric really makes it feel disingenuous to me. Too many times have I seen that argument being used just to shut up criticism they don't like, care about or don't want to here about, it's a tool being used to guilt people rather than actual concern most of the time and it really gets under my skin when I see journalists do the same thing, I decided to take a break from Kotaku when they posted an article doing something similar. I don't like it when people do that, especially when I agree with the point of view because it doesn't solve anything, dilutes to real serious discussion of abuse and threats in the game industry and feels quite frankly in poor taste to use someone else's suffering for your own benefit.

Thirdly, it feels like every discussion becomes less a place to actually discuss stuff, but to win, whether it's to push out anyone who disagrees (because they feel their opinion is the only objective one), to feel smug and gloat about whatever or to just have yelling matches. I hide all Pokemon threads now because I got so sick of it of it being nothing but that plus a lot of point 2 from everyone involved, whether it's about the lack of the national Pokedex, what gen was the best, what encounter mechanics was best, whether you liked Let's Go or not, just EVERYTHING was a point of contention and could get you potentially dog-piled which I feel journalists were not helping as it felt many publications were feeding into it. As someone who suffers from depression and bad anxiety, I've been avoiding anything Pokemon because of how much it was affecting me and to be clear, this is not just ERA I'm talking about, anywhere Pokemon I went to was like this. And to be also be clear, this is not just a Pokemon issue, their was a really good thread a while back about how toxic and aggressive discussions of the Epic Game Store were.

And on a side note and this is about ERA, can people please just not post threads designed to be be "Gotcha" threads, made to be smug take thats to people the OP disagrees with or an excuse to put down others, especially when they seemingly come out of nowhere. These threads do not create good discussion at all and will most obviously get locked down so why bother?

Again, I really hope I haven't caused the same anger and type of discussion with this post.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, see anything regarding EGS and EA. The NFS Heat thread is full of LOOKS BORING AND LOOTBOXES despite EA and Ghost games specifically saying the loot box system is gone...


Oct 27, 2017
I have brought this up a couple times. Some people seem to care more about being right on the internet and shitting on others as opposed to have meaningful or lighthearted conversations. It's an internet problem, it's a communication by text problem, and it's an attitude problem. I'm pretty sure if we were all in a room, in person, people wouldn't act anywhere close to how they act here. At the end of the day nothing here is that serious. Somebody can disagree, somebody can be wrong. One million people don't have to respond to one post. You don't have to respond to everyone, you don't have to respond to everything. You CAN just keep scrolling.


Oct 27, 2017
First rule of thumb, some take their toys very seriously. Second rule, the anonymity of the internet loses the charm of honest and respectful debates/discussions.
I have brought this up a couple times. Some people seem to care more about being right on the internet and shitting on others as opposed to have meaningful or lighthearted conversations. It's an internet problem, it's a communication by text problem, and it's an attitude problem. I'm pretty sure if we were all in a room, in person, people wouldn't act anywhere close to how they act here.

You're right because they would either be outcasted by the majority or teeth on the floor. Either way it wouldn't last long.
Nov 13, 2017
You're completely right, OP. This forum is notorious for dog-piling. Half the time I don't bother posting in threads because of how bad it is here with virtually no one stopping it.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. The ignore thread/user function works wonders on this site.


Oct 25, 2017
You should find your own niche forum or message board to discuss things in a more civil and elaborate way and use big forums or boards for quick, not-too-deep interactions. Most of the Internet has now adopted the trend created by social media websites: nasty one-liners, dog-piling and a vast majority pretty much shouting what they think is right on a few members who might disagree on a topic and try to express that in a polite non-antagonistic way but are accused of arguing in bad faith even if they have no history to support that.


Oct 25, 2017
Critical discourse over pretty much all gaming media has been steadily devolving thanks to the fevered sprint to have the final verdict on a product, which often times can only exist in the extremes of it being the best or the worst thing ever because grey areas of okay-ness are pretty much completely ignored. This is exacerbated by a mentality that has long since existed where analysis is done towards a goal of "beating" a product in a critical sense rather than fostering discussion over its faults and accomplishments in a grander scale or in comparison to its peers.

Trying to have any sort of discussion over EGS for example is pointless because the people who hate it aren't even willing to entertain the notion of why an indie dev with zero money would take a deal from heaven dropped in their laps that lets them keep their lights on regardless of how the game sells for 1 year of exclusivity.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
someone face a Sony exclusive an 8 and everyone raged at her for months for being a girl or something. That's when I realized the gamers are the worst


Oct 27, 2017
that's the nature of fanboyism. in a perfect world everyone would be listening to each other's opinion and not afraid being one upped by the other team. for example, MS threads tend to be very negative with discussions not being related to the what the OP was. it's just very tiring to a have a good discussion.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I just wish people were held to a higher standard when posting.

Hyperbole rules the day in too many discussions and it makes exploring subjects feel incredibly banal and one-note. Feels like nuance and the need to feel 'right' is lost on so many. It really corrodes the quality of discourse.

But I agree with the posters above about Ignore function. I use it pretty liberally and find it does help a bit with the symptom if not the cure.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Second rule, the anonymity of the internet loses the charm of honest and respectful debates/discussions.
I'd say the pseudo anonymity on message boards and twitter makes some people much worse, because they not only are off the hook in reality for their behavior, but build up a persona that they try and combat against other people's personas for self satisfaction, be it fanboying, console warring, just being pedantic, etc. There's a very real tendency for people to spend more time discrediting one another to protect and enforce a fake ego than actually discussing the thread topics.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'd say the pseudo anonymity on message boards makes some people much worse, because they not only are off the hook in reality for their behavior, but build up a persona that they feel try and combat against other people's personas for self satisfaction, be it fanboying, console warring, just being pedantic, etc. There's a very real tendency for people to spend more time discrediting one another to protect a fake ego than actually discussing the thread topics.
True but there is also a fine line between passion and frustration and a lot of that has to do with maturity or lackthereof. What I'm starting to notice more of now that I witnessed daily on the 'other' site is drive by concern trolling.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, dog piling is one of the worst behaviours you can see online. The one being piled is basically forced into a corner and since their main argument was mostly like the first to be shot down they just end up coming up with other weaker arguments in a desperate attempt to gain some ground, but just results in the attackers just piling on harder. The best option is just to close the thread and put it on ignore before things get out of hand.

I suppose the competitive nature of games naturally results in a competitive atmosphere within the communities. Everyone wants to be a winner!


Oct 28, 2017
You're completely right, OP. This forum is notorious for dog-piling. Half the time I don't bother posting in threads because of how bad it is here with virtually no one stopping it.
This. Also the reason why I mostly just read and don't bother "discussing".

When the old place went down I was hoping that this place would be better but it's the same at best, probably even worse.

The ignore button helps a bit with some people spamming the same shit in every thread though.


Dec 4, 2018
Try criticizing a Sony exclusive

Yeah I think the gaming public needs to take a hard look at itself

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I'd also note that I've seen an uptick of many just itching for a fight, like they're looking for things to get mad about...something, anything. Makes the forum feel incredibly toxic at times.

It's really disappointing. Seems like a really miserable way to live.


Oct 25, 2017
Just use ignore, you're getting way too emotionally attached to your favorite game or hated and/or platform that it isn't healthy.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point when I see people like that I just think of how miserable their lives are and that the post they make is probably the only outlet they have to feel important or heard. I am not a fan of ignoring people but I may just start doing that at some point. But yes, Era is increasingly becoming toxic. A completely different environment than when the site launched where I remember creating a thread about "positive energy" in the forum.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's not just gamers and it's not just this site

The internet has made people much harsher on all topics of discussion from politics, sports, movies, games, etc. that harshness has spilled into real life as well.


Nov 2, 2017
Not only that but Id also say that theres way too much politics in the gaming section and constant complaining/negativity which limits any conversation and ends up becoming an echo chamber as anyone with a differing opinion either gets banned or gets dog piled on as already mentioned.

I think it would be good if there was someway of separating the two, have an area for gaming discussion only, and another area for political correctness in gaming. There are a lot of valid arguments or stories that are worth discussing, but to be perfectly honest Ive had enough of the constant politics, negativity and nastiness that happen in a lot of gaming threads when all Id rather do is have a friendly discussion about peoples enjoyment of playing games.


Is Here to Kill Chaos
Oct 27, 2017
I'd also note that I've seen an uptick of many just itching for a fight, like they're looking for things to get mad about...something, anything. Makes the forum feel incredibly toxic at times.

It's really disappointing. Seems like a really miserable way to live.

Yeah. Especially when all discussion is lost and it turns into pages of just quoting the same post trying to one up the other with jabs. I'd rather not have pages of reaction gifs to a "burn".

That and the witty "first post" obsession can genuinely kill a thread for me. It's just endless quotes and reactions, sometimes at the expense of someone. It was the same in the previous forum too.


Oct 30, 2017
Twente (The Netherlands)
I don't think that only applies to the gaming community but to the internet as a whole. Social Media has normalized one liners that are shrouded in hyperbole with no nuance at all. You're either completely wrong with your opinion or you're dead right. A game is either a masterpiece or as so many people like to say 'trash'. This type of behaviour discourages any sort of nuanced or sophisticated discussion. There's no simple solution for the problem which sucks.


Jun 11, 2018
I agree 100 percent. I wish people could just be nicer to each other and try to understand others opinions and positions. culturally it feels like critical thinking on ideas is being discouraged and extreme positions on any subject must be held .


Oct 28, 2017
Wirral, UK
I don't think people flying off the handle is unique to gaming or this forum as a whole- discourse as a whole has been "EVERYTHING IS FUCKED" for some time. But it certainly more pronounced on ERA as some people are incredibly negative and pessimistic to the point of absurdity.


Oct 25, 2017
Gamers were impossible to discuss stuff with online even before politics were any part of it. People who fucking rage on you over alpha effects on Sega Saturn...


Oct 27, 2017
Try criticizing a Sony exclusive

Yeah I've given up with constructive criticism of Gran Turismo Sport, those folks are really really touchy.

It's really odd. In the past I've mostly experienced folks who like GT being mostly like me - being into all kinds of different racing games on different platforms. But now there's a lot of GTS fans who are hyper touchy and don't even seem to play any other games in the genre. There's no context, no ability to look around at the wider picture.

Maybe it's just my age, but I'm too old for this shit.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Not only that but Id also say that theres way too much politics in the gaming section and constant complaining/negativity which limits any conversation and ends up becoming an echo chamber as anyone with a differing opinion either gets banned or gets dog piled on as already mentioned.

I think it would be good if there was someway of separating the two, have an area for gaming discussion only, and another area for political correctness in gaming. There are a lot of valid arguments or stories that are worth discussing, but to be perfectly honest Ive had enough of the constant politics, negativity and nastiness that happen in a lot of gaming threads when all Id rather do is have a friendly discussion about peoples enjoyment of playing games.
What are some examples of politics or political correctness in the gaming section that you've found irritating?


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I totally agree with you but I also think it's important to note this is not a new phenomenon. This happens in part because of the medium, a forum with A LOT of users. I've been using forums all my life and every time the community reaches a certain point things like this happens. We need a change in culture on how we use online forums (and a lot of other things), since I believe it's also one of the best ways to have civil discussions about everything.


Dec 8, 2017
People get so tribal about more or less anything now. Do your best to find the most civil/non-tribalistic community you can and do your best to stay out of drama, if it arises.

Deleted member 18742

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I 100% agree. But it's not exclusively about games, it's honestly discussing anything. That's why I just don't post things as much anymore anywhere. In my mind I try to remember if I have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Sometimes I am guilty of posting something negative and I am just unaware of doing it. And even when I post positive thoughts on something, it will upset someone because you don't like it like them
Oct 25, 2017
What are some examples of politics or 'political correctness within games' in the gaming section you've found irritating?

I'd think "How does it feel to stan for a giant corporation?" whenever you discuss why something is or isn't happening is a good example. It isn't directly political, but general hatred of corporations and viewing them as giant moneypits with infinite resources is certainly spurred along by people's political leanings.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
Sometimes it feels like posters have no regard for basic courtesy.

And yes, unfortunately many in this community revel in negativity. Just look at how "Your controversial game opinions" thread, which consists of mostly negative contrarianism (which often seems like it's written with a certain tone that implies that the poster writing it is the only one who sees the truth and others are the sheeple. Perhaps I'm imagining something that isn't quite there) and thinly veiled console wars, is one of the most long-lived and enduring threads on the forum, with a number of copycats (only one of which is positive and seems to be relatively low in activity, seeing how TC has rebooted it twice).

In contrast, the thread one user made about sharing game ideas that will never be made, just didn't have enough steam to survive.
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Apr 4, 2018
Not only that but Id also say that theres way too much politics in the gaming section and constant complaining/negativity which limits any conversation and ends up becoming an echo chamber as anyone with a differing opinion either gets banned or gets dog piled on as already mentioned.

I think it would be good if there was someway of separating the two, have an area for gaming discussion only, and another area for political correctness in gaming. There are a lot of valid arguments or stories that are worth discussing, but to be perfectly honest Ive had enough of the constant politics, negativity and nastiness that happen in a lot of gaming threads when all Id rather do is have a friendly discussion about peoples enjoyment of playing games.

Oh ffs this is bait right?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
I'd also note that I've seen an uptick of many just itching for a fight, like they're looking for things to get mad about...something, anything. Makes the forum feel incredibly toxic at times.

It's really disappointing. Seems like a really miserable way to live.
Lol, ever notice how in positive opinion threads people just can't help themselves and try to negatively diss another game by presenting their opinions as positive


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 16, 2017
Yeah. Especially when all discussion is lost and it turns into pages of just quoting the same post trying to one up the other with jabs. I'd rather not have pages of reaction gifs to a "burn".

Yeah I dislike this a lot because it feels like a lot of people have no desire to see people learn from their mistakes.
Dogpilling somebody for asking a dumb question isn't helping that person. It'll just push them away and send them further into an abyss of asshole-ry.

Deleted member 14735

Oct 27, 2017
The dog-piling is a weird and uniquely Era thing I feel like, or at least it was never a thing on other forums I've used in the past. I can never tell if it's because people here just don't read through threads first to see if someone's already been quoted, or if people just like getting in on a dog pile. idk. I don't like it either.

As everyone else is saying though the other stuff is an internet culture thing unfortunately, not new and probably not going to change. Can only really disengage for a while if it becomes too much.


Oct 27, 2017
I would like ask people first if their is anyway to be well, be more nicer to each other and more respectful of people's opinions.

It's really up to moderators. You can enforce that type of tone through strict moderation. There are forums I visit that have no personal attacks or insults because they know it will not be tolerated by moderators.

The thing is, you have to enforce the norms uniformly to develop a culture. And there are a lot of vocal people on this site who don't want enforced niceness or respectfulness in any politically-related thread and also do not want any barrier drawn about where they can discuss politics.


Oct 25, 2017
Good post OP. When ERA was established, it was pitched as a place that was supposed to be more open and willing to discuss versus the heavy dogpiling of old GAF.

And it was that, for a brief window. But it fell back into the old ways, which makes sense, since most of the users on ERA (at least initially) were old GAF members. A lot of the same attitudes, posting habits, etc carried over.

I have found that, outside of specific community threads, the discussions are not worth engaging in for the exact reasons you outlined. I would like to believe that things will change in the future, but I suspect they will not. Like others have already pointed out, people are hell bent on being right and having their opinion heard over others.
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