Do you like how the PoP series keeps reinventing itself?

  • Yeah, I hope they keep experimenting with different ideas

    Votes: 61 66.3%
  • Nah, I want more of my favourite iteration of the series

    Votes: 31 33.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 29, 2017
After the success of the first two Prince of Persia games in 1989 & 1993, series creater Jordan Mechner went on to focus on other pursuits while the series was ping-ponged around a few companies. With consoles now being powerful enough in the late 90's to add a third dimension, and the series awaiting a third game, the people at Red Orb Entertainment did what any 90's team would do and released Prince of Persia 3D. The Prince unfortunately was not used to this newly added third dimension and tripped into a mediocre game (supposedly (I haven't played it)) that seemingly put the nail in the coffin for the series.


The Prince's thirst for violence across multiple art styles & dimensions

Two years later, the people at Ubi Soft decided to embrace a bunch of "world-renowned brands" from The Learning Comany, such as Pool of Radiance, Chessmaster, Harpoon and of course, our dearly departed Persian Prince. Around the same time, a young Patrice Désilets is left projectless, being bounced around from project after the release of a (surprisingly decent I hear) Donald Duck game, sits in on a presentation by the team working on a concept for a new Prince of Persia. Patrice goes quackers and asks to be assigned on this project, which was concidentally was lacking a lead designer. This new Prince of Persia of course is The Sands of Time, which ends up removing those nails from the coffin and bringing the Prince back to life.

After the success of The Sands of Time, with no time (or space) to lose, Ubisoft tasks Patrice Désilets and his team with creating a next-gen game in the series that eventually turns into another time hopping series you might've heard of. Meanwhile, just like the rise of 3D in the late 90's changed the direction of the series, the sequel to Sands of Time was struck by the inevitability that is 2000's edge, with Warrior Within, a much darker and more serious (indicative by the Godsmack-heavy OST) game. Though it's amongst my least favourite in the series, Warrior Within perfectly encapsulates what I like so much about the Prince of Persia series, it's aversion to sticking to "the greatest hits". The third game in the series, The Two Thrones, mixes that Arabian Nights feel of the first game in this 3D trilogy, with a small infusion of that mid-2000's edge, for a pretty great, if a little risk-free game.


Guess which one's the edgy one

With neither of the two 3D sequels quite living up to the success of Sands of Time, Ubisoft takes another 90 degree turn and reboots the series with the release of the aptly named Prince of Persia, which of course is the reason I'm typing all of this up. In 2003, Ubisoft released a completely different take on a succesful series with Sands of Time, and it paid off well. After so many different iterations on the world of Prince of Persia, coming up with a new idea that both a) sticks to the core themes of the series and b) is actually good seemed like an impossible task, but somehow the team at Ubi Montreal managed to do both and do it magnificently.

Gone is the trial & error and intense time limit of the original 1993 game, as well as the halls and jungle gym rooms of the Ubi 3D trilogy. Instead, you traversed through this beautifully cel-shaded open-world with a completely reworked parkour system. The "Prince" is a completely different character, voiced by an entirely different but also very prolific voice actor. This risk pays off, although not as much as Ubisoft had hoped. It was well-received and managed to sell a few million copies, but was outshined by Ubi's new baby, Assassin's Creed. It ended up receiving a short DLC that acted as an epilogue to the story.


My favourite thing about the series is how easily you can tell apart the games through screenshots

Despite all of that, the game did the unexpected for me, it managed to match the series peak in Sands of Time. It's not often I find myself thinking the 7th game in the series is one of its best, but PoP08 is that damn good. It was ahead of its time with more of an emphasis on the exploratory nature of games, and less emphasis on difficulty and being punished for failing (something you'd see in Journey in a few years). More importantly, it's the game that's established the series for me as this consantly evolving, comic book-like series, with different spins on a world. Like Spider-Man with its Ultimates and Amazings, the PoP series has its different phases, and there's something for everyone. There's not a single iteration of the series that doesn't have its dedicated fanbase (with the exception of PoP3D).

After the game and its DLC were released, Ubisoft goes on to make an okay movie starring a very not Persian Jake Gyllenhaal. In terms of games, unfortunately in a series first, they decide to very much not take a risk and instead do the opposite of what I liked about the series, and make what is essentially a "Greatest Hits" version of the Sands of Time trilogy, in The Forgotten Sands. Each console got a different game, with many calling the Wii one the best one. They're all good-to-great games, but it was a disappointing direction for the series. This ultimately ended up being the last we saw of the Prince for a long while.


Three of the Forgotten Sandses

Sometime in 2020, an old video surfaced of a cancelled Prince of Persia game that was in development after Forgotten Sands titled Redemption. It seems to borrow from heavy hitters at the time like the Uncharted and God of War games, with a bigger focus on grandiose set pieces. There's not too much information out there so there's not too much to say about this.

To continue this "Greatest Hits" direction for the series kickstarted by the 2010 movie, Ubi announced a Sands of Time remake in 2020 that eventually ended up getting rebooted and is apparently under development by Ubi Montreal. The initial reactions to the trailer were not good to say the least, so hopefully the rebooted remake ends up actually fixes that.


The Unreleased Sands

Thankfully, earlier this year, Ubi course corrected and went with a completely new direction for the series, with The Lost Crown, a 2.5D Metroidvania that, like the best of the series, completely reinvents the series while abiding by its main themes. I'm just excited for a new Prince of Persia game (first proper one in over a decade) and hope it manages to do what Prince of Persia 2008 did for me and prove that the series is unafraid of change (and that change is good!)


From the people behind Rayman Origins & Legends

This turned out to be more of a PoP overview than a PoP08 thread, so share your love (or not love) for the game! Where should Ubi go with the series after Lost Crown?

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I disagree it was a great reboot, all I remember about it was picking up orbs, it was repetitive.


Oct 27, 2017
the first reboot: sands of time was miles better and turned into a major IP for Ubisoft back in the day. Splinter Cell was the other one. both IPs died in the next gen and no reboot could help it.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 7, 2017
I am one of the weirdos which liked PoP 3D at the time. Dozens of us!


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
I'm currently replaying the game on PC and it's still dropdead gorgeous. The characters are really entertaining and the writing is pretty great.
It was never my favorite PoP, but I found it pretty enjoyable.
Can't wait for The Lost Crown and yes, I very much appreciate when developers experiment with classic IPs.


Oct 27, 2017
You've inspired me OP, I think I played the game for an hour on release and haven't touched it since. I'm stuck home with a hangover today, so I've just installed the game on my Series X and am going to play through it right now.


Oct 28, 2017
The game pops into my head from time to time with not just the art style but also the ending…lots of similarities to The Last of Us

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
Doing a franchise replay before the new 2d game comes out and interested to see how I think about the reboot these days. Remember it being gorgeous but fairly boring due to the inability to die. Never finished the game.

Looking up the pc port reminds me of a annoying trend of that era where dlc/expansions didn't come to pc. No epilogue dlc for the pc version! PoP 2008, Tomb Raider Underworld, Dead Space 2, etc. Best way to play these games forever incomplete tsk tsk


Oct 27, 2017
Flawless ending. Flawless. And Ubisoft can rot for try to follow it up with an epilogue that continued the story. The original ending said everything it needed to say, a downer of an exclamation point at the end of a sweet story that was only ever about two people. But they just couldn't leave it at that could they?


Oct 29, 2017
I disagree it was a great reboot, all I remember about it was picking up orbs, it was repetitive.
I get that, and it's definitely not a perfect game, but in terms of direction I love that they went this way. Can't imagine any other way that I'd have liked as much.

I am one of the weirdos which liked PoP 3D at the time. Dozens of us!
I'll play it one of these days. I did feel a bit bad calling it mediocre while not having played it. I remember the cutscenes looked cool from what I remember off of YouTube videos.

You've inspired me OP, I think I played the game for an hour on release and haven't touched it since. I'm stuck home with a hangover today, so I've just installed the game on my Series X and am going to play through it right now.
Hope you enjoy it! It might be a great hangover game, it's one of those games where you get into the flow of it and just parkour around and collect things while taking in the world and story.

The game pops into my head from time to time with not just the art style but also the ending…lots of similarities to The Last of Us
Oh yeah true. It's definitely got one of the better endings out there, not just the actual ending, but the way it's done with its credits and all.

Doing a franchise replay before the new 2d game comes out and interested to see how I think about the reboot these days. Remember it being gorgeous but fairly boring due to the inability to die. Never finished the game.

Looking up the pc port reminds me of a annoying trend of that era where dlc/expansions didn't come to pc. No epilogue dlc for the pc version! PoP 2008, Tomb Raider Underworld, Dead Space 2, etc. Best way to play these games forever incomplete tsk tsk
I always disagreed with the no die criticism. You do still fall, it's just that the game basically has super forgivable checkpoints most times, and the game doesn't frame it as dying, but it's pretty much the same thing. I think I'd have enjoyed the game a lot less if there were fewer checkpoints/more punishing fail states.

That PC DLC issue was super annoying. I'd totally forgotten about it, but I played the epilogue on the PS3. Sucks to hear about Tomb Raider & Dead Space 2, I was planning to play both of those on PC.

Every time I think about this game, the thing that always comes to mind first is the E3 trailer with Sigur Rós:

E32008 - Ubisoft Prince of Persia Trailer

Ubisoft releases a gameplay trailer for E3 2008 of their next entry in the Prince of Persia franchise. Enjoy!
Now that's a great trailer.

Flawless ending. Flawless. And Ubisoft can rot for try to follow it up with an epilogue that continued the story. The original ending said everything it needed to say, a downer of an exclamation point at the end of a sweet story that was only ever about two people. But they just couldn't leave it at that could they?
Yeah the epilogue ending definitely didn't hit like the original ending. I like the ending in that it sets up something really cool, but also dislike it because that's the last we'll see of that world which basically ruins it.


Jul 25, 2021
Looks great. Was refreshing the in beige era to have a game like this.

Plays...okay. I remember it being quite repetitive.

Lost Crown looks absolutely insane and I can't wait. Would have preferred Ubiart framework, but the crazy time power character actiony stuff they've shown off with all the aerial crap and warp juggles etc. looks fantastic, the platforming looks fluid and lovely, and its Montpelier so a team with experience making some of the best 2D platforming, as good as if not better than Mario. Only concern is how good and diverse/memorable the world/metroidvania experience is but I have faith. Could see this being the most critically well received Ubisoft game in ages.


Oct 27, 2017
It looked pretty, but the inputs were so buffered that it felt more like a QTE than a responsive action game. I wouldn't mind a new PoP game with a similar art style, but that actually played as well as it looked.

tiza blanca

May 9, 2020
I always disagreed with the no die criticism. You do still fall, it's just that the game basically has super forgivable checkpoints most times, and the game doesn't frame it as dying, but it's pretty much the same thing. I think I'd have enjoyed the game a lot less if there were fewer checkpoints/more punishing fail states.

Yeah right? I finally played the game a couple of years ago after years of listening "it is too easy! It doesn't even have fail state!!" complaints and in reality it had similar checkpoint system like any other games, just without loading screen.

And I don't think it was particularly easy either, because I remember having quite a hard time in the later stages…
Dec 19, 2022
Beautiful to lock at, the two main characters were very well done, but gameplay wise it was lackluster, far too automated, tedious and boring. Large segments of both the combat and climbing felt like lengthy qtes, and that whole orb-collect-a-thon was not enjoyable either, it felt like having to do chores.
Last edited:


alt account
Nov 12, 2023
2008 looked gorgeous and I'm really sad we never got to see another game like it. I love how Prince of Persia began as a game inspired by a folktale and then 2008 went full on inspiration from a native Iranian religion. So cool.

The game was very ambitious espesically with its non-linear level design but it lead to a worse experience lacking a proper difficulty curve. The real nail in the coffin though is the combat system. One of the things that made Sands so amazing was how combat incorporated the Prince's acrobatics into it. Unlike the 2D games were combat and platforming feel like distinct modes. 2008 brings back the old design and really suffers from it. On top of all that the decision to make every fight "feel like a boss fight" is it makes bosses not feel special at all.

I stand with the rest of PoP 2008 fans when it comes to thinking the death mechanic was actually dope. My worst memories of Warrior Within was dying, waiting for a loading screen, watching the game over animation and then waiting for another loading screen to get back to the game. This was all on the PS2 of course.

The new indie side-scroller looks cool and I really dig the character design but just like with Rayman, I love the 3D games! The 2D games are fine but they're not what excited me back in the day. I plan on buying the side scroller day one to support it but I really hope it sells well enough to convince Ubi to make a new 3D game.

Seeing Assassin's Creed get so many games makes me so sad. Also Beyond Good & Evil 2 makes me worried. I hope if PoP does come back to 3D its not a live service mess.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
The style and world of the title was cool.

The gameplay was the weakest part though. The platform wasn't very impressive and the combat didn't really amount to much.

It was a novel idea to wanna focus on "1v1" but it never really makes for anything all that impressive as the characters you're fighting are just kinda nothing. Will never forget reading a preview for the game and the director or someone else on the team saying they wanted each battle to feel like an MGS Boss fight which obviously didn't happen.
Oct 30, 2017
As much I loved The Sands of Time trilogy… but POP 2008 holds very special place in my heart.

What an adventure it was.. what a brilliant chemistry between the two chat and, and what a gorgeous art style and direction with fun platforming sections.


alt account
Nov 12, 2023
Oh yeah and casting Nolan North for the Prince was fucking shitty. I know we're more aware of racial casting these days but it's still no excuse. Fuck Ubi Soft, shitty company management only held up by the talented devs who work there. Soulless ghouls leeching of the great.
Dec 19, 2022
Tbf they did indeed have a couple of neat ideas, like playing that final boss fight through a second person camera, i.e. seeing yourself through the eyes of the villain archdemon whilst climbing and dodging his punches and such.
Same can be said for many other aspects of this game, interesting ideas, but not so good execution.


Oct 28, 2017
Side note, there is a huge pop 3d fan base as well. The game is fairly mod-able. I even created pop 2: shadow and the flame prince mod for the game. :)

Also there was another 2D pop game that got canceled.


Aug 14, 2022
United States
A bit streamlined in its design, but I thought it was great. Amazing art direction.

Wish they'd build off that with another, but whatever. Chances are slim to none.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Sands of Time is on my Top 10 games of all time list. One of those games where the central gameplay concept is both compelling and a blast to play. It remains fun to play to this very day. I've made threads talking about how I wish more games today made climbing and platforming as engaging as Sands of Time. Sadly it remains a rarity.


Oct 29, 2017
Looks great. Was refreshing the in beige era to have a game like this.

Plays...okay. I remember it being quite repetitive.

Lost Crown looks absolutely insane and I can't wait. Would have preferred Ubiart framework, but the crazy time power character actiony stuff they've shown off with all the aerial crap and warp juggles etc. looks fantastic, the platforming looks fluid and lovely, and its Montpelier so a team with experience making some of the best 2D platforming, as good as if not better than Mario. Only concern is how good and diverse/memorable the world/metroidvania experience is but I have faith. Could see this being the most critically well received Ubisoft game in ages.
Oh I'm hoping Lost Crown ends up being that good. I haven't played too much of Origins & Legends but I've heard a lot of good things about them so hopefully this one continues the trend.
Yeah right? I finally played the game a couple of years ago after years of listening "it is too easy! It doesn't even have fail state!!" complaints and in reality it had similar checkpoint system like any other games, just without loading screen.

And I don't think it was particularly easy either, because I remember having quite a hard time in the later stages…
Yup. It would always respawn you at the last safe space you were standing on, and in some later parts of the game that could be quite a bit back. Like you said, it's pretty much a loadingless death screen. I wonder how differently it would've been received if they'd actually have the Prince die and reload at that spot or if they pulled a "That's not how it happened" like thing (though that wouldn't make too much sense story wise).

They also do a fantastic job of incorporating the falling mechanic into one of the boss fights that I still feel smart for solving.

2008 looked gorgeous and I'm really sad we never got to see another game like it. I love how Prince of Persia began as a game inspired by a folktale and then 2008 went full on inspiration from a native Iranian religion. So cool.

The game was very ambitious espesically with its non-linear level design but it lead to a worse experience lacking a proper difficulty curve. The real nail in the coffin though is the combat system. One of the things that made Sands so amazing was how combat incorporated the Prince's acrobatics into it. Unlike the 2D games were combat and platforming feel like distinct modes. 2008 brings back the old design and really suffers from it. On top of all that the decision to make every fight "feel like a boss fight" is it makes bosses not feel special at all.

I stand with the rest of PoP 2008 fans when it comes to thinking the death mechanic was actually dope. My worst memories of Warrior Within was dying, waiting for a loading screen, watching the game over animation and then waiting for another loading screen to get back to the game. This was all on the PS2 of course.

The new indie side-scroller looks cool and I really dig the character design but just like with Rayman, I love the 3D games! The 2D games are fine but they're not what excited me back in the day. I plan on buying the side scroller day one to support it but I really hope it sells well enough to convince Ubi to make a new 3D game.

Seeing Assassin's Creed get so many games makes me so sad. Also Beyond Good & Evil 2 makes me worried. I hope if PoP does come back to 3D its not a live service mess.
Yup, I loved the incorporation of Persian mythology. That was one of my favourite parts of the game, and something that the previous games didn't cover too much. I still think there's so much more could be explored in that world.

Also yeah, not going to argue about Warrior Within being annoying haha.

I'm on the same page with 2D vs 3D. I'd never gotten into Rayman before Origins or Legends (and I didn't play too much of them), but I kept wanting a modern 3D Rayman. If Legends looks that good in 2D, I can't imagine what the team could do with 3D Rayman. Let's hope they do either a 3D PoP or Rayman sometime soon.

Oh yeah and casting Nolan North for the Prince was fucking shitty. I know we're more aware of racial casting these days but it's still no excuse. Fuck Ubi Soft, shitty company management only held up by the talented devs who work there. Soulless ghouls leeching of the great.
Oh yeah, it's annoying (and I have good reason to be annoyed), but I just chalk it up to the time it came out. The Prince has always been voiced by a white guy. So far it's been Yuri Lowenthal, Robin Atkin Downes & Nolan North. All fantastic actors but definitely shouldn't be cast as a new Prince in 2023.

That's also why I'm slightly upset about Sargon, the protagonist of Lost Crown, seemingly not voiced by a Persian guy. Actually, I just watched a cutscene and they all have English accents for some reason.

Tbf they did indeed have a couple of neat ideas, like playing that final boss fight through a second person camera, i.e. seeing yourself through the eyes of the villain archdemon whilst climbing and dodging his punches and such.
Same can be said for many other aspects of this game, interesting ideas, but not so good execution.
Like I mentioned above, that one Concubine boss fight where you have to jump off a cliff to figure out which Elika is the real Elika is one of many great ideas this game has.

Side note, there is a huge pop 3d fan base as well. The game is fairly mod-able. I even created pop 2: shadow and the flame prince mod for the game. :)

Also there was another 2D pop game that got canceled.
Oh yeah I think I heard about the cancelled game. I don't know too much about it though, other than it being the conclusion to the trilogy after the first 2 games.

I hope I end up liking PoP3D whenever I end up playing it. Glad to know it's got its own fan base too. That means pretty much every PoP game has its fair share of fans.


Oct 25, 2017


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
Played POP 2008 for a couple of hours. Mostly intrigued cause I love cel-shaded graphics, but it couldn't hold a candle to Sands of Time.

Still, I'm glad I have the disc and can pop it in the Xbox if I ever feel like it.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminder this game did the TLOU ending years earlier but Yahtzee said it was bad and a waste of time so it never got the attention it deserved

I'm not bitter


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
PoP2008 is legit one of the most boring games I've ever played. I rented on ps3 from gamefly and fell asleep playing it. Way too easy


Oct 29, 2017
Reminder this game did the TLOU ending years earlier but Yahtzee said it was bad and a waste of time so it never got the attention it deserved

I'm not bitter
I think that's part of the issue. If the game had come out a few years later it'd have been received completely differently imo. Or it would've at least sold better.

PoP2008 is legit one of the most boring games I've ever played. I rented on ps3 from gamefly and fell asleep playing it. Way too easy
I"m curious what you think about games like Journey or other games with no fail states. I think we might just be looking for different things from games. I don't mind games with a bit of difficulty but I also don't mind games where you the focus is going through the adventure even if they happen to be easy.


Jun 2, 2020
Reminder this game did the TLOU ending years earlier but Yahtzee said it was bad and a waste of time so it never got the attention it deserved

I'm not bitter

I adore this game but TLOU had closure and a much, much better leading to its ending.
With PoP it just happens and then it just ends.
Oct 25, 2017
One of my all time top 5.
Loved everything about that game

Why exactly does it need to be super complex to me it was like Journey or something.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
PoP2008 is legit one of the most boring games I've ever played. I rented on ps3 from gamefly and fell asleep playing it. Way too easy
I think that's part of the issue. If the game had come out a few years later it'd have been received completely differently imo. Or it would've at least sold better.

I"m curious what you think about games like Journey or other games with no fail states. I think we might just be looking for different things from games. I don't mind games with a bit of difficulty but I also don't mind games where you the focus is going through the adventure even if they happen to be easy.
I actually loved journey, that was an experience. I have no problem with easy, but maybe it was an action game I like some sort of challenge. Plus being saved when failing a jump with no consequence got old too. Maybe it was just the wrong game at the wrong time for me. If it ever gets a re-release I'd probably dabble.
Nov 2, 2017
Whenever I read the "you can't die" complaint, I can't help but wonder what people want. Longer load times in failure? A different effect when you fall? The game gets challenging and you will regularly fail towards the end of the main areas on your first playthrough. I don't think they needed to add more friction there.

Anyways, absolutely lovely game. Always really wanted a Vita port, which now morphed into wanting a Switch port. Any handheld version would please me greatly haha.


Oct 29, 2017
I actually loved journey, that was an experience. I have no problem with easy, but maybe it was an action game I like some sort of challenge. Plus being saved when failing a jump with no consequence got old too. Maybe it was just the wrong game at the wrong time for me. If it ever gets a re-release I'd probably dabble.
Yeah I think ultimately it was failed by the expectations people had for it. If it had released a few years later under a new name I'm sure it would've done a bit better.

Whenever I read the "you can't die" complaint, I can't help but wonder what people want. Longer load times in failure? A different effect when you fall? The game gets challenging and you will regularly fail towards the end of the main areas on your first playthrough. I don't think they needed to add more friction there.

Anyways, absolutely lovely game. Always really wanted a Vita port, which now morphed into wanting a Switch port. Any handheld version would please me greatly haha.
Totally agreed. I think making the penalty for death more intrusive would've gone against the entire focus of the game imo.

Would've loved a Vita port. I think the next time we hear anything about this game (if at all) is in 5 years for its 20 year anniversary. For now, the Steam Deck will have to do (even though it'd be the version without the Epilogue DLC).


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
I just want more of what the Sands of Time trilogy was doing, tbh. Though I wouldn't mind occasional spin-offs like the upcoming Prince of Persia The Lost Crown game.

As for PoP 2008. I didn't enjoy it for some reason. Maybe because it wasn't the Prince I was used to. Maybe because it was focused on platforming and exploration, and there was little combat. But probably because of combination of these factors, the game just didn't do much for me.


Oct 27, 2017
POP 2008 is a gem, permainstalled on my Steam Deck for when I want to fire up some lightseed collection. I genuinely think the game just didnt really fit a mold people wanted it to at the time.

Sometime in 2020, an old video surfaced of a cancelled Prince of Persia game that was in development after Forgotten Sands titled Redemption. It seems to borrow from heavy hitters at the time like the Uncharted and God of War games, with a bigger focus on grandiose set pieces. There's not too much information out there so there's not too much to say about this.
what in the hell - i completely missed any news about this

Looks like it would have been a really nice time, but does lean a bit too heavily into the Sony action adventure template. Still that set piece looks incredibly dynamic. The game also looks really far along, wild that they cancelled it. What in the fuck is going on with development at modern Ubisoft, it's just a mess of delays, cancellations, and vaporware.


Oct 29, 2017
I just want more of what the Sands of Time trilogy was doing, tbh. Though I wouldn't mind occasional spin-offs like the upcoming Prince of Persia The Lost Crown game.

As for PoP 2008. I didn't enjoy it for some reason. Maybe because it wasn't the Prince I was used to. Maybe because it was focused on platforming and exploration, and there was little combat. But probably because of combination of these factors, the game just didn't do much for me.
I think unless there was a change in formula (even not a massive one), there wasn't much else that could be done with the core mechanics of Sands of Time, and you can kinda see that in Forgotten Sands, where the gameplay is very sound, but it did end up being forgotten.

POP 2008 is a gem, permainstalled on my Steam Deck for when I want to fire up some lightseed collection. I genuinely think the game just didnt really fit a mold people wanted it to at the time.

what in the hell - i completely missed any news about this

Looks like it would have been a really nice time, but does lean a bit too heavily into the Sony action adventure template. Still that set piece looks incredibly dynamic. The game also looks really far along, wild that they cancelled it. What in the fuck is going on with development at modern Ubisoft, it's just a mess of delays, cancellations, and vaporware.
I'm really not sure how far along Redemption was. The video seems more of a pre-animated thing that would act like a proof of concept or something. There's really not that much info out there about it which is really weird.

Makes you wonder what else they worked on that never ended up seeing the light of day. This Redemption video was released in 2012, 2 years after The Forgotten Sands came out. That means there was an 8 year gap between the Redemption video and the unveiling of the Sands of Time remake. Either there were a bunch of projects that got cancelled, or they really just stopped working on PoP for nearly a decade.


Feb 26, 2021
I really enjoyed the rhythm-game-disguised-as-a-3d-platformer gameplay at the time. I wonder if any other games tried to do the same thing?