
Oct 27, 2017
Gendered toilet rooms, when meant for a single person provide nothing but an expectation of the utilities provided and don't protect one's privacy more or less than gender neutral toilet rooms.

As stated above the most noticeable result of changing single person spaces to be gendered is creating a bottleneck if there is an imbalance between genders at a given location.

On the contrary I've noticed most single gender multi person restrooms to have an appalling lack of privacy with noticeable gaps and insufficient boundaries between toilets that make you feel like you're constantly exposed while doing your business.


Jan 5, 2022
And the Americans who feel the need to comment are doing so from their toilet cubicles which on average provide marginally less privacy than a urinal.


Oct 25, 2017
"I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produce big gamates"

I think she's slowly but surely running out of any form of logical ways to define what she believes is a woman as trans women will fit the same criteria so now she's started bringing up things that most people have never even heard of/nor would anyone ever care about.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017


Dec 22, 2017

Something to (maybe) lighten the mood.


Dec 25, 2017
They'll do the same for disabled toilets right? Oh wait, they are only ever gender neutral, and aside from putting baby changing/storage in them haven't had a problem that I am aware of.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK

Gender-neutral lavatories banned in new-build restaurants and offices

The new legislation applies to commercial properties as well as those undergoing ‘major refurbishment’
Non-paywalled link about the gender-neutral toilets proposal:

Single-sex toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England

Ministers say move will combat growing concerns about ‘privacy and dignity’ in gender-neutral facilities

The only reasonable response:



Oct 24, 2017
Her whole string of recent replies is straight up insanity too. She's really lost it, and I feel especially bad for the innocent people she's targeting because her cult will pile on them like a crazed mob.


Jan 5, 2022
Now just attacking any trans people she can find individually...the most pathetic petulant scum I've ever known.


I replied to the tweet but I don't even need to look to know she has never EVER said anything about, say, outgoing Chelsea manager, Cis woman Emma Hayes who has won 6 league titles 5 FA cups, couple of League Cups.

Because with her and her lot it's never, EVER about uplifting women, just easy trans hate.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Very feminist of her to say all football managers can only be men
Very inclusive to say they could only be white men.

I think you're both missing her point. She's not saying football managers can only be men. She's saying, in her trademark, shit, sarcastic way, that Lucy Clark is a man. She only cares about the news because Lucy is trans. By wording it this way she avoids breaking the TOS (not that Twitter enforces the TOS these days), plus she knows her minions love her twee, smug posting style and that it winds everyone else up.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah she's trying to come across as inclusive but in the process mocking Lucy and misgendering her.

"Lol Lucy is a man and still looks like every stereotypical football manager in Britain the last 40-50 years. Where's all the real women and people of colour" - JK Rowling pretty much.
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Jan 5, 2022
Which is what my point was, there are many real women and people with colour, including the most successful English football manager of the last decade, possibly of this millennium.

Not enough of course, which is why it's important to big them up to prove to the next generation that it's possible. If only there were someone with a giant social media reach that could be doing that.


Oct 25, 2017
Which is what my point was, there are many real women and people with colour, including the most successful English football manager of the last decade, possibly of this millennium.

Not enough of course, which is why it's important to big them up to prove to the next generation that it's possible. If only there were someone with a giant social media reach that could be doing that.

Unfortunately the debate tends to only involve what happens on the mens side of the game so the likes of Emma Hayes instantly gets ignored for her achievements. And if you were to focus on the mens side there is a shortage for POC or women getting a chance instead of the same dinosaurs recycled over and over again, which Joanne might have a point in but shes a horrible fuck who can make that point without mocking a trans woman.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I think you're both missing her point. She's not saying football managers can only be men. She's saying, in her trademark, shit, sarcastic way, that Lucy Clark is a man. She only cares about the news because Lucy is trans. By wording it this way she avoids breaking the TOS (not that Twitter enforces the TOS these days), plus she knows her minions love her twee, smug posting style and that it winds everyone else up.
I know she's saying it just to be transphobic, she just doesn't care if it means putting down women in general so her hatred can reach a trans woman. I know what she's doing, lol.


Dec 25, 2017


There should never be any questioning of "what did she say that's transphobic". This isn't mask off, this is mask obliteration.

Daily Mail vs Rowling. So the ones that have been pushing for stuff like this to happen and revel in it (such as hounding Lucy Meadows) vs the "author" that is determined to out terf them. I hope that they both sue each other into oblivion.

Prideukorg has deleted their twitter and all other social media, so that's another organisation bullied into silence for supporting us.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck me. That poor person who has been caught up in the middle of all this and has now probably had her life ruined by a barrage of abuse on social media, just because JK decided to be a massive arsehole (again).


Aug 3, 2021
The fact that so many fucking idiots following her feel the same way disgusts me to no end.

Such blatant transphobia should result in an immediate ban from Shitter. But of course Musk would never do it, he welcomes people like this with open arms.
Feb 24, 2018


There should never be any questioning of "what did she say that's transphobic". This isn't mask off, this is mask obliteration.

This has to qualify as targeted hate speech right? No way can this be fucking anything but to the Police right? I really want her to pay for everything she's done, she is a monster, an utter monster. I want her IPs stripped from her, her fortune taken away and used to benefit her victims and improving people's lives and her in jail, unable to use social media to harm people.
Oct 26, 2017


There should never be any questioning of "what did she say that's transphobic". This isn't mask off, this is mask obliteration.

Jesus. Fuck her so much.

Her literary work came up recently again with some....acquaintances. Someone was very quick to bring up separating the art from artist argument when I said some shit about her. You know what pisses me off about this? I feel like it's said by people who want to avoid actually discussing the vile shit she has said and done so they can quickly get back to praising her great work. But if you are going to try and tell me we should separate, I expect you to understand why we've even gotten here. They seem to have a very surface level understanding, and even that is being generous. Their understanding is "people are upset at Rowling." Have you attempted to find out why? Once you've educated yourself, and looked with your own eyeballs at the terrible, hate-filled shit she has said, THEN you can can talk to me about separating the art from artist. I probably won't agree with, but I dunno. Half the time it feels so disingenous.


Jun 13, 2018
Jesus. Fuck her so much.

Her literary work came up recently again with some....acquaintances. Someone was very quick to bring up separating the art from artist argument when I said some shit about her. You know what pisses me off about this? I feel like it's said by people who want to avoid actually discussing the vile shit she has said and done so they can quickly get back to praising her great work. But if you are going to try and tell me we should separate, I expect you to understand why we've even gotten here. They seem to have a very surface level understanding, and even that is being generous. Their understanding is "people are upset at Rowling." Have you attempted to find out why? Once you've educated yourself, and looked with your own eyeballs at the terrible, hate-filled shit she has said, THEN you can can talk to me about separating the art from artist. I probably won't agree with, but I dunno. Half the time it feels so disingenous.

Ya, I mean, I don't have any great issue with people continuing to enjoy things they've long enjoyed. The art we consume does become a part of us in many ways. Orson Scott Card is a horrendous human being, but I'd have killed myself in middle school if I hadn't read Ender's Game. Roman Polanski and Woody Allen are horrendous human beings but Chinatown and The Purple Rose of Cairo are still works I love. I do think movies are a bit different in that they're far less the work of one person than books are, but I still own and occasionally read Enders Game so I can't be too cross with those who love the wizard books and movies, have for decades, and aren't burning their copies.

But part of separating the art from the artist is understanding and reckoning with the reasons that is necessary, understanding why the artist themselves needs that separation, and considering how the person they are may have impacted the art they created, even if you love it.

Even then, I have a lot easier time accepting others beliefs on this if they aren't actively giving money to the terrible person. For a lot of years I refused to listen to Michael Jackson's music on streaming because I didn't want him to get any money. I've eased up on that since he died, I love much of his music and he certainly can't enjoy the money anymore, but that was a line for me. If I ever needed another copy of Enders Game, I'd buy it used. That's not a perfect solution, one less used copy in circulation might mean someone else in the future can't buy used and gets a new one, but at least its making an attempt. Nothing is perfect in this world, but try. Make an effort. At least think about the impact of consuming the art and what that puts into the world. If you're not doing so you aren't separating the art from the artist, you're ignoring the artist's problems so you don't have to reckon with them.
Oct 26, 2017
At least think about the impact of consuming the art and what that puts into the world. If you're not doing so you aren't separating the art from the artist, you're ignoring the artist's problems so you don't have to reckon with them.
Agree 100% with your post, but this especially. You just nailed exactly what I was struggling to articulate. This is what I feel like is happening most of the time. Just ignoring.


Oct 27, 2017
The most bizarre refrain I hear from people defending hate is arguing "it isn't hate to say the truth", which is pretty much every shinigami eyes marked tweet in the replies/QTs. It genuinely flabbergasts me how these people weren't raised with any sense of common decency whatsoever, because any normal personal is fully aware of the societal lesson that if you haven't got anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all.

And here's Rowling publicly attacking a complete stranger with no connection towards her whatsoever for absolutely nothing more than existing while trans.

Her literary work came up recently again with some....acquaintances. Someone was very quick to bring up separating the art from artist argument when I said some shit about her. You know what pisses me off about this? I feel like it's said by people who want to avoid actually discussing the vile shit she has said and done so they can quickly get back to praising her great work. But if you are going to try and tell me we should separate, I expect you to understand why we've even gotten here. They seem to have a very surface level understanding, and even that is being generous. Their understanding is "people are upset at Rowling." Have you attempted to find out why? Once you've educated yourself, and looked with your own eyeballs at the terrible, hate-filled shit she has said, THEN you can can talk to me about separating the art from artist. I probably won't agree with, but I dunno. Half the time it feels so disingenous.

Absolutely, every time someone leaps to separate the art from the artists they're absolutely DREADING to address how heinous the artist is. It just doesn't affect them, and the only thing that DOES affect them is their personal enjoyment of the franchise they want untouched.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Daily Mail vs Rowling. So the ones that have been pushing for stuff like this to happen and revel in it (such as hounding Lucy Meadows) vs the "author" that is determined to out terf them. I hope that they both sue each other into oblivion.

Prideukorg has deleted their twitter and all other social media, so that's another organisation bullied into silence for supporting us.
Hopefully not silence. Hopefully just getting off the social media platform that has taken a clear stance on stuff like this being good and terms like cis being hate speech.
May 26, 2018

Crossdressing straight men are the most pandered to demographic? Is she laughing into her wine saying this weirdo nonsense? She's that gibbering lady living in 20 layers of never-washed clothes, drinking out of a paper bag, living in the street half the time (when she actually has an old house that she never takes care of and the yard's full of weeds.) Somehow, against all sense, she's a billionaire instead of someone getting help. No one should be listening to her ravings but she wrote a couple books about wizards and people can't get enough of the Let-Me-Smell-Your-Genitals woman.

Maybe we've all gone off the deep end that she has power and the system holds her up to shine. Let this cloaked fool play us to our fiery end.