
Oct 28, 2017
I understand. Covid. But, even with Covid and the Omicron variant around it doesn't make sense why you still have to go through such hurdles to try and get a next gen console. Especially trying to outdo scalpers and their bots. I just came back from buying a last minute Christmas gift and stores are packed anyway. And they have been all year. People are out and about. Series S's are in stores. What's the problem with just having a socially distanced line and requiring masks?

I have my Xbox series X and PS5 but boy was it a hassle. Everyday on alert for some Twitter notification and racing to the app or site to try and beat scalpers. The average parent doesn't know or have the patience to try and acquire a system for their child this way. Lots of upset children for a second Christmas in a row because of this. I have people at work constantly asking me if I can try and find one for them because they want one for their kid or whoever and they've been trying for over a year.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
should be? sure

shit doesn't work that way. chip shortage is a real thing


Oct 28, 2017
The problem is less covid and more supply not keeping up with demand.

If they had enough they would sell them in stores regardless of covid

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
I think people are misunderstanding the OP. He's saying that, instead of fighting the bots/scalpers online, people should be able to line up in real life for a chance to get one.

In other words, OP wants the consoles to be sold in-store rather than online.


Jan 16, 2021
They're toys, it doesn't seem like a big deal. And I say that as someone who as looked for a PS5 for a year.


Oct 28, 2017
The entire situation sucks, but it's not just Covid. Retailers definitely need to do more to combat bots on their ecommerce platforms.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think you're fairly assessing aspects of reality that is outside of everyone's control. I'm not talking about covid. Chip shortage, environmental factors, governments (Brexit impact for instance) etc.

It's nice sentiment but wholly ignorant.
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Oct 28, 2017
Well the supply has been coming in constantly from the alerts I see. But it's online only. And gone in seconds. Lessen the amount going online and sell some in-store. Give the average person a decent chance. I just don't see the problem with having a socially distant line and mask requirement.

I'm being reminded of the chip shortage and that completely went over my head. But, couldn't they stock pile for increments at a time and then say okay we'll have in store at this time and date? Instead of recieving a few and instantly putting them online? Time and date, plus socially distant lines and masks. I'm just trying to figure out a way for parents or your average consumer to just be able to stand a chance.

There's a lady at work who has been trying for over a year for her grandson and I try explaining to her about signing up for Twitter and keeping alerts for certain profiles and i may as well be explaining quantum physics lol. I just feel horrible. I tried for a while to help her on my own time but eventually my own responsibilities took priority.
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Oct 25, 2017
I've received numerous announcements of stores nearby having consoles in stock. They're in stores but not for very long.


Oct 25, 2017
Well there's evidence things might be improving as on one site in the UK both consoles have been available for 24 hours are still in stock.

Either there's a big shipment that came in or sales are slowing.


Jan 6, 2021
It's weird going into Target and seeing the Xbox and PS5 cabinets stuffed with Nintendo switches and controllers. They've never been graced with their console counterparts.


Oct 28, 2017
Well the supply has been coming in constantly from the alerts I see. But it's online only. And gone in seconds. Lessen the amount going online and sell some in-store. Give the average person a decent chance. I just don't see the problem with having a socially distant line and mask requirement.
Selling them via automated online systems is a lot more profitable for a business than setting up socially distant waiting lines


Oct 25, 2017
With how scarce they are, and how batshit insane people are I can see it being a constant headache for stores putting up with people…

1. Constantly nagging workers if they are in stock or when they get them
2. People fighting over them
3. People camping before stores open.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
They would be sold out in stores just as quickly.

True, but you can more easily prepare instead of fighting a failing website being attacked by bots. If you line up early enough your chances of getting one are much higher.

With how scarce they are, and how batshit insane people are I can see it being a constant headache for stores putting up with people…

1. Constantly nagging workers if they are in stock or when they get them
2. People fighting over them
3. People camping before stores open.

But these are also good reasons for not selling them in-store.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 11, 2019
Is COVID the reason why these consoles aren't sold in stores and instead are being sold online?


Oct 27, 2017
Well there's evidence things might be improving as on one site in the UK both consoles have been available for 24 hours are still in stock.

Either there's a big shipment that came in or sales are slowing.
For the PS5's it seems to be inflated bundles with a bunch of crap thrown in with £200 added on top, so people are just waiting for the console on its own instead of being scammed. If they were PS5 consoles on their own at retail price they would have been sold out instantly.

Series X? Not sure really.
Oct 25, 2017
In terms of world events, this has been the weirdest two years of my 38 years of life. Next gen console shortages I can live with.

I'm having a blast with FFVII Remake on the PC. I'm optimistic I'll be able to get a PS5 in time for part 2, but who knows LOL.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I understand. Covid. But
The right way to continue this sentence:

But it's not only Covid in regards to masks and social distancing and whatnot, it's a lot more factors. Lots of factories can't work at full capacity due to these rules (and due to the very real danger it brings). Same with a lot of transport chains. Also, there's a worldwide immense chip shortage going on, that doesn't just affect random gaming shit, but also almost everything on this planet that needs an electrical outlet, from fridges to medicinical equipment, cars and computers. This shortage is being optimistically forecasted to come to an end (or, at least, to something close to an end) by end of 2022 at earliest. Meanwhile, preorders, production ramps and general need piles up so there is no way to "pause" for a bit to balance it out again.

But yes, it's also the very basic covid. People died and are sick, the millions of workers in these production lines aren't magically excempted. Communication grinded to a halt early last year, and some companies still recover from it. Others can't just "switch to home office" if there's factory and production work involved.

We all will have to wait a good while longer until consoles are just available in store. We'd be lucky if this happens in 2022, personally I don't believe it even remotely.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
No, I won't do lines and waiting for half a day for a chance to get a console. Let that archaic practice die.


Oct 25, 2017
With how scarce they are, and how batshit insane people are I can see it being a constant headache for stores putting up with people…

1. Constantly nagging workers if they are in stock or when they get them
2. People fighting over them
3. People camping before stores open.
I worked at a Best Buy when the NES Classic came out and it was a nightmare. No one in the store even knew it was coming out that day, it wasn't identified as a high-interest item, and we only got about 50 total in the entire holiday season. People went nuts whenever those came in, huge lines that we weren't prepared for or informed about, and that was just a retro mini console outside of the pandemic.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I agree in principal, but so should GPU's and yet here we still live in this supply chain nightmare which is not getting better anytime soon...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I disagree. Yes, they are toys. Yes, there are bigger problems. At the same time, gaming escapism is something that helps people to stay sane during this mess.

This has never been more true since all other existing consoles, and PCs were wiped off the face of the earth.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Last time my store got some in we had about 100 people lined up overnight for the 20 consoles we had. Them being in store versus online wouldn't make them any easier to get.


Oct 24, 2017
Well the supply has been coming in constantly from the alerts I see.
If that were the case then November sales for consoles would have been consistent with last year. They were instead significantly lower, indicating that supply isn't coming in that constantly, at least with decent numbers.


Oct 26, 2017
They are hitting physical stores and selling out in some places. The demand is outstripping supply to the extent that there aren't enough systems in circulation for stuff to sit on shelves.


Oct 28, 2017
Perhaps some sort of wait list? Have the store take your information and reserve you one when it's your turn. Perhaps with record of your name or license so they don't sell you another at least for a while, like 6 months or more. I mean people give copies of license for many things in terms of record keeping, I don't know. Yes of course people have cheesed systems like this before but I'm sure there has been scenarios where this type of system works. Have stores explain to the customer just how to or have them register in store. Better then telling the poor Grandparent that "yeah we only sell those online, check online" and they check constantly and always says online, that doesn't help these poor people at all.

I suppose I'm just feeling bad for all these people out there still trying to get these dang systems for their loved ones and having no clue how to or even standing a chance.


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
I'm being reminded of the chip shortage and that completely went over my head. But, couldn't they stock pile for increments at a time and then say okay we'll have in store at this time and date?
No, because unfortunately you're gonna face the same damn problem. I sat out in the rain for a whole ass night and still couldn't buy a $1,200 graphics card. The scalping market has gone through the roof, you tell people time and dates where stores are going to have consoles or highly sought after items and sure, maybe a couple of legitimate "average people" buyers will get one, but not enough will.


Oct 28, 2017
Last time my store got some in we had about 100 people lined up overnight for the 20 consoles we had. Them being in store versus online wouldn't make them any easier to get.
When it comes to a situation like this I remember stores having an employee coming out after a few hours and handing out a paper that essentially reserves their console and place in line and then said person can go home and come back when they open without worry of losing their place.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Buying at target is incredibly easy. If you follow the right people on Twitter and know when target is expecting a drop, target drops at the same time every single time and it's in store only pickup.


Oct 27, 2017
Year round there's been a healthy supplies of Playstation 5s on Amazon Mexico and local stores, it doesnt run out, right now there's stock on Amazon at least.

That said, the retail price here is 700us dollars so not just about everyone is looking to buy one urgently.


Oct 25, 2017
OP, no offense but what you're saying is ridiculous. "yeah I know Covid, but" is what doesn't make sense.

If the console makers could stock shelves properly they would, but they can't. Covid is still fucking up the supply chain and they physically can't keep up with the pent up demand. I don't know what isn't making sense to you.


Oct 25, 2017
Perhaps some sort of wait list? Have the store take your information and reserve you one when it's your turn. Perhaps with record of your name or license so they don't sell you another at least for a while, like 6 months or more. I mean people give copies of license for many things in terms of record keeping, I don't know. Yes of course people have cheesed systems like this before but I'm sure there has been scenarios where this type of system works. Have stores explain to the customer just how to or have them register in store. Better then telling the poor Grandparent that "yeah we only sell those online, check online" and they check constantly and always says online, that doesn't help these poor people at all.

I suppose I'm just feeling bad for all these people out there still trying to get these dang systems for their loved ones and having no clue how to or even standing a chance.

the stores don't seem to know when they are getting them. You are suggesting these retail outlets (many of which are already short staffed as it is) create some sort of wait list infrastructure for…what exactly? So that people who are on the wait list can keep calling or coming in asking when they are getting their console? People are just going to have to learn to be adults and adapt to the current climate with regards to supply chain and accept that things are sort fucked right now and there isn't much anyone can do about it.