
Oct 27, 2017



The University of Tennessee Police Department has arrested three students in connection with vandalism at Clement Hall, which flooded part of the building and led to an evacuation early Sunday.

The flooding caused an estimated $2 million in damage to the dorm, an amount that is expected to grow, according to arrest warrants.

When the ceiling tiles were punched, a metal piece of the ceiling bent upwards and hit a pipe, causing it to burst. Water ran from the ceiling for approximately 20 minutes at 100 gallons per minute, according to arrest warrants.

Students living on every floor except for the seventh floor were allowed to move back in Sunday night, but parts of the dorm were left without power, hot water and working elevators. By Monday afternoon, power and hot water had been restored to the entire dorm.

Students living on the seventh floor were given alternate housing in Carrick Hall and the Hilton Knoxville until Wednesday. They were able to move back in on Wednesday.

This was an odd thing to see in the daily newsletter.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
It's a miracle nothing ever happened in our dorm. We were total idiots (including knocking out ceiling tiles).

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
I saw a guy shit in someone's dorm couple semesters back. That being said no one that I know is stupid enough to destroy anything in the considering your build for basically everything.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
whatever happened to simply throwing pencils up at them to get them to stick in

though that was more like middle school

arent you supposed to do other stuff in college like strand farm animals in buildings or something

or freeze a sheet pan of piss and push it under someones door frame


Oct 26, 2017
This is a lot less fun than what we did. We got a couch on the roof, taped an inflatable pool to the ceiling...freshman year was fun.

Even in the drunk state we were in, I don't think any of us would have tried to break a ceiling tile. Damn.
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
Student dorms get preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty wild, even in my limited experience. I'm lucky enough that I transferred in and didn't have to live at a first-year hall, avoiding the horror stories and invasions of privacy I hear about. Removing ceiling tiles to hoard junk, weed, and other things happens often enough. I don't have to even think about that stuff to get rain leaks in my room, though.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Make them pay for everything. Even if they hadn't bust the pipe there still would have been shit all over the hallway

Elderly Parrot

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 13, 2018
They probably saved everybody. That dorm building doesn't sound safe at all


Oct 26, 2017
Worst thing that happened in my dorm building was the fire alarm constantly going off at 2:30am because people kept burning popcorn in the shared kitchen.


Oct 26, 2017
My dorm only had ceiling tiles on the first floor and the year I lived down there we discovered that somebody had hidden an original NES in there and forgotten about it.


Oct 25, 2017
This happened my freshman year. A sprinkler head was broken. I only lost an area rug but we were evacuated for 5 hours.


Oct 27, 2017
They probably saved everybody. That dorm building doesn't sound safe at all

Funny you mention that one of the dorms tested positive for extreme mold buildup and was evacuated earlier in the semester. No ETA on when it'll reopen. UT tested all the dorms and found small amounts in every building.

Yeah, that's what I was gonna ask. Students are stupid and all, but they aren't strong enough to punch a tear into water pipes.

Best guess is they jumped to hit the tiles, and the extra momentum was enough to knock something loose.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of amazing that any dorm building full of 19 year olds having their first taste of independence survives at all


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Pipe was probably going to burst next car backfire down the street anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was at Penn State, the dorms were retrofitted with sprinklers due to the Seton Hall fire in 2000. I was always nervous that somebody would manage to set them off accidentally and ruin all my stuff. (I took a few art classes, and water doesn't react well with paper, and then there was all my electronic stuff.)

Thankfully, when some idiot did manage to do something stupid, it was on the other side of my building, and only affected his room and anyone below his. Despite the very big stickers below the sprinkler heads warning everyone not to use them as hangers, I hear that someone decided to hang their coat from it, and set it off in the middle of the night. It was annoying to have to be evacuated that late/early, but I suppose it could have been worse.


Oct 25, 2017
It's my limited code understanding that pvc is only for waste water when in a building and 100 gallons per minute doesn't sound like waste water.

Dunno. A quick google seems to suggest that PVC is suitable for potable water but not sure of whatever the tennessee state or local regs are.


Oct 27, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Honestly I kind of feel bad for those three students. Out of all the dumb things freshman kids do, punching a ceiling is pretty dang low. Like of course don't punch a ceiling, but that shouldn't cause a pipe to burst that can cause that much damage. Sounds like a building that was already falling apart.
Dec 24, 2017
I work in risk management, primarily for large corporations and large insurance companies. If these children, have parents who own homes, man, their parent's are going to get letters saying that the insurance company for the university is going to ask that the parent's homeowner's policies split the costs for the damage. This is mainly because parents usually end up signing paperwork stating they will be financially responsible for their kids while they live in dorms. Or the actual student will be legally liable. In my experience, having sent out these letters, these go one of three ways:

1. The student and the parents get indignant and refuse to cooperate. Whatever, I hire counsel and they sue the parents' insurance carrier and we usually get some sort of recovery.

2. The student dodges phone calls, letters, certified letters, etc, and never talks to me. I file a complaint against him/her, no response from the student, and then I get a judgment and what a way to start adulthood.

3. The student is remorseful, and apologizes for his lapse in judgment, contacts me regardless of whether I've filed the complaint or not, and I make the whole thing go away and no one goes after anyone for anything.

I wonder how this will play out.


Oct 25, 2017
We used to put peanut butter in keyholes and Vaseline on doorknobs

Kids these days


Oct 31, 2017
It's my limited code understanding that pvc is only for waste water when in a building and 100 gallons per minute doesn't sound like waste water.

Flexible PVC piping is getting really popular. I've seen it in a lot of new houses the last few years. I don't know if it would be in a big building like a dorm or not, but I know a few plumbers who prefer it to regular water pipe because it's a lot easier to work with. I don't trust it. I wouldn't have it in a house.



Jul 17, 2018
Punching ceiling tiles is nothing compared to what used to happen in our dorms. We turned an entire floor into a giant slip and slide one night.
Dec 24, 2017
Flexible PVC piping is getting really popular. I've seen it in a lot of new houses the last few years. I don't know if it would be in a big building like a dorm or not, but I know a few plumbers who prefer it to regular water pipe because it's a lot easier to work with. I don't trust it. I wouldn't have it in a house.


I primarily only see it in higher end homes/commercial spaces with heated floors.


Mar 9, 2018
Reading through this thread kinda makes me jealous. Student housing in Germany is just boring as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
The dorms at my alma mater were so small and shitty no one would purposefully wreck them. They were hovels as they were. Since I graduated though they built new dorms and renovated the old ones:

When I was there they were basically large cement closets. I always lived off campus because of that. I mean they even have a kitchen now? We just had vending machines.