
Oct 27, 2017
I know the vid says "could' but in the vid he explains why it should be a reboot and what it should be. Also no insider info. Just a opinion.

-Game should be just called Battlefield. Tecnnically a reboot. Games devs seem not to like the 6 number also in the end. Lists some example like COD and Halo. And just going back to the start feels fresh again.
-MP only
-Modern day setting (BF2 and BF3 setting)
-10 maps when the game goes live
-Gameplay emphasis on the sandbox elements Battlefield is known for
-Detailed gun customization like Modern Warfare
-64 tickrate servers
-Consistent live service. Maps and guns, gadgets every month at the start
-Cross platform support
-Robust anti cheat
-Custom servers day one
-And no game breaking bugs (as its DICE offcourse)
- Product gets updated overtime with new setting. Will keeping the name "Battlefield" (this seems unlikely imo)
- Marketing should be like Battlefield 3


May 14, 2020
It's going to be Modern times Battlefield with new Frostbite.



Apr 6, 2018
I know the vid says "could' but in the vid he explains why it should be a reboot and what it should be. Also no insider info. Just a opinion.

-Game should be just called Battlefield. Tecnnically a reboot. Games devs seem not to like the 6 number in the end. Lists some example like COD and Halo. And just going back to the start feels fresh again.
-MP only
-Modern day setting (BF2 and BF3 setting)
-10 maps when the game goes live
-Gameplay emphasis on the sandbox elements Battlefield is known for
-Detailed gun customization like Modern Warfare
-64 tickrate servers
-Consistent live service. Maps and guns, gadgets every month at the start
-Cross platform support
-Robust anti cheat
-Custom servers day one
-And no game breaking bugs (as its DICE offcourse)
- Product gets updated overtime with new setting. Will keeping the name "Battlefield" (this seems unlikely imo)
- Marketing should be like Battlefield 3

Most of this is pretty common sense stuff that I'm sure DICE already knows are the ideal things the playerbase wants.

So for me the most important point is "modern day setting". No cold war, no Vietnam, no past setting, none of that crap.

Modern day is the best, period. I would have liked to have seen BF 2143 eventually, but unfortunately BF isn't in right place right now. They need to prove they can still do a solid modern shooter to regain trust and the momentum BF had going off BF4.

It's sad to me that BF lost all that momentum and faded into almost irrelevance. 2 past world war games in a row is the single most important thing that killed them imo. I really hope they can turn it around.


Oct 29, 2017
- focus on Conquest (a refurbished Titan mode would be great as well)
- remove automatic HP regen or seriously restrict it to lend more importance to the Medic
- go back to five/six-class design with a dedicated anti-vehicle kit; four-class design only muddles the balance, and DICE have demonstrated they can't get it right five games in a row at this point
- restrict spawning to control points or squad leader only
- bring back Commander
- if they're going modern-day setting, for the love of God please don't make it another garbage fire-and-forget spam fest

In technical terms, BF1 and V brought a lot of great things to the table, but DICE need to look at the PC classics and reinforce what made them so memorable from a teamwork and game flow standpoint.


Dec 27, 2017
I know the vid says "could' but in the vid he explains why it should be a reboot and what it should be. Also no insider info. Just a opinion.

-Game should be just called Battlefield. Tecnnically a reboot. Games devs seem not to like the 6 number also in the end. Lists some example like COD and Halo. And just going back to the start feels fresh again.
-MP only
-Modern day setting (BF2 and BF3 setting)
-10 maps when the game goes live
-Gameplay emphasis on the sandbox elements Battlefield is known for
-Detailed gun customization like Modern Warfare
-64 tickrate servers
-Consistent live service. Maps and guns, gadgets every month at the start
-Cross platform support
-Robust anti cheat
-Custom servers day one
-And no game breaking bugs (as its DICE offcourse)
- Product gets updated overtime with new setting. Will keeping the name "Battlefield" (this seems unlikely imo)
- Marketing should be like Battlefield 3

This is probably what it'll be although I'm pretty skeptical about the last half of the list. People begged for this shit since BFV launched and Dice couldn't do anything. Maybe they'll finally figure out team-balancing for this entry. Would love to see actual progress on the QoL features and polish. Gonna be some hilarious bugs at launch, especially cross-gen.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
10000% agree, should be a modern day reboot.
Or that old rumor of BFBC3 if it isn't completely shitcanned by now... which i'm sure it is.
I'd like a non pieced together campaign as well for the first time since 4.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
- focus on Conquest (a refurbished Titan mode would be great as well)
- remove automatic HP regen or seriously restrict it to lend more importance to the Medic
- go back to five/six-class design with a dedicated anti-vehicle kit; four-class design only muddles the balance, and DICE have demonstrated they can't get it right five games in a row at this point
- restrict spawning to control points or squad leader only
- bring back Commander
- if they're going modern-day setting, for the love of God please don't make it another garbage fire-and-forget spam fest

In technical terms, BF1 and V brought a lot of great things to the table, but DICE need to look at the PC classics and reinforce what made them so great from a teamwork and game flow standpoint.
These are all great suggestions and are all literally on my own list as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
These games would be so much better served if the entire development process was focused on multiplayer. But I know in the past that they had statistics that showed the mass audience actually played the campaigns.

As with everyone else, I'm hoping for modern day setting on this one too. Although definitely not completely opposed to something different, as long as it's executed well.

Please god go the live service route like every other multiplayer shooter now. Battlefield V felt ancient in a lot of regards.

No more legacy bugs is an obvious request. Also I hope we see is a better UI and menu usability for basic functions. No more bloated nonsense that doesn't work half the time. Joining friends shouldn't be so fucking arduous.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
-Game should be just called Battlefield. Tecnnically a reboot. Games devs seem not to like the 6 number also in the end. Lists some example like COD and Halo. And just going back to the start feels fresh again.
-MP only
-Modern day setting (BF2 and BF3 setting)
-10 maps when the game goes live
-Gameplay emphasis on the sandbox elements Battlefield is known for
-Detailed gun customization like Modern Warfare
-64 tickrate servers
-Consistent live service. Maps and guns, gadgets every month at the start
-Cross platform support
-Robust anti cheat
-Custom servers day one
-And no game breaking bugs (as its DICE offcourse)
- Product gets updated overtime with new setting. Will keeping the name "Battlefield" (this seems unlikely imo)
- Marketing should be like Battlefield 3

I love a lot of these. Hopefully DICE knocks it out of the park.

Personally would love:

  • Multiplayer only
  • Modern day
  • Road map day 1 - focus on new maps imo.
  • New maps only at launch, with classic maps being introduced within the first 3 months.
  • I personally would love different day cycles for some maps (day/evening/night) - Obviously if its a lot of work its not worth it, but if its not, I think it help adds to the variety and freshness of maps
  • Cross platform play is a must
  • Quick, smooth loading screens/menu screens.
  • Focus on Conquest & Rush
  • Make unlocking attachments less work, please. At least the red dot.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'd like them to up the player count once again. I want to see bigger chaos now.

I feel like the battlefield experience that we know has been pretty similar since Bad Company 2. I'd like to see them go a level above that now.


Oct 25, 2017
Completely agree they should get rid of single player, never even touched it beyond a mission or two in BF1 and V.

I still want 2143 ffs.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I honestly agree, but I think there should be more than 10 maps at launch. At least 15.

The only thing I think I disagree with is that this would be the only Battlefield game with it being updated for years, eventually a sequel would release.


Oct 25, 2017
I just wish they will try to make rush fun again. The last few games neglected rush completely barely anyone play it (if it's even available to begin with).

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Make the game in modern times. Also, don't get cute. Give us simple, defined classes like these:

Classes - Battlefield 4 Guide - IGN

There are four Classes each player can use in Battlefield 4's Multiplayer. Each class has its own role in the overall team combat, and each has their own

Health, Repair, Ammo, Spotting. Those are your choices. Don't make us run to some obscure ammo cache on the map. The squad setup is so simple ... four people, four roles. Pure synergy.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to emphasize what other's have emphasized in a new post but -

They should go 10 fold in on their strengths and drop the esports stuff that never took off with ESL anyway
A game where every single map has a conquest and rush variant would be groundbreaking for the series and do nothing but good


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
These games would be so much better served if the entire development process was focused on multiplayer. But I know in the past that they had statistics that showed the mass audience actually played the campaigns.

As with everyone else, I'm hoping for modern day setting on this one too. Although definitely not completely opposed to something different, as long as it's executed well.

Please god go the live service route like every other multiplayer shooter now. Battlefield V felt ancient in a lot of regards.

No more legacy bugs is an obvious request. Also I hope we see is a better UI and menu usability for basic functions. No more bloated nonsense that doesn't work half the time. Joining friends shouldn't be so fucking arduous.
Battlefield 1 and V had pretty great campaigns and I enjoyed learning more about those wars through them. If BF6 is going to be modern and have a made up conflict (which I would prefer) then I have little interest in the campaign. Both 3 and 4 had very forgettable campaigns.


Oct 27, 2017
cant say that any of those are unreasonable. im tired of the fucking WW setting, bring back modern times or even a 2143. just focus on the multiplayer experience.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
It's weird to want the marketing to be similar to BF3, but also not want Single Player.

One of the reasons why the marketing for BF3 is so successful was because of the campaign footage and screenshots at the time. Even if that campaign turned out to be lousy as all hell, it was effective in showing off the game's visuals and audio presentation.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to emphasize what other's have emphasized in a new post but -

They should go 10 fold in on their strengths and drop the esports stuff that never took off with ESL anyway
A game where every single map has a conquest and rush variant would be groundbreaking for the series and do nothing but good
I take BF1 style operations also tho. Shit was gooood.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Battlefield Bad Company 3 please
We had very credible rumors of this game existing a few years back, either they're still working away at it (with the original intention of it being their mega next gen title) and moved their BFV team on it or they tanked it after we heard the rumor back when BFV was being rumored (they were said to be working on both games)

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Give me Rush and a lean, not over bearing progression, no nonsense. Keep it simple. Training mode for flying etc.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
-Detailed gun customization like Modern Warfare
Let me preemptively vomit at this idea. The specialization system in BFV is near-perfect for guns. I fucking despise the "avalanche of choice" shit that we saw with BF3/4 and COD (particularly MW19).

Battlefield should be a simple sandbox team shooter. There shouldn't be hundreds of unlocks where you need to grind and grind and grind to get to get that sandbox.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I need at least 16 choppers spawning on each side at a time and at least 20 times more people running into choppers to then take off in the choppers to then immediately crash their choppers.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
I hope that they make it easier to squad up. It seems like it's much more complicated compared to damn near every other shooter on the market. Then I often join a friends game and end up on the other team.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't a fan of the changes made to vehicles in the last two games. I felt like there were fewer and I hated the requirement to spawn on them from the overview map when respawning.


Oct 25, 2017
I really dislike how Jack is always critical after the fact, when game isn't particularly relevant anymore for franchise.

When games is the entry of franchise? Very rarely any, especially harder, criticism comes from him.


Alt account
Feb 5, 2020
Let me preemptively vomit at this idea. The specialization system in BFV is near-perfect for guns. I fucking despise the "avalanche of choice" shit that we saw with BF3/4 and COD (particularly MW19).

Battlefield should be a simple sandbox team shooter. There shouldn't be hundreds of unlocks where you need to grind and grind and grind to get to get that sandbox.

But we need that engagement


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Remove Thermal Optics from vehicles. That is all


Oct 27, 2017
I really dislike how Jack is always critical after the fact, when game isn't particularly relevant anymore for franchise.

When games is the entry of franchise? Very rarely any, especially harder, criticism comes from him.
He has been pretty vocal about BFV since the beginning.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Also modern setting is boring. I'd prefer World War II again, maybe Korea or Vietnam, or some alt-history Cold War Gone Hot in the late 60s or 70s.


Oct 28, 2017
Let me preemptively vomit at this idea. The specialization system in BFV is near-perfect for guns. I fucking despise the "avalanche of choice" shit that we saw with BF3/4 and COD (particularly MW19).

Battlefield should be a simple sandbox team shooter. There shouldn't be hundreds of unlocks where you need to grind and grind and grind to get to get that sandbox.

A sandbox he says.
Limit customization he says.

So you want a Sandbox filled with concrete bricks?

Having a bunch of customizations for your weapon is part of the sandbox.
Give me in game currency to purchase whatever attachment I want as so to avoid the whole get 1000 kills to unlock x attachment.
Instead just PTFO level up get currency and new weapons, with what you have banked buy whatever attachments you want.
Even better is just let me pick and choose attachments to a weight limit.
I do still live level unlocks because they give a sense of purpose early game, once you ahve the gameplay loop down, you can enjoy the weapon you have made endlessly.

Let me choose what kind of sight I want on my gun.
I actually hate Red Dot sights......but the Kobra....thats my jam.

BF1 and BFV went backwards with weapon customization, BF1 was just trash....BFV is effectively the same system with an illusion of depth.
BF1 would literally devolve into everyone in class X using the exact same gun because there was a good one.

With BF3 and BF4 even if there were weapons that were favored by the community you could still customize something else to get a weapon that felt right.

Weapons is one of the things that BF3 and BF4 actually got right.

Bring back the Kobra!


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Battlefield 1 and V had pretty great campaigns and I enjoyed learning more about those wars through them. If BF6 is going to be modern and have a made up conflict (which I would prefer) then I have little interest in the campaign. Both 3 and 4 had very forgettable campaigns.
I found both campaigns for Battlefield 1 and V immensely boring and lifeless, even though they were more polished than the past two campaigns.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it's

-don't waste resources on SP
-modern or future setting
-deep gun customization
-a progression system that isn't a grindfest
-balance air vehicles so choppers can't easily go 70-0
-lots of traversal options

Probably more I can't think of right now but that's my main suggestions.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yes to all of that but I absolutely want a campaign.

EA and DICE have money and skill to produce a monster success but they have to give the game the time it needs, BFV didn't fail because of some racist and sexist assholes, it failed because it had no content and what was there was not fun. But they've showed us with every battlefield up to and including 3 that they can do it. Even 4 was incredible if you had the dlc and played post patches.

Give us the 2020 version of BF3 or BF4 Post Patch plus a campaign at least as good the average Call of Duty and they'll have a winner. Forget battle royale, forget about older wars since they never result in fun multiplayer long term, forget about pleasing Call of Duty/fortnite players. Make the battlefield that battlefield fans want.