
Oct 25, 2017
Using john alive is shit, i will only accept a sequel if the plot is :

1) blind dude and hotel daughter join forces to end the high table

I'm in full support of this happening if:

John goes full Kratos and battles in the afterlife, looking for his wife or whatever.


His dog gets word John died and goes after the high table only to find out he's still alive in the last act for a final John/dog tag team final battle.

except for the final part of this one. I want a full Cats & Dogs (2001) movie but for the john wick era of action movies.


Oct 27, 2017
Really hope this is a prequel or something if they use Wick again. You wont get a better ending for the character than this if you reopen the door.

And Caine is probably dead based on the post credits scene. Granted theres flexibility there.

They're not killing off Caine in a credits scene
Jan 20, 2022
It's hard to bet against a franchise that has only gotten better with every entry. But the cynic in me sees this as the beginning of the downhill turn for John Wick. 4 was perfect. Just let Reeves and Stahelski team on a different project.


Oct 25, 2017
Really hope this is a prequel or something if they use Wick again. You wont get a better ending for the character than this if you reopen the door.

And Caine is probably dead based on the post credits scene. Granted theres flexibility there.
I very much doubt that last part is true. We saw him able to pull of far more crazy shit than stopping a blow from an assassin.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought 4 was pushing it with how repetitive it was starting to get with the fights. Mindless people running up to Wick, he just lifts up his coat to his face to sponge up whatever bullet he wants, he instant kills whoever he's aiming at, rinse and repeat. Outside of the fun video gamey overhead hotel scene they did, the rest was getting pretty boring to watch. They would have to really change up 5 for me to even begin to care about seeing it.

Surprised people thought he died at the end. I think Lionsgate stated pretty openly that they were thinking about doing a 5 + 6 but wanted to give the movies a bit of a break inbetween. Too much money on the table for them to leave behind.


Oct 25, 2017
I've thought for a while that the endgame was to go after the High Table, it's been building to that for a long time, with John having more and more allies to do that, and now with the spin offs, John Wick 5 will be a big event/crossover whatever to kill the real final bosses


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Him faking his death so the rules of the high table don't apply to him or whatever is peak cinema
Now he can go and fuck their shit up
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly... Idc. I wouldn't care if they made 10 of these. I can just bow out whenever I want anyway.

I enjoyed 4 a lot, but they have to do something about the barrage of basic enemy fights. It got pretty old watching so many "run at henchman, both lift bulletproof suits, dodge in, jumping takedown, shot to head" moments.

This is how I felt about JW3. Most of the fights were 'grab a guy, do a spinny move thing, shoot him in the head' and it got old quite quickly. I was going to watch JW4 when it comes to TV or streaming, but thanks to Yams posting open spoilers I guess I don't need to watch it now.

Regardless of what you think the fifth movie will be about, it has to retain that title because of branding. So it won't necessarily mean John is the protagonist, which yes I know sounds stupid, but hey that's Hollywood for you. It'll probably get a subtitle anyway, like John Wick: Caine Chronicles, etc.

The John Wick Legacy, and then when that film fails we'll get The John Wick in about five years.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There are only two stories here that make sense to me:

1) The story doesn't revolve around John, but around another character, whom John is there to help. Either Donnie's or Rina's or Halle's. Something like that. The movie would feel more like an epilogue than the "true final chapter", because Chapter 4 was that. They could even title the movie "John Wick: Epilogue" or something to signal that.
2) The story is again about John, and he has to take down the high table. That's literally the only thing left for him to do. There are no other middle steps. He slaughters the high table. That's it.

I would be fine with either, but honestly, considering that each John Wick movie has ramped shit up compared to the previous one, I'd really like for story 2 to be what happens, with Chad and Keanu trying their damnest to make a movie that somehow outclasses JW4. I don't know how they could do that, but then again, I didn't know how 3 could be better than 2, nor how 4 could be better than 3, and yet they fucking were lol.

Also, this would be the perfect time (and last opportunity) to bring Carrie-Anne Moss and Hugo Weaving into the franchise. It has to happen.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm all for John surviving 4. Who cares. Give me more of these but bring back Derek Kolstad.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
John getting released from a sarcophagus like the Doom Slayer would be the dopest start to this film


Oct 25, 2017
This is how I felt about JW3. Most of the fights were 'grab a guy, do a spinny move thing, shoot him in the head' and it got old quite quickly. I was going to watch JW4 when it comes to TV or streaming, but thanks to Yams posting open spoilers I guess I don't need to watch it now.

The John Wick Legacy, and then when that film fails we'll get The John Wick in about five years.
I would still watch JW4. It has some incredible moments. There's one specific sequence that might be the best in all 4 films.

It does over-use some of the fight mechanics, but it also has lots of little moments here and there where they get very creative and it's often a blast. The side characters in this one are the best they've been, and while I felt the run time could have been dropepd by cutting some of the aforementioned overuse, the story was the strongest here it has been in a while.

Also I agree, the idea that a sequel thread is a free for all is some bullshit imo. Takes a couple of seconds to be considerate.


Oct 26, 2017
How you gonna have a banger song called Die For You in the end credits, but then pump out a sequel?!

That shit is blasphemy, lol


Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense, they actually shot a version of the ending that showed John is still alive and Keanu also hinted at it in an interview.
Not surprised. This would also be a good opportunity to tweak the formula, now that they no longer have to frame stories centered on him being on the run.
the whole duel so was clearly presented as no fatal shots to Wick, which made him dying baffling, every second till the end was me waiting for a reveal... it was baffling
Pretty much where I was when watching the end of Chapter 4. Can't say I'm surprised by such an ending being so popular, most people seem to always enjoy such conclusions to ongoing stories in films for some reason.
Oct 27, 2017
I would still watch JW4. It has some incredible moments. There's one specific sequence that might be the best in all 4 films.

It does over-use some of the fight mechanics, but it also has lots of little moments here and there where they get very creative and it's often a blast. The side characters in this one are the best they've been, and while I felt the run time could have been dropepd by cutting some of the aforementioned overuse, the story was the strongest here it has been in a while.

Also I agree, the idea that a sequel thread is a free for all is some bullshit imo. Takes a couple of seconds to be considerate.

Thanks, I probably will watch it TBH. Like, I've watched all of the Ip Man films multiple times and they're repetitive too!

I like Keanu in the role and they're probably among the very best Hollywood action films of recent years. Just some of the lore & set-pieces in the sequels began to get a bit silly and lose my interest.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks, I probably will watch it TBH. Like, I've watched all of the Ip Man films multiple times and they're repetitive too!

I like Keanu in the role and they're probably among the very best Hollywood action films of recent years. Just some of the lore & set-pieces in the sequels began to get a bit silly and lose my interest.
It does get even sillier in places too lol, but it makes up for it imo. Caine is so much fun and they use him really well. I think you'll have a good time even if you know all the plot beats tbh.
Oct 27, 2017
It does get even sillier in places too lol, but it makes up for it imo. Caine is so much fun and they use him really well. I think you'll have a good time even if you know all the plot beats tbh.

Thanks dude, I'm not too worried about knowing plot spoilers, he just seemed highly inconsiderate in that that someone already called him out on it and he just doubled-down. Like you say, it takes 2 seconds of effort to hide spoilers for other people's sake.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen 4 yet but didn't he died at the end?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Like, 4 ended on a pretty solid note. Anything to continue the money train I guess...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen 4 yet but didn't he died at the end?
He collapses on the steps of a cathedral and we later see his grave.

Also, it's patently ridiculous to keep hiding this behind spoiler tags given the context of this thread. JW4 has been out for 2+ months and this is a thread about JW5.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll are asking how as if the movie didn't end with
that japanese girl still wanting her revenge.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
He collapses on the steps of a cathedral and we later see his grave.

Also, it's patently ridiculous to keep hiding this behind spoiler tags this given the context of this thread. JW4 has been out for 2+ months and this is a thread about JW5.
Ah the classic no body death.

May 22, 2023
I also really wish we could get back to the much smaller scale of the first movie.
The whole thing just really went from cool and fantastic gunplay and a neat idea with the suits to
something totally insanely so carny and over the top that it is not even fun anymore. Holding your lapel over your jacket up over your face to stop bullets and twenty bullets per kill , all the carnage happening on open streets and public places, running around with gun in hand and people barely batting an eye


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I think the presumption for most was that she would get a spin-off.
Yeah, would be weird to call her movie John Wick 5. John Wick presents? Something else that ties in and works for marketing? JW5 implies the continuation of HIS story.

John faking his death to go merc the high table ninja-style exempt from their rules is perfectly in-line with this franchise.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not complaining. Let them cook!

I will watch them all. I can't get enough from these kinds of action movies. I'm easily satisfied if the action is good


Oct 25, 2017
I was really hoping they'll let John rest after the fourth movie. Though I absolutely love the four movies, I wish they would end it now. Don't mind seeing stuff in the same universe, though. Will definitely check out the TV shows they have lined up.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Eh, dunno how I feel about this. Planning to watch JW4 tonight with the family so maybe that will get me hyped for 5?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Let's keep in mind that JW4 and JW5 were initially announced as being shot back-to-back several years ago. That didn't happen, but it's not really a shock that 5 is still coming.
May 22, 2023
Feels like it has to be about taking out the Table, since John really accomplished nothing in the 4th film.
Start with the premise that an outside faction is taking out the Table and they go looking for Wick to save the whole system, something about the devil you know and that while you do not like it there is an order and rule to it, the new group does not have rules and that kind of thing. John decides to take them both out. Bring back Mia, bring back Caine (John said that he owed him), bring back Tracker, Bowery King, and bring back Halle Berry, and because I love Natalie bring back Katia. One big final blow out. Hell even have WInston at the end be like "fuck it" and help


Oct 25, 2017
Call it "The John Wick 5" and make it about 5 assassin friends of John Wick taking on the High Table as a way to fulfill John's wishes.


Oct 25, 2017
They should quit while they're ahead. They'll take the franchise to FF levels of absurdity(if they haven't already).