Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
It is Wednesday morning, the date is May 19th, and the year is 1999. What is your hype level?

Yes, it is another Star Wars thread! I did not want to bump a few of the other 'The Phantom Menace' threads from the past (this one, which is more geared towards comparing hype to The Force Awakens, or the 'RttP: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace' which goes into detail about the movie itself).

In this thread I was hoping you could share with us your experience on opening day if you attended a showing of the film:

  • Where did you see it?
  • Did you have advance tickets or did you purchase at the theatre?
  • Was it a long wait to get into the theatre and could you cut the hype with a knife?
  • Was it a full house and were your seats any good?
  • Did the theatre clap after the movie?

My brother and I were able to buy tickets ($25.00 USD) from a school friend a week prior; his father had bought them as a group so that my friend could see the movie with some buddies. Our showing was mid-day, there was no school, and the theatre we were going to watch it at was in one of the largest malls in the middle of San Diego, California. We arrived early of course, and saw plenty of cosplayers (back then we did not know what to call these folks, we just knew it must have been awesome to be able to walk around in Jedi robes or Stormtrooper armor), so the hype was off the charts right away. Star Wars everything was plastered everywhere, and we all felt privileged to participate in this historic event. Personally, I would not feel that hype again until the first day of SDCC in July of 2002.

The theatre was packed, there was no time to get snacks or drinks because it was first come-first seated, so once inside we rushed to get to the prime real estate. The buzz in the place was electric, and it seemed like everyone there was holding their breath. A few commercials as the lights got dim. A few previews, and the lights go out. 20th Century Fox comes up, the Lucas Film logo, A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
STAR WARS!! The crowd erupted; the excitement could no longer be contained. At that moment the hype dam burst. And then...we got into the thrilling subject of the politics of an intergalactic trade dispute. Needless to say, the general consensus that I picked up in the theatre during and after the movie was confusion and disappointment. About half the theatre clapped, but our group of High School edgelords walked away shaking our heads. There are no hard feelings from me, though. I still like to watch the movie with it's strengths and weaknesses, but for many of us the morning of May 19th, 1999 will always be remembered as maximum H Y P E.

How about you?

(If this thread is unnecessary or flagrant, Mods can cast it into the Sarlacc.)



Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm 4 years old. My dad takes me to a very late night showing for some reason (maybe midnight release if they had that but idk I was 4). I fall asleep early on, and I don't understand shit of what I do happen to catch.


Feb 15, 2019
Hyped to the max because the dreamcast is coming out in a few months and i've already seen the most epic looking gameplay footage on theater screens due to sega marketing the console an game strongly on movie theater screens around the country.

Most amazing console I've ever seen, surely it's going to be a huge success.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know what Star Wars was.

I some way, i wish it were still the case.
Oct 25, 2017
I was eighteen, and several friends and I went to a midnight showing. The crowd outside before the show was super fun. Looking back, we all knew it sucked, but on the drive home we we trying so hard to convince each other we loved it. It was still a really fun night though.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Where did you see it?
    My local cinema
  • Did you have advance tickets or did you purchase at the theatre?
    Bought in the cinema
  • Was it a long wait to get into the theatre and could you cut the hype with a knife?
    Didn't feel longer then normal to get in. A lot more talking then was usual before the film started though
  • Was it a full house and were your seats any good?
    Yes & yes.
  • Did the theatre clap after the movie?
    I have seen easily over 500 films in the cinema and this has pretty much never happened lol, except once in a 12 hour batman screening (1989, Returns, Begins, Dark Knight), but that was an imax with superfans and booze available between films, which is probably what caused it
I was super hyped going in as I loved star wars. I think I was vaguely disappointed, but the Maul fight was so hype that it didn't sink in for a while and I left the cinema happy.


Oct 25, 2017
Just another day, because I had to wait till September 30th for it to come out here.


Oct 27, 2017
I was 10 and even though I pretty much grew up watching the OT (ANH and ROTJ mainly as I didnt have ESB) I wasnt aware the movie was coming. I only knew about it once the VHS came out and I got a copy.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I would've been eleven. I know we went to see it at the local cinema (which closed a few years later) but I can't actually remember what I felt about the movie at the time. 🤔


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I had no hype for Star Wars, I actually didn't know it came out until I went to go see the mummy lol.
Still like the film more than most though.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember one of my teachers crowding the class around the computer in the school library to watch a downloaded copy of the trailer on a monitor - a lot of hyped 10 year olds in that room.

In terms of the movie itself, I remember loving the spectacle (the podrace blew my mind, and still holds up today) but even then I felt something was "off" compared to the original trilogy. Seeing the ESB Special Edition two years earlier was a magical experience by comparison.
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Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020

This is classic, is it from a skit show?

I didn't know what Star Wars was.

I some way, i wish it were still the case.
That is kinda sad, I will always be a fan through the ups and downs, haha!

I was eighteen, and several friends and I went to a midnight showing. The crowd outside before the show was super fun. Looking back, we all knew it sucked, but on the drive home we we trying so hard to convince each other we loved it. It was still a really fun night though.
I remember that same car ride of stale self-convincing. It had to be good, right?

  • Did the theatre clap after the movie?
    I have seen easily over 500 films in the cinema and this has pretty much never happened lol, except once in a 12 hour batman screening (1989, Returns, Begins, Dark Knight), but that was an imax with superfans and booze available between films, which is probably what caused it
Well that Batman showing sounds legit like a blast!

Deleted member 73264

User requested account closure
Jun 28, 2020
I lived in a small town with one theater screen and we didn't get the movie until August. So like zero.


Oct 16, 2018
11 years old. Didn't get to see it as early as most kids, so I was just super angry at this one classmate who saw it twice and bragged about it. Thing is I already knew the whole movie (to an extent) even before seeing it, thanks to a Phantom Menace picture book that told a basic version of the story. I read that thing over and over long before I even saw it.

For the record, I loved Jar Jar at the time, then went through a long period of hating his guts, now I'm kinda back in liking territory after the Clone Wars. I know a lot of people didn't like his episodes, but I honestly dug them.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw it at a theater somewhere in Cerritos California I think. Any of the other questions I don't recall. I think I avoided opening weekend as I wanted to avoid crowds.

I was 19, working at Disneyland and living with my girlfriend at the time. From around the year 1993-ish I became a huge star wars fan. What got me into it was not the original movies at first but the original Zahn trilogy. I remember buying the first book at a shop called Fedco which no longer exists. After that trilogy I consumed everything Star Wars I could. All of the expanded universe books, all of the Dark Horse comics (Dark Empire was great!), the short lived Decipher CCG, West End Games RPG books, all the classic Lucas Arts PC games. I spent countless hours pouring over the details of the ships in the West End games books. It was rare in those days to be a Star Wars fan as it was just an odd trilogy from the late 70's early 80's that by the early 90's had lost a lot of its luster. Outside of my best friend I couldn't tell you a single person at my high school that cared about Star Wars. Joined the fan club and they sent me a 'I'm a Star Wars fan, honk if you (picture of R2-D2)' bumper sticker. I still have that sticker somewhere. Most everything else I owned the books, figures and comics didn't survive my move to Japan. Figured the digital scans of the books/comics were good enough which I regret now.
But by 1999 since I started working, had a girl I kind of stopped. Stopped reading the books and comics. Was still excited to see the new movie. I remember being a bit let down by it at the time. Now I think it and the prequels are ok.

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
I saw it at a theater somewhere in Cerritos California I think. Any of the other questions I don't recall. I think I avoided opening weekend as I wanted to avoid crowds.

I was 19, working at Disneyland and living with my girlfriend at the time. From around the year 1993-ish I became a huge star wars fan. What got me into it was not the original movies at first but the original Zahn trilogy. I remember buying the first book at a shop called Fedco which no longer exists. After that trilogy I consumed everything Star Wars I could. All of the expanded universe books, all of the Dark Horse comics (Dark Empire was great!), the short lived Decipher CCG, West End Games RPG books, all the classic Lucas Arts PC games. I spent countless hours pouring over the details of the ships in the West End games books. It was rare in those days to be a Star Wars fan as it was just an odd trilogy from the late 70's early 80's that by the early 90's had lost a lot of its luster. Outside of my best friend I couldn't tell you a single person at my high school that cared about Star Wars. Joined the fan club and they sent me a 'I'm a Star Wars fan, honk if you (picture of R2-D2)' bumper sticker. I still have that sticker somewhere. Most everything else I owned the books, figures and comics didn't survive my move to Japan. Figured the digital scans of the books/comics were good enough which I regret now.
But by 1999 since I started working, had a girl I kind of stopped. Stopped reading the books and comics. Was still excited to see the new movie. I remember being a bit let down by it at the time. Now I think it and the prequels are ok.
That's really cool, you kind of took the back route of fandom! I was wondering are you into the clone wars series at all? As I understand, it gives new life to some of the EU stuff that was not very prevalent. 19 years old and working at Disneyland sounds amazing, did you take any stock options? (half kidding haha!)


Oct 30, 2017
Watched it at my local cinema when I was 8. my uncle bought the ticket for a screening of its second week (I think).
I didn't understand much of the politic stuff but man, did I enjoy the Darth Maul fight.
My uncle didn't like it that much but loved Jar Jar. And yea, he still finds him funny.


Oct 25, 2017
I was 11. I know my family saw it, but I have no idea when and it definitely was closer to summer, I think. Afterwards we ate at Pizza Hut and I got one of those Amidala cups lmao

Cousin From Boston

Prophet of Regret
Nov 21, 2017
My 18th birthday, saw the movie at midnight with my friends and was hype as fuck. We were the first 20-ish people in line. One of my friends skipped school the day prior to wait in line to buy tickets. Great memory, even if the movie didn't hold up at all to my teenage expectations.


Oct 27, 2017
I totally wasn't a Star Wars guy back then lol. I've only started to follow and liked SW once I've got to work on the Clone Wars TV series :P

In the end I don't find the prequel trilogy that bad I guess, they're just so so.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I can barely remember anything about this other than leaving the theater pretty disappointed over how bizarrely different it was compared to the OT.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I remember my roommate standing in line all day for tickets, and then I joined him and bought a ticket 20 minutes before the showing. It was alright.


Oct 25, 2017
I was 10, my dad took me to see it and I loved it. One of my favourite cinema memories and I credit it with kickstarting my love for Star Wars properly after I'd only seen bits and pieces of the Special Editions up to that point.

Of course, now I view it as a mediocre film at best, but I still treasure that memory.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I was 5 and didn't give a fuck.

Saw it on DVD at some point and didn't think much of it.

I did have a ruler with Queen Amidala on it though, and loved the N64 pod racing game.


Oct 27, 2017
That's really cool, you kind of took the back route of fandom! I was wondering are you into the clone wars series at all? As I understand, it gives new life to some of the EU stuff that was not very prevalent. 19 years old and working at Disneyland sounds amazing, did you take any stock options? (half kidding haha!)

I wish I could have! I'd be rich lol. For the Clone Wars I actually haven't gotten into it at all. I started watching the very first one on Disney+ but haven't finished that. Not the biggest fan of the 3D cartoons. Now that they are introducing characters from it into the Mandalorian I really should watch through that and Rebels though.


Oct 27, 2017
8 years old, my whole family went to see it. Dad walked out, so I walked out with him, dont know what my brothers thought at the time. I loved my Star Wars vhs tapes, and watched them almost every day, so I was excited, but walked out cause my dad did. Watched it fully a few years later and did not blame my dad for not wanting to sit through the whole thing, it is bad.

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
8 years old, my whole family went to see it. Dad walked out, so I walked out with him, dont know what my brothers thought at the time. I loved my Star Wars vhs tapes, and watched them almost every day, so I was excited, but walked out cause my dad did. Watched it fully a few years later and did not blame my dad for not wanting to sit through the whole thing, it is bad.
I am dyin' here imagining a furious father and his youngling storming out of the theatre, both brows furrowed in disappointment, stomping through the parking lot in disgust! I commend your loyalty, although it sounds like you did not have much of a choice haha! No big deal, that was my reaction to the title crawl in RoS!


Oct 25, 2017
I was 13 at the time. Despite being a huge Star Wars fan since childhood, I didn't see it opening weekend for some reason, and I can't recall what stopped me. Maybe I just couldn't get tickets.

In any case, I saw it the following week and my only real memory is that a crowd of kids from my school were in the back row, imitating every single Jar Jar line out loud.

I basically knew everything that was going to happen ahead of time because the novelisation came out a month before the movie and I'd already bought it and read it. I do have a strong memory of reading that in the back of my dad's car and giving myself travel sickness, though, so that stuck with me more than the film.


Animation Programmer
Oct 30, 2017
I was 21 and my/my friends hype level was off the chart.

My memory is that everyone really liked it at the time, it was only later that public opinion turned on it.

People lost their minds over the Dual of the Fates lightsaber battle. Darth Maul had DUAL LIGHTSABERS! No one had ever seen anything like that before.


Oct 27, 2017
I was in my first year of college.

Skipped class that morning to go see it with a few friends from my dorm.

Hype level: 100% going in.

After the credits started rolling at the end: "...Da FUCK did I just watch?!?!"

Lightsaber battle was freakin' awesome, though.

Deleted member 9932

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I was hyped, not crazy hyped but hyped, if that makes sense. I also enjoyed the movie very much. Clones, is, was and always will be the shitshow.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
I knew this was about TPM just from the topic title, so you'd better know my hype was strong.

Brief overview of my SW history to set the stage. I was born after RotJ had left theaters. I had some SW merch as a very young kid, but as I was going through school, SW was over and done with, and there was no expectation of it returning, so it was pretty absent in my mind for a long time. I could point out who Yoda was on a poster but really not a whole lot beyond that. I was more into TMNT and other hot properties from the time, as were all of my peers.

When I got into middle school I found a VHS tape of ESB and watched it, having only vague memories about what SW was like. I totally fell in love with what I saw, re-watched the other two which I'd probably only seen bits and pieces of on TV, and that's where my true love affair with the series began. The franchise has always been special to me since then, because it's something I 'discovered' on my own -- none of my friends or family cared about SW or talked about it, etc. It just wasn't the cool thing at the time.

Not long after, we started getting news about the upcoming Special Editions, and the first rumors and such about more movies being made after that. I remember going to the theater with friends to watch all 3 Special Edition releases on opening day. Great memories there.

Okay, so Episode I. Me and my D&D group waited in line for a long, long ass time to see the very first showing in the best presentation available. Our theater of choice was the AMC Studio 28 in Olathe, KS (at least that's what it's called now, I don't remember if it had 28 screens in 1999, but it was still AMC); it had the nicest screens and seats in our metro area so we'd always spend the extra money and time to drive out there for big releases, as our small local theater couldn't do it justice.

Absolutely had advance tickets. I think we were there maybe 3 hours early for the line, which was pretty standard for a movie of that caliber. We were pretty close to the front, and it was a totally sold out showing. There were 3 or 4 other showings starting at the same time, so people were everywhere. Lots of costumes.

I really liked the movie from the very first showing, despite how different it was. I remember pointing to the friend next to me when I saw a dewback on screen... yeah, I'm a dork. That's just how exciting it was to be back in that world again after thinking you never would.

Theater reaction was very positive... all of my friends liked it to varying degrees, though I probably liked it the most. My feelings on it have stayed pretty consistent even after years and years of hearing other people's negative feedback... which started to taper off a lot after The Clone Wars series hit it stride. And I'm now seeing the same pattern repeat with the sequels. It's just one solid animated series away from its redemption arc.


Apr 27, 2018
I was very excited for it, the trailers had blown my mind and I pretty much watched one of the OT films on VHS daily, and in the end.....I really enjoyed it, and still do. It holds up a lot better than AOTC.

This some 20 years later is still my favourite moment in all lightsaber duels. I do not care if someone wants to break it down frame by frame and tell me some swing are going to miss or whatever. With the music it's just amazing.

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Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
I knew this was about TPM just from the topic title, so you'd better know my hype was strong.

Brief overview of my SW history to set the stage. I was born after RotJ had left theaters. I had some SW merch as a very young kid, but as I was going through school, SW was over and done with, and there was no expectation of it returning, so it was pretty absent in my mind for a long time. I could point out who Yoda was on a poster but really not a whole lot beyond that. I was more into TMNT and other hot properties from the time, as were all of my peers.

When I got into middle school I found a VHS tape of ESB and watched it, having only vague memories about what SW was like. I totally fell in love with what I saw, re-watched the other two which I'd probably only seen bits and pieces of on TV, and that's where my true love affair with the series began. The franchise has always been special to me since then, because it's something I 'discovered' on my own -- none of my friends or family cared about SW or talked about it, etc. It just wasn't the cool thing at the time.

Not long after, we started getting news about the upcoming Special Editions, and the first rumors and such about more movies being made after that. I remember going to the theater with friends to watch all 3 Special Edition releases on opening day. Great memories there.

Okay, so Episode I. Me and my D&D group waited in line for a long, long ass time to see the very first showing in the best presentation available. Our theater of choice was the AMC Studio 28 in Olathe, KS (at least that's what it's called now, I don't remember if it had 28 screens in 1999, but it was still AMC); it had the nicest screens and seats in our metro area so we'd always spend the extra money and time to drive out there for big releases, as our small local theater couldn't do it justice.

Absolutely had advance tickets. I think we were there maybe 3 hours early for the line, which was pretty standard for a movie of that caliber. We were pretty close to the front, and it was a totally sold out showing. There were 3 or 4 other showings starting at the same time, so people were everywhere. Lots of costumes.

I really liked the movie from the very first showing, despite how different it was. I remember pointing to the friend next to me when I saw a dewback on screen... yeah, I'm a dork. That's just how exciting it was to be back in that world again after thinking you never would.

Theater reaction was very positive... all of my friends liked it to varying degrees, though I probably liked it the most. My feelings on it have stayed pretty consistent even after years and years of hearing other people's negative feedback... which started to taper off a lot after The Clone Wars series hit it stride. And I'm now seeing the same pattern repeat with the sequels. It's just one solid animated series away from its redemption arc.
That is a very cool story and it sounds like it was very hype! Your start to the franchise does sound very familiar, VHS ESB was life for my bro and I for a long time!


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i saw the poster at the theater as it was being put up

my friends didn't believe me when i told them the subtitle for some reason

when trailers hit and I was like "see, i ain't a lie boy" they just kinda ignored me

i hate everyone


Jun 26, 2020
As an 11-year old then, my hype centered around Pokemon and the newly released Smash Bros.

Had no clue about anything Star Wars. Growing up I thought Space Balls was the original space laser sword movie with a black helmeted figure.

I saw Episode 1 in theaters that summer and it was satisfyingly entertaining to a kid who had no clue what was going on but liked the pod race and whooshing light sabers.

Deleted member 4179

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I remember being excited... nothing specific about the viewing, that's how forgettable the experience was. I thought, well, surely the next one will be better, and kinda shrugged off the mediocrity.

I vividly remember laughing and cringing my way through Episode II in the theater, though. That was a good time.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember that my dad had to stop next to the road for me, because I had to puke my guts out after the movie, because my stomache couldn't manage all the popcorn. I didn't eat popcorn for over a decade afterwards.


Sep 21, 2018
I have no recollection of what I was feeling or even where I saw it. Strange that I can't remember going to see the prequels yet can for the OT in the 70's and 80's.


Oct 30, 2017
My dad took me to see the original trilogy during re-runs in the mid-90s, I was 10 when Phantom Menace came out and I remember going to it, and not really liking it all that much, but I loved the podracing game that came out, that was fun.

I don't think my Dad liked it because we didn't see the 2nd or 3rd Star Wars movies in theaters.

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
I remember being excited... nothing specific about the viewing, that's how forgettable the experience was. I thought, well, surely the next one will be better, and kinda shrugged off the mediocrity.

I vividly remember laughing and cringing my way through Episode II in the theater, though. That was a good time.
I did not see II or III in the theatre my friend. I learned a valuable lesson in hype on the date in OP.

I remember that my dad had to stop next to the road for me, because I had to puke my guts out after the move, because my stomache couldn't manage all the popcorn. I didn't eat popcorn for over a decade afterwards.
I am so sorry that happened to you, geez, kids just gotta learn the hard way, am I right?


Oct 27, 2017
I remember this day vividly. I am a massive Star Wars fan for all my life and I was extremely hyped. A new Star Wars movie after 16 years ... I was in school back then and after that, some friends and I went to the cinema to the first showing of the day. We already had cards. The cinema was full. There wasn't any crazy cosplay - that only became popular in later years here in Germany.

I loved and still love the movie. It's everything I need in my Star Wars. Fun heroes (especially Qui-Gon), villains (there is a reason why Maul became such a beloved character) and crazy action. Both the finale, especially the lightsaber duel, and the podrace were mind-blowing back then. Pure hype Star Wars action. What I especially love about the prequels was the world-building. New planets, races, vehicles, weapons, troopers and characters en masse - it got only better with Episode II and III. Something the sequel Trilogy lacked, unfortunately.

*EDIT: It was actually August 19th here in Germany, just googled that. Imagine having to wait this long for a Blockbuster movie today, lol.