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Oct 25, 2017
I used to think MeToo was a big wave that swept out and outed most sex pests.

Now i realize that it's going to come in many waves.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to think MeToo was a big wave that swept out and outed most sex pests.

Now i realize that it's going to come in many waves.

The point of "MeToo" wasn't it? That it's always been there – both the best and worst kept secret, far and wide, and right under our noses.


Apr 6, 2018
This is really surprising. Never expected him of all people (maybe because the only song I can name of his is baby and he did that at like 13) but believe these women 100%. Must be devastating to have someone you looked up to hurt you like that. The people in the replies dismissing these women opening up about being raped with "you tweeted about being a fan after" piss me off to no end.


Nov 8, 2017
Wow fuck Bieber. Also this is probably one of the least surprising people I've heard to be sexual assaulters. Dude has been a terrible human being for ten years straight.


Oct 27, 2017
This is really surprising. Never expected him of all people (maybe because the only song I can name of his is baby and he did that at like 13) but believe these women 100%. Must be devastating to have someone you looked up to hurt you like that. The people in the replies dismissing these women opening up about being raped with "you tweeted about being a fan after" piss me off to no end.
Did you miss the phase where he was going around trashing hotels and restaurants for shits and giggles with his crew? He's been an entitled piece of shit for ages and I'm not surprised at all.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah JB being a sexual predator is not very surprising. Hope more victims will expose him and send his ass to jail.


Mar 7, 2018
Holy shit these stories are disgusting. He raped these two women and given how he went about it there surely must be more.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
A lot of conflicting stuff in those tweets.

I don't like Bieber music but everyone is innocent til proven guilty.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
What isn't? Mob mentality? Get out of here. If it's proven, he's a piece of shit no doubt.

There is no need for you to cast doubts on these stories from the jump. This is exactly why victims don't come forward. Unless you're an investigator, prosecutor, or lawyer, you aren't being helpful.


Late to the party
Nov 1, 2017
Clearwater, FL
A lot of conflicting stuff in those tweets.

I don't like Bieber music but everyone is innocent til proven guilty.

They should be believed. I recognize there are small inconsistencies in one of the stories (getting Mikey's number, not giving hers, but he texted her first - for example) but can you imagine trying to recall events from that long ago? Can you imagine her state of mind while writing it? Dismissals like this are why women don't come forward.


Oct 27, 2017
I was about to say I was really surprised and disappointed to hear this but then I saw these old tweets...

edit: but then on the other hand there's the tweet from Pusherman below.
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Nov 30, 2017
I'm going to guess every single celebrity has forced themselves into a woman at some point in their life.

Makes the most sense to me. All that money and fame thinking they can do whatever. Woman being gullible and naive that some superstar is asking them to come to the room because they want to hang (when in reality they just wanna bang).

That's my mentality. All the guys I've known throughout my life have dreamt about this lifestyle.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
There is no need for you to cast doubts on these stories from the jump. This is exactly why victims don't come forward. Unless you're an investigator, prosecutor, or lawyer, you aren't being helpful.

Youre right. Death to all who have accusations thrown against them!

I'm not for rape or assault or sexual assault but on this forum if anyone is accused of anything theyre automatically guilty. Which is a joke.

Who knows the %, but I would say a large majority of accusations turn out true, and hopefully the offenders get punished accordingly.

But I do not automatically assume someone is guilty because of an accusation. If it's proven beyond a reasonable doubt, then yeah, fuck them.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): Inflammatory false equivalence concerning sexual assault
Proven of what? How easy do you think sexual assault is to prove? How easy do you think it is for women's claims to be taken seriously without dismissal, backlash, or threats?

Accusations are good. Maybe someone will keep an eye open and it can be proven afterwards.

Taking everyone at their word and burning everyone at the stake is the dangerous precident. Remember the times that's happened in the past and we look back on it shaking our heads?

Women, or anyone, being assaulted is fucking terrible, but automatically wanting to burn everyone who is accused of it is equally terrible.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Dunno if it's true, but people in the Twitter comments are saying Kadi's iMessage messages are edited. Either way I wouldn't be surprised if he did do something.


Oct 27, 2017

These rub me the wrong way (esp. the date on the 2nd one) especially since the text messages have a high chance of being edited in something like Photoshop going off running them through websites that look for that kind of stuff.

That said I would still like to hear more and the original claim by Danielle is still there regardless.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
It's a sad indictment upon Human society that upon reading the thread title I wasn't even surprised.

I'm going to guess every single celebrity has forced themselves into a woman at some point in their life.

Makes the most sense to me. All that money and fame thinking they can do whatever. Woman being gullible and naive that some superstar is asking them to come to the room because they want to hang (when in reality they just wanna bang).

That's my mentality. All the guys I've known throughout my life have dreamt about this lifestyle.
Pretty much how I see it. The position of power is too easily abused.
Oct 27, 2017

Seems like she actually tweeted about it right after it happened. She also explains the "y'all believe anything tweet"

So I don't see any reason to doubt her allegation, especially since there's another allegation as well.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017

These rub me the wrong way (esp. the date on the 2nd one) especially since the text messages have a high chance of being edited in something like Photoshop going off running them through websites that look for that kind of stuff.

That said I would still like to hear more and the original claim by Danielle is still there regardless.

She also put a link to those tweets as a pinned post on her timeline showing they were from the year before. I'm gonna go with believing her, the folks she has text convos with seem too random to be made up. If it was made up youd fake a message from Justin, not his handlers.

Edit sorry I'm getting confused. So many people are trying to go through hoops to disprove her story. I'm so tired, can't we just believe women ffs.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Did you miss the phase where he was going around trashing hotels and restaurants for shits and giggles with his crew? He's been an entitled piece of shit for ages and I'm not surprised at all.
Not surprising after having learned about how celebrity warps kids' minds. That's probably how the Olsen Twins, Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears had widely publicized mental health/substance abuse issues. This goes to show we shouldn't let kids get so far into the entertainment biz.


Oct 27, 2017

Seems like she actually tweeted about it right after it happened. She also explains the "y'all believe anything tweet"

I thought that too at first but

was posted to twitter after the one you referenced.

It's just confusing. But of course again, regardless of this the original claim by Danielle is still there too.

Fuck Beiber in gen.
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Oct 28, 2017
Probably happened.
But what i think is even worse is bieber probably doesnt even remember because it was just another wild night after the Met Gala.

Probably gotten more girls like this after concerts and stuff he doesnt even think this is bad.

I fully expect nothing to come of this....either silently settle or literally get lost in the news cycle.

Sad times.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember he used to sleep around a lot. One of the girls in some foreign country even shared a clip of him sound asleep in bed


Feb 17, 2019
Chances are a good chunk of these bigger stars have assaulted people. They think just because they have power and popularity they could do anything with someone and get away with it. Fuck them, I want them all exposed.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure he sees it as just another "indiscretion" that he can paper over with a Top 20 single like he did with the rest of his shit behaviour, too. Ugh.
I feel for these women, especially when I expect a lot of harassment to head their way from his less woke-minded female fans who will be more concerned about them dragging his name through the mud than they are about re-assessing their opinion of a guy who they idolize in spite of what is clearly a major lack of personal restraint or decency based on his behaviour over the years. Getting harassed by men as it usually is would be hard enough on a woman who's a sexual assault victim, but I would assume getting harassed by other women over it would be doubly crushing to their psyche. It's going to be rough for them, so I hope they have good support systems in place to help them through it.

Some MRAs are going to have a literal cognitive dissonance meltdown over this, too. They'll have to choose between defending Justin Bieber, a likely source of much of their internalized male inadequacy from their childhoods and/or a former tween music sensation that they have had VERY strong negative opinions about for absolutely no good reason, believing the victims as they are prone not to do or say nothing about it, something they're also prone not to do.

I don't say that to garner sympathy for them, just to acknowledge that the cultural baggage so many people have about this one musician is likely going to make this all turn very bizarre very quickly. And that's going to make this even worse for his victims, sadly.
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