
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This guy was actually measured for Fox in his takes.

Former Trump staffer Kudlow also implicated in stuff. Kudlow being trash is not surprising.


Oct 25, 2017
This guy was actually measured for Fox in his takes.

Former Trump staffer Kudlow also implicated in stuff. Kudlow being trash is not surprising.

He was one of the least bad on camera...but with stuff like this coming out, that's like saying you're one of the least bad diseases.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
He was one of the least bad on camera...but with stuff like this coming out, that's like saying you're one of the least bad diseases.
Yeah, I'm just talking about his takes.

He seems like an awful and serial sexual assaulter/harasser.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Coverage from Variety:


Judge Andrew Napolitano Ousted by Fox News Following Sexual Harassment Allegations

Judge Andrew Napolitano, a legal contributor for Fox News, is no longer employed by the network following allegations of sexual harassment.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, a legal contributor for Fox News, is no longer employed by the network following allegations of sexual harassment.
In a complaint filed on Monday, a 27-year-old Fox News associate producer alleged that Napolitano has "sexually harassed numerous young male employees during his tenure at Fox News." The plaintiff, whose name is John Fawcett, claims that he reported Napolitano's misconduct to Fox News' human resources department but they did not take any immediate action against him.
Fawcett began at Fox News as a production assistant for Lou Dobbs, but when Dobbs' show was canceled, he became an associate producer for Larry Kudlow's show. The plaintiff also brought forth allegations against Kudlow, claiming that he has "used ethnic slurs and made sexually inappropriate comments about women in front of multiple staff members" and "blocked a Congressman from appearing as a guest on his program because of the Congressman's race." In addition, the complaint alleges that senior producer Stephanie Freeman "has repeatedly discriminated against male staff who work for Mr. Kudlow, namely by trying to force them to resign or face termination." Fox News representatives did not immediately respond to Variety's request for comment from Kudlow and Freeman.
In response to those allegations, Fox News said in a statement: "Furthermore, the additional allegations laid out in this claim are completely baseless and nothing more than a desperate attempt at a payday by trying the case in the court of public opinion as the complaint does not meet the standards of the law. We will defend the matter vigorously in court."


Oct 25, 2017
This guy was shocked that Larry Kudlow was a racist bigot asshole? Seriously, what the fuck did he expect him to be like?

Also, that Fox statement is hilarious. "This is all baseless and we will fight it in court! Also, we fired the guy who didn't do anything wrong"