
Oct 27, 2017
He is now doubling down in his recent Likes...


White dudes chiming in on how women should be controlled and have autonomy of their bodies taken away. Funny that.

I hate these types of clowns with a fucking passion.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
This doesn't surprise me.

I used to be a mod for Tripwire forums some years ago and I did some non-paid testing for some of their games over the years. I know a few people at the company because of this. John and I were "friends" on Facebook up until about the 2016 election.

I come baring receipts of him being a piece of shit for ages now. I had made a Facebook post calling out anybody that willingly voted for Trump. I said, in short, that those who voted for him "set progress and America as a whole back by a factor of decades, if not more." Included in the post were links to shit that any sane person would look at and think "how the hell could we elect this person?" But no, not for John or people like him.

This was on November 9, 2016. This entire post is public on my Facebook page. It was always public from the start.

John's initial reply to my post and the follow-ups.

Here is where John admits to unbanning a repeatedly excessive racist time and time again. He "tried to be kind" to someone that broke the rules on the TWI forums to warrant a ban about a dozen or so times, each time being unbanned by undisclosed higher-ups. Some time prior to this I had already stepped down as a moderator on the forums precisely because that user was constantly getting unbanned by "undisclosed higher-ups" and completely undermining the job we were doing as mods.

And now a great part. John says he can't be racist because the pastor of his church is "an African American!" Oh, also his daughters had crushes on "African American boys."

His last two replies on the post are here where he justifies unbanning the repeat racist offender "Mike." He then doubles down on the whole racism thing by saying he "knows many racists" (I'm sure he does) and that they would "never go to a church with an African American pastor."

I did not reply to him anymore after that. In fact I believe I removed him as a friend on Facebook afterwards.

So sure, it's not quite the same topic at hand here. We weren't talking about abortions, but John's true colors were pretty obvious even back then.

Fuck you, John. You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now. The only people I feel sorry for in all of this are the employees that will now have to deal with the fallout from your continued stupid bullshit.
Thanks for this and fuck this dude, piece of shit.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
This doesn't surprise me.

I used to be a mod for Tripwire forums some years ago and I did some non-paid testing for some of their games over the years. I know a few people at the company because of this. John and I were "friends" on Facebook up until about the 2016 election.

I come baring receipts of him being a piece of shit for ages now. I had made a Facebook post calling out anybody that willingly voted for Trump. I said, in short, that those who voted for him "set progress and America as a whole back by a factor of decades, if not more." Included in the post were links to shit that any sane person would look at and think "how the hell could we elect this person?" But no, not for John or people like him.

This was on November 9, 2016. This entire post is public on my Facebook page. It was always public from the start.

John's initial reply to my post and the follow-ups.

Here is where John admits to unbanning a repeatedly excessive racist time and time again. He "tried to be kind" to someone that broke the rules on the TWI forums to warrant a ban about a dozen or so times, each time being unbanned by undisclosed higher-ups. Some time prior to this I had already stepped down as a moderator on the forums precisely because that user was constantly getting unbanned by "undisclosed higher-ups" and completely undermining the job we were doing as mods.

And now a great part. John says he can't be racist because the pastor of his church is "an African American!" Oh, also his daughters had crushes on "African American boys."

His last two replies on the post are here where he justifies unbanning the repeat racist offender "Mike." He then doubles down on the whole racism thing by saying he "knows many racists" (I'm sure he does) and that they would "never go to a church with an African American pastor."

I did not reply to him anymore after that. In fact I believe I removed him as a friend on Facebook afterwards.

So sure, it's not quite the same topic at hand here. We weren't talking about abortions, but John's true colors were pretty obvious even back then.

Fuck you, John. You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now. The only people I feel sorry for in all of this are the employees that will now have to deal with the fallout from your continued stupid bullshit.
Not shocked "prolife" and racism are usually kissing cousins


Apr 13, 2019
Sucks I played KF 2 that PS+ gave some time ago.

There is no going back for him, his only option now is doubling down and hoping that the PoS support is enough. And, you know, good luck with that.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
dude's history continues to continues to show his bare ass. seriously, this wanker can fuck off
Oct 25, 2017
That video of George Carlin ripping pro-life conservatives to shreds remains relevant to this very day, unfortunately. These people aren't pro-life, they're anti-women. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.


Oct 27, 2017
That video of George Carlin ripping pro-life conservatives to shreds remains relevant to this very day, unfortunately. These people aren't pro-life, they're anti-women. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

Funnily enough, I was just watching this yesterday. Bit is ever so relevant today as it was back then. Despicable shit really. I really love how he dismantles the whole argument from the conservative side with such precision. It makes those against abortions look like the idiots they really are.

Carlin really was that dude. I miss his comedy very much! He had such a way with words.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah. So you support back-alley abortions and the possible death of pregnant women. Thanks for making that public, Asshole.


Oct 28, 2017
Man, fuck him and their games. I almost bought Maneater. Surely glad I didn't. Definitely not going to support their games from now on. Already shared this with my family and friends.

Stuff happening in Texas' just horrible. I feel for those people who are being affected.


Oct 25, 2017
That video of George Carlin ripping pro-life conservatives to shreds remains relevant to this very day, unfortunately. These people aren't pro-life, they're anti-women. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.
The fact that they support no social safety nets for those children says it all. Would love to see the list of charities supporting underprivileged children this clown supports.

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
An embryo isn't a human being.
A foetus isn't a baby.
Stating you have opposite axioms to those claimed by your opponent, beyond the position discovery phase, is hilarious.

Like, imagine you get to some prisoner torture scandal, or practiced slavery, or marital rape, but then you get replied with "criminals/slaves/wives aren't people". What are you expecting to happen?
Well, saying an embryo isn't a human being isn't an axiom, it's biology.
I forgot to develop in my first response but I didn't wanted to be disdainful with stan423321 objection about spreading a leitmotiv rather than an argumentation.

In these exemples (abortion and torture) the confusion is between "human" in a moral or in a material defintion. So it wouldn't be on my side to prove criminals aren't humans when its's obviously easily proven they are materially.

The problem is on people wanting to dehumanize them, they would have to use moral to deny that part of humanity to justify their actions : torturing a bunch of flesh rather than a human being.

For abortion it's just reversed, they are putting moral in a bunch of flesh - an embryo - to give them the right to torture women with forced pregnancy. It's very pernicious.

Also, I don't think the problem is to convince bigots but more to find a way to circumvent and neutralise their capacity of nuisance.
Last edited:

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
To all you people who say 'I wont be touch game X' your do realise a President of a company doesn't actual develop, program, design, QA Test or probably even touch said game!!??................but 100s of hard working programmers do, so your not punishing John Gibson who probably doesn't give a fuck if you buy his games or not if he doesn't give a fuck about Women's rights!!

I've never understood this stance as it doesn't actual harm the person who the hatred is aim at 99% of the time!
You're kind of ignoring history, how companies work, and this guy's actual role in the company. If you want to keep buying and playing his games, just quietly go about doing so rather than give silly justifications on this forum.


May 6, 2019
This doesn't surprise me.

I used to be a mod for Tripwire forums some years ago and I did some non-paid testing for some of their games over the years. I know a few people at the company because of this. John and I were "friends" on Facebook up until about the 2016 election.

I come baring receipts of him being a piece of shit for ages now. I had made a Facebook post calling out anybody that willingly voted for Trump. I said, in short, that those who voted for him "set progress and America as a whole back by a factor of decades, if not more." Included in the post were links to shit that any sane person would look at and think "how the hell could we elect this person?" But no, not for John or people like him.

This was on November 9, 2016. This entire post is public on my Facebook page. It was always public from the start.

John's initial reply to my post and the follow-ups.

Here is where John admits to unbanning a repeatedly excessive racist time and time again. He "tried to be kind" to someone that broke the rules on the TWI forums to warrant a ban about a dozen or so times, each time being unbanned by undisclosed higher-ups. Some time prior to this I had already stepped down as a moderator on the forums precisely because that user was constantly getting unbanned by "undisclosed higher-ups" and completely undermining the job we were doing as mods.

And now a great part. John says he can't be racist because the pastor of his church is "an African American!" Oh, also his daughters had crushes on "African American boys."

His last two replies on the post are here where he justifies unbanning the repeat racist offender "Mike." He then doubles down on the whole racism thing by saying he "knows many racists" (I'm sure he does) and that they would "never go to a church with an African American pastor."

I did not reply to him anymore after that. In fact I believe I removed him as a friend on Facebook afterwards.

So sure, it's not quite the same topic at hand here. We weren't talking about abortions, but John's true colors were pretty obvious even back then.

Fuck you, John. You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now. The only people I feel sorry for in all of this are the employees that will now have to deal with the fallout from your continued stupid bullshit.
This needs to be threadmarked.


Oct 18, 2020
United States
🙄🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

Reading this makes me feel weird. There is a huge part of me that has struggled with these kinds of thoughts over the years. I'm one of those people who used to say "there is always two sides of a story so let's just hear them out..." but I've come to learn that thinking that way is frowned upon when an issue goes beyond "sides." On one hand, I agree with what he is saying but on the other, there's absolutely nothing about this situation that would warrant this kind of mindset.

I guess what I'm saying is, I hope he becomes more educated on what is happening and deletes this tweet.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
To all you people who say 'I wont be touch game X' your do realise a President of a company doesn't actual develop, program, design, QA Test or probably even touch said game!!??................but 100s of hard working programmers do, so your not punishing John Gibson who probably doesn't give a fuck if you buy his games or not if he doesn't give a fuck about Women's rights!!

I've never understood this stance as it doesn't actual harm the person who the hatred is aim at 99% of the time!
Unless he refuses to pay the people working under him a salary until the game comes out and meets a sales quota, the people working there are getting paid just fine and refusing to support the company of which the president runs won't affect those lower on the power chart either. Damaging the reputation of the company was his doing and refusing to buy the games is the best way as a consumer to help show our stance on what the president said.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So is this guy donating a significant portion of his salary to help raise these kids? Because unless he's putting his money where his mouth is (he isn't), he can fuck off.

I look forward to continuing to not pay or play any of Tripwire's titles.


Feb 21, 2021
Between the new gun law and this abortion law, Texas is holding major Ls. Shame on dude for supporting this


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like the post about it on the killing floor subreddit was deleted. Not sure if the mods are part of tripwire but it's really shitty behaviour, though not surprising considering pretty much all the comments were critical


Oct 29, 2017
He is now doubling down in his recent Likes...


You know, I would still disagree with but at least respect a true "pro life" stance -- meaning not only are you against abortion but you're also in favor of gun control, in favor of social programs / UBI, and in favor of socialized medicine and vaccinations.

"Everyone deserves a chance at life" my fucking ass. I bet John's heart is just bleeding for all the kids that get shot at school or don't know where their next meal is going to come from.

Fuck. right. off.


Oct 28, 2017
Not singling you out of anything, but you honestly don't need to add that clarification. It's literally the entire basis of being pro-choice. Nobody is explicitly "pro-abortion."

I'm not exactly sure what you mean. There seems to be some people who don't see much issue with abortions and it doesn't bother them. It does bother me, and I wish no one did them other than real extreme situations. But I wouldn't impose my views on others by outright banning them.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. There seems to be some people who don't see much issue with abortions and it doesn't bother them. It does bother me, and I wish no one did them other than real extreme situations. But I wouldn't impose my views on others by outright banning them.
Why do you think we care what you think? Why do you think this thread is appropriate for you to tell us what bothers you?

This is a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. There seems to be some people who don't see much issue with abortions and it doesn't bother them. It does bother me, and I wish no one did them other than real extreme situations. But I wouldn't impose my views on others by outright banning them.

if creating an imaginary boogieman helps you sleep then sure i guess

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
As a logical centrist I think you need to listen to both sides of the issue.
After all, Pro-Lifers are people too, ya know. They might have some legit arguments.
All you guys are doing is dividing us further apart.
You guys are making it really hard to be an ally.

Also I think Racism has a place in comedy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. There seems to be some people who don't see much issue with abortions and it doesn't bother them. It does bother me, and I wish no one did them other than real extreme situations. But I wouldn't impose my views on others by outright banning them.

But that still makes you pro-choice, which is the sensible stance to take, because trying to ban abortions all together just makes things worse.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. There seems to be some people who don't see much issue with abortions and it doesn't bother them. It does bother me, and I wish no one did them other than real extreme situations. But I wouldn't impose my views on others by outright banning them.
Saying that having a child you aren't prepared for isn't an extreme situation to start with betrays your perspective. Having a child is life-changing in the most rosy of circumstances.


Oct 25, 2017
seriously wonder what the vibe is inside the studio right now, or what torn banner is thinking
Well, I can safely say that at least one person I know from the studio (TWI, not Torn Banner) is drinking heavily right now.

Edit: Whoops, didn't see that this was on page 3 of this thread. The response is still appropriate now though.


Oct 27, 2017
Texas is just full of shit.

Open carry without a permit, abortion ban w/whistleblower site to alert the government of anyone going against the ban, as well as restricting access to voting. Then there's their shit track record on Covid, along with Florida.

If you're pro Texas anything, you're an asshole.