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Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX



Oct 28, 2017
heard probably hired some lousy attorney so when she loses, she can blame it on the lawyer,


Oct 27, 2017
It might not be popular thing to say, but sometimes I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Heard. I'm absolutely on Depp's side on this, I firmly believe she caused him way more harm than he caused her. But when the audio was played where she was begging him not to because it just hurt too much...I honestly think she was being honest there. That she has major abandonment issues, and it actually did hurt. Seconds later she'd gaslight him again, showing what a manipulative piece of shit she also is. But somewhere somehow, I still feel a bit sorry for her.


Oct 27, 2017
heard probably hired some lousy attorney so when she loses, she can blame it on the lawyer,

To be fair, they've been a bit of a mixed bag. Sometimes they are very effective and on point but sometimes they just get lost. The impression I get, from an uninformed perspective, is that they are setting up their arguments like setting up a checkmate in a game of chess and when the witness answers something that throws their plan off course, they got lost in trying to set it back on track and lose the goal they're going for.
Oct 25, 2017
It might not be popular thing to say, but sometimes I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Heard. I'm absolutely on Depp's side on this, I firmly believe she caused him way more harm than he caused her. But when the audio was played where she was begging him not to because it just hurt too much...I honestly think she was being honest there. That she has major abandonment issues, and it actually did hurt. Seconds later she'd gaslight him again, showing what a manipulative piece of shit she also is. But somewhere somehow, I still feel a bit sorry for her.

I think it's a case of white women's tears


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's a case of white women's tears

It could be, of course. But I don't think so. She really sounds like she wants him to stay. In a fucked up way. And when he decides he needs space, if even for just a couple hours, she gets hurt and lashes out at him.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, they've been a bit of a mixed bag. Sometimes they are very effective and on point but sometimes they just get lost. The impression I get, from an uninformed perspective, is that they are setting up their arguments like setting up a checkmate in a game of chess and when the witness answers something that throws their plan off course, they got lost in trying to set it back on track and lose the goal they're going for.
It really does feel like they're trying for some big gotcha moment and when it doesn't happen, they really don't know what they're trying to argue/prove.
Jun 17, 2019
A lot of abusers feel hurt when they abuse their victims because most do love their victims. It's really fucked up and complex and yes she does have abandonment issues, it was something that her ex girlfriend did mention a while back ago, and I think she herself did mention too. So there is that factor in this. But that in no way excuses what she did.

Also on a side note, THIS is what she got for the 7 million dollars that she refused to pay to the charity because she said she needed it for the trail? This!

For clarification, Heard in her divorce from Depp promised to give 7 million to a charity (I think it was domestic abuse) and when the charity said they never got the payment and others called her out on it, she blocked said charity on Social media and then said that she was holding it because she needed it for legal fees.

Depp in turn, as I recall, paid the money to the charity that she has yet to pay.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
I don't think so. She really wants him to stay. In a fucked up way. And when he decides he needs space, if even for just a couple hours, she gets hurt and lashes out at him.
Abusers aren't always evil mustache twirling schemers. In most cases I'd imagine they're deeply incapable of processing their thoughts and feelings properly and tend to project/lash out.

Humans are complex. Doesn't necessarily make them not abusers though, and we shouldn't really coddle that.


Jul 9, 2018
I watched all of Johnny's testimony, and thought he came across really well.

However, now I'm watching the cross exam, and I'm not very impressed by how obvious his disdain for the lawyer is. I don't watch a lot of these, so maybe this is common. I also realize it must be emotionally difficult to be up there on the stand having someone attack you like that. I don't know, I don't get the "Johnny pwns stupid lawyer" vibe. It just comes off as kind of petulant and it rubs me the wrong way.

Doesn't change my opinion of the facts of the case, it's just interesting to feel my perception of Johnny shift slightly after the past couple days being predominantly positive. That said, I don't think I'd handle it better in his shoes, so's complex.


Jun 21, 2019
I don't think they have anything to actually work with.

That became pretty clear when they questioned the sound guy who was in charge of Depp's earpiece on sets. You could tell he was unnerving them with how straightforward and uncontroversial he was. He's an unfortunate kind of person to have testify from their perspective. He doesn't give you anything you want and ends up making you look sort of desperate.


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
I watched all of Johnny's testimony, and thought he came across really well.

However, now I'm watching the cross exam, and I'm not very impressed by how obvious his disdain for the lawyer is. I don't watch a lot of these, so maybe this is common. I also realize it must be emotionally difficult to be up there on the stand having someone attack you like that. I don't know, I don't get the "Johnny pwns stupid lawyer" vibe. It just comes off as kind of petulant and it rubs me the wrong way.

Doesn't change my opinion of the facts of the case, it's just interesting to feel my perception of Johnny shift slightly after the past couple days being predominantly positive. That said, I don't think I'd handle it better in his shoes, so's complex.
To be fair particularly this morning during cross examination, Depp wasn't well. But that was mostly because the audios were taken out of context and he can't really explain himself during cross examination, Rottenborn truly got under his skin for a while there. With that said, the Re-Direct was simply phenomenal, not only at giving context to the audios from cross but also that mic drop was savage. The jury has Amber literally saying that no one would believe he was abused. The Re-Direct was the brightest moment of Depp's attorneys by a long mile so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Abusers aren't always evil mustache twirling schemers. In most cases I'd imagine they're deeply incapable of processing their thoughts and feelings properly and tend to project/lash out.

Humans are complex. Doesn't necessarily make them not abusers though, and we shouldn't really coddle that.

I've unfortunately had plenty of experience with abandonment issues, and how it can lead you to lash out. And there are always other factors at play that influence how you deal with and express those (at times irrational) feelings (luckily for me) And those factors of course differ from person to person.

As Darkspellmaster mentioned above, it is possible for abusers to love their victims. And I do believe Heard loved Depp. It's extremely difficult to gauge from what we're seeing, but there have been times in this case when she seemed to laugh at something Depp said. But in a way like she was sort of smitten with him. And of course she had to suppress that since there were cameras on her, but still.

And that makes it even weirder for me. How can you treat someone you might love in the horrible, horrible way she treated him?


Oct 30, 2017
To be fair particularly this morning during cross examination, Depp wasn't well. But that was mostly because the audios were taken out of context and he can't really explain himself during cross examination, Rottenborn truly got under his skin for a while there. With that said, the Re-Direct was simply phenomenal, not only at giving context to the audios from cross but also that mic drop was savage. The jury has Amber literally saying that no one would believe he was abused. The Re-Direct was the brightest moment of Depp's attorneys by a long mile so far.
Yup. This is the moment. It's truly devastating and the look on Amber's face when she hears herself, says she knows it.

It's at 2:57, for those who don't want to watch the whole thing (though I think you should).
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Jul 9, 2018
To be fair particularly this morning during cross examination, Depp wasn't well. But that was mostly because the audios were taken out of context and he can't really explain himself during cross examination, Rottenborn truly got under his skin for a while there. With that said, the Re-Direct was simply phenomenal, not only at giving context to the audios from cross but also that mic drop was savage. The jury has Amber literally saying that no one would believe he was abused. The Re-Direct was the brightest moment of Depp's attorneys by a long mile so far.
Fair point, and possibly even a tactic that the lawyer was using the try and rile him up. Good to hear that the Re-Direct goes better. I should be there pretty soon.
Oct 25, 2017
2. The judge seems awful and always unsure of herself?

There have been multiple occasions where the Judge has let questions go through for Amber's lawyers where similar cases were objected to for Johnny's, and I really don't understand the double-standard. She seems, on average, mostly fair, but there have been a few places where I just have been left scratching my head as to why something was allowed to be asked or answered, and in extremely similar cases disallowed.
Jun 17, 2019
There have been multiple occasions where the Judge has let questions go through for Amber's lawyers where similar cases were objected to for Johnny's, and I really don't understand the double-standard. She seems, on average, mostly fair, but there have been a few places where I just have been left scratching my head as to why something was allowed to be asked or answered, and in extremely similar cases disallowed.

Only two things I can think of. Either she's being biased because of the fact that Amber's a lady. Or, the more logical thing, is that because the Lawyer is local and she knows him she might be giving him a pass on a few things because he's been in her court before, local lawyer, and all those fun things.

I keep thinking of My Cousin Vinny where the judge treats Vinny a bit differently than he does the local prosecutor because they know one another.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 17, 2020
The witnesses answer IS hearsay and the attorney is correct, but he should have asked for it to be stricken, not an objection.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I've made it to page 6 (still reading), here's my understanding of the situation based on what I've seen/read.

There is no both siding this if you took the time to hear the recordings. Yes, he's not a saint and he had his part to play but both siding this situation is gross. Women like Amber ruin all the progress we make to protect women against actual abuse.

The other issue is the fact that men need to be encouraged to come forward when they are abused. This needs to be more acceptable and supported. I feel for all the men who see this and think it doesn't matter what they say despite the damning evidence put forth.

Also I don't like the fact that many feminists are on her side just because she's a women. Same for men for always downplaying what horrible things men do just because they're men. I wish those people can show the world that we are fair and honest. That it shouldn't be about someone's gender.

Johnny seems like a private guy who was trying to shield his kids and friends from publicity, to the point of hurting himself by accepting it without fighting back initially. I hope he will find justice, gets to live the rest of his life in peace and meets a person who genuinely cares about him. Following this is heartbreaking. And I'm not a real fan of his and don't follow his work closely.


Oct 29, 2017
Wow, I haven't been following for a minute, alt account bans should have the main account outed and banned as well.

Is Heard really going to take the stand? I'm not sure which side that would benefit because she'd almost certainly start with the aforementioned "white women's tears" thing.
Feb 16, 2022
I think a number were recorded by Depp, but some were done by Heard herself. I think the vocal ones only are from Depp, but the videos are from Heard.
I wish I had listened to these long ago. I would have been able to sympathize with Depp much earlier, and understand what's actually happening. He sounds genuinely tired in these, and keeps trying to de-escelate things. This whole trial has made me feel so sorry for him.


Oct 28, 2017
The witnesses answer IS hearsay and the attorney is correct, but he should have asked for it to be stricken, not an objection.
From an actual practice viewpoint (and setting aside the question of whether it is hearsay), it's actually WORSE, because the question was too broad for a cross.
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's a case of white women's tears

This shit has always simultaneously enraged me and freaked me the fuck out, and I'm a white dude. I feel horrible for all the innocent minority men (especially black men in the US that have been historically targeted) who've had their lives ruined or taken from them due to this evil, cynical type of passive-aggressive violence.


Oct 27, 2017
I think a number were recorded by Depp, but some were done by Heard herself. I think the vocal ones only are from Depp, but the videos are from Heard.
Im pretty sure they were mostly recorded by Heard.

It might not be popular thing to say, but sometimes I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Heard. I'm absolutely on Depp's side on this, I firmly believe she caused him way more harm than he caused her. But when the audio was played where she was begging him not to because it just hurt too much...I honestly think she was being honest there. That she has major abandonment issues, and it actually did hurt. Seconds later she'd gaslight him again, showing what a manipulative piece of shit she also is. But somewhere somehow, I still feel a bit sorry for her.

I'm not fuck her. She should be in jail shes got it real good right now.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
It might not be popular thing to say, but sometimes I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Heard. I'm absolutely on Depp's side on this, I firmly believe she caused him way more harm than he caused her. But when the audio was played where she was begging him not to because it just hurt too much...I honestly think she was being honest there. That she has major abandonment issues, and it actually did hurt. Seconds later she'd gaslight him again, showing what a manipulative piece of shit she also is. But somewhere somehow, I still feel a bit sorry for her.
She pooped on the bed. I'm finding no way to feel sorry for her at all.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017


Jan 10, 2022
From Heard's recordings, it's so blatantly obvious that she's trying to frame Depp as this evil abusive person. Whenever Depp tries to de-escalate or just walk away she starts screaming and yelling more. Heard is pure evil.
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