Would you be interested in a Killzone Series Remaster Collection Mega Bundle?

  • Hel[ghan] yea

    Votes: 158 62.7%
  • ISA[y] no

    Votes: 79 31.3%
  • Thor: The Dark Remaster

    Votes: 15 6.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand why Sony spend (presumably) a ton of money for a TLOU Remake (a game that has a Remastered Version already) instead of way less money on a Remastered Collection of Killzone 2/3. Just whyyyyy :(


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Not too bothered about the campaigns but a remaster of Killzone 2 MP + DLC maps + KZ3 maps? Absolutely.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Still the best game in the series so hell yes. Would gladly take the ability to do hour+ long Warzone matches thanks to an awesome server browser model again.


Nov 21, 2017
A KZ2 thread without gifs? Heresy!




I gotta admit, for a game that's like 13 or 14 years old, the death the death animations are just fantastic. KZ2, in particular just oozes AAA charm. Even though it's got some awful input lag, that game just looked marvelous when I played it in 2009. It's still a looker today. I would definitely pay for a 4K 60 re-release.


Nov 23, 2021
If they were to remaster it I'd assume they'd cut the multiplayer out just like how they removed the amazing Uncharted 2 & 3 multiplayers from the PS4 collection
Oct 29, 2017
I just don't understand why Sony spend (presumably) a ton of money for a TLOU Remake (a game that has a Remastered Version already) instead of way less money on a Remastered Collection of Killzone 2/3. Just whyyyyy :(

TLOU is far, far more popular than Killzone ever was.

Maybe it was the circles I ran in, but I'm honestly surprised to see how many people look back on Killzone so fondly.

Deleted member 31423

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Nov 6, 2017
We need bluepoint to do what they did with the uncharted collection. Bundle the trilogy. Get it running at 4K 60 frames. Clean up the textures on the original title.


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU is far, far more popular than Killzone ever was.

Maybe it was the circles I ran in, but I'm honestly surprised to see how many people look back on Killzone so fondly.
It's audience imo is passionate, but niche. Especially since I think people really mostly just regard Killzone 2 as exceptionally good, while the other games are more just okay to decent.

It makes sense to me that Sony care about other franchises, but it doesn't make sense to me that they'd just fully abandon a viable fanbase like this. Idk, it just feels like they can give a team that wants to do killzone a doube-A budget and tell them to make a decentish game based on that just to satisfy the FPS nerds.


Nov 3, 2017
Killzone, infamous, resistance, uncharted, god of war, motorstorm, ratchet collections on ps4, ps5 and pc are no brainer. Especially they have now entered the pc market which can increase the sales potential exponentially. Anything good starting from PS3 era still age very well to this day and shouldn't die on 1 system.

Creepy Woody

Nov 11, 2017
I would love another Killzone akin to 2 and 3. I might go replay 2 and 3 this weekend actually (I've played KZ1 enough times). Too bad I can't dip my toe into the MP. I played the crap out of those back in the day. I even fired up Killzone 3 MP before it was taken offline for one last hurrah, I never usually do that when games are taken offline.


Nov 28, 2017
I love the feel of KZ2, the heavy street to street fighting where each enemy mattered felt so good! The slower paced nature worked for me and I don't see too many FPS games taking that approach nowadays (I've probably missed a ton of titles to be fair).

Something like KZ2 coming back would be great, a full reboot would probably be the best approach, but a good remaster wouldn't hurt.

Yea I loved the street to street skirmishes, where it felt like a battle of attrition.


Oct 25, 2017
PErsonally, lack of an identity.

The first one seemed to be a Halo clone, the second one a Call of Duty one, the third one felt like random Sci FiFPS #4893284. The fourth seemed to want to be some sort of open level design for them to be sandboxes and ends up feeling like a weird, claustrophobic Crysis clone.

The cover based system was clever but honestly you could also ignore it and nothing would be much different.
This post should be bannable.


Nov 2, 2017
We need a remaster so badly :( In the meantime, it seems to be running pretty well on RPCS3


Oct 29, 2017
but idk. you'd think Sony would get a team and just tell them to make Killzone games, if for nothing else than to keep sustaining their first party portfolio. And honestly, given how they are tending to make long epics nowadays, a 8-12 hour FPS campaign with multiplayer seems like it'd fill a niche. It's just a very strange business decision imo.

I agree. Sony has really cranked back the first party output and I don't get it. PS3 got 2 Killzone games, 3 Uncharted games and 3 Resistance games. PS4 got 1 Killzone games, 1.5 Uncharted games, and 0 Resistance games. PS5 has been out for 18 months and has 0 games out or planned/announced of any of these franchises.


Oct 31, 2017
KZ2 was in another league - the multiplayer had such a solid support and engagement. Loved that city level with the walking bridge between the two buildings in the middle of the map that went over the main street. Such brutal gunfights right there burned into my memory lol

Yah i'd pick a remaster/collection up in a heartbeat. Love that chirp


Oct 25, 2017
every time I tried to get into Killzone I could just never get past the controls and feel. Great graphics/presentation but man if they ever do remake it, they'd have to overhaul that, which would probably in turn piss off OG fans.


Oct 25, 2017
You're sleeping on the true best game in the series.


Trapped on PS3, much like most of the series. No multiplayer, either, if I recall.

I have a very soft spot for Killzone Mercenaries. I loved how it took somehow the multi route aspect of the original but twisted and framed it as a half immersive sim / challenge contracts device. The campaign also dwelves into cool implications and lore, I especially enjoy the exfiltration of the ambassador's kid and his giant helghan heavy gunner bodyguard.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Sadly GG (and Insomniac) haves moved on to greener pastures…I would love to see another entry or remake/remasters of Killzone and Resistance. Sony should at least attempt to get a high quality FPS into their current library.


Oct 25, 2017
Sadly GG (and Insomniac) haves moved on to greener pastures…I would love to see another entry or remake/remasters of Killzone and Resistance. Sony should at least attempt to get a high quality FPS into their current library.

I sort of think it might make some sense to try and reboot one of those as a VR title. Resistance might make more sense as I think it has the more interesting setting, and Insomniac already has some VR experience.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Give it another 5-10 years and RPCS3 should should be advanced enough and computer parts affordable enough that you'll be able to play it at 4K60fps.

Until then, I doubt it. Honestly, it still blows my mind the way that Sony is treating this franchise that was one once one of it's console sellers. I was never that big a fan of it (my preference was the Resistance games) and I think only Killzone 2 is any good anyway (1 is forgotten to the depths of time and 3 and shadowfall were lame), and guerilla clearly wants to not make killzone anymore since they are clearly enjoying making Horizon games instead, which I agree with, they're way better...

but idk. you'd think Sony would get a team and just tell them to make Killzone games, if for nothing else than to keep sustaining their first party portfolio. And honestly, given how they are tending to make long epics nowadays, a 8-12 hour FPS campaign with multiplayer seems like it'd fill a niche. It's just a very strange business decision imo.

Anyway, this is the best Killzone video I've seen, so you can entertain yourself with it if you want

We all through Guerrilla Cambridge was going to be the Killzone dev after Mercenary, I'm still surprised Sony cut them loose, even more than Evo and Zipper.


Oct 25, 2017
A collection of 2, 3 and Mercenary would be very nice. Don't even need remakes, just a remastering with a higher resolution and 60fps.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Unfortunately the franchise is distinctly mediocre within its genre, which probably explains why Sony have let it lie.

Killzone 2 had some interesting ideas, particularly the controls, and is still an incredible looking game from the art to the tech, but overall the franchise is extremely lacking compared to games it is trying to compete with.

Weirdly I kind of remember the original game as my favourite after Killzone 2, and always thought the lore was excellent. Shame the game design could never match it. Shadowfall is a legitimate turd. Killzone 3 was bargain bin stuff.
Oct 26, 2017
Killzone 2 multiplayer was the most fun I had with a FPS MP since COD4 at that time

A remastered/remake would be great, but I would gladly take a new Killzone with the same style and gameplay as KZ2 (and not what the series later became with 3 and Shadow Fall)
This. I remember playing it for hours upon hours when it released. It was unlike anything else I had every played.


Dec 26, 2017
I'm a big fan of the Killzone games but no... I don't want a remake. I want a new game. Like a reboot of the series.


Resettlement Advisor
I have a very soft spot for Killzone Mercenaries. I loved how it took somehow the multi route aspect of the original but twisted and framed it as a half immersive sim / challenge contracts device. The campaign also dwelves into cool implications and lore, I especially enjoy the exfiltration of the ambassador's kid and his giant helghan heavy gunner bodyguard.
Sure, but I'm still sort of let down on it being another FPS instead of what Liberation offered. That lack of an extra analogue stick let them get creative with the gameplay. Same with Resistance Retribution.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
I'd be all over it. Pretty sure I was in the middle of replaying the KZ2 campaign a couple years ago when my PS3 bricked.


Oct 26, 2017
I played like 5 mins of the campaign, I didn't give a single fuck about it, but the MP is top 3 ps3. Right up there with UC2.

Some of the maps were a little dodgy though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be interested in remasters of KZ2 and 3 just out of technical curiosity. These games were burdened with reaching an impossible technical goal (the E3 2005 demo), and in the pursuit they pushed the PS3 further than most other games. It'd just be cool to see how they clean that up two consoles later, if all the post-processing holds up, if they can get the input lag down, if they can make the Radec fight less bullshit, etc.
I just don't understand why Sony spend (presumably) a ton of money for a TLOU Remake (a game that has a Remastered Version already) instead of way less money on a Remastered Collection of Killzone 2/3. Just whyyyyy :(
Honestly if a TLOU1 remake is PS5-only, that's still a two console-generation difference from the original version which could mean a massive visual upgrade over even TLOU2.

For some reason I've noticed TLOU fans can't imagine the games possibly looking any better than TLOU2 does, despite Naughty Dog having achieved those graphics on a base PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
KZ2 is my favorite game in the series (followed by Mercenary, then Liberation). So much unrealized potential. The lore is interesting enough that they could've tried other genres. I don't think Guerrilla quite knew what to do with it after 2, but I would've really liked to see Cambridge get a proper shot at it. Shame that it never came to fruition.
A "quick" 4K@60fps 1080p@120fps remaster would be nice. Not too much done. Uprezzed textures and effects, way shorter loading times, etc.
I've mentioned this every time we've had these threads for years, but just the multiplayer alone with all the maps + DLC would be an instant buy for me. Just reduce the input lag and it would be perfect. Loved the recoil of the weapons, Hollywood-style explosions, gritty atmosphere, heavy post-processing that gave it this distinct look that still holds up very nicely today.